Spore Story

Chapter 676 Soy Sauce

Chapter 676 Soy Sauce
Thank you zload for the monthly pass, ga\(^o^)/
Stov's oolong has not stopped, due to the lack of information, misunderstandings will happen from time to time, such as misunderstanding a good person as a bad person, and a bad person as a good person, that is the most basic thing.

Then, back to business.

When dragging the tortoise shell armor that was cracked in many places, and swimming miserably alone, on the way to the small deep-sea tribe he came from, Stov encountered a large army led by the messenger either fortunately or unfortunately.Thousands of warriors from the Great Horde, the strongest force hunting epic creatures, or so it seemed to these warriors.

As soon as the two sides joined hands, before Stov could tell about the future, the envoy led the troops and warriors to surround him with doubts.

"Oh, great elder, did you have a fight with an epic creature!" There was a hint of schadenfreude in his tone, but there was more anticipation. After all, the emissary was part of the credit for finding the target.

"I guess I found it." After thinking about it depressedly, the epic creature larva on land should be the target, but it can't be further confirmed, and Stov thinks it's better not to talk to death.

"Is it?" Several people around looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for that damn big wave."

"Huge waves?" Several people around were even more confused.

In fact, it is inevitable that these latecomers were confused. They had been staying in the small tribe before, and they felt the earthquake caused by the fall of the meteorite base. However, the huge waves that were more harmful were offset by the deep sea waves launched by 8051. Even this small deep-sea tribe, which is only more than ten kilometers away from the coast, didn't notice the slightest bit.

Therefore, the impact of the previous two huge waves was actually only the area within three kilometers of the coast.

So when the envoy with the mighty crocodile army heard such words from the elder who had no one around him and was also bruised and wounded, the first thing he thought of was the task of 'searching for epic creatures' requested by the elder It should have a clue, but for some reason only he escaped back in the end. As for the giant wave... what is that?
"Didn't you feel the tide just now?" Of course the elder would not be reconciled, still expressing his doubts.

However, what responded to him were only a group of crocodile warriors who waited for the elder to continue speaking in a daze, and an indifferent messenger.

At this time, the leader of the strong crocodile warrior beside the messenger interjected first: "Elder, put aside the tide for now, it doesn't affect us anyway. Excuse me, where is the juvenile epic creature?"

"It should be on the coast, but..."

In terms of size alone, this obviously young warrior is no less than an elder who has lived for an unknown amount of time, which shows the opponent's lineage and strength.And in terms of fighting spirit alone, the elders are not as good as the opponent, and the warriors of the crocodile clan generally like to speak with their strength, and Stov, who has no energy to use his wisdom to convince the opponent, does not intend to tangle with the opponent.

However, he still has lingering fears about the huge waves before, and he is obviously hesitant about going back to the coast. In the eyes of the team leader, he seems a little cowardly and arouses contempt.

"Elder, if you don't dare, please tell us where you are, so that you don't have to pay attention to it during the battle." The merciless contempt chilled the surrounding atmosphere.

When he said this, Stov immediately blushed.Although he has not fought for many years, this guy was not a useless person in his early years, otherwise he would not be able to achieve his current position as an elder.In the fast-disappearing memory of the past, it seems that there is still the impression of entering the land world along the inland river. Although it is very weak, this is the evidence of himself as a warrior in Stov's view.

What's more, he indeed has the size and strength no less than that of the warrior leader, and as a member of the warlike crocodile tribe in the sea tribe, such merciless criticism immediately aroused Stov's fighting spirit: "Old man I haven't reached the point of letting you juniors take care of it, but if you have the guts to follow, hum!"

After speaking, Stov took the lead and swam into the shallow sea, ignoring the dismissive warrior leader and the envoy with black lines all over his head.

"Aren't you afraid of enmity with the elder?" the envoy asked curiously.The leader of the warriors nonchalantly called the soldiers to follow, and at the same time glanced at the emissary whom he thought to be snobby, and then replied, "I didn't do anything."

"Ah," such a rogue answer immediately made the messenger speechless.

However, the elder seemed to be full of fighting spirit, but within a few minutes, he had to lie on the back of a crocodile warrior to guide the team forward, because the body hit by the tide couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, I'm old." The sad elder's helpless words caused a slight disturbance in the team, but apart from stirring up some crocodile warriors' worries about life expectancy, it seemed to be nothing.

After more than an hour, the continental slope that was finally seen in front of the team also indicated that everyone needed to land in the shallow sea.

The team stopped here for a while. Not everyone dared to go to the legendary cursed place. It had nothing to do with courage, but faith.

Therefore, the elders had to do psychological work again, and when the team reached the shallow sea, most of the warriors expressed their curiosity about this world where light could be seen without luminous fish, and of course, they were wary.

Not long after, the bizarre corpse coast and the weird four-legged creatures that Stov mentioned did not appear. The real epic creature larva, however, unexpectedly met everyone. Dispatch without mentality, the epic marine creature that harassed the Zerg from the sea.

The target noticed that the group of warriors habitually dispersed without saying anything, and began to launch a fatigue offensive against the epic creature that saw the old acquaintance (a group of annoying sardines).

"Ask, is this the juvenile epic creature that everyone has been chasing for a long time?" Taking advantage of the chance that the warriors rushed up to deal with the juvenile epic creature, intending to exhaust the opponent's energy as planned, Stov secretly pulled Envoys who have been on good terms so far, ask carefully.

"Well, why do you ask that? Could it be that the elder met this one before?" A trace of doubt flashed in the messenger's eyes.

"Haha, how could that be? I just want to make sure." With a few dry laughs, the elder hurriedly defended: "After all, I haven't seen it before, I didn't expect to find it just right."

(It's just luck,) Cursing his lips secretly, the messenger subconsciously said: "Actually, I haven't seen it before."

(I haven’t seen it before, so what are you doing here!) Stov’s head is full of black lines, but now he’s sick, so he can only do it here: (The four-legged race on land I saw before is fighting with What's going on with that juvenile epic creature fighting? It's too scary to gather two epic creatures in this place.)
Obviously, Elder Stov didn't realize that when he saw that epic creature before, there were three epic creatures such as the earth dragon underground and the giant salamander on the ground, let alone three epic creatures. At this moment, in the sky above their heads, there are four epic creatures fighting with the war bees.

At this time, the crocodile troops were still playing hide-and-seek with a juvenile epic creature at a depth of 300 meters in the shallow sea area.

"Pay attention to your position, if you don't want to die, run faster!"

"Bastard, let you attract the attention of this thing, you ran away!"

"Use a javelin! You think you're a god, fool!"

"Quick, the boss is about to fall!"

"..." (something seems to be haunting (-_-))
This group of crocodile warriors dare not be careless when dealing with epic marine creatures, even if they are juveniles. Besides, their task is to capture rather than push them. On the premise that they cannot be killed or even seriously injured, the only way is to exhaust the creatures. Capture it alive after the power of an epic creature.

This kind of work is completely dancing with the god of death. God knows if the other party will come to the next moment with a dragon wagging his tail and whip him into pieces.Therefore, the thousands of crocodile warriors who came this time did not dare to be careless in the battle.

But it didn't take long for a little accident to happen.

This juvenile epic creature obviously lacked strength before discovering the warriors, which made the warriors very happy.But at this moment, seeing that he was about to be caught, this epic creature did not continue to fight out of idiot anger. Instead, after roaring, it turned and rushed towards the beach instead of the deep sea direction that the crocodile tribe planned to defend.

"Come on!"

"No, that's land!"

This was somewhat beyond the expectations of the warriors. The crocodile warriors, who were photographed in the rumors of the 'cursed land' and did not pretend to be epic creatures, hesitated a little. The whole action was similar to Elder Stov's previous actions. behaved exactly the same.

Regarding this, the corner of the vengeful elder's mouth twitched: "If the warriors of the crocodile clan dare not move forward, then let the old man go up!"

Although the sentences were different, the meaning was exactly the same as what the leader of the warriors said before, and the warriors were in an uproar.

At this time, Stov seemed to be happy. Although he was also afraid of the cursed land, he was different from ordinary crocodiles. He had just seen and experienced the land with his own eyes. As the rumors say, you will die if you get that close.

Therefore, in terms of fear alone, it is much calmer than ordinary crocodile people.

Waving his tail gracefully, the elder swam to the surface of the sea under the watchful eyes of a group of warriors, and then stretched out his head in a burst of exclamation.

"Oh my god, what is the elder doing! Pull him down!"

No matter how bad the relationship was, the fear of the status of the elders made the warriors dare not let each other make any mistakes. The leader of the warriors hesitated for a while, but he still didn't step forward in person, but kicked several crocodile warriors out.

The few people who were kicked out cursed and rushed upwards bravely.

But gradually, they planned to just pull the elder down, but after approaching Elder Stov, they heard the elder's voice, and then inexplicably came up with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

"I have set an example and there is no problem, why don't you give it a try?"

give it a try?There is indeed no problem with the elders. Could it be that the statement about the cursed land is wrong?

What am I thinking, why do I have such thoughts.

"Will I lie to you? Try it and you won't die."


A bunch of messy thoughts messed up the thinking of several warriors, but in the eyes of the crocodile people at the bottom of the sea, after being kicked out by the leader, these warriors rushed forward, and then jumped out without stopping. water surface.

In the crocodile group, there was a burst of exclamation.

After falling into the water three times in a row, after the three crocodile warriors re-entered the water, their minds were completely blank, as if they were still stuck in the few seconds they had just been flying like birds.Of course, they had no idea what a bird was.


Rough crocodiles flapped their palms to stir the water and flew all over the sky.The leader of the crocodile warriors woke up his team members in the most convenient way, and then looked suspiciously at the elder who returned to his side.

"As you can see, the world above the water is fine," the elder said proudly, "and I can continue to prove that it is no problem for the crocodile tribe favored by the gods to move on land for a short time..."

"No need," waved his hand to stop Elder Stov, who made his heart beat unstable. The leader of the crocodile warriors shook his head, but chose to learn about the situation from his trusted team members.

The soldier's intermittent narration made him frown, but after a few 10 minutes, the warrior leader barely confirmed the situation.

But before he could make a decision on whether to continue chasing that juvenile epic creature that might have been stranded, most of them were only 34 meters from the sea surface. When they looked up, they saw a strange creature, parked on the water above everyone's heads.

Thin fins that seem to break with a slight touch (it is obviously wings, but we don’t have time to educate the crocodiles), and a body that is only the size of a crocodile’s tail. Here, that is, small tribes will catch them for food (big tribes hunt large sea creatures in groups, such as great white sharks).

But the current situation is that the thing is in the world above the water surface, and just now, only a few unlucky crocodile clan ghosts rushed over and had fun.

So, is there any connection in this?
The thousands of crocodiles below seemed to hesitate immediately, but they obviously didn't know that the 'fragile' creatures flying above the water were also thinking about such and such things.

(There are so many crocodiles, and they are wearing clothes.)
Underworld Butterfly Chu Ling felt that today's events were a bit out of the ordinary, although she hadn't encountered any ordinary events recently.Just think: Zerg invasions, epic creature battles for control, help from the will of the planet...

In fact, she had already noticed the condition of the juvenile marine epic creature she controlled before, but the battle was in full swing at that time, and there was no time to deal with the dispensable problem of partiality here.

After finally taking those epic creatures with partial body injuries, completing the main goal of the investigation and returning to the rear, and continuing to block the land route of the meteorite, she had time to come to check the situation in the ocean.

The first thing to do, of course, is to bring the mindless juvenile epic creature back to the seaside, and include it in the protection range of the sky and land epic creatures. Although this guy didn't play any role before, no matter how big it is, it is still a child. It is inexplicable Chu Ling's motherhood gave Chu Ling an even weirder desire to protect.

(The Hell Butterfly, the size of the opponent's eyeball, protects the hill-like marine epic creature child, XD)

Afterwards, of course, it was the parents who ran to find the culprits who bullied their children, but seeing these culprits, Chu Ling was a little lost.

"Are you... the Sea Clan?"

The current situation is easy to judge, not to mention that Chu Ling is not ignorant of the existence of the Hai Clan. There are not a few records about the Hai Clan in the Pengzu Library, although most of them are provided by 8051.

Moreover, even though I have never seen it before, the group of people in the ocean gather like civilized races, use weapons, and wear clothes... Ahem, although these clothes or armor such as turtle shells and shrimp shells are easy to attract people. Tucao, 'This guy is not a shrimp soldier, a crab general, a turtle prime minister' or something like that, but it didn't prevent Chu Ling from finding out the identity of the opponent's sea clan.

What's more, at this time of national crisis... ahem, when the planet is in crisis, it is appropriate to unite all forces that can be united.Although the Sea Clan nests at the bottom of the sea all the year round and cannot interfere with matters on land, many friends are better than many enemies to worry about... probably.

Therefore, Chu Ling explored the spiritual power that can only be used to the peak of the soul level, and wanted to communicate with a certain sea clan with good strength.

But soon, she withdrew her mental power.

Because after the epic creatures withdrew, the war bee swarm, which began to fight for air supremacy, rushed over recklessly.What's even more frustrating is that Chu Ling is the one who doesn't know how to live or die at this time, because she doesn't have much combat power at all except for the attack ability of the hell butterfly.

Mental shock?
Forget it, in the first Zerg invasion, the mental attack had already been proven to be ineffective against the bugs, not to mention this time the invasion pointed out that she had verified it.Otherwise, Chu Ling wouldn't have stayed by the side of the epic creature without making any attacks, after all, she was also a very combative one back then.


The next moment, the crocodiles in the ocean found with embarrassment that the strange creature that seemed to be attracted by the crocodile warrior jumping out of the water was suddenly rushed by hundreds of strange creatures in the dark.

In the end, the other party didn't even have any scum left, and just disappeared like that.

"I heard something just now?" The elder of the Hai clan, who should have the highest spiritual strength (the Hai clan has no cultivation method), looked back at the messenger and the warrior leader. They both shook their heads and said that your ears are ringing.

"The surface of the shallow sea is really scary," pointing to the place where Chu Ling disappeared, the envoy who had retreated to more than 60 meters under the sea, sighed.

"Well," the surrounding crocodile clan members nodded in unison, even the elders who had vowed before seemed hesitant, who made Chu Ling's encounter just now too enthusiastic?
"But, what about that epic creature?" Someone raised a key question, and this thing is the task of this group.

After a brief silence, the elder in the tortoise shell decided to get some impression points back, and suggested decisively: "Why don't you all guard the area where you enter the deep sea here, and if you want to come to that juvenile epic creature, it's impossible to stay in the shallow sea for a long time, right?" .”

So, after Chu Ling made soy sauce, the Hai Clan also made a bottle of soy sauce in the shallow sea, and then retreated to the continental slope area.

(End of this chapter)

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