Spore Story

Chapter 682

Chapter 682
Thank you for the monthly ticket of Yeyue Black Wing, ga =w=
"As for the accuracy, we already have a certain degree of confidence!"

Finally, the stubborn researcher was not suppressed by the kind person in charge, but broke out under Kong Huan's indifferent expression.Apparently, he took the look as a sign of distrust of him and his beloved research team.

"Oh, you guys solved it!" Kong Huan said with surprise on his face, "If there is already a solution, even if it can't be solved immediately, it shouldn't be passed?"

"Well, the reasons for this are a bit complicated." With a reddened face, he took a research record in front of Kong Huan, and the researcher said angrily, "We do have some ideas about the problem of precision, but we just lack the theory for the time being." Support. And those guys in the project team said that such a sci-fi idea that has not been theoretically verified cannot become a prerequisite technology for technological research.”

(This is correct, of course, the premise is that this assumption is really unrealistic.) Slightly frowning, Kong Huan did not express any opinion, but flipped through this research record casually.

But after a pause, he stopped and looked at the researcher again, his eyes flashed a playful look called curiosity: "What's your name?"

"Ah?" The researcher didn't turn the corner for a while, and replied reflexively, "Shui Qian."

"Well, then Researcher Shui, I will read your report. But now, I want to listen to your report first. I think this is much richer than the dead record."

"Alright." The researcher murmured in a low voice as if he hadn't been discovered. The researcher gathered his mind and began to tell the whole story.

Speaking of it, their precision solution is very complicated and very simple, the key lies in one word - straight line.

The leader of this team first suggested that since the problem cannot be solved from the electromagnetic gun itself for the time being, he should try to solve the problem from the shell.Through the improvement of the aerodynamic test on the shape of the shell, the addition of balance devices such as gyroscopes that were only used in the S-series fighters, and the addition of wings from the S2 aircraft that will be tested tomorrow by Air Fantasy, and then the addition of self-reflective Electromagnetic generating device...

After this series of work, a cannonball has almost become a miniature aircraft, and the cost has also risen to an unacceptable level.

Of course, the price is second to none. As long as it can effectively attack space enemies, no one will be dissatisfied.

"Our specific solution is, first of all, through the electromagnetic generating device opposite to the electromagnetic track, the initial velocity of the shell in the electromagnetic gun is increased by nearly 2.3 times, and the initial velocity of the exiting muzzle is increased, which can make the shell The resulting lateral deflection is greatly reduced..."

"Well, continue," Kong Huan did not say, but nodded to indicate to continue.

"...This function cannot be applied to ultra-long-range heavy artillery in the atmosphere, because the trajectory of that kind of shell is arc-shaped, and the muzzle velocity increases, which increases the range rather than the accuracy. But when used to deal with space objects, the trajectory of the shell pursues a straight line It is more effective on the electromagnetic gun."

Shuiqian drew a path map on the table, and then continued to explain: "Because the initial velocity increases, the time to pass the same distance is shortened. Correspondingly, although the lateral interference received remains the same, the lateral movement distance is much reduced. This actually improves the accuracy."

(But this is somewhat idealistic, and, no matter how fast the cannonball is, can it be faster than the speed of light?) Kong Huan was expressionless, but he was thinking about the feasibility of the other party's method: (but... light, with the current technology of friends, Is it possible to try the development of laser weapons?)
While thinking about it, the other party's explanation continued: "Furthermore, the combination of the cannonball's own wings and some simple mechanical devices can also make fine adjustments to the path of the cannonball during flight to ensure a straight path..."

"Let's not talk about these," Kong Huan suddenly interrupted the other party's narration: "How is the response speed of this mechanical device? If you always know it later, the effect of fine-tuning will be very small, won't it? Moreover, the speed of the cannonball is the fastest How many? The most important thing is that the enemy cannot stop there and wait for us to attack, how do you make the shells fly to the target there after flying for a long distance?"

"This, this is also the problem we are solving." The researcher suddenly lost his confidence.

"But we don't have time." Spreading his hands, Kong Huan gently patted the report on the table, looking at the dejected researcher, he actually sighed in his heart: "Actually, I admit that your idea is very good, and It is also highly feasible, and the project team probably had disputes about it.”

"For example, this kind of shell, you can configure power equipment in it, such as the booster that the rocket research team is researching, to further increase the speed of the shell; you can also equip the wing control of the shell with an energy resonance calculation that can perform high-speed calculations on its own It can even use the current mechanical magnetic field communication technology to control the opponent's path during the flight of the shell to hit the target..."

Kong Huan almost followed the development path of the missile, and told most of the details. Without saying a single thing, the researcher's eyes lit up.

But Kong Huan knows that with the current technology of friends, the practicability of missiles has been compressed to an extremely low level in some respects, whether it is used to deal with friends or Zerg, even if it is developed , is also just a number of options, as a weapon reserve.

As for dealing with the local race of Double Moon Star, it doesn't matter whether there are missiles or not.

Looking at Researcher Shuiqian, who was impatiently adoring, Kong Huan shook his head.

"Guide... let's talk about the shells of the super electromagnetic gun." He didn't want to hit a self-motivated researcher, but he didn't want the friends to go on more crooked paths in this critical moment: "Let's talk about you first. The current progress and the cause of the accident.”

"Oh," seeing that Kong Huan didn't make any more suggestions, the researcher nodded a little disappointed, but he became excited when he thought of the previous thoughts.

Looking back at the proving ground in the distance, Shui Qian said softly: "Our weapons this time can already reach the level where the error is within 170 km when the attack altitude is 1 km, and the power is almost as high as 1JD." (Note) : J, kilogram; D, nuclear. 1JD refers to the power of 1 kilogram of nuclear explosion, which is almost equivalent to the power of 1 ton of TNT in the human world.)
"As for the cause of the accident, we have a preliminary result: because the electric nucleus built in the artillery shell, an unknown error during launch, was suddenly disturbed by the magnetic field of the electromagnetic gun itself, which disturbed the energy balance of the electric nucleus inside the artillery shell, so that under the explosion of the electric nuclear It set off a chain reaction that eventually caused the entire railgun to explode along with the electronucleus of its power supply mechanism."

The researcher looked sad: "And because the powerful power of the super electromagnetic gun requires an extremely strong energy supply, the explosion linkage power caused by it is also very powerful..."

"Uh," Huan was stunned this time: (Why does the cause of the accident sound so familiar?)
Thinking about it carefully, in the process of getting here from G06, the reason why the electromagnetic accelerator I was riding on gave me a pulling feeling when accelerating seems to be exactly the same as the cause of this accident.

"So, could it be a design problem of the electromagnetic accelerator?" Kong Huan rubbed his chin, thinking quietly.

Because according to the researcher, their super electromagnetic gun and the accelerator of the vacant ride are theoretically derived from the theory of the electromagnetic accelerator team.

There are two directions for the friends to enter the universe:

One is the method inherited from human beings, rocket launch, which is relatively mature in the human world, but it is too restrictive. At this time, the technology of Pengzu seems to be close to maturity, and he will go to conduct a finalization test tomorrow;
The other is the electromagnetic accelerator derived from the idea of ​​the electromagnetic gun. This method has no reference, but theoretically it is much more effective than rocket launch.However, until now, no decisive breakthrough has been heard, and they have been stuck on the structural issues of the accelerator.

"It seems that after a while, I need to check the progress of the accelerator. Entering space is related to completely solving the problem of the Zerg. The sooner the better, the better. If necessary, even call the civilization control center."

After making up his mind, Wu Huan no longer wants to ask more questions about the proving ground.

However, there is still a problem at this time. After asking the technical department about the friend bombs through the Internet, Kong Huan raised his head and looked at Shui Qian: "I can approve your super electromagnetic gun research with the right of the Technical Association... "

"Very good..."

"Quiet!" Kong Huan stopped the other party's cheers, pointed at the table and said: "But, after all, that is not a problem that can be solved in the short term, so the size of your group will be reduced."


"Listen to me!" Kong Huan gave the young researcher a hard look, and then said: "Resources, manpower, this project can only be distributed according to the scale of the third-level project, which is inevitable, unless you can pull out a revolutionary Sexual technology. But put that aside, now I want you to go back and inform the original team members."

Waving his finger to the crater-like test site outside, Kong Huan showed a slight smile: "The people who were separated from the super electromagnetic gun research team will all form the ammunition research team. You can choose someone else to be the team leader. I want you to do it as soon as possible. Help me find out the principle of this explosion, and use it to make a powerful bomb, understand!"

"This is!"

This is an opportunity for Shuiqian, but whether he can put down the super electromagnetic gun is up to him, Konghuan will not force it.As for the bombs, although the friends have calcium carbide bombs, their actual power is only as ordinary as '1+1=2'.However, it would be too wasteful to detonate the calcium carbide directly. No matter how many calcium carbide mines there are in Shuangyuexing, they are still mines, and there will always be a day when they run out.

Therefore, if the principle of the accidental explosion can be summed up, and then a better bomb can be made, whether it is for economy or for dealing with Zerg, in terms of short-term practicality, it will far exceed the "Super Electromagnetic Gun" project of.

Afterwards, the technical department was instructed to make a strict judgment on the incident within the scope of the law, and then verify the super electromagnetic gun according to the verification process of the technical department.

Kong Hua himself can only judge a technology from a general direction, but he doesn't have so much time for details, so the decision-making power is still left to the more detailed technical department.In this regard, he only needs to mention one sentence. If he talks too much, it will easily affect the fair judgment of the technical department.

However, after sending off the researcher who was in a complicated mood, he looked up at the time and found that it was already 4 o'clock in the morning.

In the itinerary, the technology that needs to be investigated tonight can only be postponed, and after a little breakfast, under the leadership of Luofa, he rushed to the airport attached to the Aerodynamics Laboratory again.

"Speaking of which, both S1 and S2 take off vertically, and they don't have high requirements for takeoff and landing points." Kong Huan said with a smile while looking at the surrounding airstrips.Speaking of an airport, because it doesn't need a runway, it looks more like a slightly larger square, with several circles of different sizes hastily drawn on it as an apron.

It was already 5:2 when we arrived. Although the sun was still on the bed, the preparations for S1 had already started. Obviously, these researchers were hit by what happened in S[-] yesterday, and they dared not slack off in the slightest.

The head of the S project who heard Kong Huan's speech at the side quickly explained: "After all, the S project is facing the battlefield situation, and everything is considered for practicality and promotion, so we attach great importance to this aspect. Elder, please come here."

The prototype of S1 appeared as early as a few months ago. By drawing on the design experience of S1, the design bureau began to discuss the improvement plan as early as the beginning of the year.

But at the beginning, everyone planned to make improvements based on the S1 and create a practical S-1A model.However, the fundamental structural problems led to the improvement of S1, which was not as efficient as a new design of a model, which gave birth to the emergence of S2.

Through the verification of the large-scale wind tunnel built in the mountains of the industrial area after the appearance of the S1, the S2 is more practical than the S1 from the airframe alone.And with the transition of S1, S2 can be regarded as allowing designers to completely get rid of the thinking of warship design, and embarked on a real road of fighter design.

That is to say, S2 is the first generation aircraft in the true sense of Pengzu, and S1 is just a transitional product.

"Take it easy!"

"Stay to the left!"

"Jump to level 7, pay attention to stability!"

At this time, S2 has activated the pumice power system, and is stably suspended at a height of thirty centimeters.

Afterwards, under the minimum output of the magnetic field engine, the body slowly floated out of the hangar. It only needs one person to pull it, and it can move a little bit, and finally stop accurately on the apron.

The six small wings on the S2 fuselage (refer to the balance wing of the missile) are moving one by one to test the flexibility of the wings.

"It's not on S1 yet, how did you think of using wings in S2?" Kong Huan was a little curious: "Can't the magnetic field engine produce all-round power?"

"Hehe, although the second-generation 'matrix' magnetic field engine designed this time can indeed exert power in all directions, it also involves a problem of energy." The chief person in charge guided Konghuan to the wing of S2, smiling explain.

The design of the wing actually appeared in the first generation of the Pengzu floating boat, and it was also considered at the beginning of the design of the fighter.

However, in the design of S1, the wings were not used. The reason is the same as what Kong Huan said just now. The designers at the time believed that the all-round output of the magnetic field engine was enough to meet the high maneuverability required by the aircraft. The gyroscope and mechanical balance components are more enough to keep the aircraft stable during flight.

However, in the actual use of S1, the researchers have to face a reality, that is, with the existing technology of Pengzu, it is still impossible to let the aircraft completely get rid of the dependence on the wings at high speed. The absence of wings is also another reason why S1 dare not break through the speed of sound, and even cannot maintain a speed of more than 1000 kilometers for a long time-the attitude is unstable.

As a last resort, when designing the S2, the wing was re-used.

And it did not disappoint. The wings made of 107-type alloy steel easily meet the stability of the aircraft, and at the same time greatly save the energy consumption of the magnetic field engine during maneuver control.Ordinary maneuvering control only needs to consume very little energy for the wings to complete, which indirectly improves the range and airborne time of the fighter.

"...So, although the addition of wings has changed the fuselage, increasing the force-bearing area and the attacked area, but compared to the benefits it brings, these are not problems."

The sun finally walked out of the house lazily after smashing N alarm clocks, and the sun began to shine on the G09 industrial area, dispelling the chill of last night, and at the same time announcing that the test flight of S2 was about to start.

"Puff, attention tower, this is S2, everything is normal, please take off!"


"Uh, that, Elder Void."

"Ah, I'm sorry, haha, forget about what was just now." Laughing awkwardly, Kong Huan lightly patted the unidentified test pilot on the seat in front, signaling the other party to start.

Perhaps it was sitting in a similar cockpit, looking at the surrounding instruments, operating levers, and the apron outside the window, so that Kong Huan had the illusion of returning to the human world, so he subconsciously said these words.

But these are irrelevant.

"The power of the pumice stone is normal, the output of the engine is normal, the wings are normal, and the energy circuit is normal..." With the completion of the communication with the person in charge below, the test pilot informed the empty phantom behind that 'the plane is about to take off' through the communicator.

"take off."

Slightly different from yesterday's S1, the S2's startup speed is very fast. From the energy access to the engine, to the suspension rising to the ground of ten meters, only 9 seconds have passed.

And when it is ten meters off the ground, theoretically, the aircraft can exert force at full speed. Of course, for safety reasons, this situation will be restricted in use, but now it is a test flight.

The test flight is to test various extreme situations to ensure the safety of the latecomers.

"Full speed! The first item: Acceleration, start!"

"Got it, please sit still, elder!"

With a whoosh, S1 brought a gust of wind pressure and disappeared in front of everyone.

In less than a minute, it has reached a high speed of 1km/h, and began to make some initial maneuvers to test the stability of the body.

"not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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