Spore Story

Chapter 673 Trouble

Chapter 673 Trouble
Thank you SSSAAE4, Slim-Shady for the monthly pass support O(∩_∩)O
After the flesh sacs burst one after another, not only buildings with slender tentacles stabbing enemies appeared, but also various other strange buildings with or without attacks...or, to be more accurate, biological tissues.

"It's disgusting." No matter what kind of organization, from its appearance to its stability, Chu Ling couldn't help but comment like this.

Looking at a building that had just emerged from the explosion and was then stepped on by the stegosaurus, she thought it had been killed, but what Chu Ling didn't expect was that after the stegosaurus removed its foot from the building, , This mushroom-shaped building actually stood upright again.

Glancing at the current situation around her, Chu Ling shook her head dejectedly, but did not command the Stegosaurus or the giant salamander to turn around and attack.Because behind them, there are a large number of double gun bugs, and there are also Zerg buildings that can attack their own side along the way.

Perhaps it was because the meat sacs were completed one after another, and there were more and more tentacle buildings that were obviously defensive in nature. The double gun worms, which were trying their best to stop Chu Ling and the others, also began to escape from the guards.

Looking around, there are only dozens of large meat sacs around, which have not moved.

On the head of the undulating stegosaurus, Chu Ling, the butterfly of hell, patted the epic creature under her body lightly, and the psychological hint of "it's time to go home and rest" quickly entered the opponent's mind.

The next moment, the huge stegosaurus turned around and ran back the way it came.

This psychological suggestion is the result of many experiments by Chu Ling. Previously, psychological hints such as "this place is dangerous, leave" and "the enemy is annoying, let's go" are absolutely useful for ordinary creatures, but they are often used for Stegosaurus. Backfired.

After gaining an embarrassing understanding of Stegosaurus' character, it became much easier to command.

Fortunately, the thick-skinned Stegosaurus also survived the attacks of many tentacled buildings along the way, and finally waited until Chu Ling found out the correct hint method, and then began to follow orders.

As for the giant salamander, it has been carrying out the order to 'walk around the body of the stegosaurus and kill the enemy', so it will consciously follow the stegosaurus and Chu Ling without any more hints.

As for the earth dragon, God knows where this guy will come from the next moment, but Chu Ling believes that with the biological instinct of the earth dragon, it will make the right decision when it detects danger. The salamanders were much more responsive subjectively.

What's more, this guy's vitality is not comparable to that of Stegosaurus and giant salamander.After Chu Ling found out that there was an earth dragon under her control, she remembered the super embarrassing story about a certain earth dragon that was cut in half and turned into two earth dragons told by Kong Huan.

But not long after Chu Ling ran out of the Zerg's creep area with the stegosaurus and the giant salamander, the earth dragon covered in holes followed suit.

"How is this going?"

"You don't know?" 8051 asked back.

"How could I possibly know!"

"That's right, I forgot that you were commanding the Stegosaurus to escape just now."

"..." Chu Ling admitted that after hearing the news that No. 04 Meteorite Base had been dealt with, she became a little impatient.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any enemy." 8051 appeared beside Chu Ling's avatar butterfly, with a helpless expression on his face: "The earth dragon just had to escape because it encountered a ground attack weapon of insects. The current Zerg The base of the meteorite is actually like a tree root, with many tentacles all over it, which is not easy to attack."

"So the underground attack has been basically cut off based on the current situation?"

"Almost, of course, if the earth dragon is only here to prevent the bugs from coming out, there should be no problem. After all, those tree root tentacles don't seem to be able to stay too far away from the meteorite base." 8051 said something that made Chu Ling breathe a sigh of relief.

"However, if the time is too long, it cannot be said that these 'tree roots' are too deep, and will cause any harm to Double Moon Star..."

"Ah," said the butterfly with black lines all over its head.

"In this case, I'm afraid we have to modify our tactics again." Watching the scarred Stegosaurus and Earth Dragon who are likely to become mobile meat banks leave this place and run to the distance, they turned around and confirmed that the giant salamander biting the ground and mouth full of green blood was there. After snoring there, Chu Ling started to think again.

"Speaking of it, it's still a matter of insufficient combat power. Epic creatures are indeed powerful, but their numbers and control make them only used for frontal attacks. It's okay to attack with troops, but if they attack alone..."

Shaking her head, Chu Ling looked behind the phantom of 8051 and asked, "Is this the epic creature you pulled over this time?"

The tone didn't have much other meaning, it was just a little helpless, because there were only five heads there.

"This is already considered good," 8051 said with a wry smile: "All the epic creatures of Double Moon Star add up to only a thousand or so, 90% of which are in the ocean, and 90% of which are in the deep sea. I want to transfer them here for a while." How difficult."

"There are less than 20 epic creatures left on land and shallow seas, and they are relatively evenly distributed throughout the entire Double Moon Star, located around the Far West Continent, and no more than [-] of them can be mobilized here before the troops arrive! "

Pointing behind him, 8051 looked at Chu Ling, obviously complaining about the other party's dissatisfaction: "After all, this is an epic creature. I should be lucky to be able to transfer five more heads to you in just half an hour. This is still Because of the Ice Age, a large number of creatures migrated to the equator, and the density of epic creatures has further increased, which is such a good thing. Normally, it is difficult for you to see one of them."

"Well, I'm not complaining either."

"I know," 8051 nodded, and the phantom began to sway left and right: "There are not many epic creatures that can be mobilized around, and the next batch will probably arrive in five or six hours at the latest. What are your plans during this time?"

Looking up at the five epic creatures this time, Chu Ling silently calculated.

As 8051 said, these epic creatures are not easy to mobilize. This time, they were able to come here so quickly, all because of the five epic creatures, four of them are epic creatures flying in the sky, and the remaining one is wandering in the shallow sea. epic creatures of the sea.

This involves an evolution law of the epic creatures of the double moon star:
The number of flying epic creatures is the least, the single control area is large, and the general size is relatively small (relatively) very fast. In terms of flight, it either has a large wingspan or huge energy (the huge cloud jellyfish is only black hand level, because it is extremely lacking aggressive);

The number of land epic creatures is medium, and the size is also medium, but the impact is powerful, and the muscle density is extremely high. In terms of land warfare, it is definitely a tank, or Zerg giant elephant level, such as Stegosaurus (but there is no shortage of giant salamanders. individual);

There are a large number of marine epic creatures, and they are extremely large in size. They are like fish in water in deep sea areas, but they are very easy to run aground in shallow sea areas, and they lack the ability to breathe on land, let alone fight on land.

Therefore, sometimes 8051 has complained about 'why didn't these damn guys plunge into the deep sea', because when it gets there, it is almost the world of 8051.Hundreds of epic creatures with a size measured in kilometers rushed over, regardless of whether it was a meteorite base or a mother nest, at least it seemed so now.

However, reality is reality after all.

The four epic creatures in the sky are nothing. The two Titan Wings, one Thunder Beast, and one Aggregate are all existences with good combat effectiveness. However, the other epic marine creature that is rolling in the shallow sea makes Chu Ling a little unsure.

Ignoring the huge body size, but judging from the movements, cell activity, and growth of consciousness, this guy is clearly just a toddler. When will 8051 catch such a guy?

"Don't look at me, I can only find this guy in the short term, so there is no way."

"Uh," but, in Chu Ling's view, the increase in combat power is not necessarily a good thing: "Three epic creatures are enough to command, and this time there are six giant salamanders. In terms of control... ..."

"It's indeed a trouble, why don't you wait for a long time, and let more epic creatures come over and charge together... well, forget it." 8051 didn't work hard in the war, and found out the problem without saying much, and consciously shut up.

With the current development speed shown by the bugs, not to mention waiting for half a day, just waiting for two or three hours is enough for the opponent to build up a large number of tentacles attacking buildings, turning the attack of epic creatures into a war of attrition .

"Let's use Thunderstorm decisively," Chu Ling suggested.

"No," 8051 shook his head: "I'm not like Lingxue and the others, who can ignore the influence of the planet's will to use this kind of extremely destructive thunder storm. If they use it, it will only lower their evaluation. At most, they will do something good to make up for it in the future." .And I am the planet's will, even if I want to use it, I can't use it."

"What about bimonthly?"

"Do you think that little guy acted against the will of the planet?"

"Uh, trouble."

The trouble didn't stop there. After 8051 disappeared, after giving a few epic creatures the hint of 'moving around the perimeter of the Zerg creep and preventing any Zerg from leaving the range of the creep', Chu Ling secretly launched an attack on the No. 03 meteorite base. A close reconnaissance was made.

The results of the investigation were very bad, not only because of the number of buildings that confirmed the function of land defense, but also because she was shocked to find that the bugs had begun to produce dogs, war bees, and Devouring insects are the three basic units of the Zerg.

This shows that Shuangyuexing is about to face the Zerg sea tactics that the Zerg is proud of.

This further shows that the reaction speed of the Zerg meteorite base has obviously been further improved after the last invasion.And since the opponent can be promoted once, even if everyone smashes the three meteors with all their strength this time, how fast will the opponent's reaction be when they face the Zerg landing force next time?After landing, the soldiers started to rage?
Of course, Chu Ling also believed that as long as they survived this time, the friends the Zerg will face next time will be even stronger. This is where everyone's confidence lies.

No one doubts this.

However, the current problem is solved, but it is the premise of all that.

"Is it really necessary to let the six epic creatures attack without remembering casualties?"

"If you attack, you may be able to destroy most of the meat sacs, but most of the epic creatures will definitely die, thus providing more resources for the worms; Contain the opponent's expansion on the periphery, and wait for the main force to arrive."

"How to choose to get the most benefits?"

A full 2101 minutes have passed since the three meteorites broke into the atmosphere of Shuangyuexing.

Because the No. 04 meteorite base just broke into the interior of the Friends, although it caused damage to the entire G06 industrial zone at one time, and caused thousands of friends, thousands of Dunjia people, Moon Spirit people and Shadow Clan casualties, with the rapid support of the troops, it quickly was wiped out.This can be regarded as the easiest battle (just for the battle);
The No. 03 meteorite base fell on the eastern coastline of the Far West Continent, which is far away from the area where the friends are located. Even with the assistance of epic creatures, the early commander Chu Ling still lacked effective means, so that he was caught in a dilemma in terms of attack. situation;

At the same time, after finishing commanding the black-handed animals around No. 04 Meteorite Base, they arrived at No. 05 Meteorite Base, and began to take over the usable combat biological troops collected by 8051, intending to replicate the aura of the successful battle case of No. 04 Meteorite Base. But it was discovered that the situation at the No. 05 meteorite base is probably worse than that of No. 03, which is now in a stalemate.

The battle has only just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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