Spore Story

Chapter 668 Rescue

Chapter 668 Rescue
Thank you for the monthly pass again for Ghost Eye, Ga~\(≧▽≦)/~
Let's turn the time back to the No.04 minute when the No. 705 meteorite base fell.

At this point in time, the Pengzu was rushing to the fleet of the three major battle groups at No. 04 Meteorite Base, and the nearest one was about half an hour away.Everyone wants to arrive quickly, but the speed of the spaceship is only so fast, and everyone has nothing to do about it.

Although many people think that one swarm is enough to destroy the No. 04 meteorite base that just fell, and the remaining swarms should fully deal with the other two meteorite bases that are farther away. With full strength, and the principle that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers, it is safer for the three groups to advance at the same time as the growth rate of the Zerg Meteorite Base is at the abnormal level.

Therefore, even though it seemed wasteful, the three major battle groups still rushed to the nearest No. 04 meteorite base, trying to destroy one meteorite base with all their strength, and then deal with the other two enemies.

At the same time, as mentioned before, all the mobile forces that can be mobilized inside the G06 - the 80-person assault cliff, have voluntarily abandoned it. At this time, it is inconvenient to move among the wreckage of the building complex messed up by the shock wave. The four-wheeled assault vehicle runs fast with its feet and wings.

But even so, they were still a few minutes away from Yang Yi's team.

At this time, the ceiling above the heads of Yang Yi's team had already fallen.

Then, when everyone thought that the reinforcements would be late and could only receive a bunch of dead bodies of heroes, a rescue force ignored by people with too much common sense appeared in front of the world. They were the animals of Double Moon Star .

At first, when determining the fall area of ​​the meteorite, the fauna in the three fall areas were all guided by the consciousness of Shuangyue and 8051, and subconsciously ran to the distance.Unlike civilized races, which consume self-reaction time, animals rush forward regardless of everything when they are ordered, so the survival rate is obviously much higher than that of civilized races.

Even so, animal casualties are still high, not to mention those immobile plants.

In order to adjust the animals that escaped the impact of the meteorite, clean up or move the plants, and move further away from the meteorite base, in order to implement the previously formulated strategy of clearing the field, 8051 and Shuangyue did not have more energy to control the animals' attacks on the Zerg.

Therefore, among the surviving animals around each meteorite base, black-handed and epic-level animals that can fight against the Zerg gathered to form an animal team, and then they commanded the animal team around the fall points of the two meteorite bases that friends could quickly reach Quan, temporarily endowed the butterfly master consciousness Chu Ling and the net rabbit master consciousness aura.

This greatly reduces the will and energy consumption of the two planets, and at the same time facilitates the coordination and command within the friends.

Among them, Lingyun is in charge of the animal team around G06.

However, it is a pity that because it is located inside the territory of the friends, there are no epic-level members in G06's animal team, only a few hundred black-handed ones.However, for Xiao Lingyun, who was already the first priest of the Peng clan more than 40 years ago, this is not a big problem, even if she did not arrive in person in command of the team, because her real body has not yet arrived in a short time. rush over.

This is also the reason why the commander chooses two main consciousnesses, because they can immediately use the animals belonging to them around the crash site to command the two teams, without having to wait until the real body arrives.

Then it took half an hour to wait for 8051 to hand over the control of the selected black-handed animal team to him; after another 10 minutes to understand and control the control methods of these hundreds of black-handed creatures, Xiao Lingyun took these The animals rushed to the meteorite base in three ways: sky, ground and underground.

What surprised her a little was that among the hundreds of black-handed creatures, only a few dozen belonged to real natural creatures, and the remaining 200 or so were all escaped under the order of 8051 before the meteorite fell. The experimental organisms located at G06 even have more than 60 energy bodies.

This situation made Xiao Lingyun feel very moved. Unknowingly, the Pengzu seems to be able to mass-produce black-handed creatures in small batches.Of course, it was in exchange for the death of a larger number of ordinary animals, so they did not dare to expand production capacity due to the will of the double moon planet.

When borrowing the aura of Wangtu's body and leading an army composed of hundreds of black hands, they rushed into the meteorite base, but Yang Yi's team had already started to retreat, so that the two sides failed to find each other.

But in fact, the appearance of Lingyun's animal team provided support for Yang Yi's team: soon after Yang Yi used his mental power to realize that only a few dozen bugs were besieging them, it was not that the bugs despised their opponents, but that most of the bugs ran away Went to fight with Xiao Lingyun's troops.

As soon as the two sides engaged in battle, the soldiers of the two sides, who took killing as their daily life, directly entered the stage of intense confrontation.

Animal battle teams don't have long-range attacks, and they don't follow Xiao Lingyun's orders. They just accept instructions on 'attack target' and 'general movement', but they will follow their own habits when it comes to specific battles. So it is not convenient to control.

In terms of large-scale biological control, even 8051 and the others cannot solve the problem of complete control, let alone direct Xiao Lingyun.Therefore, the method she adopts is: mix the creatures into several teams according to the fighting habits, and only issue the two orders of 'do not attack the target of the same team' and 'the only target of attack is bugs', and leave the rest to them Hundreds of black hands consciously hunted and killed bugs according to their own fighting habits.

On a local battlefield, a rocaurus hovered in the sky, occasionally making a swooping motion to make the bugs below jump left and right, making it uneasy.However, there was actually no contact between the two sides.

But where the bug didn't pay attention, the three velociraptors relied on the wreckage to block it, and surrounded it little by little.

However, just as the velociraptor was about to attack, several cement slabs were lifted from the surrounding ruins, and then several ambushing bugs jumped out and surrounded the group of velociraptors.

But at this moment, from under the feet of the opposing worms, the ground suddenly opened a big mouth, biting off half of a foot and a thigh of the worm that was caught off guard.The murderer sneaked back to the ground with lightning speed, without giving the ground bugs any chance to attack.

At the same time, taking advantage of the vacancy of the bug's attack, the velociraptor, which was surrounded by the enemy, seized the opportunity to advance instead of retreating, aiming at the same target, biting the opponent's chest, abdomen, and jointed limbs respectively, and then released it with only a tear. Regardless of the injury of the prey, it moved in and out of the ruins, and disappeared without a trace before the other bugs that turned to attack the underground raiders reacted.

By the time the group of insects who were planning to encircle them reacted, the rocaurant had already taken one, the earth dragon bit one, and the velociraptor killed one, but their own harvest was nothing more than surrounding three raptors. The dragon takes less than 1 minute.

This kind of animal cooperation is not active, almost all comes from the subconscious behavior of both parties: Penglong likes to harass animals, wait for them to get tired or lose their minds before attacking, and kill them with one blow; In other aspects, suddenly taking a certain part of the enemy's body from the ground as food; while the velociraptor hunts in groups, leaves when it hurts the enemy, and then hangs far away to wait for the enemy to die before eating food, which is also its own tactics.

The non-active cooperation of the three caused great losses to the insects who originally had the ability to arrange tactics.

But this is not to say that the bugs are incompetent, it's just that they don't understand the enemy. After a few minutes of fighting, they gradually discovered that the enemies in front of them had different but single strategies according to their appearance, and the casualties of the bugs dropped almost vertically.

Moreover, unlike the Zergs encountered in the past, the bugs this time were all bugs holding two spears.They are not only extremely flexible in weapon use and combat response, but also very good at tactical coordination and enemy situation analysis.

Gradually, the worm team, which seemed to be in the process of adapting and getting stronger and stronger as the battle progressed, finally made it difficult for the commander Lingyun.

After killing and injuring more than 100 black-hand-level animals in exchange for more than [-] bug corpses, the previous team battle mode was confirmed to be no longer effective. She quickly adjusted her tactics. After the team gathered, the new tactic became to use local numbers. The advantage of dividing and encircling, responding to the enemy by encroaching instead of the previous one-on-one full-line oppression.

Obviously, although in terms of physical fitness, the black-handed animals are a little stronger than the bugs in front of them, but their cooperation with different species is not satisfactory. Facing the two-gun bugs that learn quickly in obvious battles, their advantage is Bit by bit smoothed out.

So soon, Lingyun adjusted the team composition again, and began to purify the black-handed animal team, breaking up the previous pattern of grouping and grouping teams, using animals of the same kind to form teams with similar animals, and hundreds of black-handed animals formed groups of varying numbers. A dozen or so squads, and then accept Lingyun's tactical command as a single squad.

In this way, it is more convenient in coordination, and the pressure on the bugs is increased again.

Dozens of rocs in the sky harass, velociraptors on the ground disturb the enemy's sight, jagged tigers attack suddenly, earth dragons dig holes for bugs, hell butterflies release poison to block sight (poison is invalid) and so on.

After fighting like this for a short time, Xiao Lingyun also had the same feeling as the soldier in Yang Yi's team, but the conclusion she drew from this was not 'worms are afraid of death', but 'worms have become smarter'.

In the previous Zerg battles, they only made crude tactical coordination, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that all the commands of the bugs were concentrated on a certain mastermind individual, just like the mastermind commanding tens of thousands of tens of thousands of people in front of a sand table. Thousands of bugs fight the same.In this way, the strategy of the bugs reacted quickly, but in small-scale (less than three-digit number of soldiers) tactics, this kind of battle that required individual soldiers to make their own decisions, they were very slow.

The conclusion given by the research department is that most of the brains of individual bug fighters tend to accumulate and apply individual combat experience, but seriously lack the ability of independent analysis, strategic and tactical awareness, etc.

This is why, the bugs gave friends a sense of 'only charging'.

But right now, these bugs obviously have their own tactical thinking. They even make on-the-spot tactical judgments based on the situation around them, and occasionally make actions similar to communication with each other.

This is not good news for Double Moon Stars.

Although a brain-dead army of hundreds of thousands commanded by a smart bug is coordinated, it has a chance to break through from subtle points; but an army of hundreds of thousands commanded by a smart bug through a group of smart bugs makes up for this defect.

But there is another phenomenon here, that is, the number of Zerg rushing out of the meteorite base from the beginning to the end is only so small.

When Xiao Lingyun took the time to scan the meteorite base with her mental power, she found that there were no new double-gun bugs rushing out of the three gates, but dozens of new bugs appeared, and they were cleaning up the surrounding ruins. the presence of insects.

Therefore, at this time, the fighting bugs left outside are all double-gun bugs, and there are only a thousand or so of them scattered, far from the overwhelming feeling of Zerg in the past.

"Could it be?" An idea popped up in Lingyun's little head, but it needs to be judged after destroying the enemy in front of him.

At this time, because she was far away from G06, her real body did not come here, so she temporarily borrowed the body of a net rabbit near G06, and felt the spiritual power emitted by Yang Yi in the distance when he searched the surrounding situation.

Although for the time being, a few hundred mafia-level can't help nearly a thousand organized, disciplined, and more intelligent bugs, it is not difficult to move to save people.

Led by the Qilin beast, lightning flashed in front of the group of animal teams.

This kind of energy body, which is able to fight a hearty battle with the former energy body, the ghost-level illusion, is not something that can be hindered by the insects who obviously have the will to "preserve themselves" in terms of their charge ability.

Although there are only a dozen or so, it is enough to lead hundreds of comrades in the rear, break through the loose defense line of the bugs and come to the hut where Yang Yi's team is located.

The next thing was simple, the animals came and drove away the bugs that were about to reap the lives of the three soldiers who were knocked unconscious by the ceiling.Among them, two poor passer-by soldiers received a lunch box because of their serious injuries, while Yang Yi was rushed to the rear by Xiao Lingyun, who was driven over by a furry, huge saw-toothed tiger that was relatively stable in running.The rest of the animals continued to fight against the bugs under her control, preventing the other side's bugs that were similar to devouring bugs from working.

Because Yang Yi woke up halfway, he temporarily borrowed the body of the net rabbit. Although he could use the strange racial network of the net rabbit to display the soul-level spiritual power, he couldn't produce the little aura of thought power, so he ordered the sawtooth tiger to throw it on the ground roughly. .

After learning about the hundred-word process of being rescued, Yang Yi could only smile wryly.

Perhaps it was bitterness, and also a little depressed, but Lingyun would not feel these, because after confirming that his body had recovered and he could return to the rear by himself, Xiao Lingyun hurriedly stepped on her mount and returned to the rear. On the front lines of the battle between mafia animals and thoughtful bugs.

Not long after, Yang Yi, who was getting up, saw the G06 rescue force that had arrived late. After reporting the situation to the energy body commander who personally led the team, he passed out again with great accuracy on the face of an expressionless ice beauty. in the arms.As for whether there is deliberate fine-tuning in this movement, it is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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