Spore Story

Chapter 674 Fight Again

Chapter 674 Fight Again
Thank you zload and denruoche for the monthly pass, quack =w=
Meteorite Base No. 05 is the last meteorite base to fall to the ground among the three Zerg tribes.


The friends cannot know exactly whether the contact between the three meteorite bases that cannot be detected by the friends during the 47-minute interval has any influence on the fall of the meteorite base.

In other words, just looking at the location where it fell, most people think that there is definitely some kind of connection.

Because the No. 05 meteorite base happened to fall on the other side of the double-moon star of the No. 04 meteorite base, and it chose the northerly area of ​​ice and snow. No matter from all aspects, this crash point is the most difficult one to deal with.

From the perspective of the geography of the whole planet, this location is far away from the Central Plains and the equator where the friends are active. It will take three days for the nearest friends to go there, but no one will let them go to the nearest floating observatory. It was just a dozen weak technical members of the friend clan who rushed to die.

And if you wait for the main force, even if you don't count the time required to destroy the No. 03 meteorite base, it will take a full seven days.

During these seven days, only 05 and Lingyun, the surrounding epic creatures and black-hand level animals controlled by 8051, could pose a threat to the No. [-] meteorite base.

But at this time, I saw another benefit of the opponent's falling point-the cold zone.

It is self-evident that the cold climate conditions of the double moon star in the ice age are harsh.

Here, it's not just the lack of black-handed animals. Even if 8051 does not affect the relocation of surrounding animals, there are not many animals and plants that can be relocated.

At the same time, everyone should know: Double Moon Star is not a fantasy world. There are powerful monsters that don’t need to eat in the ice and snow. Even epic creatures need nutrition. Prey animals are their food source. (It seems that the energy body of a friend who does not need to eat actually needs to absorb energy supply from sunlight, thunder, etc. for a long time.)
Therefore, in this icy and snowy place where birds don't lay eggs, the epic creatures belonging to the gluttonous team can't even see a shadow.

Therefore, waiting for Xiao Lingyun were more than thirty black-handed animals that were even more shabby than Chu Ling, and it took 8051 a long time to collect them.There is no need to disband Xiao Lingyun, 8051's sentence "It's okay to save it for a fire scout" sealed the fate of these poor guys.

At this time, the research department once said that "it is true that the bugs have landed here and it is difficult for us to deal with it, but don't they themselves lack development resources?"

At the beginning, it made many people's eyes shine, but it was quickly refuted by a large amount of data.Because judging from the current situation, the Zerg's meteorite base itself has a lot of energy.

No more is needed, as long as there is the second Zerg invasion, in the Zerg base numbered No. 02 Meteorite Base by friends, the same level of energy reserves is enough for No. 05 Meteorite Base to expand southward with superior forces to The equatorial region where biological activities are frequent.

Moreover, who dares to say that bugs will only obtain resources from animals and plants?
"There are too few epic creatures around, and it will take a day for the nearest mountain boar to come over, and there is no way to solve its food and other problems when it comes, so the battle won't last long..."

"Forget it." At this time, Chu Ling had already received the battle situation of the epic creatures from Chu Ling and the aura of the other party's command experience, and directly rejected the somewhat useless epic creature reinforcements: "I will do my best to make the existing troops maximize their effectiveness. The main purpose is to provide the ethnic group with the situation of the No. 05 meteorite base. As for the others, it depends on the military progress of the ethnic group."

"That's all." It didn't have any effect, and 8051 could only turn around and leave here to do what he should do while struggling with the huge limitations of the planet's will: "Let's do our best to solve Base 03 now. "


Seconded to 8051's idea, Lingyun was able to come here with the help of the Internet rabbit's body that was finally found around him. He did not expect this to be the current situation.

Depressedly patted the head of the brown bear-like animal under his feet, Lingyun was thinking about how to exert his peak Youshen-level strength in Wangtu's body, and at the same time brought 31 black-handed animals living in cold regions to the Go to the crash point of No. 05 Meteorite Base ahead.

On the other hand, at the No. 03 meteorite base, with the help of a floating island observation station that happened to pass by the nearest "equatorial artificial floating observation system", Chu Ling finally contacted the staff headquarters of the friends.

One person is poor in skills, and several people are skilled in skills.

The staff of the No. 03 Meteorite Base only took 10 minutes to propose to Chu Ling, "Concentrate on the charge, destroy the opponent's buildings at the top, and test the functions of the enemy's buildings at the bottom, and delay the enemy's development at the bottom." 'The third-class guidance proposal.

And next, what Chu Ling had to do was to use the existing troops to deal with more enemies while minimizing casualties.

However, Chu Ling, the butterfly in hell who can only display soul-level strength, managed to gather six epic creatures with psychological hints, and even recruited a hundred or so black-handed animals that had been dismissed before as flanking support, intending to attack the insects. When launching a powerful charge, these idle bugs once again disrupted the plans of the friends.


On the endless beach, thousands of newly born dogs, under the command of more than a dozen double-gun worms, rushed straight to the animal team composed of epic creatures and black-handed creatures, and launched a reverse charge.

In terms of numbers alone, Chu Lingfang had no chance of winning, but the aura of the giant salamander and the four flying epic creatures was enough to deter the enemy.But it's a pity that Chongzi doesn't seem to have any thoughts of fear, and is indifferent to Chu Lingfang's performance.

"I don't have time for specific allocation!" Chu Ling's expression froze. First, through psychological hints, she gave a simple "attack" command to the epic creatures that were already ready to move, and then began to command the black-handed animals that were better controlled, and attacked the six epic creatures. creatures to assist.

A single powerful epic creature, even the Zerg, which is said to be born for killing, cannot be easily solved. Facing the huge feet of the epic creature, the dogs, under the command of the double gun insect, are not like them. Like his predecessors, he launched the pig sudden attack without fear of death, but spread out flexibly, trying to circle the epic creature to avoid the attack, and then jumped on the opponent's back.

If this is placed on the previous Stegosaurus or even the Earth Dragon, it may be successful.

It's a pity that there is only one giant salamander left on the ground this time, and this guy is just good at speed and agility. With a few jumps and assaults, the small giant salamander escaped these dogs He swooped down and squashed a sad double-gun bug by the way. (For God's sake, this guy was trampled entirely because the road was blocked by dogs around him.)
But the battle of terrestrial fauna is obviously not conducive to the side of the two moons, because even if [-] dogs are used to contain the giant salamander, the remaining [-] are enough to cause life and death to a troop composed of [-] black-handed animals. threat.

In addition to grouping together to use the terrain and constantly using various fighting methods that the Zerg do not understand to gain unsustainable local advantages, the black-handed animals can only play a role in containing the enemy and freeing up some energy for the epic creatures.

On the other hand, the four epic creatures in the air fought impressively with only two or three hundred war bees.

The cry of epic creatures.

The blood on both sides of the battle.


The four-headed flying epic creature is a huge, powerful and defensive Titan Wing. It looks a bit like a dragon, but it doesn't have the arm-like forelimbs. They have thick skin and thick flesh. The savage collision can smash a lot, but the bruises and bruises on the body clearly show that their attack methods are not comfortable for the main body, and most of the wailing comes from these two;
Thunder Beast has no wings, and its pure energy supports its flying ability. If it is seen by Konghuan's appearance, it might exclaim "old friend" or something like that, because it is not the same as Kongfan when he was still counting sand in the ocean. , an electric creature encountered that was nearly identical (except for size).

And the combat strength of this thunder beast is the strongest among the three flying epic creatures. The thunder and lightning around its body drove the war bees three meters away from its body surface. Only war bees that know nothing about life and death;
The strangest thing to attack is the aggregate. Although it is judged as a living thing by the will of the planet, its body is actually composed of countless small organisms at the cell level.

In terms of direct attack power, it is not strong, and the battle bee can take a piece of flesh and blood about the size of the war bee from this epic creature with a single charge.But it would be a big mistake to think that polymers are fragile because of this.

The battle bees that brought down the aggregated flesh and blood were actually eroded the moment they came into contact with the aggregated flesh and blood, and they would soon be swallowed by these 'flesh and flesh', and become composed of the aggregate's own cells, relying on the battle bee's skeleton and shell Aggregate Warbees.However, this kind of thing will lie down after flying for more than ten seconds. Obviously, the constituent cells of the aggregate cannot leave the body of the aggregate for too long.

In this way, the Thunder Beast, which cannot be approached, and the aggregate, which is tantamount to suicide if approached, become opponents that the Battle Bee instinctively avoids, and the two Titan Wings are only unlucky.

On the ground, Chu Ling used the tactic of 'black-handed animals attract firepower, giant salamanders roam and kill the enemy' to deal with the enemy, which was far more effective than the tactic of 'stegosaurus attracts firepower, giant salamanders kill the enemy', because the black-handed Animals are much more obedient than Stegosaurus.

Although half of the more than 100 black-handed animals were lost in just ten minutes of fighting, but part of the required information has been obtained, and the combat team has once again approached the core of the meteorite base.

"The dog, the combat power has not changed; the battle bee, the combat power has not changed; the double gun bug, the tactical command ability has been added. The above."

After the report was over, the easily fighting aggregates in the sky began to follow Chu Ling's suggestion and fly around the Zerg creep area to test the enemy's reaction.The Titan Wings, which seemed to be used as human shields, were finally liberated and attacked the ground dogs.As for those war bees, they will be in charge of Thunder Beast.

After commanding for so long, Chu Ling has also concluded that the best time to command these guys is when they are relaxed and calm; the most effective hint is to follow their current purpose.In actual control, it can be regulated according to the above guidelines.

After reporting these things up, and giving Ling Yun some suggestions by the way, Chu Ling looked at the battlefield again.

The giant salamander had already rushed past the Zerg army and stepped on the creep. The corrosive ability of the creep seemed to have no effect on the wet-skinned giant salamander, which was a surprise.

Brush and pull!

At this moment, the continuous sound of disgusting slime rubbing suddenly sounded, approaching the giant salamander inside the Zerg creep, and began to be attacked by a large number of tentacles along the way.Even with experience in combat and being able to evade part of it by relying on its own speed, the giant salamander still started to get injured.

If it had been before, Chu Ling might have asked the troops to withdraw, and then reassembled and considered attacking again, but this time she had no intention of retreating.Because the purpose of this trip has not been achieved, at least it is necessary to obtain information on the functions of most Zerg buildings to confirm which ones are defensive buildings?What is the production of buildings and other information, and then talk about the issue of retreat.

What's more, although the price paid this time is not high, it is not low for her who only has so much power in her hands now. If she can't achieve her goal, who knows if it will be worse if she does it all over again.

Therefore, the originally calm giant salamander finally lost the last ounce of desire to attack the surrounding enemies under the constant psychological suggestion of "rushing in", supplemented by the interference of soul-level mental power, and rushed towards the meteorite base howling.

In this regard, Chu Ling just sighed expressionlessly, and the next moment she was attracted by the howling of aggregates in the sky.

"Air defense?"

From inside the Zerg base, several balls of dark green liquid were suddenly shot out, flying over a distance of 3000 meters, hitting the aggregate at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, without even allowing the opponent to react.Originally, the aggregate habitually used the surrounding cell tissue to fill the place where it was hit, but soon discovered that the liquid mass was also composed of countless tiny spores, which were swallowing its own body step by step.

This is not bad, as it is a cell-level organism, if it is swallowed back, it will not make people laugh.Thus, the aggregate decisively discarded the eroded parts of the tissue, and then filled these gaps with other body tissues. In just a few seconds, an intact aggregate appeared.

Chu Ling, who observed these carefully, saw clearly that the entire body of the aggregate shrunk a circle at that moment.

"Immortality to some extent? Great guy, fly higher."

The Zerg's land and underground defenses have already been figured out. In order to test the air defense inside the Zerg base, Chu Ling began to command the aggregates that seemed to be able to withstand more attacks, and constantly changed their flight positions.

But at this moment, she suddenly froze for a moment, then turned her head to look towards the coast in doubt.


(End of this chapter)

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