Spore Story

Chapter 670 Research

Chapter 670 Research
The world under the stars is called full of fantasy, but what about the world under the red sun?Bright, ordinary, rich, warm, residual blood... In short, as people's history grows longer, more messy definitions will appear.These definitions make the world that has never changed since ancient times strange. Of course, this is called literature and art.

But at this moment, beside the wreckage of the No. 04 meteorite base under a round of red sun, no one will have a sense of literature and art. After all, they are facing the chief culprit who destroyed their own homeland, although the other party seems to be no less miserable. The G06 destroyed by it.

Lose both?It seems so.

But is this considered revenge?
The hundreds of G06 residents who survived gathered together, looking at the remains of the meteorite base that fell on the ruins of G06, and they were crying or laughing, roaring or screaming, or standing there silently, watching The No. 04 Meteorite Base, which was in a mess, seemed at a loss.

"Ayue." The originally expressionless girl grasped the broken corner of the wall with both hands, as if holding back tears, she stared straight ahead at the meteorite base, recalling the past stories in her heart, mourning the passing of her husband.

Like most of the survivors present, their family members were crushed by the meteorite base. Everyone knew that it was just death, but everyone wanted to see the final decision being made, even if it would only make them fall into grief again.However, for safety reasons, the government prohibited personnel from entering and exiting the No. 04 meteorite base, which made everyone have to wait.

In just three hours, this meteorite base experienced the whole process from landing, fighting, to extinction, and the G06 members present also experienced the path from despair, survival, to bewilderment.

Up to now, the enemies who directly attacked themselves have been eliminated, but most people don’t feel the pleasure of revenge in their hearts. This is not only because these enemies are not killed by themselves, but also because what has passed away has been completely lost. It can never be retrieved again.

"Hey, look at this, the scars of just three hours, they may spend their whole life to heal." Shaking his head and sighing, Kong Huan, standing in the corner of the wreckage of the meteorite base, patted the net lying on his shoulder lightly. Rabbit, turned and walked in the other direction.

After Xiao Lingyun confirmed that the situation here was all right, she broke away from the control of the net rabbit and went to take over the animal team in the fall area of ​​the No. 05 meteorite base. Of course, there was also a net rabbit waiting for her there.

The current situation is that there are only two main consciousnesses that can be mobilized. Among them, Chu Ling is not only in charge of the No. 03 Meteorite Base, but in the absence of reinforcements from friends, she cannot solve the opponent, and the more important thing is the surrounding area of ​​No. 05 Base. There are neither civilized races nor hell butterflies, so we can only let Xiao Lingyun pass by.

Here we have to talk about the distribution of net rabbits. Although the overall number is very small, because it was born in a large population of white rabbits (white rabbit variation), and has not completely separated from this species (the number is too small, the distribution is too scattered, lack of offspring), so Xiao Lingyun can often temporarily call the White Rabbit, which is extremely widely distributed.

Even the Hell Butterfly population controlled by Chu Ling, who also belongs to the master consciousness, is only distributed in the subtropical dense forest area (except for artificial breeding), but the white rabbit has branches in various areas, and the rabbit with the net is also widely distributed. .

After Xiao Lingyun left, this little net rabbit, who was also regarded as a "god's favor", was left by Lingyun who loved small animals to take care of Konghuan.

According to the speculation of the Technology Bureau, because the self-awareness can still accept various external signals when the body is controlled, after regaining control of the body, this net rabbit has indeed been affected by some influence, and its mental power and intelligence have not been improved. , In terms of action... At this time, I was completely powerless, guessing that I was probably scared.

As for Void, he is very aware of his abilities, so he will no longer be involved in military affairs, politics, etc. as before.

In terms of combat power, he is not as good as the four Yin gods at the peak of the Youshen level, and there are more than a dozen of them in the whole clan who are not weaker than him;

In terms of commanding operations, he can't compare with the talented and experienced Dark Blood and other high-ranking officials of the Military Academy, and he is probably only at the level of a legion commander if he is really placed in the army;

Searching all walks of life, he found that what he is best at is indeed research. Using the knowledge accumulated over a long period of time to use research to promote the progress of the friends is obviously the most suitable job for fantasy.

For example at this time.

Standing outside the undamaged building that was temporarily cleared next to the meteorite base, he could clearly hear the roar of bugs coming from the basement of the house. These were the dozens of bugs he had captured outside G06 with the shadow team.There are two types of new bugs, and it is also the first time that the friends have captured live Zerg. In the past, they were killed directly.

Thinking about it now, that was really a waste.Having done too many biological experiments, even Kong Huan gradually agrees with what those researchers said, the living test subjects are the best statement.

To say that it took a lot of effort to drag these bugs here is not because of the combat effectiveness of the bugs, but because of the passionate survivors in G06. If they leave the cruel words like 'these bugs will accept biological research without any restrictions', perhaps none of them Youshen class can bring the bugs here intact.

After wiping off his cold sweat, he secretly sighed at the illusion of the power of the masses, and stepped into the cracked gate.

The next moment, a figure flashed out.

"Stop!" A member of the Shadow Clan stood in front of Kong Huan.

There is an assassination unit in the Shadow Team. Although the souls of the dead have strong assassination abilities, the Shadow Clan members who are also good at assassination and have strong poisonous needles are not weaker in this respect. Therefore, some Shadow Clan members serve as assassins The best among them were also jointly selected by Kong Huan and Chu Xia to serve in the team.

"Elder, please come in." After confirming his identity, Shadow of the Shadow Clan bowed and retreated, hiding in the ruins.The Shadow Clan people who appeared and disappeared in less than ten seconds also used this to show the tight defense of this place.

Of course, this kind of defense is more internal, because everyone is not sure whether there will be any dangerous abilities of the two new bugs this time.

Gently stroked the net rabbit on the shoulder, which was named Yun Yun by Ling Yun before leaving. The other party who had not recovered seemed weak, and chewing on this name that seemed to have been heard a long time ago, Kong Huan was in a soldier Guided by him, he entered the underground world through the underground passage.

It is said that it is a basement. In fact, if you consider the area and the location of China Unicom, it is not an exaggeration to become an underground city.

Considering the threat of war, there will be a shallow basement under every building in a certain area in each industrial zone, and they and the underground railway form the basement level of the industrial zone.But that's not all. Under the basement level, the basement will be connected to the underground farm taken care of by the Dunjia people through a well-planned passage. This is the second level.But below that, there is a third floor with secret facilities,

However, although the impact resistance has been considered for a long time, and the underground city has been built extremely strong, but now it seems that in the face of the impact of a meteorite base several kilometers in size, even if the strength is weakened, it is still not the pillars of these reinforced concrete constructions. able to resist.

At this time, in the passageway on the second floor of the basement, there are collapses and falling rocks everywhere. There is only one passageway that has been temporarily reinforced and marked for safety. It has become a temporary prison for the surviving Zerg in the current research department.

But in Kong Huan's view, both the researchers and the bugs are killing their lives by doing this.

"It seems that after the ground is cleared, we have to move up. The underground is too dangerous." As if responding to the empty space, a stone suddenly fell from the empty area on the side of the passage, accompanied by the dead body of a friend .

The surrounding soldiers rushed up immediately, snatched out the corpse of his companion, and then transported it to the surface, while Kong Huan continued on his way.


The sound of the insects was clearer, indicating that it was not far from the target. Kong Huan gently hugged the trembling net rabbit Yun Yun, nodded to the armored soldiers guarding the gate, turned around the corner, and immediately saw many people being fixed by iron chains. Or release the Zerg for inspection.

"Gag your mouth! What are you yelling!"

"Ah, team leader, this thing is biting people!"


"Leader, this is Venom No. 3, and the report says it needs subcutaneous injection."

"Let's go, where did this guy get the skin? It's just a carapace!"


"Damn it! This power is even more expensive than brother, brothers, hold it down!"



"Hey, why does this guy eat everything?"

"My shoes!"



The excitement of the research department was obviously a bit unreal. Standing at the door, he was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should go in or leave them alone.Looking at the current situation, all the researchers are obviously already in the mood. Will going in by themselves interrupt their training... No, it's research?
But the next moment, he didn't need to worry anymore, because a double-gun bug without a double-gun (the bone spear was subjected to various inhumane experiments by the research department), suddenly broke through the suppression of several researchers and rushed straight to the ground. To the emptiness.

Perhaps in this worm's opinion, it would be easier to break through the exit, where only Kong Huan guarded the direction, but the next moment, he regretted it.

Kong Huan raised his right hand, and the electric arc flickered, but the attack had not yet been launched. The unlucky bug was hit on the back of the head (probably the back of the head) by a Shadow Clan person who jumped up from the side. As for the Shadow Clan who was several ranks younger, the worms could only foam at the mouth unwillingly and threw themselves on the ground.

But in this way, people have noticed Kong Huan's arrival, but that's all. The situation that Kong Huan was worried about interrupting the experiment because of himself did not happen at all.

"Elder, what's the matter?" A relatively leisurely researcher appeared in front of Kong Huan.The surrounding researchers saluted briefly and then went about their business. As for the fainted worm, it was being dragged back and placed on a large table, undergoing brain stimulation and heart shock tests. Obviously not very comfortable.

"It's nothing, I just want to see if there is anything that needs help. In addition, I need to mobilize some researchers to enter the interior of the meteorite base to check, which is related to the battle with other Zerg later."


Upon hearing the wreckage of the meteorite base, most of the researchers around stopped their movements.

At this time, the meteorite base was surrounded by garrison troops, and the shadow team was confirming its safety inside. Therefore, these researchers who came from all over the fresh meteorite base wreckage would study live bugs here.

Although it is not indebted to them to study the living Zerg for the first time, but for this group of stubborn guys, the primary goal is obviously the huge wreckage above their heads.

After a while of flying around, the sixty or so researchers who came this time and their assistants all stood in front of Kong Huan, looking ready to go.

Kong Huan twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, seeing many Zerg captives who were still in the experiment and being immobilized in various postures, he smiled in embarrassment, and explained: "Well, these insects also need to be studied, right? And the first batch to enter the meteorite base, for safety reasons, only 20 people."

"Elder, me! My father was the secret Zerg researcher during the first Zerg invasion, and I personally participated in the second..."

"Elder, I have three years of Zerg Science..."

"While going, I have 16 years of biology practice..."

(Is this the situation of the horse?) The illusion is powerless, (recruitment?)
In fact, it is similar. The first Zerg invasion was more than 60 years ago, and most of you here were still children or even unborn. Although the second Zerg invasion was only a few years ago, the research on the meteorite base was kept secret and participated. There are many restrictions on personnel.

Only this time, the completely public Zerg research is another fresh Zerg base.Although it was devastated, in fact the interior of the base was not damaged much. The attraction generated by such a large degree of integrity is not difficult to explain the interest of the biology researchers present in the Zerg grouped into the direction of biotechnology.

In the end, the [-] researchers who were transferred happily followed Konghuan with the information, and the remaining researchers could only vent more of their experiences on the dozen or so unlucky bugs.

However, at the gate of the meteorite base, the research team encountered a little trouble.

A group of G06 survivors stopped the crowd, saying that they also wanted to enter the base to learn about the enemy. For this group of people, Kong Huan had no objection.Because as a G06 industrial area with a biotechnology orientation, most of the people who appeared in front of Konghuan were authorities in biological research, at least at the researcher level.

And the researcher who was following Kong Huan could even call out the names of many of them. They survived the catastrophe. It was a burst of sighs when the two met, but Kong Huan only gave them 5 minutes, because through the communication network, they Learning about the development of the No. 03 and No. 05 meteorite bases made the senior management feel great pressure.

Under such circumstances, although there is no great expectation for the wreckage of the No. 04 meteorite base to have any effect in the short term, everyone welcomes an extra chance of winning.

So, again, ten people were selected from this group of survivors to join the team, passed through the shadow troops that made way, and the group officially set foot on this Zerg base full of insect blood, minced meat, broken bones, and guts.

(End of this chapter)

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