Spore Story

Chapter 685 Will

Chapter 685 Will
The setting sun is like blood...if you can see it.

Facing the Zerg army, Chu Ling, who was unable to participate in the battle in person, had to do her best to make the few epic creatures under her to exert their strongest strength.Among them, the strength of Thunder Beast is the best, because it is a high-energy creature like friends, so Chu Ling, who has many examples for reference, directly guides the opponent to let the enemy temporarily let go of the enemy, and instead gathers the surrounding thunder clouds step by step. .

And this gap in defense allowed the giant dragon to go up as a meat shield.

By the time the Thunder Beast could rely on the thundercloud to exert its strongest strength, the cloud had already covered a huge area with a radius of 03 kilometers, so that the entire area around the No. [-] Meteorite Base became cloudy, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. Thunder rolls.

Although such a huge thunderstorm directly caused the instability of the regional weather, 8051 would not disperse it on the grounds of 'maintaining the balance of the weather'. Perhaps in her opinion, as long as it was not done by her or her friends, it would not be considered a serious problem. Naturally.

In this way, under the thunderstorm that filled the sky, all the Zerg flying in the sky had to face the Thunder Beast that was elusive in the thunder clouds, and became helpless.

"Unfortunately, there is only one Thunder Beast." After seeing the power of the Thunder Beast with the boost of the Thunderstorm Cloud, Chu Ling was a little bit reluctant. Thinking about it, anyone who saw the current performance of the Thunder Beast would probably be able to say "here." I have five thunder beasts, I can flatten the Zerg base' or something like that.

Of course, that's because there aren't so many Thunder Beasts in the entire Double Moon Star.

Equally dazzling as the Thunder Beast was the Lava Beast who had just arrived.With the experience of Thunder Beast displaying its strength, and at the same time confirming the purpose of blocking the Zerg, the Lava Beast was not brought to the front line by Chu Ling. Instead, the Lava Beast, which looked like a fire dragon, was allowed to spray extremely high-temperature unknown water on the periphery of the Zerg. substance.

However, in just three hours, the lava isolation zone with a total length of more than six kilometers blocked the way for the bugs to rush from land to the inland area of ​​the Far West Continent.

Against the backdrop of thunderclouds and lava rivers, the Zerg base is surrounded by a scene of doomsday hell.

"Well, it seems that the bugs are more like villains," Chu Ling and 8051 were judging without integrity, and the bugs who were oppressed by this background and couldn't get out were probably crying aggrievedly.

In comparison, fighting with calcium carbide bombs, the main ability of which lies in the aggregation of its own vitality, seems a bit sadly reduced to the role of passers-by, and even before the thunder beast gathered thunder clouds, it was besieged by hundreds of flying dragons and sacrificed heroically The two titan dragons have a sense of presence. (But the sad reminder of the titan dragon has already received the lunch box.)
Although this aggregate, relying on calcium carbide bombs to actually eliminate bugs, may gain more than Thunder Beast and Lava Beast, but most of the time, people still look at the appearance.

"In the current situation, it only depends on how many epic creatures you can display. There are only a few dozen epic creatures in the entire Far West Continent, and there are no more than ten flying creatures among them. They are unique..." 8051 read Looking at the three epic creatures flying in the sky at this time, the meaning is self-evident.

"Speaking of it, this can be regarded as a confrontation between the Zerg and the non-civilized world of Shuangyue Star." Thinking about it, the Shuangyue troops at Base 03 are all epic creatures and black-handed animals, even if Chu Ling is also a butterfly master in hell. , are just friends in name, that is to say, the battle here has nothing to do with friends.

8051 nodded in agreement: "There are still eight hours, and the four ghosts will arrive at dawn. Now the thunder beast and lava beast are performing well, but we must pay attention to persistence."

"Understood." She blinked her eyes cutely. Now that the bugs were temporarily restricted due to the relationship between Thunder Cloud and Lava Road, Chu Ling was also slightly relieved, and her mood had recovered a lot.

"The path of the lava beast blocks the land Zerg, and the thunder cloud allows the Thunder Beast to exert greater strength to clean up the flying Zerg that wants to fly out. Even if it slips through the net, there will be aggregates to deal with it. It seems that there is no problem in the short term on land. It should be Can wait until the support arrives," 8051 nodded, and then pointed out another question: "But now these defenses are acceptable and the attack is weak, let alone the ocean?"

"..." She flapped her wings in distress, and Chu Ling could only express her powerlessness regarding the ocean problem at this time: "Speaking of which, we don't know the Zerg, why didn't we spread out with the existing force? There is another reason to wait for the troops in the meteorite base to wake up, but now..."

Looking in the direction of the meteorite base, Chu Ling looked solemn: "Although I don't know if they can produce advanced Zerg units, but right now, even if we kill two giant elephants and more than 20 flying dragons, there are still three giant elephants and more than 70 flying dragons." , thousands of poisonous stinging snakes, nearly ten thousand puppies and war bees."

Shaking her wings and moving carefully in the open area to avoid being accidentally injured by thunder, Chu Ling continued: "Although I am happy to see the opponent nestling in the base and waiting for us to attack, this kind of battle that cannot grasp the enemy's psychology is really uncomfortable. .”

"Maybe they don't understand the dangerous situation outside?" 8051 stretched out a finger: "Think about it, it's only been a day and a half since it landed, right?"

Chu Ling nodded.

"Then, during this period of time, the No. 04 meteorite base has been wiped out. No matter what the reason is, it is true for the bug that 'a base like myself was killed shortly after landing', right?"

Chu Ling nodded again.

"Besides, as a cosmic race, it is impossible for these three meteorite bases to have no connection, and we can't even discover this connection, let alone interfere. Then, the situation of No. 04 and No. 05 will obviously No. 03 here must have learned about it." Without waiting for Chu Ling to nod, 8051 continued: "No. 04 was quickly wiped out, which probably made 03 and 05 vigilant and felt a certain degree of crisis to the outside world."

"At this time, although the troops you led failed to kill No. 03 at once (Chu Ling was depressed), they broke through the opponent's defense line and attacked the main body inside several times during the period (Chu Ling nodded), and they always relied on epic Creatures are constantly attacking the opponent's reconnaissance troops, so far, no bugs have appeared within a radius of [-] kilometers from the base (Chu Ling smiled). "

"Understood, you mean that the other party has thoughts like 'the outside is dangerous, we must accumulate enough strength to break through in one fell swoop', right?"

"Well," 8051 nodded: "I think that the previous attack on No. 03 was an explosion after thinking that the power was enough, but the result is that although you are in a mess here (Chu Ling squints), after all, you still rely on Thunder Beast The three of them got in the way (smile), at least the land and the sky, so..."

"The bugs plan to accumulate strength again?" Chu Ling stopped on a rock, looked at the Zerg base shrouded in thunderclouds in the distance, thoughtful: "Besides, because they are temporarily unable to obtain resources from the outside world, and you also It is said that there are no minerals under this land, so they still have the idea of ​​'not wasting limited energy'."

"Correct answer," 8051 nodded with a smile, but then frowned.


"Something happened at No. 05, I have to go!" 8051 showed a disdainful smile, and then disappeared: "Pay attention to the sea, although I have dispatched a few piranhas to drive here, but no one can say Is it useful, not to mention that you can't control the quantitative biological group of piranhas."

"Understood, I will be careful of the ocean." As soon as he finished speaking, 8051 disappeared in front of his eyes.

Confused, she looked up to the west where the No. 05 meteorite base was located. Chu Ling shook her head, knowing that she could not help much, so she could only focus more on the side she was in charge of.

———— Titan dragon ghost drifting past———

The development of Zerg Base No. 05 is obviously much easier than the two predecessors.

Of course, it feels easy, but for Friends and Twin Moons, it's trouble, a huge trouble.

Because the time of landing was a bit slow, this dude was notified by the first two bases, temporarily adjusted his orbit, and thus landed on a continent that is exactly half a half away from the Central Plains Continent of the Pengzu. A valley in the northern part of the continent, not only the surrounding creatures are rare, but also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Fortunately, this was not the area selected at the beginning. There were not many minerals in the ground, so it would not be possible for the Zerg to develop behind closed doors and solve the entire Double Moon Star.

And this continent named Feiyuan by the friends is connected to the North Pole on land. On the double moon star, which is in the ice age at this time, the glaciers almost cover most of the area of ​​the double moon star. The landing point of No. 05 in the northerly area also became a world of ice and snow as a matter of course.

This directly leads to a more stable defense of bugs, because most epic creatures can't dawdle in the cold area that lacks food. As for using bugs... a classmate of Tulong who has used bugs said that Qiuzi jam is the ultimate delicacy (This is 8051 translation).

At the beginning, Xiao Lingyun, who was in charge of this aspect, with the power to destroy the No. 04 meteorite base, planned to quickly solve this base, but he was helpless and had too few troops.

As a result, the harassment for most of the day was nothing more than causing little trouble to the other party.

At that time, because the no-threat Zerg 05 meteorite base was developing too fast, Xiao Lingyun, who was already a little bit extreme in desperation, simply adopted the special ability of the net rabbit family - chain, and transferred the Youshen who belonged to the main consciousness body The super peak energy was forced into the body of the little net rabbit who was leaning over through the network.

The result is very simple, this poor little net rabbit failed to gain wisdom and strength like the net rabbit Yun Yun who was possessed in the No. 04 Meteorite Base when he took office.

Moreover, when it self-destructed, the energy it received was only more than 1000 N energy value, barely reaching the level of a soul-level energy body.

However, with this, Lingyun solved half of the building in No. 05, slowing down the development speed of the other party, and the most important thing is to tell the other party that this place is not so safe.

Afterwards, the No. 05 Zerg Base, as expected, changed the development model of constructing buildings with all its strength in the early stage, which is likely to make the friends more troublesome in the later stage, and instead allocated a lot of resources to produce war bees and puppies as scouting troops. An area with a radius of one hundred kilometers.

Although Xiao Lingyun was already staying in the hospital at this time, what she did did effectively slow down the development of Base 05.

But this kind of delay, after all, still has a time limit.

After the No. 05 Zerg Base confirmed that the surrounding danger was not high, it began to shift to building construction again, especially when the base was awakened, and a large number of middle and high-level Zerg appeared. The development of this base was even more unscrupulous.

As for 8051, which succeeded Lingyun, its role at this time was more to detect and restrict the Zerg from developing to the south.As for what she said earlier, 'Something happened to base 05', she was referring to the ball of plasma that the opponent was shooting into the sky.

"I didn't expect you to dare to use this method!"

Teleporting to the plasma ball, it was easy to wipe it away. 8051 looked at the meteorite base below with a hint of disdain, but felt troubled.Because of the cold, the number of cloud jellyfish around this area is very small, which means that there is a serious shortage of bimoon creatures that can limit the Zerg plasma balls from shooting into space in the air.

As a result, 8051 had to stay here in person. Could it be that she still has to stay here all the time to avoid exchanges of the same kind outside the opposite planet?

However, seeing that the plasma ball was wiped out at the beginning, the Zerg troops in the meteorite base began to assemble to protect the base itself, and at the same time, five giant plasma balls were ejected from the base. It was probably because no enemies were found around, so To save energy, only one was launched.

"Come again!" She pursed her lips in disdain. It's a good thing that she wasn't found. Once found, these things are not difficult for 8051 at all, and she cleaned them up one by one in the blink of an eye.


Then the meteorite base, as if nothing had happened, did not make any further launch actions.

"Uh, is it possible to give up like this?"

The opponent's actions made 8051 who was waiting in mid-air froze for a while, she thought that the opponent would attack her, or continuously launch such plasma balls with obvious communication properties: "Isn't this a waste of my time? "

Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, 8051 hesitated for a moment, then rushed to the base below, and then sent a powerful bombardment of thoughts to the oncoming flying dragons, all at once to vent.

"Get out of the way!"

After becoming the will of the planet, the strength of 8051 obviously surpassed that of the spirit god level, and the power of a punch was already very powerful. The dozens of flying dragons didn't even have time to react, and they were smashed to the ground by the power of thought.

But 8051, who had done all this, didn't continue to attack, but disappeared suddenly, leaving only a dazed Zerg staring at the dozens of large holes on the ground in a daze.

The next moment, there was a slight space distortion not far from the Zerg base. 8051 reappeared in this inconspicuous location, and then shook his head looking at the huge Zerg base in the distance.

"Sister, why don't you just destroy it?" Shuangyue's voice came from his mind, 8051 was silent for a moment, then shook his head and asked, "Why didn't you?"

"Rules, the will of the planet cannot be interfered at will," Shuangyue replied calmly, but then shook her head: "Besides, I don't want my sister, I am just the will of the planet, and my strength comes entirely from the creatures of Shuangyue. Thoughts, but I am more concerned about the impact of large-scale disasters on myself, so my resistance to my actions is stronger."

"But my sister is different. Before my sister became the will of the planet, she has her own strength and can act freely to a certain extent. In terms of metaphor, I focus on the present, while my sister focuses on the future. The future of the Zerg is obviously more dangerous, so why... ..."

"Why don't you want to kill these bugs again?"


"Good boy, Shuangyue," 8051 smiled like a strange uncle, then looked at the ground below, scratched his cheek with some hesitation and said, "Because my sister's vision is farther into the future. In that case, these Bugs are an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Shuangyue said she couldn't understand.

"That's why I say you only see what's in front of you." 8051 still seized every opportunity to tease the little sister: "After tens of millions of years of development, the biota of the Double Moon Star is indeed very reasonable under natural circumstances. , but in the future, due to the appearance of friends, Shuangyue will definitely encounter more dangers. Then, why not take this opportunity when the enemy is not absolutely powerful, and conduct a cosmic level screening?"

"Wouldn't it be better to directly touch the Friends of the Friends?" Shuangyue said in a flat tone, words that could shock Kong Huan and others. Influenced by the bilunar biosphere.

Of course, 8051's answer is obviously negative: "Even if we put aside the relationship issue, let's just look at the actual interests, Shuangyue, do you think that without friends, Shuangyue star only relies on biota and planet-level natural disasters, Can it stop the current Zerg?"

"..." There was a silence on the other side. It seemed that Shuangyue was once again a little short-sighted because of the influence of the biosphere.

"In fact, it still depends on the friends and the entire civilized race?" 8051's tone was a little gloating.Of course, this emotion was quickly suppressed by her. After all, the opposite party was her lovely sister, so she couldn't moles her too much.

"Actually, at this time we have fallen into a circle where we have to go. In order to eliminate the Zerg, we need to rely on the Friends; but after relying on the Friends to solve the Zerg, they will definitely gain abilities beyond the planet; the powerful Friends will Bringing in stronger enemies, forcing us to go one step further, and..."

"Even after the current Zerg is eliminated, the friends who have entered the universe are no longer something we small planets can touch, right?" Shuangyue said somewhat angrily: "This is a knot."

"But Shuangyue, why are you entangled in touching and eliminating friends?"


(End of this chapter)

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