Spore Story

Chapter 675: Crocodiles

Chapter 675: Crocodiles
Thank you Mango Hero for the monthly pass, and Slim-Shady for the monthly pass and reward support, ga =w=
'The gods bestowed supreme treasures on the Sea Clan, enabling them to obtain only civilized ideas, and the Crocodile Clan enjoys one of them, so as to become the overlord of one party. '

'The gods cursed the endless earth and suffered from being exhausted forever. If you are a sea tribe, you should stay away forever. '

The elders of the crocodile clan in their memories couldn't remember exactly when this happened. It should have happened a long time ago, so long that the elders of the crocodile clan who didn't even know how old they were were unable to recall.But as the tide swayed, and after drifting with his followers into shallower and shallower waters, these words suddenly came to mind.

"Is it because the gods are warning because they are approaching the land? The shallow sea, and then the land, the gods protect it." After sitting respectfully and praying for a short time, the elder carefully swung his tail, straightened the special tortoise shell on his body, and changed it into a comfortable one. slowly sinking into the ocean.

He is an elder of a frontier tribe belonging to the Crocodile tribe, one of the big tribes of the Sea tribe. He is like a priest and the master of education in the regular tribe. He is also a tool used by the big tribe to maintain control over the small tribe. A long life records the history of the crocodile family.

Of course, the last point is only circulated among the elders, and it ensures the mystery of the elders.Even the rumored docile Dolphin Clan does not lack ambition, not to mention the savage Crocodile Clan that is jokingly called by other clans.However, as the elder of the crocodile clan, Stov absolutely scoffed at the so-called 'barbarism'.

"That's just a sour psychological comfort for the self-righteous Dolphins when facing the great Crocodile Clan," but Stov obviously didn't think about it.

But the problem now is that because of something called ambition, the patriarch of the small tribe he belongs to, after Stov accepted the order of the elders of the big tribe and came to this tribe to take over the position of the previous elder, he let him take his own from time to time. confidants go out.

Most of these are reasons such as 'the elders need to know more about the world around them', 'someone needs some kind of medicinal coral', 'there is an abnormality in a certain water area, only the elders can go' and so on, the patriarch of this small tribe I am afraid that only he himself thinks that no one knows about his intentions.

Stov from the big tribe couldn't see everything clearly. The little patriarch didn't want him to have too much contact with the members of the tribe. He hoped to avoid the influence of the elders and have any impact on his status as the patriarch. .

In fact, Stov himself did mean that.

Because, recently, the big tribe where Elder Stov belongs seems to have the idea of ​​learning from the fish clan to establish a centralized tribal organization.But what is good at the top is effective at the bottom, and he who came out of the group of elders planned to work hard for it.

Therefore, it has become Stov's work direction to influence or even control the small tribe where he is now as much as possible, so that he can become the chief of his big tribe and the chief of the crocodile tribe.As for his current inaction, it was just retreating to make the little patriarch less wary of him.

For him who has lived for an indefinite amount of time and whose body size is larger than that of ordinary crocodile tribesmen, these are not difficult things.

However, in the past two days, there seemed to be a lot of things: first, a juvenile body of an epic creature passed by his crocodile tribe with soy sauce for no reason, scaring the whole tribe from going out for six or seven days; Five people and six messengers found the elder, saying that the chief patriarch was arresting an epic creature, and asked the other party to provide information and so on.

In view of the other party's attitude, the Elder Stov was very unhappy, so he asked the people directly and left the other party for two days.As for the capture of epic creatures, this thing sounds scary, but that's only for small tribes.

For those large tribes that live in medium-sized waters all year round, can see an epic creature passing by in two or three months, and have a population of thousands of people, although it is difficult to catch an epic creature, it is not impossible. Time.

Reminiscent of the grand patriarch’s great idea of ​​unifying the crocodile clan, and the rumor that the fish clan chief has an epic creature guardian beast recently spread by the fish clan, Elder Stov understood the above idea with little thought: nothing more than If you want to learn from the fish clan, you also catch an epic creature as a guardian beast, just to promote its might.

Such a thing is easy to deduce.

As for the infant-body epic creature that passed by Stov's small tribe to make soy sauce, which indirectly caused the small tribe to lose a few days of food reserves, the elder could understand the general situation.

The patriarch's idea should be:
Although this family has the strength to capture epic creatures, if the target is an adult epic creature, the price to be caught and tamed is definitely not small (think carefully that although the fish clan is unified now, they are shrinking their tribes in the West Sea Because the damage is too great).

Therefore, the big patriarch chose to catch the small one first.

Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, as long as it is an epic creature, it doesn't say whether it is a child or not, who the fuck is so full that he has to come to confirm the age of this guy?The existence of the epic creature Guardian Beast was originally a matter of deterrence, not actual combat.

After all, those who really don’t want to submit, except for fools, have some strength. Even if an epic creature is added, the opponent can’t beat or run, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that they surrender because of this; , the presence or absence of epic creatures is equally irrelevant; the real effect of this thing is on the wall grass of the foreign race and the family. At this time, no matter how big or small, as long as there is an epic creature guardian beast, these guys will generally confirm what they should do. What not to do.

What's more, when it's time to use epic creatures, the big troops should also be dispatched.

Therefore, on the second day after the arrival of the messenger, Elder Stov brought the news that the epic creature had been passed a few days ago, and in the name of "I forgot to sleep and eat, I finally got it", together with his own analysis, he went all the way. After telling the messenger without saying a word, the attitude of the other party finally made a 180-degree turn.

"Elder Stov is worthy of being a member of the group of elders, and I have been set as a role model." In this way, the emissary's attitude immediately became respectful, and he was more frightened by Stov's analytical ability.

Afterwards, the envoy who put the posture in the correct position told Stov about the specific situation of the hunt for the epic creature, and explained the announcement that the large force was about to arrive.Together, the two sides decided not to tell the little patriarch here for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After the big army arrives and captures the epic creature, can this small tribe still make waves?
In this way, at this moment, for Elder Stov and the envoy of the great tribe, the main source of credit is to confirm the location of the epic creature and provide the most beneficial help for the large army.

On the second day, he gave up his plan to expand his influence in the small tribe in the name of the gods by taking advantage of the stay-at-home incident caused by the previous epic creatures. For everyone's early warning' and other reasons, under the complicated eyes of the little patriarch here, he led his personal guards and members of the tribe who were good at fighting, and rushed to the shallow sea area where the epic creature swam before.

Recalling the previous events and sorting out his thoughts, Stov, who had arrived in the shallow sea area at this time, looked at the water above his head and the bright world above him with admiration and fear, hesitating a little.

"Elder, there is a strange smell in the surrounding water. Although it is very weak, the reaction of the sea protozoa will not go wrong. Moreover, the feces of that epic creature was also found on the bottom of the sea. I think no one except the epic creature can make it so big. Yes," the crocodile hunter who was good at tracking returned to the elder and told him most of what he had found.

"That is to say, our direction is correct?" Stov was very happy, because this meant that his credit for finding the epic creature seemed to be secure.

"Yes," the hunter nodded respectfully.

Although this water area is close to the small tribe, it is a shallow sea after all. In the eyes of the crocodile tribe, it is a semi-forbidden area and they do not often enter it.Therefore, even experienced tribe hunters feel a little bit of pressure about the surrounding environment, and everyone is very satisfied to be able to confirm the target as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, something seemed to smash into the ocean messily, and even stirred up a lot of water vapor like a submarine volcano, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Stov looked intently at the sea above his head, which seemed to be close at hand. The surrounding soldiers and hunters were also puzzled and looked up in unison.

On the sparkling sea, you can even see the sunlight coming in. For the crocodiles who live in waters as deep as 400 meters all the year round and rarely get close to the shallow sea world, this is a rare scene.Scattered fragments falling into the sea from time to time, and the stirred up water bubbles make a piece of water like a dreamlike scene, but it makes people feel weird.

For a moment, the members of the crocodile tribe around were a little crazy.

But soon, a larger object seemed to crash into it. The dull impact sound and violent ocean shaking woke up these crocodiles who were also three or four kilometers away from the beach.Stov, who had just reacted, changed his expression drastically. He didn't even have time to speak, so he swung his tail and turned around nimbly and rushed to the deep sea.

The elders' crocodile soldiers were the first to react, they were ordered to follow the elders at all times, but they were only a small step too late.

The rest of the hunters seemed at a loss, two of them were quicker to follow, and the ones who reacted slowly were still thinking about the direct or indirect relationship between the previous shock and the elder's running away, because they had never encountered such a thing before. Current situation.

However, time waits for no one.

The next moment, a huge impact swept across the entire coastline, and the huge waves swept countless shallow sea creatures, impurities, and stones, and swallowed the dozen or so crocodiles who hadn't reacted and stood dumbly above the slope of the continental slope. tribe hunter.Even the few soldiers who had already relied on the continental slope to block most of the impact force and ran relatively far behind could not escape bad luck. They were swept up by the turbulent waves and flew hundreds of meters away.

And just as Stov took the rest of his soldiers, while avoiding the rocks washed down by huge waves on the continental slope, he was full of doubts why such a huge impact did not come from the depths of the ocean, but from the coast of the mainland. At that time, a huge wave actually appeared in the depths of the ocean, and it pressed straight towards everyone.


This time, there was no continental slope to block the huge waves. Instead, it was the continental slope that completely blocked the retreat of Elder Stov and the others.

"God, do you want to take back the lives of your pious people?" Facing the huge waves of the deep sea pressing down like a wall, with a look of despair on his face covered with hard skin, Stov and him The surrounding guards didn't have time to think about anything more, so they were hit hard on the continental slope by two huge waves colliding with each other.

Then, there was a long period of darkness.

When Stov woke up again, he found himself floating on the sea, that cursed non-ocean world, which made him feel further fear.

The armor transformed from the tortoise shell stripped from a giant tortoise carcass made Stov look like a mutant sea turtle floating on the water, but these were not important.Because he saw the real sky, and even more strangely, Stov found that his head had been separated from the ocean, but he was still able to breathe.

"The air is so fresh, why does the cursed land have better air than the ocean?" Once doubt arises, it is difficult to dispel. Stov couldn't help sighing when he recalled the turbid water he breathed when he was in the ocean world. .

But then, a slight bump brought Stoff back from an air problem.

Looking around, he was stunned again.

what is this?
A moment ago, he still had a slight illusion about the so-called cursed land, but now...

The vast expanse of land is nothing to Stov, who seems to have this place in his memory; the huge scorched black object is not important to him who has seen epic creatures that are more than ten kilometers away from the sky; Stov paid attention to the piles of marine life corpses piled up along the coastline.

What made him even more speechless was that he, Stov, seemed to be one of them at this time.

The only difference is that he is not dead, while the surrounding sea creatures seem to be dead.

"This..." What's the matter with his shriveled mouth, the pain caused by repeated impacts was not so easy for Stov.

When he found the hellish world around him, he sighed, "It really is a cursed place", and at the same time, he controlled his limbs and wanted to escape from this place, but soon realized the reality that his body could not use any strength.

There was a slight sound of sea tides in my ears. This was no longer the power that devoured the world before. It was just a very ordinary tide, but some noises attracted the attention of Stov, who was gradually weakening.

Puchi!Puchi! ...


With the help of the surrounding tide, Stov moved a little bit to the top of the pile of corpses. Although it consumed his poor strength that had just recovered, for an elder of the crocodile clan who dared to lead dozens of people to track down the epic creature For him, satisfying curiosity is sometimes more important than life, because he can't remember how long he has lived in a boring way.

Finally, with several white fish corpses on his head, he crossed the pile of corpses on the coast and saw the situation in the direction of the land.


This was the first reaction that popped up in his subconscious mind. Those creatures with four legs, holding fishbone in both hands, as fast as hunting, harvesting corpses on the coast, brought this creature who had been nesting in the depths of the ocean all year round. The elders of the crocodile clan strongly felt that these guys were not simple.

When did such creatures appear on land?

Looking at the performance of these creatures, it seems that they didn't notice at all... No, it should be like they didn't care about the huge tide before?This is almost impossible, at least in Stov's opinion, the huge wave just now should not be long ago, why are these monsters so calm?
Could it be the huge waves created by these creatures?

This idea was suppressed as soon as it came into being. He couldn't believe that there were existences in this world other than gods who could create such a huge wave.

But now, what should I do?

Before making a decision, Stov looked at the scorched black boulders returned by the monsters, and suddenly lit up.

"Juvenile Epic Creature!"

Stov, who had noticed the commotion in the four-legged creature and was thinking wildly, witnessed the first battle initiated by Chu Ling outside the scorched black object where the other party was.

The adult terrestrial epic creature Stegosaurus was mistaken for the juvenile marine epic creature they were tracking by Stov, who lived in the ocean all year round.Because Stov has never seen the epic marine creature, when the other party passed by the tribe, everyone saw it from a distance, so they hid decisively.

Although he couldn't figure out how the epic marine creature got to land and fought with the four-legged creature on land, it didn't prevent Stov from confirming that he had found his target.

Borrowing the tide that was dragging away the corpses piled up on the coast little by little, Stov carefully returned to the sea world.Even though he really wanted to take a closer look, he knew that this kind of battle was not something he, a guy wearing a turtle shell and hiding in a pile of corpses, could participate in.

What's more, under the action of the tide, the pile of corpses on the beach has become less and less.

If he didn't leave, he would have two similar results: 'being speared by a four-legged creature with a fishbone', or 'being discovered by a four-legged creature and then taken away'.

"Hey, let's fight, let's fight, the big army is coming, and the injured epic creatures will be easier to catch."

As for the defeat of the epic creature, he only found hundreds of four-legged creatures (two-gun worms) around the scorched black object (the Zerg meteorite base), and he didn't think that the opponent could cause any damage to the epic creature.

But Stov obviously didn't know that when the environment changes, common sense often needs to be updated.

What made Stov even more unexpected was that not long after he left, a huge marine epic creature... a larva suddenly struggled out of the pile of corpses not far from where the elder was before.

In a way, the location of the target identified by Storf is correct, but the target is wrong.

Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month, please recommend~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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