Spore Story

Chapter 687 Adventure

Chapter 687 Adventure
When Torov woke up from the bouts of headaches, his memory was still stuck in the moment when those unknown creatures with mouths full of sharp teeth, who were only the size of arms, rushed towards him fiercely and were about to bite him.

But when he opened his eyes, what he saw was the sky shimmering with thunder, and the earth with gusts of cold wind, other than that... there was not even a drop of sea water.

Think carefully, is he dead now.Then, could this be the legendary afterlife world?
Blinking his eyes, he felt that it would be better to continue to sleep for a while, although it seemed cold here.

However, this little wish was quickly shattered by the noisy environment.

"Hey, Torov, wake up, I saw you open your eyes!"

"What's the noise, Stalin, it's so annoying even if you're dead."

"What the hell, you bastard, this is land!"


Frowning in doubt, Torov subconsciously wanted to sit up and confirm, but soon held back his curiosity, and turned over in a self-deceiving way and continued to sleep: "Isn't the land a cursed place? It's all here and you still say Not dead, don't bother me, sleepy."


"Ah oh!"

For some unknown reason, the methods used by these crocodiles to make people sober seem to be violent methods, but it is obviously very effective.Even though Torov expressed extreme anger towards Stalin, he was fully awake.

So, what matters is not the means, but the result.

"How could it be? We didn't die? Is this the legendary cursed land?"

The psychological activities of the adventurer after waking up on an unfamiliar beach after encountering waves, the boat capsized and the survivors survived were obviously the same as those of Torov and others at this time. It is absolutely correct to use the rest of their lives to evaluate.After waking up, Torov was even more uneasy about the surrounding environment. Even though dozens of his kind were walking around to check, it still made people feel a heavy breath.

And soon, they had to face the most realistic question, where is this place?
Land, that is too broad, even the ocean is divided into several regions?
For them, it’s okay to be in the water. Relying on many means of marine life, these crocodile people can find their way home after a while, but now they don’t even dare to approach the coast, because some The sea bugs, eager to see the crocodiles, even jumped on the beach.

Fortunately, the fighting power of these bugs on the beach is as high as 5 points. In the face of the crocodile tribe who think they are marine creatures, but do not know why they can survive on land, these bugs are nothing more than the crocodile tribe.But no one thought that relying on this one foot, they could easily return to the ocean full of bugs, even getting close to it would make one's scalp tingle.

"Stalin, what's going on?" After waking up, although he was terrified and excited about being able to move on land, he quickly looked around and found that there were only a hundred or so people left, and his heart suddenly felt a little sympathetic : "Are there only these people?"

"I don't know. Although I woke up earlier, apart from the hundred or so people around us, there was nothing but the bare land and the coast occupied by those bugs." Stalin was obviously also at a loss. , Knowing things obviously does not need much more than Torov.

"This is the blessing of the gods. The great gods must have heard my prayers at that time and rescued us." When the crowd was clearly flustered and confused, a certain believer stood up.

Looking at this magic-like crocodile warrior, Torov and other people who were not very fanatical in their beliefs could only remain silent, and even followed the people around them into prayer postures.Because they couldn't explain the current situation, people with faith naturally chose the most convenient way to deal with it - to push everything to the gods.

"I have to say that belief is really the best way to be lazy and avoid psychological pressure," 8051 complained, and then looked at Chu who was hiding behind the rock with him and observing the activities of the group of crocodile people with mental strength. Ling, with a curious face on her face: "Why don't you just go out? The grace of saving lives and the responsibility of interracial communication should be enough."

"That's the way it is, but don't you think races that can land on land like the crocodile race should play a bigger role, don't you?"

Chu Ling smiled, pointed to the meteorite base in the distance, and said, "Let's guide these people step by step in the dark, and after revealing the secrets of the land, let them bring the news of the land that they have obtained through 'untold hardships'." Go back home. At that time, if you continue to add fuel to the flames secretly, the harvest will obviously be more effective than me standing out now and telling them what to do."

"When did you learn the wood grain thing?" 8051 looked at Chu Ling in surprise, and then showed a funny smile: "However, it sounds fun, so let's continue."

"Fun? This is a big event that concerns the entire Double Moon Planet," Chu Ling, who shook her head speechlessly and was not too entangled in this, began to mobilize her mental power, suggesting that the lava beast in the distance let go of a small opening.

The Zerg, who never let go of their patrols on the river of lava, quickly rushed out of this small opening, led by poisonous thorn snakes, jumping spiders, and double gun bugs, with hundreds of puppies as the main force.

However, the Zerg would not act as Chu Ling wished. Instead, they stood at the breach and waited for the large army to appear.

"I knew you would not be obedient," Chu Ling curled her lips.

The next moment, the Thunder Beast mobilized the Thunder in the dark clouds, and directly attacked the swarm of insects standing in place to drive them away. Although this caused a small number of sky zergs to take the opportunity to escape, fortunately there were still aggregates After checking for the Thunder Beast and the Lava Beast, there were no surprises.

And in this way, the bug swarm had to obediently rush out of the line of defense after paying the casualties of more than a dozen bugs. As for going back, it was obvious that they would not do it after finally rushing out.

Then, the Lava Beast reconnected the disconnected Lava River before the opponent's large army arrived.

It was simple to say, but the rapid changes in it made Chu Ling sweat profusely... psychologically.

"What should I do next?" 8051 watched the show, occasionally using his mind to help.

"Drive the crocodile people to the designated place, and let the two sides break out in direct conflict," Chu Ling had a plan in mind, and she responded very smoothly at this time, but both of them knew that the poor crocodile people had just escaped from the tiger's mouth of the sea insect swarm. Leaving, we have to face the wolf den of land bugs again.


"No, everyone, run!" Among the crocodile crowd, people near the beach suddenly yelled, because just as they were still confused about the next step, the coast along this line started to rise abnormally.

After waking up, a small number of calm crocodile people have checked that their location is low. If the high tide is a little higher, their place will soon be submerged by sea water.Without those bugs, they obviously support this change, because they are not drowned because they are marine life.

But the trouble is, those bugs obviously couldn't wait to chase the tide and rushed towards more than 100 crocodile tribesmen.

"This... where should this go!"

"Inland! In the current situation, we can only go deep into the land!"

"But that's a curse... God..."

"Curse the head, be eaten by piranhas, or continue to move on the cursed land we have set foot on! You choose!" Some of the calm crocodile tribe roared and forced everyone to make a choice, while a few turned and fled.

However, Chu Ling was obviously dissatisfied with the hesitation of these people.In order for the group of crocodiles to make wise decisions, she began to signal 8051 to strengthen the tide.

When the scream of a crocodile near the coast was bitten by insects came, most of the crocodile people made the right decision in horror.But the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds. Even in this situation, there are still a few people who are probably out of their minds still praying for the blessings of the gods, hanging on the words, "Even if you die in the mouth of a piranha, it is better than entering it." Cursed land, it's a good idea to be abandoned by the gods forever, as for the result...

Torov panted slightly while running: "Stalin, we are..."

"Of course it is escape." Stalin looked back at the fanatics who stayed behind, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth: "Since the gods can save us and put us on land, then what kind of cursed land should we be afraid of? The gods let us Come on! These idiots."

The other party's words awakened the dreamer, and Torov looked at his friend in shock, and then looked back at the few people left behind, only to see the scene of them struggling after being swallowed up by the tide like a swarm of insects: "For , why didn't you just say it?"

"I don't like them a long time ago," Stov flicked his tail in disdain, and continued to follow the army without looking back: "It is the best result for an idiot with a broken brain to be washed away by the tide, otherwise who knows Will it cause trouble later on?"

"You!" Torov was a little hard to accept: "But they are the same kind after all!"

"Shut up! Ah, get out of here!" Before Torov finished complaining, he suddenly felt his body being pushed away heavily, and then he sat down on the rock wall.

"That's that?" His eyes froze, and he seemed to see a familiar shadow at that moment. Although the opponent disappeared in the blink of an eye, Torov was still very confident in his vision.

However, he didn't have much time to think about it now, because during the two to three seconds when everyone got rid of the threat of the tide and breathed a sigh of relief, the crocodile group was suddenly attacked by unknown creatures and killed six or seven people in an instant.


"Ah, everyone back up, run!"

"Bastard, are you still a warrior! Quickly pick up your weapons... no, raise your fists and smash these monsters to death!"

"Everyone come closer to me, gather together!"

"Scatter and break through!"


The more than 100 bugs carefully released by Chu Ling did not act according to her original plan, but dispersed into dozens of small teams to raid and patrol in all directions.

After discovering the situation, Chu Ling gave up the idea of ​​guiding them to gather again after thinking about it for a while, and then immediately changed the plan, leading several of the Zerg teams to approach the crocodile team that was also moving.

The first team to encounter the Crocodile Centurion was a team of seven puppies led by three Hydralisks. In terms of combat power, if they met a ten-man team from the Friends, they would be no good. It has reached the size of a hundred-man team, but because it has just survived a catastrophe, and now it is extremely lacking of a crocodile team with unified command.

Relying on the sneak attack, this group of crocodile people sadly fell into the chaos that was common in the cold weapon era.What's more troublesome is that the rescue target that Chu Ling commanded the aggregate before was completely random, and the result of this randomness was that there was not a single qualified commander in it. (Their boss warrior leader is still hiding under the sea XD)

As a result, more than 100 crocodile tribe members faced the surprise attack of only a dozen insects, and they went through the stages of chaos, rout, gathering, and resistance. It was not until they lost more than 30 people that they were able to block the surprise attack of the insect tribe.

Even Chu Ling couldn't bear the result.

"I suddenly lost confidence in the Sea Clan," 8051 said bluntly about his worries.

"Forget it, after all, this group of crocodile people is really under a lot of pressure at this point in time, the most important thing is the lack of command," Chu Ling sighed, explaining objectively: "And now, my first The goal can be considered to be achieved, this group of crocodile tribesmen have established a unified command in the battle, and have a preliminary understanding of the bugs, the following things will be much easier."

On the other hand, the crocodile tribe, who suffered heavy casualties, finally discovered the number of enemies under Stalin's powerful gathering, and felt deeply ashamed.As the warriors of the crocodile tribe, they were so unbearable in the face of an irresistible enemy that was not a piranha. No matter how you say this, it is a stain on your life.

Of course, the premise is to be alive.

"The strong ones will come forward, and the rest will throw stones at me!"

"Stalin, what are these things?"

"How do I know, yes! It's just to hit the stomachs of those bastards who are hiding behind and spit, haha!"

"Chance, give me a shot!"


After the crocodile tribe stabilized, the physical strength shown by the crocodile tribe was a little surprising. It was even comparable to the Zerg puppies. Even among the strong crocodile tribe people in front of them, some people were able to beat the other side when faced with the impact of the puppies. The neck twisted, and then joined forces with the rest of the people to drag it into the rear, causing the sad puppy to be beaten to death by the group.

It is hard for people who saw this scene to imagine that the group of chaotic crocodile people being chased by puppies before is the same person as the current crocodile people.

Even though they had just arrived on land and were not used to fighting on land, they were still able to display such strength, which obviously changed the evaluation of them by 8051 and Chu Ling a lot.

But if they wanted to, I'm afraid the crocodile people didn't want these two to see them as powerful, because it meant that the enemies they faced would be even stronger in the future.

It's a pity that the only purpose of this small group of crocodile people is to destroy the enemy and survive.

"Phew, what the hell is this monster? It's so dangerous!" After the battle, everyone began to clean up the battlefield. As the commander who had suddenly emerged during the battle, Stalin kicked the corpses of a dozen bugs on the ground vigorously. , but the occasional soreness in his waist made his image slightly damaged.

After standing for a while, he had no choice but to sit back on a blood-stained rock.

In the battle just now, he was standing on the front line fighting bravely when he was unfortunately hit on the waist by a puppy, which directly caused him to lie on the ground for a while afterwards.Fortunately, the team had gotten used to the battle pattern he had set before, and did not fall into chaos again because of the loss of command.

However, when the battle was over and everyone was clearing up the results, they still felt a chill that was more piercing than the cold wind.

"Sixty-seven died, and there are 67 left." Torov sat back tiredly beside Stalin, and handed over a piece of meat torn from the venomous Hydra.

"Find a stone and bury it properly." The sea people have different methods of treating the corpses of the dead. Stalin's tribe uses throwing them into the deep sea, but now on land, it is impossible to move around with the corpses, so they can only bury them.

Sighing, Stalin reached out to take the food: "Hey! Where did it come from?"

Cleaning up the battlefield is not what Comrade Stalin, who claims to be the team leader at this time, is going to do, so he is slightly dazed looking at the piece of meat in his hand.After all, since landing on land... No, it should be after entering the shallow sea, they found no traces of animals and plants, so that this group of people have been hungry for most of the day.

"Those creatures that attack us, very powerful creatures, may also have chewy meat. Try it, check it, it shouldn't be poisonous."

"Oh," hesitated, but the hunger in his stomach still drove him to take a bite, and then...

"Ah bah! Damn it! What the hell kind of smell is this!"

Most of the people who tasted this taste for the first time made similar actions, and Chu Ling and 8051 who were hiding behind the rock not far away were even more weird: "Even the best chef of the Pengzu is also interested in this taste." There is no way to grow meat, and this group of crocodile people is really pitiful."

"You are gloating," Chu Ling glanced at 8051.

"Ah, what are you talking about? Fengda can't hear you."

The corners of Chu Ling's eyes twitched.

"What should we do now? When will we go out?" 8051 asked curiously seeing that the crocodile tribe seemed to be leaving soon.

"Just one attack is not enough. They should be guided step by step towards the Zerg base, and when they are in danger, they will secretly rescue them so that they can survive again." Chu Ling twitched her fingers and smiled.

"and then?"

"Then, having seen so many dangers, of course it is necessary to guide these people to go to the rear to feel the beauty of the land. After careful calculation, the four Youshen of the Peng Clan will also arrive at that time, so that they can see the strength of Youshen. , the two sides will have some exchanges."

The words became smoother and smoother, and Chu Ling's plan became more and more like Mu Wen's style of killing people without paying for their lives: "This time, they are just some crocodile soldiers, and there is no need for any decisive communication. The main goal is to bring them back to the land. The real situation, and understand the key point that the Zerg is the enemy of Double Moon Star."

"Oh," 8051's eyes flickered, he thought for a while and said, "Actually, when they return, can some bugs be sent off?"


Chu Ling's head was full of black lines: "8051, you are black."

(End of this chapter)

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