Spore Story

Chapter 683 Speed

Chapter 683 Speed
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In the clear sky, as old friends of Pengzu, cloud jellyfish float leisurely in mid-air.

At this time, a warship more than [-] meters long just passed by.However, at the beginning, they were still interested in this kind of iron block that was about the same size as themselves, but after a long time, because neither party had any malicious intentions, they turned into strangers to each other.For example, even if a group of idle crew members on the battleship are looking at the cloud jellyfish that is only a hundred meters away from the battleship through the portholes, the cloud jellyfish that has always adhered to the "living principle of laziness" will not have the slightest do not adapt.


This is the third improved assault ship of the Barracuda class that came out of the shipyard just the day before yesterday. Due to the time of its appearance, it failed to enter the main battle group to participate in the intense battle against the Zerg at this time.Therefore, at present, it can only test the voyage, and at the same time serve as a part-time patrol ship, along the route of many friends' settlements, to conduct security patrols on those scattered mining areas.

But now, it is passing by the G09 industrial area at a constant speed, and below it is a large iron mine close to the industrial area.

This kind of mining area exists scattered in various parts of the Pengzu. Before that, it relied on airships to transport the minerals to industrial areas for processing. However, after the formation of the three major combat groups, the large civilian airships were transferred away, and the docks were also fully engaged in production. Warships, so that the minerals in these mining areas can only be transported by land vehicles.

Fortunately, most of these mining areas are located in the original territory of the Pengzu, and roads that have been abandoned for several years can be temporarily restored to meet short-term mineral needs.According to Pengzu's calculations, this battle will not last long, and the floating transportation line can be reopened at that time, so as not to cause a shortage of raw materials in the industrial zone.

On the bridge, the crew occasionally looked out the window at the continuous convoy on the ground, and some sharp-eyed ones could even see someone in the convoy cheering for them, but these crew members didn't have a trace of pride, but looked extremely bored.

Because, in their view, the people cheering in the convoy were the three battleships in the battle group, and the patrolling warship they were on was just a medium.

"Captain, the Barracuda-class assault ship can be regarded as a mature ship, and there are already more than [-] ships serving in the group, why do you want to do some sea trials!"

"..." For such a non-standard question, the captain who sat lazily on the captain's seat expressed his disdain to answer.But maybe it was some kind of pain from the touch, but a vein appeared on his forehead, clearly declaring his displeasure to everyone.

"Captain, can't the trial period be shortened?" Unfortunately, some people are still unconsciously complaining: "One month, there will be no chance to go to the battlefield by then."

"What do you know!" Finally, the captain interrupted the other party's speech with a look of impatience: "Now the first, second and third combat groups are running over, even if we shorten the trial period to one week, it will be difficult to rush over. It will take a few days, when the time comes..."

Shaking his head, the captain looked back at the display beside him and remained silent.

The jumping data on the black and white screen is as simple and easy to understand as the intuitive picture for the captain. These are the contents that they, the crew, learned in a surprise attack when the assault ship was built.

"Think about it carefully, it seems that this thing didn't exist on the previous assault ship," the adjutant at the side saw that the atmosphere was boring, pointed to the screen in front of the captain and commented, trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, I heard that the new equipment that our assault ship has only adopted can display all the data clearly and concisely, replacing mechanical instruments." The navigator sitting at the corner of the bridge explained formulaically, and then Showing a dissatisfied expression: "But this thing is simple, but I always feel that it is not as reliable as a pointer instrument. Think about it, if the power is cut off..."

"What a mess, aren't you happy that there are new ones?"

"It's just a matter of habit," the adjutant held down the excited captain.

Pengzu is developing very fast, and technological updates are happening almost every month or even every day. Many people have to change to the next habit before they develop one habit. They may be a little hectic when they were young, but gradually, with Growing up in this environment, most of my friends have adapted to this kind of life.

Of course, heterogeneity exists in any race.

"But speaking of it, the reason why the trial period is so long is not because of this thing?" The chief of the arsenal who complained before spoke again.

"The improvement of the Divinity is more than that." The adjutant shook his head: "Everyone will be at ease if you come here. Do you think you can return to your Wind Valley by complaining here? Besides, since it is an improved Barracuda, If there is no improvement in combat power, who will make these improvements."

"Cut," the handsome arsenal chief with a duplicity in appearance retracted his head, looking up to the north as if he didn't want to be as knowledgeable as a man like you: "Wind Valley and their third group, maybe they are already close to the North Pole. Well, that's the first time my friend has set foot in such a place as an organization."

"So sympathetic, I heard it's very cold." The correspondent also cut in.

"Yeah, maybe they will catch two polar bears for barbecue," some crew members began to express their resentment towards the third group based on the principle of not being able to eat grapes and talking about grapes.

"No, maybe after they come back, they will realize how warm it is here."

"By the way, you said that with the highest speed of our improved Barracuda class, we can rush over now, can we catch up with the third group?"

"Pfft!" The captain spewed out a sip of tea, "You girl wants to die!"

"It's just a joke, Captain, why are you so excited?" The chief of the arsenal smiled slyly, but everyone could see the seriousness of the other party before: "But...have you thought about it, Captain?"

"Well... But the problem is, our ship is already the fastest Barracuda class among friends, if it's at full speed..."

"Enough is enough for you two!" The adjutant finally couldn't help but knocked on the captain's head with a knife, and then glared at the chief of the arsenal: "The enemy is only equipped with the energy and weapons for a single patrol. If you don't want to run to the North Pole Turn off the fire at one point, and don't think about it!"


(How do you know so clearly?) There was a strange atmosphere in the bridge: (It turns out that everyone has had this idea.)
But at this moment, the navigator suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Look, there's a pig in the sky...ah no, a UFO!"

"..." Everyone searched for prestige, and soon found a white line that suddenly appeared on the left front of the battleship. Then, after searching along the line and turning their heads, a group of crew members finally found the target - a small black dot.

"So fast!" This was the first impression the other party gave to everyone.

In the memory of the crew, this improved Barracuda is already the fastest, but there is a black spot in front of them.

"How is it possible! This speed!"

"Captain, the unknown target is about to leave sight, and the speed may be 1500 kilometers! My God, that's supersonic!"

"Don't be stunned! Immediately contact the G09 Shipping Bureau and the patrol headquarters to explain the situation." Sitting back heavily on the captain's seat, the captain shouted loudly: "The engine output is 80%, increase the speed for me! The communication team After contacting G09, try to contact the other party, I want to confirm my identity!"

Accompanied by bright smooth flashes, the skeleton of the magnetic field engine covering the surface of the Divinity began to interfere with the surrounding magnetic field. The nearest cloud jellyfish was uncomfortable due to the disturbance of the magnetic field, shaking its body habitually, and sent an electric shock to the battleship. After that, he slowly moved his body and flew into the distance.

However, this kind of mild electric shock is not a threat to the Barracuda class. Instead, it can strengthen the output of the engine for a short time, so the members of the ship only felt the battleship shake and didn't pay much attention.If even the natural thunder and lightning cannot resist, the warships of the Pengzu may not be able to fly into the sky at all.

However, even though the Barracuda-class assault ship is considered the fastest among battleships, its maximum speed is actually only 570km/h, and its cruising speed is only a pitiful 427, so you can laugh at the 410 cruising speed of the capital ship. That's all.

And the level of confidentiality of the captain with the rank of major is not enough to know the situation of the friend clan's research on weapons.Seeing the UFO getting farther and farther ahead, he felt restless.At this moment of war with the Zerg, there is a high possibility that the UFO appears to be the Zerg, and he doesn't want to just watch the other party leave.

Especially for them who can only patrol in the rear.

"The target moved to the direction of eleven o'clock, and is moving towards ten o'clock, and is about to leave the visual range!"

"Damn it, the range of my mental power can only be extended to five kilometers at most, and there is no way to lock the target at all!" The soul-level member of the battleship configuration as a wartime warning shook his head unwillingly.

"Damn it, didn't you say that the friends are the fastest! Bring me up to speed!" The captain looked unhappy.

"Captain, although the design speed of Divinity has been improved, it can only reach a maximum speed of 607, and it will fall apart any sooner!" The bridge manager of the power group said seriously.

"Cut!" One moment he was still proud of the speed of this improved Barracuda, but the next moment he was slapped in the face by a UFO speeding through the field in the distance. Anyone who encounters such a thing will feel unhappy, let alone The members of the Divinity who were already unhappy because they couldn't participate in the frontal battle.

But at this moment, Barracuda's correspondent suddenly had a strange look on his face.

"Report, received an unknown communication... Wait, it's our family's communication channel!" Finding the communication channel lit up, the correspondent hurriedly reported and began to adjust the channel at the same time.

Soon, a voice was connected to the correspondent's headset.

After a long while, the correspondent looked at the nervous captain with joy on his face: "The report is a communication from a UFO. The other party is an experimental aircraft of our family. It is undergoing a maximum range test, and Elder Void is still in charge of the test!"

"Huh?" A group of people were dumbfounded, they were not so lucky.

"By the way, the elder said that he appreciated our response and patrol behavior, and told us not to worry."

"Um." Dazed for a moment, the captain looked at his own experimental aircraft that had disappeared without a trace with a complicated expression, shook his head, sat down and waved his hand to indicate that the patrol would return to normal, and then confirmed the situation to his superiors.

"There is such a fast speed, my family's technology is amazing."

"I really want to try it."

"Quiet, work hard, the Barracuda is an improved battleship no matter what!"

"I know, I know, but depending on the situation, the third-generation warship is not already being designed or even secretly built, right? The engine is obviously very good at such a high speed."

"who knows."


The whispered chatter of the crew echoed in my ears, but the captain sitting in the captain's seat was a little numb, or maybe he was a little numb to the technological development of the friends: "It's a new thing, maybe it won't be a year. The barracuda that just came out will really fall behind like those floating boats."

"However, if we don't do this, we won't be able to defeat the enemy, right? Captain." The adjutant said with a smile.


——— Cloud Jellyfish———

In the S1000 that had just escaped from the high-speed maneuvering state and resumed its cruising speed of 2 kilometers per hour, Hollow finished recording in the notebook, and continued to look down at the instrument in front of him.

However, he always felt that something was missing.

"Elder Void..."

"Energy meters, safety instruments, steering wheels, catapults... what is missing?"

"Elder Void!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, what's the matter?" Laughing awkwardly, Kong Huan directly asked the test pilot ahead through mental contact.

"The project has been tested, and now I need to go back. May I ask whether I will continue to fly, or you, the elder?" The test pilot was a little nervous. This test flight should be very successful. Although the elder raised some detailed questions before, they were not fundamental. trouble.Now if the elder agrees to drive the car himself, there is a [-]% chance of success.

"Okay, I'll try it too."

Kong Huan, who probably knew about this, smiled slightly, and accepted the control without hesitation.


Accompanied by a smooth spiral descent, the S2 finally stopped stably on the tarmac. When all the power output was turned off and the dot matrix spots of the engine on the surface of the S2 dimmed, the people around quickly gathered around and watched nervously. The illusion of flying out of the cabin.

"Here, this is the situation of this test flight," handed over the notebook in his hand, and the person in charge took it with some care, but when the illusory voice came, he almost dropped the notebook on the ground.

"The second-generation 'Matrix' magnetic field engine can be formally finalized and named; although the S2 still has some flaws, as a prototype, it is sufficient to meet the finalization requirements."

He patted the opponent's shoulder heavily, and said with an encouraging smile, "Congratulations, you have added a new system to our clan's weapons."

"Yes, yes, thank you..."

"We made it!"


After everyone cheered and celebrated for a while, Kong Huan brought several heads of research groups to the office of the power laboratory to sit down.

"I won't talk about the specific situation of S2. You know better than me. I'm afraid you have found a lot of small problems recorded today, but you don't have time to solve them. If there are any particularly difficult places, try to do them yourself first. If it cannot be dealt with within the specified time limit, it can be reported to me, and the special research team can be directly responsible.”

After nodding to several leaders, Kong Huan pointed to the report paper in front of him and said, "I have some personal suggestions for the follow-up actual combat development of S2. Of course, how to cooperate with the military academy is up to you, but it's okay to have a look."

"Elder Kong Huan, please tell me," S2 was successfully finalized, and the few people looked happy, because this not only showed the success of the second-generation magnetic field engine and the emergence of the fighter system, but also a recognition of their work. Several people are still a little shocked by the detailed suggestions written on the website.

"First of all, fighter jets are a brand new system with high speed, small targets, and high maneuverability as the core. Facing the Zerg's high-mobility units such as Zerg bees, batwing dragons, and flying dragons, the opponent's maneuverability is so powerful More to say. This requires the fighter... Finally, as I said before, the regular model should be designed according to the mission situation."

"Originally, if there is enough time, you need to come up with a fighting type and a bombardment type, but now the situation is urgent, so you must come up with a relatively common type as quickly as possible, and produce a sufficient number of production lines, especially the production line. Now I What the clan lacks most is the supply speed of high-end weapons!"

"As for the design of the aircraft carrier and the modification of the apron of the battleship, it is the business of the Battleship Design Bureau. You just need to pay attention to communication and don't disperse too much of your energy!"

"Elder, what you said is all right, but in terms of manpower..." The people in charge around seemed embarrassed.

"It's...manpower." Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan was also a little distressed, but these problems obviously had to be solved: "But most of the technicians of the Pengzu have fixed important positions, and it is difficult to adjust...etc. "

Closing his eyes, Hollow directly connected to the headquarters.

When he understood the situation, his brows sometimes frowned and sometimes stretched. After the several responsible persons fidgeted for more than ten minutes, Kong Huan opened his eyes again: "There is a batch of moon spirit technicians graduating in early August. You can Apply for the transfer of 8 people, and I will help in this regard."

"Only one hundred..."

"Thank you so much, Elder..."

"Please wait, elder," a person in charge said hastily: "It is true that a production line does not employ many people, but we mostly use friends for lifting. It is no problem for Yueling people to be low-level technicians, but their strength is too small. Will it be a little troublesome. Besides, in terms of confidentiality..."

"In this regard, hasn't the machinery factory's lifting machinery been finalized for two months? You can try to add more mechanical operations to the production line. As for the secrecy... now we can only strengthen management, after all, this time it is Shuangyuexing's Disasters, not the problems of our friends. Besides, even if the secrets are leaked, who cares about these technologies?"

"It's… okay."

In this way, the problem was initially solved, and the people who stayed in the power laboratory contacted the technical department above to expand the existing laboratory into a flight design bureau, and the empty illusion followed Luofa who came to the next goal.

At the same time, the third combat group located in the north was forming a spherical array and slowly entered the Arctic Circle.If you look closely, you can still see several circular shield-like objects that are covering the entire fleet, and at the same time keep the wind and snow out.

At the same time, the epiphytic body of Chu Ling located at the No. 03 meteorite base led her epic creatures to evacuate to a more peripheral area.

(End of this chapter)

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