Spore Story

Chapter 669 Breakthrough

Chapter 669 Breakthrough
Thank you lame antelope and ghost eye for your support \(^o^)/
The 04th minute after the No. 130 meteorite base fell, the outer layer of the G06 defense circle.

The leisurely animals, whether carnivorous or herbivorous, are gnawing on the plants weirdly at this moment, but these plants are not eaten, but dragged to the distance with the animals after being bitten off.

A Bei Qilong with a mouth full of green juice is competing with an ancient tree with a diameter of nearly two meters. The so-called water drops penetrate stones, and it is only half a meter wide when it is fully opened. The ancient tree in front of it has been bitten off more than half , if you push hard at this time, maybe the ancient tree will fall like this.

At this time, the powerful hearing of Bei Qilong's family seemed to sense something, and it suddenly stopped moving. Afterwards, more and more animals stopped their mouth movements and turned their heads to look at the southern sky.

The next moment, they clearly felt the joy from the being in their minds who ordered them to bite and carry the plants, and they roared out of joy.

Afterwards, the animals stopped cleaning the plants one after another, and each prostrated themselves on the ground, waiting for new orders.

And above the sky, the third combat group fleet originally deployed in the northern part of the Pengzu officially entered the G06 theater.

According to the combat experience of the second Zerg invasion, the fleet stopped over the plain 36 kilometers away from the meteorite base and at a floating altitude of 2000 meters, and immediately contacted all parties to wait for further orders.

Two minutes later, a 2-ton pterodactyl test ship equipped with the smallest magnetic field engine that Pengzu's current technology can manufacture, with a hull length of 50 meters and a diameter of 30 meters when viewed from the front, rushed to the distance at subsonic speed. meteorite base.

After circling the No. 04 meteorite base several times, and using the only weapon - a built-in 105mm naval gun, to continuously bombard it, causing the death of more than a dozen bugs and damage to several meteorite bases, but without getting a careful counterattack, adjust it. The fleet of the third combat group, which had been in combat formation, began to restart and approached the target.

Entering a range of 36 kilometers, it is already within the effective attack range of the Zerg Meteorite Base's own anti-air defense plasma cannon estimated by the friends. Even the current warships have the confidence to resist or escape the conventional power of the plasma. The artillery attacked several times, but the combat command did not want to take this risk.

Therefore, before officially entering the theater, the troops re-adjusted their formation to adapt to the current situation.

"The command of the third combat group command, all ships enter the combat state!"

"The troop carrier landed in an airspace of 300 meters and stood by for orders."

"The floating turret is out of the dragging state, and after the attitude is adjusted, the second defense plan is deployed."

"Assault ships are going forward to prepare for air-to-ground combat. The First Assault Squadron is going forward to assist the Black Hand Animal Squad and the G06 garrison troops, and together with Elder Lingyun to clean up the Zerg ground troops;"

"The capital ship fleet is running slowly, with a stable attitude, each capital ship's long-range 305mm heavy artillery is ready to charge, the target is the meteorite base in front."

Orders were issued one by one, and the warships of the cluster fleet also began to deploy accordingly.

According to the latest cluster organization, the three main combat clusters of the Pengzu have become fully floating forces, which are divided into capital ship fleet, assault ship fleet, battery cluster, transport ship fleet, cluster marine combat force, and cluster auxiliary force.

The capital ship fleet is equipped with 6200-ton Thunder-class capital ships. Due to production constraints, each cluster is only equipped with three ships, and there are dozens of ships under construction in the dock.The existing three capital ships form a standard battle fleet and become the main force of the three major clusters;
The assault ship fleet is equipped with 2700-ton Barracuda-class assault ships, which are also limited by production. Currently, each cluster is equipped with only twelve ships, forming four to four squadrons, and becoming a middle-level force. There are more than 30 ships under construction;
The turret cluster is a special organization. It is equipped with a floating turret that is not equipped with a magnetic field power engine, so that it is seriously lacking in mobility.

They belong to the level of less than a thousand tons, and they are far less powerful than the fortress-like territorial defense floating turrets that Chi Yu and others encountered in the imaginary world.However, as a front-line fort that focuses on defense and secondly pursues attack power or attack speed, it has been shown through fantasy world simulations that it can sometimes produce far more effective tactical effects than mobile fleets, so it has become the three major groups an integral part of the establishment;
The fleet of transport ships are all transformed from former civilian airships, mainly for defense, engine, and landing site requirements.Although it is the first-generation wooden-hulled airship, it has been replaced with a pumice-powered engine with a higher utilization rate and a stronger steel shell after the transformation. With the original alloy frame, it still has a lot of defense, but the transformation The cost is slightly higher.

However, because the second-generation warships appeared very early, the number of first-generation floating ships was not large.Therefore, there are actually only nine modified transport ships assigned to each cluster.Because it is completely based on transportation, it is not equipped with too many weapons, and most of the transport ships have been upgraded to about 3000 tons, with the carrying capacity of 1 infantry regiment (1500) or 1 armored canyon;
The cluster land combat force is the only land combat force of the cluster, and it is also the front-line land combat force of the friends.Among the friends, there is no army, navy and air force. There are only three divisions: the first-line main group, the second-line local garrison, and the third-line local garrison.

As a front-line marine force, the marines of each main combat group have a total of 23000 people in five legions.Among them, each legion has a composition structure of two infantry regiments (3000), two armored gorges (1000), one artillery gorge (500), and a medical cliff (100), with special branch troops attached according to special circumstances .

In a single transportation, the group will often adjust the configuration of the marine forces according to the combat situation, because the nine transport ships cannot transport all the troops away at once, especially in this situation where all the shipyards are fully committed to building second-generation warships , transport ships can only be maintained and repaired in the cluster's own repair dock sometimes.

At this time, the fleet of the third combat group was basically carrying armored units and artillery units except for the two infantry regiments in consideration of the battle against the Zerg.

The time entered the 04st minute of the No. 1401 meteorite base falling.

The assault fleet has already arrived over the Zerg meteorite base, and the main fleet behind can clearly observe the meteorite base a few kilometers in size in front. Under such circumstances, the muzzle can hit the target with almost no need for aiming.

Therefore, accompanied by the sound of steel rubbing driven by the mechanical twisting, equipped on the Thunder-class capital ship, each of the special 305mm heavy artillery electrodes began to charge, and the bright light at the front of the ship even made people tens of kilometers away. Below the meteorite base, the weird two-gun Zerg who are playing hide-and-seek with the black-handed animals can clearly see it.

Fighting until now, fools can see that these bugs obviously have individual intelligence, and the amount of wisdom is unclear, but their purpose is obviously to preserve themselves while restraining the enemy, so as to delay time.

Why procrastinate?
Friends who had an encounter with the meteorite base can obviously think clearly: these weird bugs are obviously modified creatures that overflowed the protective layer of the planet through unknown methods after the Zerg changed their strategy, but apart from them and another kind that are constantly being harassed by animals In addition to the bugs, the Zerg Meteorite Base, which is the main force, still needs to wait for a period of time to wake up, just like the previous Meteorite Base.

Then the rushing assault ship fleet doesn't have to hold back, and kills this thousand but not slippery double-gun bugs (the name just given by the research department (=.=)) as soon as possible, and they can also fly without any worries. Help the main fleet attack the Zerg base, after all, there are not many opportunities for this kind of enemy to stand there for you to fight.

All of a sudden, artillery fire blared in the sky, whistling bursts of high-speed electromagnetic weapons, and the buzzing sound caused by excessive voltage instantly ruled the airspace. The attack power like carpet bombing smashed the meteorite base and its surrounding areas full coverage.Of course, at the previous moment, the black hand animal team and the garrison had already left the attack range.

However, when the attack arrived, the bugs also made an unexpected move: they fled.


"Lieutenant General?" The adjutant who received the report looked at the commander-in-chief of the group sitting in an additional seat on the bridge of the battleship Tianyan in embarrassment.

Before the war, the General Staff had determined the attack sequence of 'fighting the bugs first, then destroying the base' based on the strength of the bugs. It is said that they planned to keep the local base as intact as possible when the enemy was easy to deal with.But judging from the current situation, there are only a hundred or so bugs left and it is not very easy to clean up.

And more importantly, if these escaping bugs are left alone, well, this sentence made everyone present feel weird, but they really happened very scrambled eggs.If these bugs slipped through the net and made some moths later, wouldn't they, the frontline commanders, become sinners.

However, as the lieutenant general of the commander-in-chief, he obviously thought much more carefully.

"Then there's no need to think about it!"


Looking reproachfully at the lieutenant colonel's adjutant, the lieutenant general shook his head in disappointment, and then spoke seriously to the whole ship, or the entire group: "Our primary purpose now is to destroy the enemy's meteorite with great potential. Base! After we're done, we still have to join the first and second clusters to attack the next target, there's no time to spend ink here!"

"Notify the G06 ground garrison and Elder Lingyun, requesting them to hunt down the fleeing Zerg troops..."

"No need," the correspondent on the side suddenly said, only to realize how impolite he had done, and quickly explained: "Elder Void just informed that the Shadow Troops have sealed off the perimeter of G06, and even a caterpillar can't get out. But What are shadows? Special forces with new components?"

"Don't think about things you don't know," looked at the correspondent meaningfully. In fact, the lieutenant general who had only heard the name not long ago looked at everyone with satisfaction: "Since there is no need to worry about the future, then, I Order: Concentrate the firepower of all ships, target, meteorite base!"

"Yes, the firepower of all ships is concentrated!"

Orders were issued layer by layer, fifteen warships, dozens of forts, and hundreds of guns turned at the same time, aiming at the dark meteorite base ahead.

At this time, the preheating work of the capital ship's heavy artillery to adjust and test the precise circuit to ensure that there will be no problems when the live ammunition is fired has also been declared complete.

Accompanied by the firing orders of the captains of the ships, the dark red electromagnetic shells mixed with semi-melted metal liquid quickly left the muzzle, drawing a straight dark red line in the space, successfully connecting the distant meteorite base and battleship.

The shells that slammed heavily on the surface of the meteorite base started the prelude to the third group's attack on the Zerg meteorite base.

Immediately afterwards, the impatient frontline assault ship, the rear floating turret, and the rear ultra-long-range heavy artillery, after clearing the surrounding area of ​​​​the meteorite base, began the unscrupulous siege action.

Lost the seemingly unreliable defense force, and the No. 04 Meteorite Base, which took a long time to wake up, had to become the target of the third combat group, and was forced to take off its black leather coat under the continuous shelling of the group , shredded the flesh-colored underwear, exposed her beautiful body, and then endured the violent treatment for nearly an hour and a half.

The large number of breeding bases inside the meteorite base had not had time to receive the nutrient supply from the core of the meteorite base, and they were turned into minced meat under the attack of different caliber artillery fire.

As for the order to keep the enemy's base intact before the battle, it was probably forgotten by the soldiers who were over-excited for the first time in actual combat.

The smoothness of the battle with the No. 04 Meteorite Base was also expected by the senior management of the Pengzu. After all, the attack was launched when the opponent's strength had not yet been fully utilized.After confirming that there is no need for more troops here, only 06 minutes have passed since the meteorite base destroyed the G150 industrial area, the first and second clusters shifted direction and flew towards the No. 8051 meteorite base announced by 03.

The Friends didn't have time to waste more shells on the confirmed harmless Meteor Base 04, even though most people wanted to take it out on the guy who destroyed G06.

Time, 04 minutes after the No. 220 meteorite base fell.

The third combat group finally calmed down after the Elder Void, who had cleaned up all the fugitive Zerg, finally calmed down and shut down many electromagnetic weapons that might need a medium-scale overhaul before they can be used again.Then with a mournful face, they watched off the transportation troops who had watched the fireworks for more than an hour, and chased after the first and second clusters.

Afterwards, this group of overly enthusiastic guys had to return to the nearest supply base under the leadership of the Lieutenant General with a depressed face. While overhauling the existing weapons, they replenished the ammunition that consumed a lot.

No way, this group of guys played too wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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