Spore Story

Chapter 672 Meat Sac

Chapter 672 Meat Sac
Thank you Slim-Shady for the monthly ticket and Kiss Ice Dragon for your support~\(≧▽≦)/~
However, the five-meter-diameter flesh sac was transformed from a two-meter-long pincer worm. It was extremely transparent at first, obviously caused by extreme stretching, so that Chu Ling once doubted whether this thing would be in the The next moment it burst like an inflated balloon.

But this is obviously unfounded worry.

Following the double-gun insects suspected of being the porters, they brought corpses that had not been washed away by the tide and threw them in front of several clamp insects that had not turned into flesh sacs or exploded. In the blink of an eye, these fresh corpses were destroyed by these clamp insects. Give broken down into minced meat.

However, it seems that these clamp worms do not have the ability to "directly convert matter into energy liquid" by devouring worms, so the work of clamp worms does not stop there.

Afterwards, the minced meat was swallowed by the weird little mouths opened on some tiny protrusions on the ground membrane, and soon turned into a red-green mixed liquid of energy and matter, along the small but tough pipes on the creep, It was transported into those flesh sacs that were still transparent.

Soon after, even from the outside, one could clearly see that there were certain biological tissues inside the meat sac, which were constantly proliferating and growing, and gradually formed some shapes that had never been seen before.

But just as Chu Ling was looking forward to further changes and thinking about what was being composed, the transparent skin on the surface of the meat sac became thicker layer by layer, and finally blocked the changes inside, even with mental power. Unable to pass through the thick skin, she jumped angrily.

But at this moment, a smile appeared on Chu Ling's face.

Because, epic creatures have arrived.

Just an hour before 8051 summoned the epic creatures, three epic creatures were gathered by 8051 at the place where the black hand animals gathered before, namely the subterranean earth dragon, the terrestrial stegosaurus, and the amphibious giant salamander.

The earth dragon should be an adult body. The half of the body exposed to the ground is about [-] meters long. The big mouth with a diameter of more than ten meters is tightly closed, but it still cannot conceal the huge teeth inside, which brings people a very strong sense of fear. ;
Stegosaurus got its name from the emptiness because its shape is close to some kind of ancient dinosaur on the earth, but it is more than 120 meters long, which is by no means comparable to the tens of meters long stegosaurus on earth.Almost every step, this stegosaurus can cause a small-scale earthquake, causing the creatures that were still logging nearby to hide away;
As for the giant salamander, although it bears the word 'giant', it is much slimmer and smaller than the two accomplices. Its body length is only more than ten meters, and its height is less than three meters. People are numb all over.

Chu Ling, whose impression of epic creatures has always been "huge", extremely doubts whether the opponent is just a mutant of the Mafia class, and whether it can be useful in the subsequent battles, but she believes that 8051 will not lie to her.

In this way, when the soldiers arrived, although they still didn't know what the outcome of the battle would be, the time to launch a tentative attack was already met.

The Hell Butterfly, which was only a little over one meter tall, swayed the butterfly wings with a wingspan of no more than two meters, and came in front of the three epic creatures.

"Then attack, my soldiers!"




After 30 seconds of silence, the three bewildered epic creatures chose to accept the weird orders in their minds. Afterwards, the three guys completely ignored the Hell butterfly Chu Ling, who was only the size of an eyeball in their eyes, lazily step forward.

Target: Meteorite Base No. 03.

"What's going on here?" Chu Ling couldn't react, she was embarrassed.

"Ahem, this, I can't help it. Although as the will of the planet, I can be considered the boss of all animals and plants on Double Moon. But in fact, what we can influence is only the subconscious of creatures."

"For example, if you want animals to escape, let them feel natural enemies; if you want animals to cut trees, let them have a desire to attack plants; if you want them to carry wood, let them have ideas like 'organisms collect food' for those materials... …But in fact, these influences are only subconscious and have no effect on subjective consciousness.”

8051 explained embarrassingly in his mind for more than ten seconds before he came to a conclusion: "As for these epic creatures whose spiritual power is no less than the mid-to-high stage of the Youshen level, and the consciousness level is mostly at the soul level, the influence of the subconscious mind can only be used to subtly, and cannot directly interfere with subjective consciousness.”

"So?" Standing on top of the stegosaurus, Chu Ling, the hell butterfly, was a little depressed.

"So, when controlling, you who accept the control we give you can only affect their subconscious. Of course, there are still many skills in it, and it is not completely uncontrollable..."

When the three epic creature masters were about to approach the huge meteorite, 8051 ended her skill explanation. In fact, these things can be summed up in one word: psychological suggestion.

For example, at this time, faced with the discovery of epic creatures and gathering hundreds of double-gun worms with the intention of destroying the enemy, the epic creatures who were not hungry, so they were still wondering whether to fight, and the 8051 demonstratively delivered these worms After the hint of "very hostile", there was no need for Chu Ling to make more commands (and she couldn't), the epic creatures howled and used their own methods to crash into these timid swarms.

After all, in terms of size alone, these bugs are no more than two to three meters tall.

The violent dust was kicked up by the Stegosaurus, and at the same time caused a small-scale earthquake-like earthquake. The double gun worms scattered before they were about to be crushed, letting go of the Stegosaurus' charging path, and several flesh sacs were also crushed. Stegosaurus crushed.

But at this time, the giant salamander, which Chu Ling looked down upon, also flew through the dust like lightning with black light, rapidly harvesting the lives of these two-gun insects.

Using Stegosaurus to clear the way, the giant salamander consciously harvested the messy insect life.

At this time, in the face of the rapid attack of the giant salamander, the double-gun worms had to concentrate on places with obstacles such as giant rocks. On the one hand, they could use their spears to attack the approaching giant salamanders; The resulting terrain blocks Stegosaurus' charge.

But don't forget, there are three epic creatures here. The sudden crack in the ground caught the bugs by surprise. The boulder and the bugs hiding behind fell into the mouth of the earth dragon. After half a sound, the earth dragon came from another A ground popped up, hiccupped, and then spit out a smaller stone with a complete Zerg carapace on it.

Frowning slightly, it seems that even the digestive system of the earth dragon can't solve the Zerg carapace, which is another bad news.But the debt was not overwhelming, Chu Ling quickly turned her attention to the current battle situation, and she was in a good mood.

Instead of being able to attack the enemy, the stegosaurus ran around, trampling the flesh-packed Zerg area to the ground.The giant salamander cleaned up the lone bugs around with speed and promptness, while the earth dragon continued to stick to the way of sneak attack.

However, as the double gun bugs gradually adapted to the attack of epic creatures, they were evaluated as thoughtful bugs, and the pressure on Chu Ling began to increase.

First of all, obviously in the protective meat sac, some of the double guns began to actively attack the Stegosaurus, attracting the opponent's attention, and took the stegosaurus away from the area where the meat sac was.

Secondly, another part of the two-gun worms cooperated with each other, intending to limit the range of activities of the giant salamander with numbers and weapons.

In addition, they also maintain a distance of more than three meters between them, which is lower than the size of a giant salamander. Although they cannot prevent the earth dragon, they can reduce a single loss.

For this reason, Chu Ling quickly gave instructions to the three epic creatures, letting the stegosaurus run around the meteor, the giant salamander wandered around, and the earth dragon continued its activities.

However, Chu Ling obviously lacks too much experience in commanding epic creatures.

Accompanied by a roar mixed with mourning, the majestic Stegosaurus unexpectedly stepped on the air and fell to the ground. Although it struggled to stand up immediately, its body had already been stabbed nearly a hundred times by the double-gun worm who seized the opportunity. The spear, like a hedgehog, made the name Stegosaurus more vivid.

Looking around, the blood flowed into the creeps on the ground through the blood groove of the spear, and was quickly absorbed and converted into energy available to the Zerg. The injury was not serious, but it was more like a Stegosaurus cut by a knife. Frantically charged to the surrounding Double Gun Bugs.

It would be fine if it could attack the enemy, but the trouble is that when encountering a bug with such high agility, the berserk of the Stegosaurus makes it easier for the bug to mobilize the Stegosaurus to leave the meat sac area.

"Stupid! Calm down!" Even if the words sounded in Stegosaurus's heart, even if they were understood by the other party, it would have no effect. Chu Ling could only look at this boss who didn't obey orders and had a headache: "Giant salamander, work around Stegosaurus !"

At this time, it was originally the best tactic to use the stegosaurus as the main force to charge, the giant salamanders to clean up the enemies around the stegosaurus, and the earth dragon to reap their lives underground, but because the three, especially the stegosaurus, did not cooperate at all, each It will be like this under the war.

The earth dragon and the giant salamander were alright, one was hiding underground and the other was fast, only the huge and relatively slow-moving stegosaurus became the target of a highly agile two-gun bug.

For Stegosaurus, it's like going to fight mosquitoes alone. One mosquito can easily deal with it, but when encountering a group of hundreds of mosquitoes...God bless.

Because they couldn't kill the giant loach-like salamander and the elusive earth dragon for a while, the Double Gun Bugs only separated a small number of members to restrain the two, and the remaining five or six hundred walked around the huge body of the stegosaurus.

In just ten minutes of the attack, the ground was already stained red with the blood of the Stegosaurus, and the creeps on the surface of the Zerg, which were cracked one after another, greedily absorbed the blood of the Stegosaurus, constantly enriching it without being attacked by the other two epic creatures. meat sac.

Even the meat sacs destroyed by giant salamanders and earth dragons will automatically decompose into meat powder, and then transported to the surrounding intact meat sacs through the membrane tube.

For a while, the growth rate of the flesh sac increased several times, and some small flesh sacs even began to have fluctuations similar to heart pacing.

Although she didn't know what this meant, Chu Ling could still sense that this was not a good sign.

Looking down at the group of meat sacs that were only half destroyed, and more and more meat sacs that began to pulsate regularly, Chu Ling also wanted to directly use her mental power to subjectively control the three epic creatures to attack the enemy, but the fusion failed in the hell. Butterfly's consciousness can only exert soul-level strength.

"No, it won't work like this. Think about it, what did 8051 say?"

Subconscious, suggestive.

"Hint, how should I hint?" Carefully lying on Stegosaurus' back, Chu Ling shook her head depressedly: "I don't know what to hint at."

"Forget it, even if you die, you must let you have an effective effect before you die!"

So far, the effect of the stegosaurus is only to attract attacks, and it can't cause much damage to the enemy. This is not an achievement that an epic creature should have.

In terms of control, they are not as good as 8051, but in terms of tactics, Chu Ling is not bad.Now that the Stegosaurus can no longer attack, the most urgent task is to calm the Stegosaurus. The most important thing is not to allow the Stegosaurus to turn nearly [-] tons of meat into a source of food for the Zerg.

"Protect the stegosaurus, retreat slowly!" The giant salamander, which had always had the upper hand, was more obedient. It quickly walked around the stegosaurus and began to clean up the double-gun worms around the stegosaurus.

Although the attack on the meat sac was much weaker in this way, it also effectively restored the decline of the three-headed epic creature team. The subconsciousness continued to influence the Stegosaurus to calm down the opponent. As the surrounding double-gun worms were continuously cleaned up by giant salamanders Or drive away, Stegosaurus' anger gradually subsided.

(It doesn't have much effect, and her temper is not small.) With a depressing hint, Chu Ling lowered her head and frowned a lot of flesh sacs that seemed to be waking up.

In fact, when it comes to disobeying orders, Tulong is the number one, but he hides underground and engages in sneak attacks, making contributions from time to time so that Chu Ling has nothing to say.From the looks of it now, the giant salamander that was underestimated by Chu Ling but actually killed the most enemies was cuter.

"Salamanders, meat sacs are a threat, kill them."

The next moment, the giant salamander rushed to the surrounding meat sacs, but at this moment, a meat sac closest to the newt suddenly burst open.

While the giant salamander was in a daze for a moment, a sharp tentacle pierced out of the burst meat sac, pierced into the salamander's right front leg, and brought out several pieces of flesh and blood, which were then absorbed by the greedy creep.

At the same time as the salamander screamed, the main body of the weird tentacles that was about to continue to attack was mostly crushed by the earth dragon that sprang out from the ground, completely losing its vitality, and it did not turn into minced meat like other meat sacs.

But even so, the strength of the giant newt, which was injured in its right front leg, has begun to decline.

"Damn it, I'm injured, I evacuated to save my life!" Chu Ling gradually became smoother with this hint, but in order to ensure a smooth evacuation, she had to send two contradictory hints of 'revenge' and 'evacuation' to the salamander. Stop the giant salamander from turning and running.

With a clearly audible popping and pacing sound, more and more flesh sacs were opened, and the evacuation path of the stegosaurus and giant salamander became difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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