Spore Story

Chapter 684

Chapter 684
"Do you think we are in a cocoon?"

The time was approaching noon, but the world under the scorching sun did not have much warmth, but instead had a pungent smell of blood, which made people dizzy.

At this time, Chu Ling, who had just withdrawn her eyes from the boiling water, was constantly expressing her helplessness.

Beside her, 8051, who was constantly floating and following, was just a phantom, but it also showed a depressed expression: "It's all because we know too little about the enemy. Although the main goal was achieved, the result is still a little Somewhat unexpected."

"Yeah, a little..."

At the beginning, Chu Ling's plan of 'letting the Zerg develop towards the sea to disperse its forces, thereby reducing the pressure on its own land and sky', the first half of it was a success, and the epic marine creature Xiaoni only harassed it two or three times, but nothing happened. If any actual damage is caused to the meteorite base, the other party can't wait to start producing marine units.

However, the second half of the purpose...Chu Ling and 8051 are not very confident to come at this time, the reason is the dense swarm of insects in the Zerg base in the distance, and the 'little fish' jumping from time to time on the water... It's not right, it should be It's a small fish-like Zerg.

Regarding this, Chu Ling expressed her depression: "Oh my God, why didn't we expect that these bastards would actually create a swarm of insects using piranha swarm attack mode!"

The marine troop made by the Zerg is neither a super giant monster with a size comparable to an epic creature as everyone guessed, nor a beetle swarm that is about the size of a puppy, nor is it a high-level unit that is concentrated and essence like a giant elephant, but is in pieces. , A piranha-like insect swarm that has nothing to show for a single combat power except for that mouth.

It can be imagined that in the early hours of the morning, when Chu Ling sent Xiao Ni, an epic marine creature, to harass her, she suddenly found a group of piranhas crowded in the shallow sea. That weird and frightening scene directly caused the young Xiao Ni to run away. .

As for Chu Ling, it was with great difficulty that she managed to control this poor epic creature, letting it hide at the junction of the shallow sea and the deep sea, waiting for the next order.

Fortunately, this group of weird insect swarms seems to be the same as its land and sky counterparts, they are only guarding around the meteorite base, and they don't plan to go deep into the ocean yet.

"8051, what about the epic creature reinforcements you're talking about?"

"In this case, the coming of those epic creatures is just to die," 8051 shook the hair in the phantom, and explained the reason why no epic creatures arrived for so long: "Instead of this, it's better to let the epic Creatures are responsible for clearing the walls behind, and their efficiency is much faster than that of small animals."

Imagining how the epic creature would level the forest like a bulldozer with its huge body, Chu Ling couldn't help shivering, but failed to notice the helplessness in 8051's tone.

After all, plants are also a part of the biological system of the Double Moon Planet. If it is not forced, 8051 is not willing to clean up tens of thousands of hectares of vegetation. Disturbance of the lunar ecosystem.

But now I am afraid that no one has imagined what kind of changes Shuangyuexing will usher in when the Zerg really arrives.

Looking down at the four epic creatures behind her, Chu Ling shook her head: "I only have this little force left, and the task cannot be completed no matter how you look at it, so you can't mobilize your main body to launch a large-scale natural disaster to wipe out the Zerg race ?"

"The ability of the will of the planet is the last resort of the current friends. It is not good to use it so early. Don't forget that the things that have not fallen from the sky are the real main force." 8051 smiled wryly: "Besides, even though the current situation is It looks like a crisis, but in fact it’s just because our main force hasn’t arrived yet.”


Looking at the east side depressedly, Chu Ling shook her head and looked back: "The increase in Zerg's strength was expected, but who knew that these guys successfully completed the actions that were not completed during the second invasion!"

"Thinking that others are cosmic civilizations, it can almost be explained," 8051 spread his hands: "You should think about how to continue to harass the enemy without being surrounded. Now it is only a moment to delay the four ghosts. God-level reinforcements are only about ten hours away."

"I know that."

Half a day after the No. 03 meteorite base fell, nothing in that meteorite base woke up as planned, which caused Chu Ling and others to have an illusion that the meteorite base this time was different from the one during the second invasion. This time, it was only the construction troops formed by the Double Gun Bugs and the Pincer Bugs.

But the result is that it's not that the opponent doesn't have hidden troops, it's just that the recovery time is a bit slower.

One day after the time entered the meteorite base and fell, a large number of mid-to-high-end Zerg combat forces suddenly rushed out of the meteorite base. Chu Ling, who did not have much strength and was unprepared because of an illusion, led only a few epic creatures. The line of defense collapsed instantly.

Obviously, these combat forces have the same configuration as those troops in the Meteorite Base during the second Zerg invasion: the main body of medium-sized Zergs such as Vipers, and the high-end combat forces of giant elephants and flying dragons. Nearly ten thousand low-level Zerg puppies and war bees have been built in the base, which is obviously extremely effective in dealing with the severely scarce epic creatures.

Facing this kind of attack, Chu Ling had no choice but to evacuate the initial line of defense with a few epic creatures of her own.

"I don't know what happened to No. 05. Now that I think about it, it's really lucky that No. 04 can be solved so quickly." Chu Ling sighed.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

Without looking up, Chu Ling knew what was going on: "Damn it, you're surrounded again! Didn't you just throw stones and hit some of your flesh sacs?"

"In any case, I took the high-energy creatures and finally extracted the calcium carbide bomb. Don't hurt people so much," 8051 is far away from here, and there are no creatures within a radius of [-] kilometers around the meteorite base of the Zerg, so it seems She was much calmer, but now that she heard Chu Ling's words, she looked helpless.

Calcium carbide mines and calcium carbide trees are fairly widely distributed on Double Moon Star, which is one of the reasons why there are more high-energy creatures on Double Moon Star.

It is not difficult for Planet Will 8051 to refine calcium carbide mines through the technology of friends, and then find some high-energy creatures to activate these calcium carbide mines and turn them into simple calcium carbide bombs.Although the power is a bit weaker than that of the Pengzu standard calcium carbide bombs with the same consumption, it is more practical.

Previously, Chu Ling's epic creature team was able to escape from the most dangerous Zerg raid by relying on this thing.

"Unfortunately, after all, high-energy creatures are not trained friend workers, let alone machines. The success rate of production is too low, and it is easy to hurt these creatures. Otherwise, maybe a few tons of calcium carbide will pass by, and there is no need to worry about these bugs. "

But Chu Ling obviously ignored Xiao 8's complaints. She didn't have time to distract herself from things that couldn't be solved for the time being, not to mention the swarms of insects in the distance were about to catch up: "The Titan dragon is the main attack! The thunder dragon is harassing, pay attention to protect yourself! Aggregation Be careful not to get close to the thunder dragon with the calcium carbide you carry. It's a pity that there is no priest... ah, what is that?"

The strange green cloud that suddenly spewed from a distance swallowed the two titan dragons rushing over in an instant. The appearance is scary.

"The outer shell is broken just like that! What is that!"

"Spore mass!" Compared to 8051, which only had phantoms, Chu Ling could see many details clearly with mental power.

The carapace of the giant dragon is indeed very hard, even if it is hit by a small energy ball of the Zerg, it only cracks a few cracks.However, facing the attack of extremely small spore clusters at this time, its carapace almost became a city wall with an open door, which was useless. The spores easily invaded from the root of the carapace, and then bit off bit by bit.

Obviously, the two poor titanic dragons were in great pain at this time, because they were still covered with a layer of spore shell.

"Scatter all, Thunder Beast stepped forward to give these two guys electrotherapy! Then clean up the remaining spore clusters as soon as possible! The aggregate stepped forward to stop the chasing soldiers!"

Chu Ling remembered that mutual generation and mutual restraint were first mentioned by emptiness.At this time, she was very thankful that not all the epic creatures in the team belonged to the conventional physical strength like the titan dragon.

Not to mention the weird guy of the aggregate, Thunder Beast is one of the pinnacles of the high-energy creatures of the Double Moon Star. In addition to the lack of energy, which makes the flesh a weakness, its actual combat effectiveness is not as low as that of the energy of the friends.

Moreover, strong magnetic fields and thunder grids are scattered around Thunder Beast's body all the time, blocking anything that wants to approach it.

At this time, a lightning net swept across the sky, and after the two poor titan dragons wailed in pain and joy, the green spore shells on the surface of the body were directly scorched black, and then a layer of gray-black substance fell like rain. , those are the spores that were turned into ashes by the high voltage.

On the other hand, based on the experience summed up in this day's battle, the aggregate transferred the calcium carbide bomb wrapped in the body to the opponent's body by the opportunity of contact with the enemy, and then quickly evacuated.


The calcium carbide bomb in the active state is a low-quality product made by high-energy creatures under the control of 8051. There is no safety guarantee, but it will be activated naturally with a slight vibration.

As a result, several holes suddenly appeared in front of the pursuers.

However, Chu Ling just sighed at this scene. After all, she had watched it not once or twice before. What she needs to do is to grasp the whole situation of the battle: "Hurry up! The opponent's pursuers are coming!"

Within one meter of Thunder Beast's body, which is a high-energy area, the spore clusters that could easily and seriously injure the Titan Dragon could not even connect to them.Moreover, due to the slow moving speed, the spore mass could not even dodge the impact of the Thunder Beast, and was quickly cleaned up by the shining Thunder Beast.

However, this damned spore mass was obviously used to contain the side, but it has already completed more than half of it - the opponent's more than 1000 swarm pursuers have already approached.

"Back! The titan dragon is at the front, the thunder beast is protecting the flanks, and the aggregate continues to throw calcium carbide at me!" After issuing the order, Chu Ling landed quickly, and she would die if she went up when she was a soul-level hell butterfly.

"8051, if possible, send me some special epic creatures like thunder beasts, otherwise this line of defense cannot be defended!"

Seeing that the team started to fight, because it is impossible to affect all the actions of the epic creatures, but it can be hinted in terms of attack and evacuation, Chu Ling, who can't intervene at this time, began to ask 8051 for troops.

At this time, the Thunder Beast suddenly retreated, and then began to expand the magnetic field strength of its body, attracting natural thunderstorm clouds. After a while, the Thunder Beast began to wander in the thunderstorm clouds like a thunder god, clearing away all the chasing bees.

This is also the true strength of the opponent as a powerful epic creature.

In comparison, the giant salamander on land was very miserable, because it had already been besieged by five giant elephants when it was suddenly attacked by the main force of the Zerg.No matter how high its agility is, it can't play a big role in the situation of being idle, so it has returned to the space of the planet's will at this time.

Xiao Ni, an epic creature in the ocean, is still leisurely hiding in the junction of the shallow sea and the deep sea at this time, facing the tens of thousands of Zerg shallow sea man-eating insects, ordinary epic creatures used to just die, so Chu Ling would not do this Kind of white labor.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Ling's epic creature team has become a pure sky combat force, and it is unexpectedly much easier to command the battle, but everyone knows that this is just a temporary gain in exchange for sacrificing ground defense capabilities.

On the other hand, 8051 was still pondering on the sidelines: "As long as it is in the air, and then it is a special epic creature... Wait, there was a lava beast that can breathe fire. I wonder if it is possible?"

"Fire-breathing... Forget it, it's better than nothing, but isn't there more?" Looking at the colliding Titan dragon and Zerg dragon, then at the thunder beast playing in the thunder cloud, and the wretched Chu Ling's eyes twitched as she threw the bomb aggregate.

Calculated, the strength of five titan dragons may not be as strong as one thunder beast, and therefore, Chu Ling pays more attention to special epic creatures.

"It's a pity that there is only such a peculiar one now, and it will take about an hour to arrive, so that's it, I will contact you when the time comes," After finishing speaking, the phantom of 8051 disappeared.

"One hour."

Muttering to herself, Chu Ling looked at the somewhat difficult sky and thought about countermeasures.

On the other hand, the crocodile troops hiding at the junction of the shallow sea and the deep sea also encountered big trouble.

When the Zerg in the No. 03 Meteorite Base launched a hunt for Chu Ling, the Zerg in the ocean also began to clean up the shallow sea area.

Xiao Ni has already run to the deep sea area, obviously she will not be discovered by the swarms that only live in the shallow sea, but those crocodile troops who are still foolishly guarding the shallow sea area will suffer.

"Run away! A large group of piranhas!"

When the crocodile team headed to the shallow sea for reconnaissance, only one member rushed towards the main force in embarrassment, while Stov, the messenger and the warrior leader were still biting the fin of a poor shark they had just caught. They are sucked clean by a simple algae they carry with them, so they don't have to worry about attracting too dangerous creatures.

"Piranhas? How could there be piranhas here?" The leader of the warrior stuffed the meat in his hand into his mouth, spit out a few fish bones quickly, and stood up Dulu.

"Be careful, this thing is too dangerous." Compared with most young people of the crocodile tribe who have only heard the legend of piranha schools, Elder Stov obviously has a clearer understanding of piranhas, although he remembers that time, he Just hiding in the dark and watching.

However, soon, the few people did not dare to relax anymore, because the crocodile warrior in the distance failed to return to the team in the end. Countless dark and careful creatures covered the crocodile in an instant.

The next moment, Elder Stov, who was terrified, felt as if he saw a pile of white bones falling from the black cloud.

"Quick... run!"

In an instant, without any explanation, all the crocodile warriors reacted as quickly as possible, turned around, swam vigorously, and scattered away.

"Don't!" Anxious Stov stretched out his hand to grab the nearest envoy, and at the same time wanted to stop others.Because he analyzed from the previous encounters with the warriors, the speed of the group of 'piranhas' this time is no longer what the current crocodile troops can run through.

Running out now is useless except to point out the target to the other party.

"Why are you dragging me! Elder Stov, are you crazy!"

"If you want to live, listen to me! You can't run away now, so find a rock and hide!"

Without too much explanation, after seeing the crocodile warriors fleeing in all directions and being unable to gather them together, Stov directly dragged the messengers to swim downstream. He didn't have such a good relationship with the messengers that he wanted to risk his life to save them, but because of this The situation at that time was critical, and it would be difficult to explain after returning if this messenger was not used as a shield.

The leader of the warriors who was fleeing in the distance, after seeing the actions of Stov, the cunning old fellow, hesitated for a moment with the insect swarm approaching in the distance and his own team, and then decisively pulled a few relatives beside him. The soldiers hid.

In just a few tens of seconds, the black swarm of insects covered the waters, blocking the sunlight that the crocodile people had been accustomed to in the past two days.

Because of the attraction of thousands of crocodile soldiers, the swarm did not pay attention to the few people hiding in the rocks, which allowed a few people to watch the scene of tens of thousands of swarms passing by with fear.

As for what they think in their hearts, it is unknown.

But it wasn't until this moment that Stov noticed a problem.

"Have you noticed that there are very few marine life around these two days?"

"Either was eaten by that epic creature, or was swallowed by these damn fish. I know, you must say that this is the reason why these piranhas appeared!" The messenger seemed to be in a bad mood at this time, even though Facing Stov, who should be regarded as a savior, he was also a little irritable.

"No, I'm just curious. When I went to the shallow sea before, I obviously didn't see this school of fish?"

"You still have the heart to think about that thing now!" The emissary was about to cry, because the school of fish outside did not swim past as he thought, but moved around like patrolling.

"Why don't you want these? Could it be possible to go out and play with them?" Stov said angrily, pointing to the scattered piranhas wandering in the water outside the rock.

When the swarm rushed out to clean up the crocodile troops, they left a lot of them active in the shallow sea. Hundreds and thousands of them patrolled the entire waters back and forth as a group, making Stov and the others dare not go out at all.

Perhaps it was because he had lived for a long time that he had a much stronger endurance. Stov calmed down after the initial panic, and planned to fight for a long time, but the envoy who looked pampered from the side seemed disappointing.

The elder regretted bringing this guy in.

(Perhaps it was a good idea to let him be eaten by piranhas and then blame him for everything.) As soon as the idea came up, Stov looked at the messenger with a hint of coldness, but was immediately overwhelmed by the more sensitive The messenger realized: "You, what do you want to do!"

"Cut, forget it." Seeing the other party's useless appearance, Stov lost interest: "Stay quietly, if it is a group of piranhas, it is impossible to stay here forever, and they will leave in three to five days at most. "


"What's the use of me lying to you?"


(However, it must be a real school of piranhas.) Looking suspiciously at the 'fish school' swimming outside, Stov was very worried: (Does this kind of fish really exist in the ocean? )
(End of this chapter)

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