Spore Story

Chapter 686 Screening

Chapter 686 Screening

Ask for all kinds of support on Monday, drifting away -. -
"But Shuangyue, why are you entangled in touching and eliminating friends?"

The cute appearance of Shuangyue in a daze in the space of the planet's will emerged in his mind, and 8051 smiled slightly.As far as she is concerned, even if she puts aside the reasons she told Shuangyue before, she, who has witnessed the emergence of the friends from the cell period, is an illusory wife, and she can't do anything to the friends.

Of course, she doesn't dote on her friends so much that she doesn't participate in decision-making now, but feels that it is very important to force her friends to develop to a higher level when necessary.

(But think about it, why do I have the strange feeling that I am the father, and the emptiness is the mother?) 8051 nodded his lips, and a funny smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Matching the cold wind howling around, this smile made this smile become frightening.

Fortunately, no one can see it.

Before waiting for Shuangyue's answer, perhaps because Shuangyue herself didn't know how to answer, 8051 began to comfort her: "Any planet cannot achieve higher development by relying on its own biosphere. Although civilized races are harmful, they are under uncontrolled circumstances."

"However, as the supreme controller of the terrestrial race, the consciousness of the friend clan master is illusory, but your brother-in-law is easy to talk to. In this case, it is our best choice to let the friend clan and the double moon star make progress together, isn't it? ?” 8051 laughed.

"That's the case, but it's hard for everyone to understand." Shuangyue explained the mystery: "Besides, my sister's current behavior, although it is in the name of promoting the friend clan to obtain higher abilities, will not cause trouble for the friend clan in the short term. Constantly?"

Although the self-awareness has only been formed for a few years, in many respects it is just a little natural black lolita, but because Shuangyue has the will space of the entire planet, and in this space, 8051 has purposely established it, and will bring everything from The double-month memory bank stored in the stripped memory of the biological return consciousness - the source library.

When she is free and has nothing to do, Shuangyue will use her inhuman memory ability to use these memory files as a pastime.Now, if you just talk about the amount of knowledge, she is definitely the number one on Double Moon Star, even the busy 8051 can't compare.

Therefore, she can clearly perceive what 8051 is doing, but unfortunately because of the nature of the formation, she cannot think about it in the long run.

"As I said before, since it is unstoppable, why not let the friends who will have a closer relationship with us in the future be stronger and more mature? The short-term damage is only for the greater future It's just harvesting," 8051 flashed, and disappeared at a low altitude not far from the original Zerg base. The next moment, a few war bees flew over there.

Of course, the other party found nothing.

Reappearing behind a white-capped mountain, 8051 wrapped his clothes subconsciously and continued to explain: "Moreover, this kind of thing that uses current efforts to gain greater gains in the future is not only used for friends."

"Oh, Black Bone Clan? Spirit Clan? Sea Clan?" Shuangyue tilted her head cutely.

"No, no," 8051 waved his fingers, and directly denied: "For the main civilized race of a planet, one friend race is enough, and other races should be obediently younger brothers, hehe."

"That is?"

"It's the non-civilized creatures of our Double Moon Star?" 8051 paused, and found that Double Moon couldn't understand, so he had to explain further: "As I said before, the biota of Double Moon Star has already evolved in terms of natural evolution. Not bad, but in order to avoid being left behind by friends in the future, we also need to strengthen ourselves."

"Although in a certain way, it is okay to just let civilization develop, but we are the will of the planet after all. Ordinary creatures are our foundation. Although civilized species are also connected to us, there is such a barrier after all."

"Huh?" Shuangyue expressed her incomprehension: "But how can non-civilized creatures strengthen themselves?"

"Didn't those epic creatures perform really well this time?" 8051 reminded: "When the friends use these Zergs to hone and motivate themselves, why can't the Double Moons do the same thing? Using the Zergs, let Shuangyuexing will have a slightly fierce knockout match, which will improve the entire Shuangyuexing biosphere..."

Now Shuangyue understood it, but after she understood it, she hesitated even more, because it would obviously cause a lot of damage to Shuangyuexing's existing creatures.

In the end, Shuangyue, who was pure planetary will, could only shake her head and sigh: "Only my sister dares to do this."

What Shuangyue said is the truth, 8051 is only half of the will of the planet, so although this kind of behavior is beneficial to the will of the planet and the future development of Shuangyue, it is obviously harmful to many existing Shuangyue creatures, 8051 can do it secretly , but the double moons that belong entirely to the will of the planet are often impossible to even think about.

Knowing this well, 8051 did not say much about it, letting Shuangyue know so much was just to prepare the little loli for the future: "Ann, you are my little sister." , how can you be willing to let you suffer? So troubles and so on, come to me!"

"It's really great." Unfortunately, there was no reverence in Shuangyue's tone.

"Hmm." Obviously, 8051 didn't care about Xiao Shuangyue's real reaction, but was caught in the imagination of the other party looking at him adoringly.

"But about G06..."

"It's nothing to do with me," 8051 quickly vetoed it out of his brain in an instant, "That's a matter of principle after all, and I won't intentionally cause harm to my friends and Shuangyue creatures. As for the real situation of the matter, although it is specific We didn't investigate the reason, but we also know one thing, that is, this time it is likely to be a problem within the friend clan."

"Mostly, it has something to do with the Zerg mastermind of Black Bones."

"Then why didn't you tell your brother-in-law?"

"Your brother-in-law is a man, shouldn't he work hard by himself?" 8051 said naturally.

"elder sister……"


"You read too many women's magazines." Due to his lack of age, Zhi was able to read children's magazines for two months under the supervision of 8051, so counterattacked.

"What does the little guy know? This is the unspoken rule of the adults!"

"Brother-in-law is really pitiful." Shuangyue tilted her head with black lines on her face.

"Are you qualified to say it?" 8051 raised his head with contempt on his face.

"But sister, since you said you want to screen the Shuangyue creatures, why did you transfer all the creatures before?"

"This time it's just the advance team of the Zerg, and the strength of the friends is too weak and needs these miscellaneous soldiers to exercise. But our Double Moon Planet biome does not need to use these miscellaneous soldiers to screen," 8051 thought for a while, or The language has been sorted out and some details have been revealed a little.

"The real screening should not be mixed with many human factors. I am doing this now, just to let Shuangyue keep more creatures, so that when facing the real main force of the Zerg in the future, there will be more and richer creatures." The participation of bimonthly creatures makes the alternative conditions more abundant."

"Uh," Shuangyue on the opposite side expressed shame, "That is to say, the bugs are not qualified this time?"


"My brother-in-law, who needs to do his best this time, is crying!"

"Lovely Shuangyue, when did you learn to complain?" 8051 smiled like a breeze.

"My sister taught me well," the other person answered innocently and respectfully.

"Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as you little loli," 8051 could of course hear the other party's teasing: "Although I don't like the bugs this time, the development speed of the Zerg is too fast. If you don't pay attention, it will lead to this There's nowhere to cry when the gutter capsizes."

"Oh, don't you still have the warm embrace of brother-in-law?"


"Hmph, we who are the will of the planet don't need that thing like you, a half-way monk like you." Shuangyue said with disdain: "Ah, suddenly a lot of sea clan consciousness has returned, so let's go."

"..." For this younger sister, 8051 was powerless for a while.

However, when she suddenly recalled what Shuangyue had said about the Sea Clan, she regained consciousness with a condensed expression: "Could it be something wrong with Chu Ling? It's really troublesome, and the Sea Clan is also one of the screening areas."

The next moment, the mountain peak returned to calm.

———Two black bellies drifting past———

When 8051 left, she had reminded Chu Ling to be careful about the ocean. In fact, she hadn't noticed this. After confirming that the land and sky were safe for the time being, she had already shifted her attention to the coast.

But the problem is, Chu Ling is really powerless.Because the body of the Hell Butterfly is too fragile, and the three powerful epic creatures can't move by the way now, as a lesson from the past, the range of her activities is only on the coast. Do you have to be careful of the swarms in the ocean to avoid attracting them after being discovered? Battle swarm.

Thinking about it carefully, as one of the elders of the Peng clan, how long has it been since I have encountered such a embarrassing situation.Of course, similar complaints only pop up occasionally.

By the time the shivering young epic creature Xiaoni was finally found in the deep sea corner of the coast, the sky had already completely darkened, and what was even more troublesome was that the bugs had begun to become active.

"Zergs are indeed not the masters of peace and quiet." Looking at the swarms of insects on the sea that are constantly spreading to the shallow sea area of ​​the coast, Chu Ling feels a little relieved, because she really can't find out that the Zergs have an almost absolute advantage. Under the sea forces, there is also a reason for non-proliferation around the base.

Now that the bugs are starting to move, it makes people feel at ease, although it is extremely troublesome to deal with.

"There are still six hours left for the reinforcements, and there are not many calcium carbide bombs. Even if 8051 is asked to make them quickly, it may be too late, and the amount of teleportation transported from the friends is too small."

Hinting that Xiaoni would continue to hide in the deep sea area, Chu Ling, the butterfly of hell, flapped her butterfly wings gently, hid her body beside a rock on the shore, carefully looked at the gradually boiling sea, and at the same time contacted one of the three epic creatures. The relatively relaxed polymer in the middle, if there is any need, only the polymer can come to help temporarily.

But the next moment, something on the sea caught her attention.

"These guys haven't left yet?" Chu Ling showed an embarrassing expression.

It is not difficult to find those crocodile people hiding in the bottom of the water only after the spiritual power of the soul level is released, but when Chu Ling found them, the other party was also unfortunately attacked by a swarm of insects. Running away in all directions.

At this time, Chu Ling didn't know whether to admire the other party's perseverance or lament the bad luck of this group of guys, but after thinking about it, since these guys will be needed in the future, it might be appropriate to help them.

What's more, the two sides are both bi-moon creatures, and they are friends rather than enemies.

"The polymer rush over here as soon as possible!"

The order was issued, and the speed of the aggregate was very fast, but in a short time, dozens of crocodile tribesmen were cleaned up, and the water washed by the waves of the shallow sea seemed to be gradually turning red.

"Aim at the target and throw the calcium carbide bomb into the water! Be sure to pay attention to the position and throw it as I said!"


There were not many bombs left by the aggregate that had just arrived. In addition, the crocodiles and bugs had already intertwined. Chu Ling could only carefully control the direction of the bombs. hit situation.

However, at this time, a small common sense problem made the situation in the shallow sea area weird.

Maybe many people have done this kind of thing when they were young: they wrapped the small Chinese New Year firecrackers in soil, then lit them and threw them into the pond, and then... Of course, they harvested the stunned fish.


Of course, the calcium carbide bomb is not as powerful as a small firecracker, but fortunately, the existence in this 'pond' is not fish, but the 'best dead' bugs and the 'good physique' crocodiles.

Therefore, when Chu Ling carefully avoided the splashing sea water and looked at the sea surface again, there was no need to explain the embarrassment on her expression.

On the sky-filled pond, crocodiles with white bellies, wearing armor of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and a terrifying number of beetles floated up.

However, the worm's awakening speed exceeded Chu Ling's expectation. Before she could utter a sigh, many worms had already started shaking their bodies, as if they were about to wake up.

"Quickly, throw those big crocodiles at me!"

The next moment, several crocodile tribesmen smashed towards Chu Ling head-on with water drops and breeze before they woke up.


Panickedly dodging the crocodile clansman who aimed at Chu Ling because of the understanding of the aggregate, Chu Ling could only dodge it depressedly while updating the hint content.

Thus, the ending of this group of crocodile survivors became stacking arhats on the beach.

However, the recovery speed of the worms is too fast, and the number is extremely large. Even if the aggregation is very fast, only a hundred or so crocodile people were actually rescued ashore, and the rest were all killed by the sea of ​​worms while they were stunned. devour.

In this regard, Chu Ling had to be thankful that the bugs would not land. As for the chasing bees, they were blocked by the thunder clouds spreading from the thunder beasts, which saved a lot of trouble.

Sighing, Chu Ling signaled the aggregate to go back to help Thunder Beast and Lava Beast, while she looked at the crocodile people piled up among the rocks behind the beach, waiting for them to wake up.

As for those crocodile people who turned into bones...

"Maybe dying in a coma is a kind of happiness," Chu Ling comforted herself.

In the distance, dark clouds and lava rivers still surround the entire No. 03 meteorite base, while the bugs on the sea surface are patrolling the shallow sea unscrupulously.

Not long after, the space around her twisted, and 8051 appeared in front of Chu Ling in a teleportation.

"Do you still have calcium carbide bombs?" Already accustomed to the other party's haunting behavior, Chu Ling asked calmly: "We have just used more than half of it here, and I am afraid it won't last long. It's better to have more, so that we can use it on the bugs in the sea."

"Yes, but you also know the production speed of electric creatures," 8051 told the truth.

Making calcium carbide bombs is an impossible task for ordinary people who are just ordinary animals whose brains are only hovering around the second level. Only 8051 can control every step of these creatures through Shuangyue. Let Chu Ling use these bombs, but the quality is not guaranteed.

Under such circumstances, there is obviously no need to expect much from the speed of survival.

"The next batch of 360 200N calcium carbide bombs will be transported by three flying epic creatures in about half an hour, but these three are all epic creatures with ordinary physical strength, so if possible, it is best not to use them. to fight."


Lack of combat power does not mean that combat power can be wasted. The role of these epic creatures with physical strength should be to cooperate with the main force of friends to launch attacks on the enemy in future frontal battlefield battles, not on the current asymmetrical battlefield. To die, so Chu Ling knew what to do.

"But speaking of which, this group of crocodiles is really unlucky," said the main thing, looking at the comatose crocodile next to him, 8051 held back for a long time before uttering such a sentence.

"But in the final analysis, they will have to face it sooner or later," Chu Ling said mercilessly, "It's just a matter of using this group of people to contact the guys in Shanghai. Of course, if you and Shuangyue help, it will obviously be much easier."

"I will when necessary," 8051 nodded, "but compared with the Pengzu, the advantage of the Haizu is only in quantity. Moreover, the existing energy technology weapons of the Pengzu may not be popular in the water. As a result, the Sea Clan can get very little strength improvement, and they may suffer great losses in future battles."

Hearing this, the corners of Chu Ling's mouth twitched as she recalled the previous incident of 'Calcium carbide frying fish'.

Leaving aside the power of those calcium carbide bombs in the water, I recall that when the electromagnetic gun was tested in the water, accidents such as electric leakage occurred more than once, which eventually led to the consideration of cost and versatility. A water weapon that costs at least ten times as much as an ordinary electromagnetic gun has been produced.

But in fact, the friends who developed to the land and the sky don't need this thing at all.

As for supporting the Sea Clan, this weapon probably won't be produced much, because the Peng Clan doesn't even have enough production capacity to support itself.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ling still shook her head: "Whether to support the Sea Clan is always a matter, but how to support is a matter for the technical department. I just need to stand in my own class."

"Oh, what a relaxed speech," 8051 teased.

"each other."

(End of this chapter)

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