Spore Story

Chapter 678 Cannonballs

Chapter 678 Cannonballs
When Chu Ling at No. 03 Meteorite Base, she was thinking hard to pull the ocean race into the chariot; when Ling Yun at No. 05 Meteorite Base was already in a semi-comatose to restrain the enemy; When rushing to No. 03 Zerg Base at high speed, the void located in the ruins of G06 had just completed a toxin stimulation test on living Zerg.

In vivo experimentation has never stopped in a human society that sings humanitarianism, but it has never stopped, not to mention facing enemies of life and death, and belonging to the world of friends in racial wars.

For those captured Double Gun Bugs, it is both a good thing and a bad thing for them to have a certain amount of wisdom.

The advantage is that they have become some kind of front-line commanders in the Zerg, and they have a considerable status in wartime. They can command the bottom arms, and it is much easier to survive than those dogs who pursue pure killing; but the disadvantage is that they have no choice. Don't use that not-so-low wisdom to face all kinds of mental torture from friends... Ah no, it's a mental test.

As for sympathy, it is for the G06 people who were killed by them.

Inside the laboratory that Kong Huan walked out of, there was a double-gun worm lying on the ground listlessly, surrounded by a group of fellow researchers in white coats who were carefully recording its performance.

The slightly trembling body and the obviously unbalanced movements of the limbs indicated the type of toxin and the type of nerve in this bug.This is a toxin that can be found by friends and is more effective against bugs.

After all, who made these Zergs crash into the bio-industrial zone of G06 so hard to die.Most of the biological researchers of the entire friend group are concentrated here. Although the elites are mainly concentrated on the biological floating island, the researchers here can be regarded as the backbone.

The family members, friends, and colleagues of these backbone forces died at their hands. Although it would not be possible to torture and kill these sad prisoners with personal grievances, it is obviously impossible to take some buffer measures during the experiment.

The elite is responsible for researching the Zerg base, and the backbone is responsible for researching the living Zerg. It is not known whether this arrangement is intentional or not.

Take a cup.

"Elder, the toxin obtained from the ghost beast has been proven to damage the nervous system of the Zerg," the researcher reported excitedly to Kong Huan, but he quickly calmed down as he told the story.

Starting from obtaining living bodies in the morning, a large number of methods such as toxins that were previously tested on Zerg corpses were tested on living bodies.However, even though many of the toxins proved to be effective, most people were not very happy.

What these researchers want is a decisive weapon, and most of the current toxins can only increase the attack. Of course, after sending these things to the military department, those people will be really happy, because for them on the battlefield , any little thing that can strengthen one's own attack should be taken seriously.

This is the conceptual gap between the two.


Therefore, the first problem is to be able to attack. Secondly, the number of Zerg is too large. A single toxin bullet seems to have the same effect as a normal bullet, and the production is a lot more troublesome.

The cost-effectiveness ratio has become the focus of consideration for the logistics department.

After thinking about it, Kong Huan felt that it was best to leave it to professionals to consider such things: "Record all the results, and then hand it over to the Military Academy for consideration. They consider combat and production more practically than we do pure research. That's a lot. So, on to the next project group."

"Yes." Accepting the order, the researcher was not disappointed, and turned around to give the order: "Continue to the next toxin test, number YZ000019 Shadow Clan..."

Strolling among the temporary buildings that were urgently built in G06 for a few hours, Kong Huan thought about the current situation as always, but for these things, he let the friend clan headquarters take charge more, and his thoughts were only for the sake of Allow yourself to have a sense of the big picture instead of interfering.

The established strategy of Pengzu is to restrain the far away and clean up the nearer.

In other words, the No. 05 meteorite base was left to be resolved later. This may not be a clever idea, but it is a way to seek stability.No one dares to say 100% success in this kind of racial event, so it can only be "justified". In this way, the test is the war potential and industrial strength of the friends or the double moon star as a whole.

Of course, if the strength of these Zerg bases is far superior to that of the friends, then they can only pursue the dangerous method of "winning by surprise".

Just as he was about to walk out of the building, a Dunjia appeared in front of Kong Huan, and respectfully informed him of his purpose, an invitation for a finalized scientific research item group.

Among the war groups that can be mobilized by the current friends, the Dunjia tribe is the most useless one in combat, but they have two advantages, that is, they are loyal and reliable, and they have a large number.

Therefore, the Peng Clan, Black Bone Clan, Shadow Clan, Moon Spirit People, and even the Spirit Clan are all preparing for war and gathering troops. It is not important for the Dunjia people to be placed in various places by the Peng Clan, but it will take up a lot of population. positions, such as farmers, engineering teams, and now this correspondent.

As an elder with a lot of work, it is impossible for Kong Huan to accept all external communications that want to find him, so many communications are connected to the communications agencies assigned to important people like him.

Considering that it is impossible for people in the communication agency to follow important people all the time, there is a position of correspondent who reports the communication to the corresponding person.

In the past, most of the correspondents responsible for the elders were energy bodies, because they were fast and safe.But now in the midst of the war, the soul-level energy body whose combat power is second only to the Youshen-level, obviously cannot be wasted on this position, so it was replaced by a loyal and reliable Dunjia who did not occupy an important position.

"Reply to the Industrial Technology Department, I will rush there soon, if it is urgent, they can shape it by themselves, don't wait for me."


Standing at the gate and looking left and right, the meteorite base that was demolished by the research department left behind by friends in the distance has no previous threat.But even so, the huge skeleton and the shreds of meat stuck to the skeleton can be seen in some small places, but it has attracted the interest of a large number of researchers around, especially these biological researchers.

Some guys are sighing, it would be great if the friends could get these biological technologies now. Of course, everyone knows that the possibility of short-term analysis of these technologies is basically zero for the friends who are in the direction of energy development.

After thinking about it, there doesn't seem to be much going on here. The various researches on G06 are already on the right track, and leaving by myself won't have any impact.As a result, Kong Huan still flew to a building that was clearly seen as a temporary construction. It looked like an enlarged version of an electromagnetic gun, but it had a three-meter caliber far exceeding the existing electromagnetic gun.

The Winged Man controller on the side carefully inspected the interior of the building, a bullet-like vehicle, then nodded to Kong Huan with a nervous expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile." Kong Huan smiled, and used his thoughts to open the shell of the bullet-like object.

"Elder, you'd better pay attention. After all, this is still something in the experimental stage." The controller set up a few data with some trepidation, and then looked behind the 'electromagnetic gun' building where Kong Huan was.

The opened bullet-like object contained nothing else, only a 'chair' made of hardened gum and alloy materials fused into the projectile.

Of course, just by looking at the material, you can tell how comfortable this product is.

The sudden arrival of the Zerg's third invasion battle also forced many things in the Zerg that were still in the experimental or even theoretical stage to leave the laboratory. This electromagnetic accelerator is one of them.

An experimental electromagnetic accelerator, with a diameter of 3 meters, a length of 40 meters, and an output energy of 10000 N, can 'send' a projectile 4 meters in length and 2.6 meters in diameter, as well as the goods carried inside it, within 300 minutes to within 10 kilometers.

To put it simply, this product is the legendary human cannon.

The so-called sending out is just a modest statement. In fact, it is to launch the goods like the ammunition in the warhead. The technology is directly inherited from Pengzu's existing 205mm caliber and 55 times the caliber ultra-long-range heavy artillery.

In this way, everyone can understand the nervousness of the controller. After all, what was sent out this time was not a solid cargo, but an elder.Before this time, this kind of thing has only carried out a few emergency cargo deliveries. Although the Youshen-level energy body with condensed energy can theoretically be used, not many people dare to try it.

In other words, emptiness can also be regarded as the target of in vivo experiments for this kind of thing.

"Uh, why do I feel like I'm in the same boat as the double-gun worm." Shaking his head to dismiss this weird thought, Kong Huan looked embarrassed.

This time, Kong Huan only came to experience it because of his main consciousness and the fact that his own existence would not have too much influence on his friends.

Of course, there are also reasons for rushing to the next destination. After all, the distance in the middle, if you fly by yourself alone, may take half a day. It’s not a big deal in normal times, but it seems to be wasted in wartime.

"Let's get started." Sitting inside the cannonball, Kong Huan was a little lost in thought.

For safety reasons, this giant 'cannonball' doesn't have windows like cars and warships, nor does it arrange energy substances that may be detonated during electromagnetic acceleration, so once the exit is closed, the interior will become pitch black.Although for Kong Huan, there is no problem of whether there is no vision when the mental power is released, but such a closed environment still makes people feel uncomfortable.

"It seems that this thing can only be used to transport goods, and the people who are transported are basically suffering." Before it even started, Kong Huan drew a small conclusion for this kind of accelerator.

Then, a strong magnetic force began to be generated around the shell carrier.

He knew that the electromagnetic launcher was activated.

There is a magnetic isolation device inside the projectile, which can theoretically avoid the influence of magnetic force on the internal cargo during acceleration, but at this time, the void inside can clearly feel the limit of this device.

When the external magnetic force reaches a critical point and the projectile suddenly accelerates and rushes out, Kong Huan, who is firmly pressed on the chair, senses the magnetic field in the tens of seconds of 'acceleration - leaving the accelerator' The strong pull on him as an energy body caused by the balance being broken.

"It's really uncomfortable."

Fortunately, this process is over quickly.

When the projectile flew out of the accelerator, the pulling sensation disappeared without a trace, and it wasn't until this time that Kong Huan reacted and propped up the Psychic Shield belatedly.

But even so, after slowly adapting to the speed, he still felt a bit afraid of the previous situation.

"Huh, fortunately."

If the gun barrel was longer, Kong Huan didn't know if his body would be pulled into several pieces due to the strong magnetic force; in fact, he should have set up a psionic shield from the very beginning, maybe it would be all right.

But after this acceleration, he decided to limit the use of this accelerator, which is still in the experimental stage.Although the battle situation is urgent, some important materials need to be transported by it, and they cannot be sent back to the laboratory to wait for completion, but the safety work must be done well, just like the many urgently finalized laboratory devices of the Pengzu.

If the general process is followed, these devices are still in the stage of producing test models.

This is a special case in wartime.

After the relief, release the mental power again. For the flight trajectory of the shell, if you want, Kong Huan can easily fine-tune it with mental power, but at this time, you are facing the destination, so there is no need to do anything extra.

After the mental power roughly confirms the surrounding environment, the G09 industrial area in the distance has appeared on the verge of spiritual power diffusion.

The next moment, with a bang, the shell suddenly split from it.

The spoof-like separation of the projectile body was not originally designed, but was forcibly propped up by Wu Huan from the inside with his thoughts.Because if you don't do this, then Kong Huan will have to experience when the shell hits the ground.

He felt that he was still a normal person, and it was enough to try the human cannon.

It quickly flew out of the shell, and the flying speed of the shell exceeded the speed of sound, causing the illusion that had just rushed out of the shell to be smashed backward by the wind pressure.

"Ugh! Cough cough."

After finally stabilizing his figure, looking at the huge deep pit on the ground in the distance, the elder of the energy body floating in the air wiped his cold sweat with some fear.Even if it was just hit by the wind pressure at a high altitude, it already made Kong Huan feel like hitting the steel plate head-on, if it really fell to the ground with the shell...


"Unfortunately, if it's not for the accuracy problem, this thing is the best weapon to deal with Zerg."

Although Pengzu's existing technology can already produce this kind of ultra-long-range electromagnetic gun with a distance of 500 kilometers, but the accuracy is really not good enough, and no one dares to use this thing.

The only practical 205mm, 55 times diameter ultra-long-range heavy artillery, at the limit range of 300 kilometers, the error of landing is also calculated in kilometers.God knows if a large number of them are put into actual combat, whether the shells will hit the enemy or their own people.

Does every attack have to be equipped with the same number of Youshen class as the ultra-long-range heavy artillery, and to control the shells at the end?Whether or not people are alive.

Therefore, the Pengzu now only has two strategic heavy artillery regiments, each of which is equipped with 90 heavy artillery pieces and various auxiliary facilities: one of them is deployed on the floating fortress under construction, and its firepower can now cover the entire Central Plains continent 60% of the area in the east; the other branch is deployed on Xinpeng Island, and its firepower can cover the entire original territory of the Pengzu.

However, because the problem with the No. 05 meteorite base is extremely serious, in order to contain the Zerg in that area, so that they will not develop smoothly, not long ago, the Pengzu Military Academy made a plan to transport a strategic heavy artillery regiment (30 super guns) Long-range heavy artillery), an order to deploy to the floating observation station closest to the No. 05 meteorite base.

The one responsible for the transportation of this heavy artillery regiment was just after finishing the No. 04 Meteorite Base and just finished renovations. Most of the Marine Corps followed the First and Second Combat Groups to the No. 03 Meteorite Base's Third Combat Group Fleet.

Because according to the estimates of the Military Academy, if the first and second battle groups are successful in the No. 04 meteorite base, there is no need for the third battle group to add icing on the cake; The third battle group, which arrived two days later than the first two groups, was just refueling in the past.

Of course, everyone will try to avoid the latter situation as much as possible.

In this way, the fleet of the third combat group was divided, temporarily equipped with a regiment of the second strategic heavy artillery unit, and cooperated with an infantry regiment staying at the base of the third combat group, to go to the No. 05 meteorite base 277 kilometers away A floating observatory at .

At that time, the third combat group will build a bridgehead based there, while waiting for further reinforcements, while harassing the No. 05 meteorite base, in order to delay the opponent's construction progress.

In order to reach the destination as soon as possible, the Military Academy even took a risk and made a plan to cross the Arctic Circle and use this theoretical shortest route to reach the destination.For this reason, the third combat group has been further strengthened, equipped with many new weapons, and brought several Youshen class as protection forces in case of emergency.

As a result, excluding the strength of the Marine Corps and transportation, the combat effectiveness of the third combat group has far exceeded that of the first and second combat groups.

As for these orders and attachment plans, because Kong Huan was not in charge, he was also busy with technical issues, and it was not long before they were issued, so he has not been notified yet.

After floating in the air for a while, Kong Huan had completely recovered.

Because of the strong wind pressure, the energyized body that was smashed to the ground became somewhat loose, and became solid again under the strong consciousness attraction.He lowered the height and smashed the wreckage of the artillery shell several hundred meters in diameter, which weighed more than ten tons. He dragged it out with his thoughts. This thing is also a resource and cannot be wasted.

Then, one person and one iron block flew towards the distant industrial area.

(End of this chapter)

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