Spore Story

Chapter 671 Shock

Chapter 671 Shock
Thank you Hey Shou for your reward~\(≧▽≦)/~
Time: 04 minutes after the No. 11 meteorite base fell.

Location: The coastline of the eastern section of the Far West Continent, the area at 15 degrees north latitude.

Weather: Thunderstorm.

The world shrouded in dark clouds is filled with numbing electricity, which makes the living animals reluctant to go out for picnics, but the heavy rain that is pouring down still whips the supposedly calm sea into restlessness.

On the land separated by the gentle sandy beach, there is a dense jungle. The traces of civilization left by the friends of the Far West Continent in the past, but in just a dozen years, were re-integrated into the dust by nature, and finally left behind There are only a few ruins, to show the existence of the friends here.

On the coast, a large number of fish are scrambling to stick their heads out of the water, breathing the fresh air outside, with eyes of different shapes, looking at the gloomy sky from where they were born, and they don't know what they are thinking.

Probably just simply wandering off.

But soon, the leisurely fishes suddenly entered the bottom of the water, and the water surface seemed to be boiling with white foam, because at that moment, a chilly fear, like the natural enemy deep in the memory, was at a certain time. The two directions appear generally, allowing the fish to make the most suitable movements for themselves.

The next moment, all the fish played the fastest speed in their lives and swam to the depths of the ocean.

At the same time, the fauna on land, also driven by inexplicable fear, ran wildly to the depths of the continent.

If you look from the top down, you can see that all the animals are escaping from an area of ​​the coast.In normal times, this might indicate that an epic creature full of slaughter is about to appear, but at this time, the protagonist on stage is not an epic creature.

Threat, from the sky.

Accompanied by a huge coercion coming from top to bottom, the thunderstorm clouds covering the earth were like cotton candy, but were pierced by meteorites flying from top to bottom, and the meteorites several kilometers long hit the coast straight , half into the water, half through the mountain.

The powerful impact splashed dust hundreds of meters high on the mainland side of the coast, and set off huge waves hundreds of meters high on the sea side of the coast.

Immediately afterwards, the monstrous huge waves pressed from the coast to the depths of the ocean at an unimaginable speed. Wherever they passed, the beautiful coral turned into debris, the free fish turned into flesh, and the proud giant shark broke into pieces. a few sections...

But just after the huge wave rushed a few kilometers away, a huge wave was also generated from the depths of the ocean, and it collided fiercely with the huge wave. Under the resistance of the two, the sea surface returned to calm.

But in just one or two minutes, the calm coast has already been floating and piled up with corpses, embellishing the entire meteorite crash area into a hell on earth.

This is the No. 03 Meteorite Base, the second fallen Zerg base far away from the Central Plains of the Friends.

Because the distance was too far, the surrounding area had already become a primitive world without friends, and the meteorite base, which lacked threats, stood quietly for more than half an hour without making any movement.

However, this period of time is also enough for the fleeing fauna to respond.

Like G06, the surrounding surviving black-handed animals gathered subconsciously.

Perhaps it is because the geographical location where the No. 03 meteorite base fell is relatively north. Although it is subtropical under normal circumstances, the temperature here is extremely low under the glacial climate.If it weren't for summer, it would probably have been covered by a large amount of snow.

The animals living in it, also due to environmental problems, after elimination, migration, and evolution, most of them become warm-blooded mammals with shiny fur and medium size. They may be considered the strongest in the local area, but in the entire Double Moon Star, The combat power of these creatures is not very high.

What's more, this is not a bio-industrial area like G06. There are not so many man-made black-handed unicorns, electric pickups, lightning mice, and lightning shrimps. There are only about a hundred animals.

What can such a small amount do? Neither 8051 nor Chu Ling had any confidence in this.

If everyone's ideas were still stuck at the time of the second Zerg invasion, perhaps the hundred or so Black Hands would still rush forward, because of An's concept at that time, the Zerg base would have no fighting power for half a day or even a day.

But at this moment, battles have broken out in the No. 06 meteorite base theater in the direction of G04.This shows that the meteorite base this time is not the little loli who was caught without a fight during the waking period, but the one with fangs.

Therefore, even if Chu Ling intends to let these hundred or so black-handed animals form a team to harass the enemy, 8051 is unwilling to entrust them with such a deadly task.

So, just as Chu Ling used a Hell Butterfly to bring her peak thinking and soul-level strength to the butterfly, she planned to take over the control of the black-handed animal, and was considering whether to fight a guerrilla.After receiving the report of the No. 04 meteorite, I learned that in the Zerg meteorite, 8051, which had nearly [-] special double-gun units that were not affected by the protective layer, dismissed these black-handed animals.

"It doesn't matter if death can have an effect," 8051 explained: "But the enemy's individual strength is no less than the black hand level, and the cooperation is close, and this place belongs to open land. Unless I forcefully use large-scale geological disasters to change the landscape, the role of guerrilla Very small."

"Then change the landscape." Chu Ling obviously felt a little pain in her back while standing and talking.

Hearing Chu Ling's speech, 8051 also gave the other party a blank look: "Large-scale geological disasters cannot be announced by just talking about them. The harm they cause is full of unknowns. Now is not the time!"

"What should I do?" Chu Ling, who watched meteorite base No. 03 fall every minute and second, and did not intend to sit still, flapped the wings of the hell butterfly and approached the meteorite carefully.

After all, it was caused by the fall of a meteorite. Even if the other party deliberately slowed down, it still led to the desolation of the surrounding area of ​​nearly ten kilometers. Because it was close to the coast, it caused death and injury everywhere on the coastline of dozens of kilometers.

It didn't take the Shuangyue animals to take the initiative to fortify the wall and clear the wilderness, this large area has already been cleaned up by the bugs.

At this moment, under the subconscious influence of 8051 and Shuangyue, the animals on the outer periphery are frantically cleaning up a larger open area, resolutely not leaving much resources for the bugs; even in the interior of the ocean, the surviving creatures are also Carrying the materials in the shallow sea, swimming to the deep sea.

After dismissing the black-handed animals and handing them over to 8051 for logging, Chu Ling waited for the arrival of the sea and land epic creatures mentioned by 8051, and at the same time drove the hell butterfly to fly to the meteor for investigation.

As it got closer, due to the high temperature and impact ahead, the seawater evaporated to produce dense fog, and at the same time, the meteorite, which was obscured by the flying dust, finally appeared above the compound eyes of the hell butterfly.

After making a slight detour and flying along the more easily concealed land area, the whole picture of the meteorite base gradually came into Chu Ling's eyes.

However, the altitude continued to drop, and Chu Ling's mood began to become serious, because through the dust and water mist, she could only display the edge of the spiritual power of the peak of the soul level, and found many signs of insect activity.

"Sure enough, it did appear." The double-gun bug in the information provided appeared in Chu Ling's mental power.

Turning her body to hide herself on the uneven shell on the surface of the meteorite, while avoiding contact with the hot shell as much as possible, Chu Ling looked at them carefully. It is said that each of them has the strength of a black hand, which is no less powerful than the middle-level monsters of the Zerg race. , but also a powerful creature with a lot of wisdom.

Different from the news of No. 04 Meteorite Base, these two-gun bugs did not gather together with their own kind and patrol around like combat troops. Instead, each of them led two or three other collection bugs described (later referred to as Named pincers), are lining up and scattered around the meteorite.

(What are they doing?)

Chu Ling was puzzled. The worms neither patrolled nor mined, but lined up here, which gave her a hint of conspiracy.

Not long after, the thousands of insects in the perception stopped their movements, and the air suddenly became heavy.

(It would be great if there was a rapid-fire gun at this time, just stand here and pull the trigger, ga.) Depressedly spat out the mouthpiece, Chu Ling, the hell butterfly, shook her head and finally calmed down to observe.

It has been confirmed that it is impossible to kill the opponent as soon as possible, so if you know a little more, you can have a little more chance of winning after getting the assistance of the epic creature later.

A few minutes later, the bottom finally began to change. The three clamp worms behind each two-gun worm seemed to have received some orders and began to mutate to varying degrees.

Some three pincers exploded suddenly after being dispersed, and the flesh and blood splashed in an area with a radius of tens of meters, but the flesh and blood did not lose their vitality, but squirmed and connected strangely, and then stretched and covered them like a film. covered the entire land, forming patches of creep that appeared in the first Zerg invasion;

Some also spread out in three, and then while the two-gun worms were wielding their spears, they took off the carapaces connected to the muscles in strange movements, ignoring the blood flowing out of the joints, and their soft bodies quickly swallowed up these originally extremely hard muscles. The shell, then expands, expands, and expands.

In the end, these pincers lost their original shape and turned into swollen flesh sacs;
Some did the opposite, the three did not disperse, but gathered together, and even wrapped the two-gun worms that led them together, just like those single worms: first shed their shells, and then devoured them , expands again.

However, they still had a 'mutual fusion' movement. In the end, the three clamp worms and one double gun worm turned into a larger flesh sac.

After careful observation, Chu Ling quickly discovered a certain pattern.

That is, three clamp worms plus one double gun worm turned into the least number of large meat sacs, and most of them were distributed among the meat sacs formed by a larger number of single worms.

And the law of the formation of those thin films is easier to control, because these thin films have completely covered the area with a radius of three kilometers around the meteorite at this time, as if fanning the entire earth with a layer of carpet. In the capillary-like channel, green substances are flowing.

(What are you going to do?) Even if she knew the rules, Chu Ling was still at a loss for the enemy's purpose.

But at this time, the two-gun bugs that were still 'alive' began to form teams with each other as reported by G06: some patrolled, some guarded around these meat sacs, and some walked to the seaside.

After looking at it and returning to calmness, most of it was just the slowly expanding flesh sac area, Chu Ling flapped her wings and chased the swarm of double-gun bugs to the seaside.

Later, she saw a scene that probably made the friends researchers who had various speculations about the double gun worm vomit blood.

Those long spears that were speculated to be the main weapons of the double gun bugs were now used as harpoons, happily harvesting the large dead bodies pushed ashore by the tide on the coast.

The sharp muzzle allows the harpoon to be easily inserted into the body of the dead body, and the barb below the muzzle prevents the inserted dead body from slipping off.

Obviously, this thing is a harpoon for carrying.

And the upper part of the relatively flat abdomen where these two-gun worms are suspected of being used for riding is even more suitable at this time as a place for the worms to carry their cargo.Because of its high agility, it is an extremely stable bug when running, even if it runs at high speed, it will not drop the cargo on its belly.

Again, it's pretty clear that these bugs are obviously more efficient as porters than soldiers.

(Could it be that the people who fought with Lingyun and the others turned out to be a group of porters?) This conclusion is hard to accept. After being tortured for a while, Chu Ling decided to leave it to the researchers behind to have a headache.

The top priority now is to clean up the corpses on the coast, and not leave any resource supply for the bugs, especially when this friend's army has to wait a day or two to arrive.

(8051, can you hear me?)

"I have already understood the situation. The problem with the corpse is not serious. It can be solved by a wave. This small natural change will not cause much impact. However, I need you to pay more attention to those meat sacs. I have a bad feeling." 8051 can Knowing the whole planet through living things, but it is not possible to make much substantive observations on the area where the Zerg meteorites have fallen without the animals of the double moon planet.

(Me too, so that's it.) Turn around and fly to the meteorite base. Behind Chu Ling, the butterfly in hell, under the control of the vast spiritual power of the planet's will, the sea surface is slowly rising, and waves of waves begin to wash away. coastal.

Across the long corpse area piled up along the coastline, on the mainland side, nearly a thousand pairs of gunworms are constantly carrying the whitened fish corpses; on the ocean side, the piles of corpses piled up on the beach are gradually shrinking under the washing of the tide. .

A phenomenon of purely natural activity, the bugs are not noticed, they only further speed up the work of handling.

But in a place where no one noticed, the change of the ocean has already alarmed some existences on the bottom of the sea. Among these existences, there are helpers and enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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