Spore Story

Chapter 667 The Enemy

Chapter 667 The Enemy

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"Don't you think they seem a little afraid of death?"

Worms are afraid of death. If anyone said that before, it would only be regarded as a joke, because from the records of friends fighting with bugs, there has never been a case of bugs avoiding due to timidity, even if they The retreats are often neat and vigorous.

But at this moment, taking advantage of the fact that the worms did not attack for the time being, he calmed down and thought about it, but Yang Yi unexpectedly found that, except that when the worms rushed out of the gate at the beginning, they were the same as the recorded worms' charge and did not count casualties. , these nearly a hundred bugs seemed to deliberately preserve themselves, so that they missed several opportunities to wipe out their own team.

It's not that the bugs in the past couldn't dodge bullets, after all, they weren't fools, but the bugs in the records wouldn't delay their fighters just to save their lives by dodging bullets.Just like now, if these bugs rely on the number to charge from the gate enough for one bug to pass through, if Yang Yi drives at most six or seven bugs' lives, he can stab that bone weapon into the hearts of several people present.

Subconsciously touched the chest and heart of the intact armor, and while feeling the coolness on the surface of the armor, Yang Yi once again saw the insect that suddenly retracted its feet from the door as if it had been frightened by a ricochet, and couldn't help it. Live for a while.

Is there some conspiracy?Is it necessary to deal with them when there are only five people left?
Similarly, this abnormal situation also attracted the attention of the spectators in the rear, and the discussion of the individual bugs was quickly handed over to the research team for discussion; the discussion of the bugs' reactions and tactics was immediately handed over to the staff.

A small double-digit battle has attracted the attention of most members of the friend clan.

But no matter how it looks, the current situation is a good thing for Yang Yi's team, which can be said to be lingering on its last breath. At least it gives them more breathing opportunities and buys precious time for waiting for reinforcements.

"Counselor Lian, the No. 04 Frontline Staff Group agreed that we must pay close attention to the movements of external bugs, and let the captain Yang Yi, who is a high-ranking ghost, be the team's radar to monitor the surrounding situation." The No. 04 Frontline Staff Group located in Xinpeng Island, It is the front-line staff assigned to the No. 04 Zerg Meteorite Base by the General Command of the Friends.

Friends with spiritual power communication, telepathy, fantasy world simulation, and all-round spiritual power perception ability, the staff department formed by them, even if they are located in the rear, they can use the above abilities to feel like they are on the scene. Feel the situation on the front line, and make more precise tactical arrangements based on the mental power of the soldiers on the front line.

Therefore, a few seconds after receiving the suggestion from the staff group, Yang Yi remembered the combat suggestion that the staff group directly connected to his brain: "Scan the surrounding situation, pay attention to the walls and roofs."

These are called suggestions, not orders. They are to avoid dissatisfaction with the frontline commanders, and they are also a measure to prevent the staff from making mistakes. However, these suggestions are generally adopted, and Yang Yi also chose to accept them.

In the next moment, with the high-level mental power of the ghost class, he scanned a spherical area with a radius of 200 meters, and the results were mixed.

Happily, there were only 30 bugs surrounding their troops, and the rest were gone;
But the worry is...

"Pay attention to the ceiling!" Raising the weapon with only a dozen bullets left in his hand, Yang Yi rushed towards the door with his eyes glowing blue.

In fact, at the same time as the order was issued, the two soldiers on the first floor pointed their weapons at the top of their heads and the stairs. Yang Yi's actions were to ensure that the bugs would not take the opportunity to attack through the gate.As for the soldiers on the second floor, when he was scanning, he happened to see the scene where they were attacked by bugs jumping from the ceiling and piercing their heads, and it was too late to issue a warning.

One hour and 4 minutes before the meteorite fell, and 13 minutes before Yang Yi's team battled the Zerg, there were only three people left in the nine-member team, including Yang Yi.

The sound of a weapon behind him sounded, but Yang Yi stared at the door. After shrinking his mental strength, he maintained a spherical area with a radius of ten meters in all directions. Only in this way can he feel a sense of security.

"Damn it! Charge to the stairs!" Ignoring the surprised eyes of the two soldiers, Yang Yi, who knew that the stairs were basically blocked by three bugs, clearly saw that in the world of spiritual power, the six bugs on the upper floor were about to stop. Desperately gouging the floor with his limbs.

Compared with the solid concrete wall with a thickness of more than one meter in the "Industrial Zone Urban Defense System Planning", the ceiling above the heads of the three of Yang Yi and the floor less than half a meter thick under the feet of the insects upstairs are too fragile. When the three of them arrived at the stairway where the ceiling could be avoided from collapsing, Yang Yi felt dark above his head.

The whole world is quiet.

As the command post of the No. 04 front line, there was a dull knocking sound from the headquarters of the 04 Staff Group, and at the same time, there was a roar like an ancient giant beast: "Bastard! What are the reinforcements doing?"

The meeting room was slightly silent, and the roaring person vented his anger and continued weakly.

The reinforcements were actually eliminated when Yang Yi's team approached the enemy, but although the garrison troops were not far from the area where Yang Yi's team was in contact with the enemy, it was not within ten minutes. The medical team, with a large number of wounded, no one dared to let this team go to the rescue, because it would only be meat buns beating dogs, and there would be no return; as for the main fleet that was rushing past, it was still hundreds of kilometers away in the sky Through the clouds and fog.

Without the spiritual connection of Yang Yi, the team leader, G06 had no way of knowing the situation there because the temple was also destroyed and lacked a Youshen-level formation, so he could only urge the reinforcements excluded by the garrison to speed up.

At this time, an upper-level communication order was connected to the command room of the No. 04 Frontline Staff Headquarters, and it appeared on the black and white screen, but the expressions of the people who were doing it became indescribably weird.


"What, front-line investigation!"

"Let's go back, Captain."

"Found a survivor, but..."

"Don't be afraid, it's just a little bit of skin, you'll be fine."

"Fuck these XX!"

"With a bayonet, didn't you eat in the morning?"

"Charge to the stairs!"

The darkness in front of my eyes was restored again, and voices roared out in my mind, or spiritual communication came out, or a sentence I saw with my own eyes, and scenes of things flowed continuously, and finally converged countless times until the huge black shadow descended. moment.

died?Or totally dead?
Yang Yi, who had a splitting headache and his memory was still stuck in the tense battle, tried his best to regain control of his body, wanted to hold the weapon in his hand tightly, but found that he couldn't feel anything.

Is it completely dead?Here is the source?

It seemed that Yang Yi smiled bitterly, and Yang Yi suddenly shook his spirits. The next moment, the roar of the insects gradually weakened, and the shouts of his teammates seemed to be far away in the sky. Most of his thoughts.

Thousands of feelings finally converge into one word: "It hurts." (Two words (←, ←))
After spitting out the sound, many things recovered in an instant, heavy panting and whistling wind came from the ears, the body felt the tactile sensation of shaking up and down, and the lungs seemed to breathe the air mixed with dust...

In the end, he opened his eyelids a little, and the light was re-projected on the transparent retina dotted with light blue pupils. At the same time, he also felt that the sunlight through the skin brought a lot of supplements to the energy core in the body.Although it was not enough to send out an electric shock, the physical strength and energy recovered after a long time were enough for him to recover most of his body's abilities.

It was only then that Yang Yi was able to open his eyes and look at the world that he thought he would never see again.

As far as the eye can see, the blue sky is as clean and peaceful as ever, but the premise is that there are no those elusive dragons and more strange creatures that have never been seen before.


If it wasn't for this thing, Yang Yi would even think that those are the air force of bugs.

But now, he is still a little strange. How could this kind of flying creature, which he hadn't seen for a few years, and even a single wingman of the friend clan had to be careful about, appear at this time?But then again, what time is it?
I heard that soul level will not return to the original source after death, but become a dead soul, and wake up under some external stimuli, but he is only a high-level ghost level, so this should not be the original source, but could he be a dead soul that just died?

"Dead," Yang Yi simply relaxed his body and lay on the soft cushion shaking for unknown reasons. Looking at the white clouds in the sky, he muttered to himself: "Is this feeling like becoming a dead soul? Except that the ground is shaking endlessly, the feeling is no different from being alive." , as heavy, as helpless, as painful..."

What responded to him was a more violent shaking, and the feeling of soreness all over the body accompanied by the shaking.

The next moment, the world spun, and his whole body faced the ground and hit the ground straight, bringing up a cloud of flying dust.

"Ahem, what's going on?" Yang Yi, who lay motionless on the ground in disbelief, but clearly felt the texture of the earth, was a little confused: "Didn't it mean that dead souls don't have physical touch?"

"You are really a hopeless idiot, you are not dead yet!" Suddenly a helpless voice sounded in his mind, which made Yang Yi wake up a lot, and finally realized the fact that his body was still there, and he hadn't had time to produce it in his heart. A sliver of joy of surviving, but immediately overwhelmed by confusion flooding in like a tide.

To this, he adopted the most effective coping strategy: take his eyes off the dirt-strewn ground.

The next moment, a big mouth full of sharp teeth and a fishy-smelling heat wave approached. Startled, Yang Yi subconsciously wanted to jump away, but he couldn't use any strength. The sharp teeth with less meat shreds were tightly closed every step of the way, and the whole body was stiff.

Is it time to face death now?What kind of guy is so boring.

It is one thing to be able to face the enemy bravely, but it is another thing to face the big mouth that is obviously a fierce beast without the power to fight back at this time. No one wants to be a soldier without dying in battle, but Eaten by wild animals in the wild.

correct!beast?no hostility.

Yang Yi's eyes suddenly brightened, because he had a relatively stable mental strength, and he realized that neither the words in his mind nor the beasts in front of him were hostile, so now the visual impact alone has much less impact on friends.

After calming down a lot again, he carefully raised his head, only to realize that the beast in front of him was as rare as the rocaurus, but it was recorded in the animal illustrations as a powerful beast, a giant cat called the sawtooth tiger .

Pulling his gaze away again, he took a closer look at the surrounding environment. After comparing the postures of the animals in front of him, a strange thought came to his mind: Could it be this sawtooth tiger that was carrying me just now?

He talked a lot, but in fact it was only two or three seconds before Yang Yi fell to the ground. Just as he was still thinking about the current situation, the voice in his head came again.

"Is it possible to act? The battle ahead will not affect this place for the time being. Do you need us to send you directly to the rear, or do you want to go back by yourself?"

Maybe it's because his mental strength is more stable, and his voice is clearer this time. Yang Yi can even analyze that this is the tone of a teenage girl, full of playfulness, but also has a very harmonious sense of sacredness and maturity. The feeling is indescribably weird.

Taking a closer look and also staring at himself, with a curious sawtooth tiger in his fist-sized eyeballs, Yang Yi tried to move his body.Although I still can't use my strength, the recovery speed is very fast. With the current level, I can barely walk in two to three minutes.

"The body is fine..." Suddenly, he recalled the previous battle in his mind, and recalled the two comrades guarding there together. How are they?

"We rushed here as soon as possible, but you were the only one alive when we arrived." The weird childish voice in his mind was crying, and it was Yang Yi who should be more sad, but he found himself wanting to come out. The impulse to comfort the other party.

But this was obviously too demanding for him, so he just kept silent.

After a while, the two people who were talking fell silent. Yang Yi, who was recovering but temporarily unable to move, turned his attention to the sawtooth tiger in front of him, but he didn't see any sadness or other emotions in the other's eyes.

"Don't look for it, look up." Maybe it was because he was in a bad mood, but the other party's tone was much less playful and more majestic.


Looking over the Sawtooth Tiger's forehead, over the big furry ears, and above... nothing.

"Hey, it's here." Accompanied by the words in his mind, a fluffy little white rabbit jumped out from between the ears of the saw-toothed tiger, dangling its long ears, staring at Yang with a pair of bright red eyes. Yi, full of resentment.

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

"This is……"

Has anyone ever seen a saw-toothed tiger that is clearly a black hand-level beast in the ruins of a battlefield, but there is a little white dog with standard food that is slightly above the civilian level and not below the soldier level? rabbit?At least Yang Yi didn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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