Spore Story

Chapter 688 Lava

Chapter 688 Lava
The crocodile adventure team, which has undergone another downsizing, has dropped from the initial number of more than 100 to 50 people. Most of the casualties came from the initial enemy raid.

However, with a unified command, the team can display considerable strength.

Of course, in the following, they will encounter continuous frights.For example, meeting the enemy suddenly; walking and walking, a double-gun worm fell from the sky; when I was resting, I was planning to eat disgusting insect meat, but was suddenly hit by the venom of the poisonous hydra... and so on.

Adhering to the principle of letting the other party 'advance step by step while being frightened', and cooperating with the ideas of many adventure games (fantasy hunting games) in 8051 from the emptiness, the crocodile adventure team led by the two unscrupulous behind-the-scenes black hands is very Exciting experience of a live-action adventure game.

And in this experience, they paid for their heart life and the life of their companions.When they return to the world of the crocodile tribe, if they can speak Chinese well, they may be able to compile their own experiences and others into an "Adventure in the Cursed Land" and pass it on to future generations.

Of course, they were still alive when it was mentioned.

At this moment, among the crocodiles who had just crossed the terrifying river of lava, and turned all the way, they saw the shockingly disgusting Zerg buildings, and were chased and killed by the overwhelming Zerg. The idea of ​​publishing a book and passing it on to the world.

Because, no time. XD
The number is 22, the location is a narrow area between the lava river and the Zerg base (PS: Chu Ling deliberately let 8051 make it out of the lava river XD), the time is around three o'clock in the morning.

Surrounded by a large number of bugs beside the lava river, Stalin and others seemed exhausted.Even though their ability in battle has been continuously improved, and some people have even been able to fight three puppies alone, thus reaching the level of the original soldiers of the three major combat groups of the friend clan, but the disadvantage of numbers determines their results.

At least for now, this place is considered a dead end.

"Do you still have to die in the end? I'm not reconciled!" Stalin's hands drooped, because he had done too much reciprocating movement of punching, and he seemed a little tired. At this time, he felt weak even to move his fingers.

"What kind of monsters are these? Why are they so dangerous!" Torov was even more unbearable. He was not strong enough to survive many times by relying on magical luck. , but slipped and just dodged or something.But even so, with a broken tail and lack of balance, he didn't think he still had much fighting power, because the crocodile tribe didn't have the ability to dock their tails.

"Damn it, why did the gods ask us to come here? Could it be that this place is actually hell?" said a man without human rights.In this regard, the people around were noisy, some were praying to the gods for help, some were cursing the injustice of fate, and some were looking at the insects that surrounded them blankly.

They won't think about how to make bug meat taste better... no wonder.

Soon, the sharp-eyed crocodile people discovered a strange thing.

"Why don't they attack?"

The team, which even Stalin, who had been the captain for a day, could not appease, became quiet at this moment.Everyone looked at the monsters who tore apart or took away their compatriots one by one with complicated eyes, and were surprised to find that they really stopped outside the team and did not attack.

"There is no attack, even the monsters (flying Zerg) that can attack on it are gone."

At this moment, a wave of hope for life surged in many people's hearts.

"what happened?"

Chu Ling, who was dragged by the aggregate to fly in the sky, was always paying attention to the situation of the Crocodile Clan. After hearing the curious inquiry from 8051 beside her, she surveyed the surrounding environment.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ling made a deduction: "The bugs deliberately drove these crocodile people to the lava river, but instead of killing them directly, they kept exerting pressure... Tell me, could it be that they guided the 100 people from us to What do you see in the behavior of multiple Zergs attacking the Crocodiles?"

"Should...no way," replied not very confidently, 8051 shook his head in doubt: "Even if he saw something, it should be that we let the Zerg and the Crocodile fight. Could it be that they thought you would save these people , and then in order to save the 22 crocodile tribesmen, the lava river will be released for a short time, and then they can take the opportunity to rush out?"

"We're not bugs. Their thinking patterns are different from ours, so we can't tell."

"However, no matter how you think about it, now is the time to rescue these guys. It's not good to delay for too long," Chu Ling said without thinking too much. When the enemy's intentions cannot be confirmed, it is Chu Ling's code of conduct.

"Thunder beast, prepare for a thunderstorm; Aggregate, do your best to stop the fish that slipped through the net. It doesn't matter if you run out of calcium carbide, anyway, there are still two or three hours before the first batch of reinforcements will arrive; Lava beast, you don't need to open the way, just need to Just leave a few room-temperature stones that can jump within 10 minutes with the crocodile tribe, and if the crocodile tribe can’t jump out after the time passes, it’s because they can’t do it themselves.”

"So evil."

"Evil doesn't have to be derogatory, Quack, after that will be 8051's two couriers," Chu Ling smiled at 8051, glanced behind, and didn't leave after the calcium carbide bomb was delivered, but she didn't join the battle either. of floating worms.

In a sense, they are also a kind of weird epic creatures, with a body size between cloud jellyfish and ordinary flying epic creatures. They are about one kilometer in size in adulthood, and these two are also of this level.However, because they rely on the airbags in their bodies to provide their floating power, although these two floating worms are huge in size, they are actually weaker than ordinary epic creatures in many aspects such as defense, attack, and even thinking ability.

However, because the load and speed are not bad, these two were selected by 8051 as transportation personnel.

The thunderclouds in the sky became denser, and the sound of thunderstorms kept coming and going, so that the Zerg on the ground, whether they were in the base or surrounding the crocodile, began to tense up their fighting spirit.

When Chu Ling commanded the epic creature to pave the way, the 22 crocodile tribesmen who didn't know that they were being treated with such a high standard stood fearfully beside the hot lava river and confronted the bugs.

During the period, some crocodile people also wanted to seize this opportunity and tried to communicate with the obviously organized counterparty to gain a way out, but of course it was useless.If they hadn't had their previous combat experience and retreated before the bugs attacked, I am afraid that the number of crocodiles standing here now would be less than 22.

However, even though they can persist physically, their spirits are about to collapse. Whoever stays in such a place where there is a big enemy in front and a dead end in the back will accelerate the loss of courage.

"Ah! I can't stand it!"

Finally, a certain crocodile soldier rushed towards the insect swarm ahead, brandishing the bone spurs that had been broken off from the dead puppy.Because of the sudden incident, the teammates beside him didn't even have time to hold the collapsed soldier.The result, of course, was that he failed to splash a lot of water in the swarm, but only made a few people in his crocodile team excited and a few sad.

"What's the use of going on like this, it's better to fight with them!"

"Don't pull me, you cowards!"

"Bastard, give me peace!"

With a slap on the face of the mentally disturbed man, Stov's face was ashen. He looked extremely resolute with his back to the lava river, but unfortunately no one appreciated it at this time.

Everyone knows the current desperate situation. This is land, and they don't think there will be reinforcements. Everything depends on their own situation. In this situation, death seems to be the only result.

Time passed by little by little, and the crocodile tribe was contemplating how to escape, but there were bugs on the left and right in front of the lava, and they couldn't fly to the sky, and they couldn't escape the ground. Right now, they seemed to be messing around every minute; Hours later, it seemed that they were gradually losing patience, and some insects started to stir up, and approached the crocodile tribe step by step.

"Back... back, don't!" The crocodile people who were close to the periphery wanted to back away desperately, their voices were dominated by fear, and they even cried. They could even see the shreds of meat in the crevice of the little dog in front of them, God Unfortunately, he still clearly remembered that it seemed to belong to a companion.

But how could the people behind continue to back up: "Don't push! If you step back, you will be lava, bastard!"

"Am I, Stalin, going to die here?" A certain temporary team leader looked desperate, and at the same time clenched the bone spur in his hand, showing hesitation.

———Jump into the river, boy (big mistake)———

"Okay, we can carry out the rescue... hey!"

"Wait all!" Chu Ling, who was just about to rescue the group of people, stopped suddenly, and after waving her hand to stop the epic creature's movement, she closed her eyes with a thoughtful expression, and soon changed into a happy expression.

Soon, Chu Ling opened her eyes again, and quickly stopped the preparations of the three epic creatures: "It's great that the rescue operation is suspended, these guys really still have a sense of crisis."

"What? The reinforcements have arrived?" 8051 could feel the energy vibration around Chu Ling's body through the external calcium carbide, which meant that she was just in contact with her friends.At this time, there were obviously not many things that could make Chu Ling look happy, so 8051 was able to quickly deduce the result.

Chu Ling nodded in agreement.

"The four Nether Gods are still more than ten minutes away. Since we are arriving so soon, let's revise our plan accordingly."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to look at the Zergs who were gathering illegally by the lava river in the distance, and the poor crocodile people who were watching: "The ghosts of the friends will directly rescue them later. To frighten the bugs, it will also prevent us from risking the possibility of problems in the defense line to deploy epic creatures to do this, and let our friends show their faces in front of this group of crocodile people."

Chu Ling, who was thinking about how to deal with it next, didn't pay attention to the crocodile people who were standing by the lava river in the distance, suffering in pain: "The interests of the friends are above all else, huh."

Speaking of this, the butterfly tentacles on top of Chu Ling's head trembled slightly.I'm afraid she doesn't know it herself, but she will make this habitual action whenever she thinks of some bad ideas, and those who are familiar with her have already mastered this point, such as 8051.

Witnessing what happened to this group of unlucky crocodile people along the way, seeing them stuck by the river and unable to escape, 8051 may have developed a little kindness, pointing to this group of people and said to Chu Ling: "However, if according to your Plan, can they stick to that time?"

"If you can't persist, you must persist," Chu Ling said dangerous words in a cute voice.He hesitated for a while, maybe because there were too few crocodile people when the Youshen rescued them, and they might not be able to show the strength of the friends, so after thinking about it, he said: "How about, 8051 use your mind to help secretly. busy?"

"How can I help? It's agreed that I won't participate." 8051 began to distance himself from the relationship. It seems that her kindness is still too little.

"Who thought it was fun before, and always tripped up those puppies who were attacking?" Chu Ling squinted her eyes and stared at 8051. Unfortunately, with the insect compound eyes of an ordinary Hell butterfly, no matter how she thought she was squinting. How dangerous the movement should be, but in the eyes of outsiders, it still looks like a pair of compound eyes that do not move.

"You said it was fun, we didn't help directly, we can only say that those puppies are unlucky," 8051 spread his hands, then turned his head to look up at the sky.And the crocodile people who were struggling to support in the distance and were under the pressure of a huge enemy were completely ignored by her.

"I'm convinced." Chu Ling covered her forehead depressedly, pointed to the lava river and said, "You don't need to bother, just follow the method you think is fun and make those bugs unable to attack for 10 minutes."

"But isn't it 13 minutes before the ghost gods arrive?" 8051's answer shows that she has agreed to help, but some doubts still need to be answered.

"Do you think that the crocodile tribe is taking chances to confront the enemy! At the time of holding!, the effect of the Youshen class driving away the enemy or directly rescuing them is better; or the bugs that are confronting the crocodile tribe start attacking! Strike!, at this moment of final despair, how effective would it be if the ghost god suddenly appeared to rescue them?"

Chu Ling's smile seemed more pure and lovely, but both parties were understanding people.

8051 couldn't help shivering, and said subconsciously: "Are you Chu Ling or QB, these crocodile tribesmen are all men!"

"Eh? What QB?" Chu Ling, who was about to fly closer, paused, instinctively felt that this was a bad word, so she turned her head to look at 8051.

"Uh, don't worry about it, it's just an evil beast, it has nothing to do with you, haha, just ask Kong Huan what it is specifically," 8051 hurriedly stopped talking, threw the burden to her husband decisively, and then pointed to the lava in the distance : "Since your idea is to block the bug's attack on the crocodile family without being detected, but now the bug doesn't attack, then we don't need to be nosy, right?"

"Yes," Chu Ling nodded.

"So, when the bugs are about to attack, I will mobilize my mind to create some obstacles like ground sinking and lava splashes. Now continue watching the show." 8051 showed Mother Earth's kind smile.

When it comes to business, Chu Ling, who doesn't pay much attention to sex, nodded and turned to the main topic after connecting QB's question with emptiness: "Just keep paying attention. After all, our main purpose is still this group of crocodile people." The two thoughts left in my mind are 'the Zerg is the eternal enemy' and 'the friend is the irresistible absolute leader'."

Speaking of this, Chu Ling stopped her wings and landed on the ground where she could already feel the temperature of the lava river. Looking at the lava beast that was patrolling the lava river and constantly spouting high-heat flames to maintain the heat of the lava river, a smile appeared on her face. : "Although even if these a dozen or so Crocodiles become fanatics, the effect is not great, but the road has to be taken step by step, just like the Friends Clan did to the Shadow Clan and the Black Bone Clan."

Nowadays, the control of the Peng Clan on land is self-evident, not to mention the Dunjia Clan, which is basically the companion civilization of the Peng Clan, and there will be no possibility of being separated from the Peng Clan for at least thousands of years; and the experience of the Shadow Clan Chu Xia has been in business for decades, and with a certain degree of trust given by her friends, although she is not at the level of the Dunjia clan, she is already very close, and the two parties have a high degree of understanding.

So far, these two races have the best relationship with the friend clan. As long as the friend clan does not change the propaganda and policies of friendship with the two races, the relationship between the two sides can be maintained for a long time.

As for the Black Bone Race, after being controlled by the dark blood, through the full cooperation and propaganda of the various ruling classes and the church within the Black Bone Race, at least in the short term, there is no need to worry about any rebellion against the friends;

The Spirit Race is a bit more troublesome. They can't be so idiots as to think that the Moon Spirits have nothing to do with the Spirit Race even though their friends have stated that the Moon Spirits are transforming the Spirit Race.Therefore, there is a natural barrier between the Spirit Clan and the Pengling Clan, the Moon Spirits. If it weren't for the endless and weird methods of the wood grain that constantly affected the strategy of the Spirit Clan, the second war between the Pengling Clan might have already started.

However, from the point of view of the friends, as long as the number of Moon Spirits continues to expand, it will be a matter of time before the Spirit Race is replaced by the Moon Spirits, not to mention that because of the honesty of the Friends and a certain degree of brainwashing education, the Moon Spirits are among the friends of the Friends. , to a certain extent more thoroughly integrated than the Dunjiaren.

In fact, you only need to see that 60% of the existing friend clan troops are moon spirits; 70% of the bottom-level technicians in the existing factories are moon spirits, and you can see the trust between the two sides.

With the land civilization generally stabilized, the Peng Clan will contact the Sea Clan sooner or later, and establish a basic strategy of at least 'dividing land and sea, and commercial exchanges'.

If it weren't for this Zerg invasion, Base 03 just landed here and attracted the Sea Clan, maybe the Friends Clan would wait until this time's enemy is resolved before communicating.However, there are no absolutes in the world. Faced with such a good opportunity, it is obviously impossible for Pengzu to give up.

That's why Chu Ling made this decision to try to create a first meeting that is most beneficial to the friends, even though the other party is likely to be only the bottom of the sea family.

This is the propaganda strategy.

"The first impression is extremely important," Chu Ling looked at the restless Zerg in the distance, the shivering crocodile, and the vile face beside her... oh no, the smiling 8051, with a touch on his face. The same soft smile.

But I don't know why, why is the temperature so cold even though it is beside the lava river?

(End of this chapter)

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