Spore Story

Chapter 681 Accident

Chapter 681 Accident
Being an elder of a friend clan is actually very hard work, and this is not a place where one can enjoy it without any scruples if one has a high status.

Because the position is entirely based on strong strength, and correspondingly, it must show this strength to be recognized. For the highest existence of the elder, the people below will not worry much about its safety and strength.

Like Kong Huan, his behavior of personally participating in the test flight at this time, in the eyes of the surrounding researchers, is what he should do as an acceptance officer. At most, he would politely say 'please pay attention to safety'.But what everyone needs to pay attention to is that this "pay attention to safety" is probably not "pay attention to your own safety", but "pay attention to the safety of test pilots and aircraft".

Well, we're getting a little wicked. XD
But that was not a joke, because for the Youshen-level elders, even if the plane exploded in the air, they would not have any problems.

What's more, if the plane exploded in mid-air, the design staff would definitely be in trouble, and Kong Huan, even if he escaped, if he didn't escape with the pilot, then the experimenters would have reason to suspect that he was not an elder .

It's a different kind of privilege.

The whistling sound flashed across the sky, and the feeling of flying like lightning obviously satisfied the illusion in the test flight.On the contrary, those test pilots seemed much calmer because they had already experienced several times.

Of course, because it is a finalized test flight, although the researchers do not have so much hope for S1, they still put more energy into S2, but if S1 can also be finalized, it will be very good, so the test pilots are also a little nervous.

"What's the speed now?" After calming down for a while, Kong Huan opened his mouth and asked.

"570, elder, 570 kilometers per hour."

"Fine, go on."

Theoretically speaking, the ability of the energy body to manipulate magnetic flight can reach an ultra-high speed of more than ten times the speed of sound.But in the actual situation, with the increase of the speed, the energy control ability required by the individual to control the magnetic field is also almost geometrically increased.

After considering this factor, theoretically again, the speed that the energy control Lv6 Youshen-level energy body can achieve can still exceed twice the speed of sound.

However, there is one more limiting situation here, and that is physical fitness.

Even if it is a solid Youshen-level peak energy body, its body cannot withstand the violent impact produced when it breaks through the sound barrier.In this way, the top speed of a Youshen-level peak energy body like Konghuan is only around 1100km/h.And if it is replaced by a soul-level energy body, then it is not bad to be able to reach a maximum of 700km/h.

As for the ordinary Wingman, the flying speed is mostly at 200km/h.

Accompanied by the slow acceleration, the S-1 technology demonstrator has reached the highest speed it was designed for - approaching the edge of the sound barrier.

In theory, the engine of the S1 can easily break through the sound barrier. However, because it is the first high-speed aircraft, the design bureau seriously lacked the design experience of small high-speed aircraft at the time of design, so there are many fatal flaws in the structure.

Once S1 attempts to break through the sound barrier, the only result is instant disintegration.

"Okay, the high-speed stability is qualified, let's test the next project." Patting the seat in front of him, Kong Huan looked at the somewhat spacious cab and smiled wryly.

The problems exposed in the design of S1 are not limited to this point. Because the designers were transferred from the warship design bureau and other aspects before, the design of the cockpit of S1 still has a touch of bridge style.This takes up a lot of design space of the S1, and directly causes the main body of the S1 to look bloated and easy to be hit.

The latter point is fanciful speculation, but it is what it is.

During the previous test flights by the personnel of the design bureau, S1 appeared several times, and was targeted by the rapid-fire gun operated by the quick-response Wingman, or was easily caught by the soul-level energy body with a similar speed.

"This is a serious design flaw. If you think about it carefully, maybe you can expand the design into a gunboat according to the situation of the S1, instead of using the S1 as a fighter."

But if you really do this, although it is indeed a path for S1, it is obviously a great blow to the designers, and it may cause unpleasant troubles.

"Let's see and talk," Kong Huan was thinking about this, when S1 suddenly made a large-angle tumbling roll.

For a moment, there was a creaking metal friction sound from the fuselage, which made people feel toothache.Kong Huan turned his head and looked at the welds of the surrounding shell. It was still solid and there was no major problem, but some subtle points appeared to be loose in the spiritual exploration. Presumably it was an operation error during welding.

This error is one of the reasons for the variation in the lifespan of the organism.

Fortunately, it has little impact.

"The whirling effect is barely qualified, and there are some problems with the lifespan of the body. The next project."


"The gyroscope is stable, the power output of the pumice stone is weakened... the structure is stable, the landing gear is lowered... the landing is complete, and the power output is turned off!"

"Huh, luckily it's okay."

When S1 landed steadily on the tarmac, it was almost dusk.According to the plan, S2 will stay until the next day for finalized test flight, but Konghuan will not rest at night, but will follow the rotating researchers to investigate other places.

"Elder Void, how is the situation?"

Facing the expectant designers, Kong Huan took a breath of embarrassment, and then calmly put the notebook he was carrying in the air in front of the person in charge of Project S (Penzu S-class first-generation sky fighter prototype project) .

"As a technology demonstrator and prototype, the S1 has perfectly fulfilled its mission, but I'm sorry, due to fundamental structural problems and many details that have not yet gotten rid of the battleship design, the S1 is seriously insufficient in judging the actual combat effects..."

Looking at the disappointed researchers around, although Kong Huan couldn't bear it, he still shook his head: "Therefore, the finalization of S1 can only fail, and because there are many fundamental problems, the follow-up development of S1 will also be stopped."

"Of course, you don't have to be too disappointed, don't you still have S2?" Looking up at the fighter planes in the hangar, they are slightly similar to the fighters in Kong Huan's memory, but more of them are S2s that are somewhat similar to alien spaceships. Slapped the person in charge of S1.

He opened his mouth, perhaps because he felt that it would be painful for the person in charge of S1 to end like this, but Kong Huan still couldn't hold back: "Actually, you can get closer. After the S1 is transformed, it will be expanded under the condition of the prototype, and the equipment will be relatively large." A high-powered weapon, redesigned to be something between a warship and an aircraft."

"Then, don't talk much, let's do it well." After saying this, Kong Huan turned and walked towards Rafa who was waiting at the side: "Let's go, let's go to the next one..."


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded from the northeast corner, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.After a short silence, everyone who woke up fell into a panic.At this time, the person in charge quickly ordered the on-site personnel to clean up the test flight field, and all irrelevant personnel rushed out of the gate and rushed to the incident site.

Due to confidentiality reasons, flying in the industrial area is relatively restricted. Of course, such restrictions do not exist for elders like Kong Huan.

When the matter here was temporarily over, he rushed up and grabbed Luofa and asked, "What's going on! What department is that direction?"

"Ah, elder, please wait a moment, let me think about it!"

"Walking and thinking!" Without time to dawdle, Kong Huan directly dragged the opponent with his thoughts and flew in that direction.

Luofa, who was entrusted by the empty illusion, had just reacted at this time. He looked at the place where the explosion occurred with doubts on his face. Because it was approaching dusk and the sky was a little dark, he couldn't quickly identify the specific situation, but fortunately as the He still has a certain understanding of the distribution of G09 in the middle and high level of the industrial zone.

After waiting for a while, just when Kong Huan was about to get impatient, the shipyard quality supervisor finally recalled: "It seems, it seems to be an electromagnetic weapons testing ground."

"Proving ground?" Kong Huan breathed a sigh of relief, and his speed and altitude also dropped.

Generally speaking, in the case of the test site, although an explosion or something is considered an accident, but because there are sufficient safety measures here, and the staff have a certain sense of tension during the test, so the ability to resist danger will be high. out a lot.

Of course, the possibility of danger still cannot be ruled out, but the probability is obviously much lighter than that of an explosion in an ordinary place.

At this time, Kong Huan became slightly interested in the experimental things.

However, when he landed at the destination, looking at the crater test site like a large-scale explosion in front of him, and an unknown alloy object like a flower in the center, plus the ambulance that was transporting the wounded to the nearest hospital, he felt in his heart. worry.

"Look what's going on? This kind of explosion is too powerful. Could it be that these guys are experimenting with cluster bombs?"

"I'm going to find the person in charge." Rafa said hastily.

"Wait," holding the other party, Kong Huan looked around and shook his head: "The person in charge must be busy now, I'll look for it later."



"Sorry, Elder Kong Huan, for keeping you waiting," the person in charge saluted Kong Huan with a respectful but obviously nervous expression.

"I'm the one who interrupted, how about the casualties? Is there no trouble in the rescue?" Knowing that he appeared at this time was a bit of a suspicion of causing trouble, but Kong Huan really couldn't suppress his worries.

So after wandering around with Luofa to check the situation for a while, seeing that the test site had basically stabilized, he impatiently called for the person in charge.

"Elder, the cause of the accident is still under investigation, but the wounded have been sent to the hospital. Goddess bless, most of the injuries were minor this time, and the only serious wounded, we just received news that he has stabilized." Scratching the ground on the head The person in charge of the clean test site seemed anxious as he wiped the cold sweat off his unicorn roots.

Of course, this can't be hidden from the illusion, but he couldn't find the problem in the current situation, because although the person in charge in front of him was nervous and anxious, he didn't have any emotions like fear.

In other words, it is crucial for the other party to conceal their affairs, but it is not dangerous.

Of course, there is another way.

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Kong Huan stepped forward slowly, patted the other party's shoulder lightly, looked at the person in charge with a gentle face and said: "I believe you also know that for you in the mid-soul level, facing Youshen When I was an elder at the pinnacle of the level, I couldn't hide what I thought and knew in my heart."


(It's done!) Kong Huan smiled slyly in his heart, 'can't hide' is a fact, but there is a premise, that is, the other party must be thinking about the things that he wants to hide.

But the person in charge before obviously had a vague idea about this, so he deliberately controlled his thinking and didn't think about the key to this matter.As a result, Kong Huan faced the person in charge, even if he could know what the other party was thinking, he couldn't learn what the other party was deliberately concealing from it.

(Unfortunately, you met us.)
This kind of concealment method, it is said that the former emptiness has used it not once or twice in front of 8051.I am afraid that among all friends, he is the one who is most proficient in this method.

But thinking of this, Kong Huan couldn't help but burst into tears.

For the same reason, I am afraid that apart from 8051, he is the only one who knows how to obtain key information when the other party does this.

Whether a long-term illness becomes a doctor, or a long-term doctor becomes a disease, this is still a question.

At this time, the moment the person in charge recovered, he obviously realized his mistake. The emptiness was nothing more than an ordinary explanation, which disturbed the thinking he had deliberately controlled before.As a result, he couldn't help subconsciously recalling what he had deliberately concealed. Of course, it was impossible for the elder opposite to see it.

(As expected of an elder,) the person in charge also burst into tears in his heart.

But if you let him know that the elder opposite happened to remember the unbearable past, so if he was in the same mood at this time, he might feel a lot better.


"What's the matter! You guys accepted the experimental project that has not been declared!" Everything has its own importance, and the little memories with 8051 are just fun for husband and wife, but what you get from the person in charge is a serious matter.

Through the memory of the other party that flashed before, Kong Huan understood the key to what happened, which is actually very common, that is, a certain experimental project that failed, the experimental team studied it privately, and even progressed to the stage of physical experiment.

If it's just this, it's fine. Although the management will criticize or punish slightly on the surface, if it succeeds, maybe both parties can make money after making up for it.

But the problem is, the opponent failed this time.

The person in charge obviously knew that there was no way to hide it, so he could only tell the truth.

Fortunately, the corruption and bribery that Kong Huan was worried about did not happen to the person in charge who completely let go of his resistance.He just had a good relationship with the leader of the experimental team, and there was no experimental project during this period of time, and the most important thing was that the other party swore that there was no problem.

Therefore, the person in charge will develop the testing ground for the other party.

From such a huge explosion, it can be seen that the safety work is not bad, with only a dozen meters of minor injuries and one serious injury.But at this time, Kong Huan was slightly curious about the other party's research project.

The test of something was able to blast the extremely stable test site into a collapsed area with a radius of one kilometer.If this kind of power can be mobilized, then the friends will have greater confidence in dealing with the Zerg.

"I heard it's some kind of ultra-long-range electromagnetic gun."

"I heard?" Kong Huan is really dissatisfied at this time, you can let a group experiment with things while you are free, and the friends are not allowed, but you should at least know about the experimental project!
"Please wait, elder, I'll get the project leader right away!" Maybe it was because of too much pressure, the person in charge finally ran away.

Half an hour later, a gloomy researcher with a strap on his left hand appeared in front of Kong Huan, who was looking at the latest test items at the test site.

"You are the person in charge of this project? Are you also injured?"

"Sorry, Elder Kong Huan, I am the researcher of this project, and the team leader in charge is in a coma due to serious injuries, and he is still unable to come here in the hospital."

"Uh, forget it. Now that you're here, it's up to you to explain," Kong Huan was stunned for a moment, sighed, but the accumulated dissatisfaction was dispelled a lot: "For your unauthorized use of the test site, and the misappropriation of Put aside the matter of public research materials and non-essential project research for now. Tell me what happened this time, has the cause of the accident been investigated clearly?"

"Thank you elder, but we couldn't have failed..."

"Don't talk nonsense, failure is failure, first find out the reason for me, not the reason!" Kong Huan's tone was rarely severe.Because in the past, he liked to do this kind of behavior, finding reasons to justify his failures, so that when he looked back at the past from his current position, the more he knew about the illusion, the more he hated this kind of behavior.

The technician froze for a moment, looking a little stubborn.But under the pull of the person in charge of the testing ground, he calmed down.Glancing at the person in charge of the test site, Kong Huan didn't say much, but looked at the technician again.

According to the person in charge's guess, the project they tested this time was not a powerful bomb as imagined in fantasy, but an improved weapon of an ultra-long-range electromagnetic gun, but this technician's statement was not the case.

In other words, it's not just as simple as an improved weapon.

"What we designed this time is a by-product of the electromagnetic accelerator team. Because we have accumulated a lot of experience in the research of the 205mm ultra-long-range heavy artillery, the team leader was inspired by this by-product and wanted to develop a super weapon that can attack space. arms……"

"..." Kong Huan was stunned, then smiled wryly.

Along with the explanation, he also almost knew the reason why the other party's project was sent back: In fact, to shoot the shells out of space, the friends' technology only needs to be well integrated. It is not difficult to achieve this goal. I want to come to this group It did the same.

However, the most important problem of precision is the key to restricting all these developments.

It's so ambitious, this is the reason for the rejection issued by the project team to this team's proposal.Everyone wants to attack space now, block all the Zergs from the planet, and even directly kill the Zerg brood.

But the problem is that the project department, which holds most of the friends' technology, and the empty fantasy, which has all the friends' technical materials, know that attacking space is a luxury if the accuracy of the shells is not solved.

However, this time the researcher seems to be somewhat confident: "As for the accuracy, we are already certain!"

(End of this chapter)

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