Spore Story

Chapter 677 Seduce

Chapter 677 Seduce
"Really, Zerg bastards, really want to throw them all into the sun!"

Waving a pair of butterfly wings with difficulty, she had just recovered from the death of the previous possessed body, but found that there was no Chu Ling who could be possessed by the hell butterfly around the No. Body.You can imagine the depression at that time...

In fact, apart from the remaining dozens of black hands and a few epic creatures with side-to-side injuries, there were no land and flying creatures there, and they were all removed by Xiao 8.And the previous death was all because Chu Ling suddenly saw the Hai Clan and was careless, so she was swallowed up by the swarm of bees.

"It's not a good memory anyway."

As a last resort, Chu Ling could only use 8051's assistance to re-possess a Hell Butterfly from a place tens of kilometers away from the local area. How long has it been since a Psychic-level peak elder from the friend clan had done such time-wasting physical work.

"It's a good thing you didn't become a righteous god and was bound by a temple or a sacred scepter. Otherwise, if you want to come here, at least you have to wait for the holy high priest who carries the sacred scepter," 8051 complained.

"Don't talk about it, even if I come here at this time with the main consciousness, I feel aggrieved that I can't participate in the battle in person." Chu Ling looked deeply shocked.

"Ann, you are much better than Xiao Lingyun."

"Uh, let's not talk about that, is it possible for those sea people to help us in our battle?" The journey was tiring. Of course, the obvious reason was that we needed to solve the sudden problem of the sea people. Chu Ling called before I met the busy little 8, but I didn't expect to be hit by the other party for a few words, and then I got to the point.

"It's not very likely." The other party rejected Chu Ling's idea decisively: "There is a strong resistance to land within the Sea Clan. Even the crocodile and crab Clans that can live amphibiously still keep secrets about land. Let them directly It may be very difficult to participate in the battle against the Zerg on land."

"As the will of the planet, can't you help?" Chu Ling obviously didn't believe it.

"Don't take the planet's will too seriously," 8051 smiled wryly: "To put it bluntly, Shuangyue and I are just one head created or selected by the creatures of the entire planet. If we don't act according to the collective thoughts of the planet's creatures, The only end is to collapse after the strength falls to the extreme."

"Uh, but isn't the Sea Clan also a Shuangyue race?"

"But they are a civilized race, and the influence of the will of the planet on a civilized race is almost the same as that of the elders of the Peng Clan. Besides, the Sea Clan is not a civilized race, but an aggregate similar to the current Peng Clan."

Speaking of this, 8051's figure paused for a while, as if he had done something, and he regained his vigor after a while, then looked directly at Chu Ling and frowned, thinking: "Actually, in the final analysis, it is because the Zerg and the Sea Clan, and the The friends on land are the same as the sea people, and they have no conflict of interest."

Pointing to the direction of the coastline, 8051 reminded: "If you really want to let the Sea Clan join the war, the best way is to let them feel the threat of the Zerg, so that if you don't tell them, these guys will fight back on their own."

"But the Zerg are only fighting on land now..."

"Do you think that a Zerg with a cosmic civilization would not have the ability to fight in the ocean?" 8051's words left Chu Ling speechless.

Although Chu Ling, as an out-and-out friend of the Shuangyue family, does not have advanced knowledge like Kong Huan and others, it is impossible not to have a little simple analysis ability.The previous reaction was only due to the limitations of her understanding, but when 8051 was mentioned, she immediately figured out the key to the matter.

"In other words, guide this group of bugs to develop into the ocean?"

"Hmm." 8051 had a teachable expression, but it was a pity that Chu Ling, who was thinking, didn't see it.

Then, of course, there was a burst of disposition analysis for this situation.

In Chu Ling's view, the best result, of course, is that these Zergs now devote part of their energy to attacking marine life. This can not only reduce the pressure on the land, but also pull the sea people and epic marine creatures onto the chariot.

But the reaction of the bugs is just a friend of the planetary civilization, so how can it affect it?That's the crux of the matter.


"Troubles are meant to be solved... Ah, here we are, then you should think about the matter of the Sea Clan." When the huge shell of the meteorite base appeared on the horizon, 8051 dissipated the thought power that dragged Chu Ling away, and quickly dissipated Go where she is needed.

"I don't know what it will look like?" Looking at the place where 8051 disappeared, Chu Ling shook her head, and looked again at the coast where she fought before.

From the death of the Hell Butterfly possessed before, to Chu Ling's return here, almost four hours have passed.Chu Ling, who had a rough idea of ​​what to do in mind, came to the coast to check the combat power of her men, but found out depressingly: Although nothing happened to the few epic creatures, the dozens of surviving black hands had been killed. The Zerg raids were cleared up several times, and the skin-like creep at the Zerg base had actually doubled in size.

"Ah! How can I defend like this? My God, let me show my strength at the level of a Yin God!" The enemy's deceitful development speed made Chu Ling even want to go crazy with jealousy.

Although usually when a few close people stay together, the empty fantasy will sigh from time to time the last sentence "how fast the development of the friend family is", but that is purely verbal, because the society in which all friends live from childhood to adulthood is The "high-speed" development of the group of friends that Kong Huan and others said.

But the problem is that everything must be compared. You say that the Pengzu is developing fast, but no one knows what the Pengzu is developing slowly. High speed' is nothing but normal.

In comparison, Chu Ling at this time felt that the so-called 'high speed' of the friends was nothing compared to the development speed of the Zerg!

In half a day, the bug's troop strength changed from 1000 to at least 5000.In comparison, the Pengzu's fastest speed is to form a combat group of 3 people, and it takes three months. On average, it is considered good to have an increase of 200 troops in half a day.

"The development speed of the Pengzu is simply scum!" Chu Ling covered her forehead: "Why did no one think of setting up temples all over the world? How long will it take for the hateful reinforcements!"

"Elder Chu Ling, according to the latest information, the mixed fleets of the first and second main battle groups are still four days away from here. It will also take two days for the six Youshen-level support troops from the Presbyterian Court to arrive. .” The transfer from the nearest floating observation island allowed Chu Ling to communicate directly with her friends.

However, the communication results obtained now do not seem to be very exciting.

The floating observation stations deployed by the Pengzu in the equatorial region are all composed of small and medium-sized artificial floating islands.They fly along the equator at a constant speed of [-] to [-] meters in the air, which not only satisfies the observation of the world and outer space by the Pengzu, but also enables the communication network of the Pengzu to spread to the global equatorial region.

But leaving the equatorial region, this communication network will become relatively thin.

Like the No. 03 meteorite base where Chu Ling is located, the Far West Continent where it fell.Because it is slightly away from the equator, if you want to communicate with your friends, you have to wait until the equator's floating observation station operates to the same longitude as Chu Ling. To meet this condition, there are only two or three per month. hours in length.

Of course, that is usually.

This time obviously did not belong to the usual fixed communication time. Chu Ling was able to communicate with the Pengzu entirely because of the temporary adjustment of the operating speed of all the floating observation stations in the equatorial area.

But just such a small adjustment will lead to a comprehensive revision of the operation plan, observation plan, and even the work and rest time of the entire equatorial observatory.The workload, consumption, and various aspects of the impact caused by this directly lead to the fact that the friends only dare to use it in this special period.

"So the result is that I can only figure out a way by myself now. I have to hold back the bugs for at least two days, and I can't let their strength increase too much, right?"

"This...your understanding is very correct." The correspondent was a little helpless.

(Correct, your sister!) Chu Ling looked up to the sky and sighed.

The staff of the Pengzu Military Academy on the opposite side was also silent for a while, but they couldn't help it, because in fact, the Pengzu's reinforcements were already very efficient.

The current situation is that although the No. 04 meteorite base has been wiped out, the danger level of No. 03 and No. 05 has far exceeded the expectations of the friends.

Among them, the No. 03 where Chu Ling is is relatively safe, because it only needs to persist for two days. After two days, it is not clear whether the six energized Youshen-level combat power can destroy the enemy, but they only have two days of development time. It shouldn't be difficult to attack the Zerg; but as for the No. 05 Meteorite Base where Xiao Lingyun is located, its defensive strength is completely poor and useless.

The information Chu Ling learned from the friends is that the No. 05 Zerg base located in the frigid zone of the uninhabited continent, relying on its own energy reserves, and in the absence of external threats, develops much faster than Chu Ling's Zerg base. much higher.

When Xiao Lingyun reported for the last time, there were more than 300 buildings in this Zerg base, and there were nearly [-] low-level units such as dogs and war bees. As for why there were no mid-level and high-level units, it remains to be investigated.

However, just over an hour ago, in order to avoid further expansion of the Zerg's advantage, Lingyun, relying on the unique energy sharing method of the Net Rabbit family, forcibly used the body of an ordinary Net Rabbit to exert the energy-level strength of the soul. Blow down a certain mountain in the valley where the Zerg is located.

Under the carelessness of the Zerg, hundreds of tons of mountain rocks smashed directly into the Zerg base, destroying nearly half of the Zerg's buildings and a lot of Zerg's land forces, which can be regarded as slightly slowing down the opponent's speed. (It's not a bug's carelessness. It's just because the Zerg didn't encounter any danger, so they tried their best to upgrade the meat sac, so that they didn't have less counterattack ability.)
But just like that, not only the net rabbit possessed by Lingyun was directly annihilated due to overload, but Lingyun as the controller also fell into a semi-comatose state. Death is unlikely, but it is unknown when he will wake up.

As a result, Xiao Lingyun became the first elder to retire from the battlefield since the friends clan started the war.

Now Lingyun's body is being taken care of at the Pengzu Energy Body Special Hospital located in Pengzu Xinpeng Island. The injury is special. What everyone is doing is to protect Lingyun's consciousness and control the energy of Lingyun's body to avoid collapse.

But if there is a problem with Lingyun, the further trouble is: No one has controlled the No. 05 meteorite base.

However, in comparison, Chu Ling admires Lingyun's ability to clean up half of the Zerg base, because the hell butterfly does not have as good an advantage as the net rabbit, even if she wants to kill the No. 03 meteorite base by self-destruct come out.

Of course, as the consciousness of the butterfly master of the underworld, she will not belittle herself.

"The advantage of Hell Butterfly is poison, not the group of Internet addicts who were treated by electrotherapy."

After such an unscrupulous rebuttal, Chu Ling began to implement the development plan to contain the No. 03 meteorite base.As for No. 05, it was still a headache for the Pengzu General Command and the Military Staff. She didn't have the extra energy to deal with it now. This wasn't shirking responsibility, it was real responsibility.


It was mid-afternoon, and the scorching sun gradually sank. Although the sunset had not yet appeared, some lower-lying places had already darkened. Unfortunately, all living things had run away. Except for the bare earth, there was only Under Chuling's epic creatures and Zerg's creep and soldiers.

Even though Chu Ling was unable to stop it, the Zerg creep stopped after expanding to a radius of three kilometers. It seemed that they planned to fully manage the internal area of ​​the creep instead of continuing to expand the area.

Although the more than 2000 war bees in the sky will gather together to attack the four epic creatures in the sky from time to time, relying on Chu Ling's flexible tactics to preserve strength, coupled with the not weak energy attack of the thunder beast that is often used as the back , the commander of the battle bees seems not to intend to kill the opponent with the lives of thousands of battle bees...Under various conditions, the two sides have a relatively strange balance.

Of course, this cannot be because the commander of the Zerg race cherishes the lives of the war bees. I am afraid that it is simply because they are constantly harassed by Chu Ling's epic creatures in the periphery, and the surrounding environment is cleaned up by the animals of 8051 first. The outlying areas that lack energy harvesting can only temporarily stop expanding because they need to save energy because they always eat mountains and empty fields.

In this way, the epic creatures led by Chu Ling carefully contained the Zerg from the outside; and the Zerg didn't go out for the time being, but only accumulated strength inside until they thought they could fight out in one go.

A strange calm was staged inside and outside the No. 03 Meteorite Base.

However, for the fast-growing Zerg, this calm obviously cannot last long.

How many minutes until the bugs are about to attack?Chu Ling didn't know about this, but as a member of Quack's team and had died once, Chu Ling was obviously unwilling to sit still.

When the sea surface gradually dimmed and it was not easy to see the scenery below the sea surface, the epic marine creature that swam back to the [-]-meter water area under the hint of Chu Ling began to swim carefully step by step towards the part of the meteorite base that fell into the ocean. go.

"Can the Zerg develop towards the ocean this time? Will it develop towards the ocean? Let me try." Chu Ling, who was flying along the coast carefully, looked at the epic creatures in the distance, and smiled slightly.


Violent vibrations came from the meteorite base. The meteorite base, which is about two or three kilometers in diameter, encountered a marine epic creature with a body length of about one kilometer. shaking.

The next moment, the bugs, who were still greedily enjoying the nutrient supply on the creep, all turned their heads to look at the base, and then, under the guidance of the unknown commander, looked towards the ocean.

There, the larvae of epic creatures like the Loch Ness monster are constantly beating the meteorite base with their tails, knocking off pieces of shells that became blackened when they fell, and gradually revealing the true appearance of the meteorite base... the wriggling skeleton and flesh.

"It really is alive."

Squinting through the cracks, he scanned the interior of the meteorite base. Although he really wanted to throw a ton of calcium carbide bombs into it, he didn't have any weapons from the civilized world around him.

"Cut, let you live a little longer, flash, Xiaoni." (When did you get the name?)

The accidentally named epic creature larva turned around and dived into the water as soon as it received the order, and smashed the thing with its tail.It might not be a problem if the parents of this little guy were replaced, but for its skin that has not yet reached the level of an adult epic creature, it is a bit painful.

More than 2000 war bees rushed to nothing, because Chu Ling had no intention of using this epic creature to destroy the meteorite base at all, and it would be useless except to give the worms a pile of meat.

Her purpose is very simple, just to remind these bugs, or their commanders: Double Moon Star not only has the resistance power of land and sky, but also the sea.

This kind of harassment will not only happen once, but will continue continuously. This will allow the Zerg to face up to the threat of the ocean, and thus allocate a lot of power to face more epic creatures in the ocean.Of course, the premise of everything is that this meteorite base has the ability to attack by sea.

At this time, the depths of the ocean.

The crocodiles who heard the cry of the epic creature Xiao Ni and the sound of the opponent's attack on the meteorite base looked at each other silently.

Do you want to go there?

All the crocodile people had this expression on their faces, but no one started.If it was just a young epic creature, they would not be worthy of the title of warrior, but the monster (war bee) swarm on the water surface in memory, like tens of thousands of piranha swarms in the ocean, made these warriors a little Trembling, that is an existence that even epic creatures need to be careful about.

God knows if those monsters can rush into the water like flying fish.

"Wait a little longer, and by the way, let someone pass the news to the chief patriarch." The proposal made by the envoy was unanimously approved.

Although doing so might cause the chief patriarch's dissatisfaction, compared to what happened to the hell butterfly before, they felt that the chief patriarch's roar was cuter.

(End of this chapter)

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