Spore Story

Chapter 679 Armor

Chapter 679 Armor
G09 Industrial Zone, one of the core industrial zones of Pengzu, is located on the outskirts of the former southern province.

The entire industrial area is surrounded by walls of 19 hectares, of which 5 hectares are currently in use. The key development direction is the machinery manufacturing industry, and the most important is heavy industry.

Up to now, the most important warship manufacturing industry in the industrial area has two [-]-ton shipyards, five [-]-ton shipyards, twelve [-]-ton shipyards, and nine [-]-ton shipyards.At the same time, the construction of two Thunder-class capital ships, thirteen Barracuda-class assault ships, and four different-class test ships began.

In addition, the industrial zone is also equipped with: the core machinery industry research room, the Pengzu heavy machinery manufacturing plant, the illusion simulation laboratory, the engineering machinery vehicle factory, the military armored vehicle factory, the civilian floating airship laboratory and many other factories and research institutions .

In this way, G09 undertakes 70% of the production tasks of mechanical products and 46% of the research and experiment tasks of applied mechanical products of Pengzu. In this case, its importance is self-evident.

But in fact, all industrial areas are almost of the same level of importance. This is also the helpless move of Pengzu. There are factors such as weather and population. Only by concentrated development can Pengzu obtain such high-speed opportunities.

According to the latest statistics in July 45 A.D., the industrial zone has a population of more than 7, including 2 researchers, 717 managers, workers, and service providers, 15516 military personnel, and 5009 other personnel. people.

Among them, friends accounted for 20%, Dunjia people and Yue Ling people each accounted for 35%, and Shadow people accounted for 9%. In addition, there are a small number of black bone people and spirit people, but they are basically under supervision.

This ratio is almost the same as the personnel composition ratio of other industrial zones, and each industrial zone will only adjust it slightly according to the actual situation.

After recalling the illusion about the situation of G09, he flew to the city wall outside the industrial area before he knew it.

Soon, a small group of Winged Men surrounded Kong Huan.

According to regulations, external organisms entering the industrial area need to be tested and confirmed, but this regulation has been extremely unrestrictive since it was implemented.Because the entire Shuangyue star power is basically divided by race. Except for the moon spirits and the spirit race, the appearance of each race is very different, even the outsiders Zerg.

In this way, when entering and leaving the industrial area, only the Moon Spirits and the Spirit Race are really tested, because friends trust their own people so much that even if they have declared their attention many times, they still cannot avoid carrying them.As for the people of the Lingzu, basically no one would go to the industrial area of ​​the Pengzu to mess around. After a long time, it would be difficult to make the soldiers on the city wall vigilant.

What's more, Kong Huan, who was flying in the air at this time and dragging things with his thoughts, clearly showed that he was an elder of the Peng clan.

Therefore, even if a small group of Winged Men surrounded them, there was no detailed interrogation. The leading captain even landed on the city wall with Kong Huan, and asked respectfully, "Elder, who are you?"

"Empty Fantasy, the chief commander of the Technical Association."

"G09 welcomes you, elders, please come in."

The Wingman captain who asked the question paused for a moment after Kong Huan answered. Judging from the fluctuations in the magnetic field around him, it was obvious that he had inquired and confirmed Kong Huan's movements to his superiors, and quickly came up with an accurate identity.After that, he no longer made meaningless obstacles.

After ordering the soldiers to notify the personnel of the G09 management center to come and receive them, Kong Huan himself stood on the city wall and looked at the entire industrial area.

In the planning, the city walls and enclosures of each industrial area are similar.In terms of internal terrain, plains, mountains, and rivers are all indispensable, but after dividing the development direction of the industrial area, the internal scenery will be completely different due to different plans.

For example, the previous G06, standing on the city wall and looking at the past, is a natural world full of vitality and orderly due to planning. Unfortunately, that was before today. Not even half a year.

At this time, although there are many plants in G09, the construction of a large number of large-scale machinery processing plants and docks makes it appear extremely heavy.

From a distance, various transport vehicles on the road are constantly passing through, and there are even many small non-floating island engineering transport vehicles under 100 tons driven by pumice stones at low altitudes, busy with their respective jobs.Further away, several [-]-ton shipyards are under construction, but limited by manpower, the speed is very slow.

When the line of sight was about to turn to several key institutions, the reception staff of the management center had already come to Kong Huan.

"Good speed."

"Thank you, Elder, please go this way." The receptionist is a wingman, dressed in engineering attire. At this time when all the people are preparing for war, the other party is obviously not an ordinary receptionist, but a part-time job. The main job is probably a researcher in a certain place. .

Xu saw what Kong Huan was thinking, and the winged man who was only at the high level of the ghost level answered casually, and at the same time, he did not forget to open the car door for Kong Huan: "Next is Luo Fa, the quality supervisor of the No. [-] dock, because I just sent him away yesterday For the Barracuda-class assault ship that leaves the factory, the dock is still cleaning up the modules waiting for the next assault ship, so it is free."

"Excuse me, how is the construction quality of the current battleship? Is everyone in good health?"

"Thank you elder for your concern. The quality issue is related to the future of our clan. Please rest assured." Luofa smiled gently, and sat opposite Kong Huan, explaining some information that did not involve confidentiality.

At the same time, the car under the two of them, after a slight shake, was driven by the electric motor and quickly galloped onto the main road of the industrial area.

This kind of vehicle is also self-produced in the industrial zone. It is a passenger vehicle with a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour.Because of the use of a rapid-fire nuclear quick-change device with the same principle as a rapid-fire weapon, this generation of electric vehicles no longer needs to stop and manually replace it after running out of the energy of a nuclear, like the previous vehicles.

Assuming that each car is equipped with 10 100N output energy-level electric cores, the bike can run for a day or two without stopping. Of course, this is only a theoretical result.If there are friends in the car with high energy and energy control over Lv3, they can even use the charging device matched with the electric nuclear quick change device on the way to charge the electric core in standby, so as to achieve an almost An idealized degree of infinite operation.

However, if this is the case, this friend probably needs to bring more food in the car, or simply lie on the roof of the car to bask in the sun.In this way, the running time of the vehicle will probably depend on the friend's food intake, the life of the motor, and the weather conditions.

After a moment of distraction, the car has passed through a large piece of temporarily barren land where only roads have been built, and entered the core of the industrial area, and Luofa at the side also began to explain the main purpose of the trip to Kong Huan.

In general, there are some new things that will be studied in accordance with the "Wartime Situation New Equipment Calling Law", in order to let these things, or some of them, enter the production stage from the laboratory stage in advance.The electromagnetic accelerator (also known as the human cannon) of the previous illusory 'ride' appeared under this temporary act, and its 'fast transport of solid goods' function was used in advance.

"This time we need to enter the finalized form, such as dot matrix miniaturized magnetic field power engine, rocket thrust engine, sixth-generation energy-assisted armor, energy resonance calculator, and networked computing network."

"Well, the itinerary is arranged by you, in short, as soon as possible." Kong Huan didn't say anything, but just replied calmly, but in fact, he was still a little dissatisfied in his heart.

(Is that all?)

Although there are already many, as a management member in this area, Kong Huan is very clear that these technologies have been researched by various laboratories for at least three to five years, and most of them are close to practicality. big problem.

However, even if these technologies are fully produced, can they really meet the needs of friends, or future needs?Emptiness is a little worried.

But when the car stopped at the gate of a factory, the moment the door was opened, and he watched the various transport vehicles coming in and out, he smiled again.

Why do you think so much? At this time, any thing that increases the strength of the friends should be taken seriously, not to mention that these things do not increase the strength by a little bit.

The first thing that appeared in front of Kong Huan was a pair of eastern and western armor that was completely different from the previous five generations of armor.

Ever since the armor was originally made of pig iron or even bronze, equipped with the first armored unit of the Friends, and achieved good performance on the battlefield, the armor has formed an indissoluble bond with the Friends.

Of course, Kong Huan and the others are even more aware that this thing has an indissoluble bond with most civilizations.

But the original pig iron armor has nothing to do with the armor that has been developed for five generations... ah no, it is now the sixth generation armor.

Fumbling for the surface of the armor that was slightly glowing with light blue light, Kong Huan smiled slightly.

The real first-generation friend clan armor is still related to the Zerg.Because it was made of scale iron, a steel-like substance at the bottom of the small Zerg base that was used to break into the atmosphere during the first Zerg invasion. The first-generation armor at that time was entirely used for ghosts. Used by gods;

It wasn't until the second generation of friend clan armor that it began to get rid of the situation of limited special supply and promote it to the soul level.But in terms of actual effect, this generation of armor is not as effective as the first generation of armor, because it is made of steel, which means it is stronger than the first generation of armor in terms of protection area.Moreover, the quality of Pengzu steel at that time was far inferior to scale iron;
The third-generation friend armor is the real energy armor.Because according to the energy array technology and circuit technology of the Pengzu at that time, a circuit was laid that could directly convert the energy input by the friends into simple and practical energy techniques such as electric shock technique and grid technique.

This makes this generation of armor break away from the simple concept of "protection", and has the ability to assist the wearer in fighting, but it is still limited by the wearer's own energy possession;
If the third-generation armor is a revolutionary generation of friend clan armor that changed from "protection" to "combat", then the fourth-generation armor is a combat tool that actively assists in combat in the true sense, and is no longer a simple combat tool. Protective armor.

The fourth-generation Pengzu armor is equipped with a nuclear functional circuit that Pengzu just found out how to use.

The combination of electric core and energy circuit can be regarded as a revolutionary technological change among friends.It allows even the most ordinary primitive people with energy control Lv1 and the total amount of energy cores in their bodies not to exceed 50N, to use their armor to emit lightning strikes with energy levels of 50N. There will be no less than 20 courses.

What does it mean?

This means that even ordinary primitive people equipped with the fourth-generation friend clan armor will have a level not weaker than that of soul-level early-winged humans in terms of energy combat effectiveness.

Of course, it's just about energy external combat effectiveness. When facing a soul-level Winged Man, the opponent's mental power impact, no matter how good the fourth-generation armor is, it is also an ornament;

Compared with the two predecessors, the fifth-generation armor is much more modest. It only changes in the protection area, armor weight and line richness.

Its overall protection area has become comprehensive and detailed, and even the joints are made of tough special rubber and lines, which no longer have the status quo of "jamming action/lack of defense" of previous generations of armor.

Moreover, even though the protection area has been greatly increased, its weight has not been increased due to the use of new alloy materials, but has become lighter. Under the premise of ensuring that the protection and combat effectiveness are not reduced compared with the fourth generation, the overall weight is reduced. to less than 30 kg.

If it is just these, it can only be said that the improvement of the fourth generation can not be upgraded to the fifth generation.

In terms of energy lines, the fifth-generation armor has its own innovations. It is the first armor that has built-in functions such as 'energy strengthening' and 'energy stimulation' that affect the wearer.However, this item makes the friend clan armor further evolve into the fifth generation physical enhancement type in combat state following the "first and second generation pure protection type" to the "third and fourth generation with added attack type". ' function shift.

This is also the product of the strategy of "individual elite soldiers" pursued by the friends;
And the sixth-generation armor in front of him is a further harvest of this strategy.

"Our sixth-generation armor has weakened the concept of physical protection." As soon as it came up, the designer in charge of explaining made the people who didn't know the truth curious, and even the illusion was surprised.Fortunately, the other party's explanation was quick.

"Because we have found through various verifications that when facing the Zerg, it is difficult to realize the idea of ​​'wanting to gain protection without affecting the combat effectiveness of the user'."

Having said that, the designer took everyone aside, took out two alloy plates of different thickness from the tray, and handed them to several members of the finalization inspection.

As a result, for one piece, Kong Huan couldn't wait to use mental power to probe both pieces, and then determined that its material was composed of alloy steel given by his own civilization control center.

Because as long as it comes out of the civilization control center, he will keep paying attention until there is a usable finished product and can expand production.And with his current brain level at the peak of Youshen level, he can't forget it even if he wants to.

"This material is already the best lightweight protective material for our family, but we have calculated that in the face of attacks from the most common dog of the Zerg, if the weight does not affect the combat effectiveness, the set thickness of 10mm , there is no protective effect at all, and it can't even have a blocking effect... until it is expanded to a thickness of 35mm, the blocking effect can barely be produced, but it can only provide soldiers with a few tenths of a second of reaction time."

"But the problem is that if the thickness of the armor is really expanded to 35mm, even if it is only for the protection of key parts, its weight will have reached more than 100 kilograms. At this level, the impact on the soldier's reaction time is more than a few tenths of a second, can it Jumping is a problem."

After taking back the two plates from everyone and putting them back on the display stand, the designer showed a smile on his face: "Goddess bless, just when we were at a loss, we accidentally discovered a new protection method - magnetic field."

magnetic field?

Kong Huan was a little surprised. Everyone knows the theory that like attracts and opposite sex repels, but even if armor can be made into a magnet, insects are not poles of opposite sex. How can a slap be so loud.

With such doubts, he looked at the other party quietly, waiting for the designer's explanation.

"Actually, the principle is very simple," the researcher turned a switch on the wall, and the researcher threw an ordinary bone (where did it come from?) against the wall: "Using the armor, we can generate a stable magnetic field around the body of the combat member."

Kong Huan also felt the magnetic field generated on the wall, presumably the principle of both sides is the same.

"When the Zerg attack, whether it is a limb attack, a shell attack, or a tentacle attack, they will inevitably run in this magnetic field, and of course, they will also generate their own magnetic field due to cutting the magnetic induction line..."

The bone hit the wall without any change, and then rolled back to the researcher's feet, and the surrounding was silent.

"Everyone, don't be impatient," it seemed that everything was expected, the researcher pressed another key without changing his expression, and then threw the bone out again.

Surprisingly, this time, the bone actually bounced back.

"This is it!" Kong Huan's eyes lit up, and then he showed a clear expression: (Why didn't you think of it?)
Through the researcher's explanation, everyone understood the specific principle, which is actually very simple, that is, the effect of two turns on that generate magnetic fields in opposite directions.

The approaching object generates its own magnetic field in the previous magnetic field, and the magnetic field of the armor changes from time to time. When the object's own magnetic field disappears, the next magnetic field of the armor produces repulsion to it.Although the repulsion will be intermittent, it can still slow down the attacking things.Slowing down generally means a decrease in attack power.

"That is to say, this generation of armor will use the magnetic field protection supported by energy to replace the physical armor protection?" Kong Huan asked.

"Although I have this idea," the designer spread his hands helplessly: "However, there are still a few problems that have not been resolved in this energy line technology named magnetic field shield: excessive energy consumption, low line stability, etc. The duration of the armor is not long, the influence of the magnetic field of the armor itself, the resistance of the shield regardless of the enemy and the like."

"Uh, isn't it practical?"

"Goddess bless, it's actually not impossible." The designer looked embarrassed.

(One less ups and downs will kill you!)

PS: Many technologies of the Friends are imaginary technologies, please do not link them with human technologies, maybe one day we can really realize them, but who knows what will happen in the future? (=.=)

(End of this chapter)

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