Spore Story

Chapter 689 Indifference

Chapter 689 Indifference
The road ahead is a dead end.

"Are we going to die?"

In this hopeless world, Stalin led a dozen survivors, looked at the bugs dragging his companion's corpse ahead, but could only stand there in despair, not daring to go up and fight.

But, why, if you are going to die anyway, why do you want to stand here begging for such a short life?

All the crocodile people thought of these words at this time.

In fact, from a rational point of view, these bugs are still very restrained. At least they didn't rush to kill the dozen or so people who were about to be exhausted, but only dragged away a few people on the periphery, but...

"Fart! Those who are dragged away are all companions!" Stalin felt that he could not bear the torment in his heart.

"What are you waiting for! Anyway, it's just a few more breaths of life. Instead of waiting here to die, it's better to rush up and vent your anger!" At this time, the crocodile people who can stay are very calm and extremely rational, but Even so, these people could hardly suppress the resentment and fear in their hearts.

Looking back at the lava river behind him, Stalin seemed a little hesitant.

Not long ago, a monster flying in the sky passed by there. Looking at the opponent's movements, Stalin easily analyzed that the opponent was the reason for the lava river.But unexpectedly, those monsters that attacked themselves and others attacked the monsters flying in the sky. Although they failed to hurt them, it also made Stalin and others discover that the lava river was not owned by the monsters that attacked themselves and others .

And compared to the worm monsters at this time, an idea came to Stalin's mind: Could it be that the worm monster wanted that monster...or the owner of the lava river monster let go in order to save himself and others? What about lava rivers?

This idea was so weird and unrealistic that Stalin didn't say it at all, and didn't even go into it.But at this moment, faced with such a dead end, he came up with this idea again.

Because this seems to be their only hope.

"Let's charge together, at worst...you will die at worst!" a certain crocodile clansman gritted his teeth and proposed.

"Rush... rushing over, but... it's torn apart!" The legs of the person who was more fearful than angry were trembling, and he didn't know how to make a choice, but it was obvious that the death scene of his teammates before them directly led to them, dispelling the idea of ​​fighting the insects to death .

"A bunch of cowards!" The person who was more angry than fearful clearly expressed contempt for the fearful.In terms of fighting spirit, they are obviously stronger with the support of anger, and facing the current situation, all they think is: "Damn it, it's a big deal to fight!"

After finishing speaking, the three of them charged at the bugs outside again.

This time, none of the crocodile clansman held back the three companions, and few even made any moves, because in their view, it was just the difference between early death and late death.

Stalin subconsciously wanted to reach out his hand, but he still stopped it in mid-air, and finally turned into a sigh.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of howling, the sound of insect carapace rubbing, and the sound of flesh and bones being torn, the three of them replayed the scene that the crocodiles had seen several times before.

"God, why punish us?"

At this moment, even people with fanatical beliefs finally couldn't bear the pressure and began to collapse.The fanatics who hypnotized themselves with "God's Blessing", "God's Trial" and even "God's Dream" countless times have displayed fighting power beyond ordinary people along the way, and have followed the team until now.

But in the end, they still failed to persevere. The moment they doubted their faith, their combat effectiveness plummeted to the point that they were much weaker than ordinary people.

As a result, the spirit broke down, and the two walked out of the team again.

But this time, instead of facing the bugs, they turned around and jumped into the lava river behind them.

The scorching magma swallowed the two small crocodile bodies in an instant. First, the hard shell-like skin was burned; then the muscles were turned into coke under the licking of the magma; and the internal organs followed immediately after flowing out of the abdomen. Muscles turned into ashes afterwards; a brain full of wisdom only took a few seconds; even hard bones could not escape the fate of being turned into a part of lava at this moment, only at a slower speed than other parts of the body.

The whole process took only five or six seconds, very fast, but very long.

The last 13 people standing by the lava just watched the two of them who said, "God, please use this scorching flame to wash away my sins", and they turned into coke little by little. speechless.

The beliefs of the ocean races are very unified, and they all believe in a "god" who is likely to be fictional in the eyes of the friends and brings wisdom to everyone. The legendary stone of wisdom controlled by the big tribe is the god who cares for these people. Evidence of the Great Tribe.

However, due to differences in geographical environment and racial understanding, different ethnic tribes will express their respect to the gods in different ways of belief. Some of the races located in the deep-sea volcanic area have the saying that they jumped into the submarine volcano to wash away their sins. .

Of course, for the crocodiles who generally live in the deep sea or near the shallow sea, and there are no submarine volcanoes in the active environment, there is no such thing as "burning fire to cleanse sins" in daily life.It's just that now a group of monsters are in the front and a lava river is behind. Among the two options, the lava river, which may have the function of washing away sins, seems to be their best destination.

"Could it be too much, how much time is left?" 8051 frowned as he watched the scene where the three rushed into the swarm of insects to commit suicide, and then the two jumped into the lava river to burn themselves, feeling a little bit of pity in their hearts.

Under normal circumstances, from the perspective of the will of the planet, the death of a creature is nothing more than the return of the body to the earth, the return of the consciousness to the will of the planet, and then the will is purified through the planet and transferred to the next reincarnation of the newborn stage. Biological effects.

Usually, 8051 takes care of ordinary creatures, just to ensure that when these creatures survive, their satisfaction with the will of the planet will not decline.

But at this moment, seeing the actions of this group of desperate crocodile people, she felt touched.

Of course, just a little.

Beside him, Chu Ling still looked at the scene in the distance calmly, and replied in a flat tone: "There are still about 5 minutes, and the speed of the ghosts is already the fastest, and we cannot advance any further."

As far as Chu Ling was concerned, not only was she used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, but she herself died once in a certain fierce situation, and even fell into a deep sleep for several years because of it.

Regarding death, in fact, she sees it more thoroughly than 8051.

But this does not mean that she can ignore death, or even ignore more emotions and other things because of this.Chu Ling and 8051 are fundamentally two completely different existences. From their different starting points, they have already determined the differences in their psychological development paths.

Even if they lead to the same goal by different routes, there are still gaps on the way.

"If the bugs don't attack, it won't be in line with the plan, but this group of crocodile people can't die too much because of it, and it's not good for the plan." After thinking for a while, Chu Ling looked at 8051 and said, "If possible, try to use The small accident made the crocodiles unable to commit suicide, and at the same time took the opportunity to provoke the Zerg, making it look like the Zerg was about to attack or even started to attack."

"Okay," after finishing speaking, 8051, who probably would do it without Chu Ling's words, stared intently at the small area where the crocodile tribe was located across the lava river.

At this time, the team with only 13 people left was filled with a feeling of extreme despair and indifference.

"Stalin, you are a good brother, it's just that our luck is bad," Torov, who was miraculously still alive, said his last words to his friends beside him. After despair, as if they had ignored the bugs outside, they just gathered together to communicate with each other.

Those who didn't know thought that this group of people was having a bonfire party here, but in fact, at this time, the minds of the dozen or so people had gradually surpassed ordinary people. Maybe they really wanted to have a bonfire party, but The food grilled in the campfire was probably their own.

"Don't talk about Torov, we don't necessarily die," said Stov, who grasped the last straw in desperation, and then continued to reverse his own thoughts but found that the situation was very likely. It sounds similar to the indifference produced by the despair of the people around to a certain extent, but in fact the two sides just reached two extremes.

Stov feels that the person who created the lava river to stop these monsters will definitely consider whether to save himself and others, and the bugs must be waiting for the gap opened by the person to save them, while taking the opportunity to rush out.In this case, they just have to wait for the other party's decision;

Others felt that anyway, there were bugs in the front and lava in the back, but the enemy just kept oppressing and did not attack directly.In this case, the final result is death anyway, so it's better to spend these few minutes easily, and just jump into the river when the enemy attacks.

Thinking about it carefully, when I saw those fanatics jumping into the river, although it seemed painful at first, they died very quickly. It should be better than the feeling of being caught by insects and dismembered.

At this time, Stalin, who told his good friend something, felt that after someone shared the news with him, his mind seemed to be more relaxed.

"You... what you said is true?" Torov trembled all over.

"Of course," Stalin nodded carefully, not to attract the attention of those around him.But Torov didn't understand Stalin's thoughts: "I... I will tell... everyone."

"No." Stalin reached out and grabbed Torov who turned around. Stalin shook his head with cold eyes. What's the use, if my inference is wrong, won't it make everyone suffer more?"

Torov didn't know whether Stalin really thought so, but after thinking about it, he felt the same way, and his eyes that had just lit up dimmed again because of this.Torov, who imagined in his heart, thought that if he did not wait for the so-called rescue until he died, then he might be in more pain at that time. Why not go through a few minutes with the heart of death like now, and finally Jumping into the river is a joy.

"Yoo, these bugs seem to be killing people."

While Torov was suffering, a member of the crocodile tribe jokingly watched what was happening outside, without the awareness of the person involved.Even in the face of the movement of the agitated swarm that was likely to attack, the indifference in his tone made people feel that this person was a bystander standing outside the world.

It's a pity that the dead air that emerged from being too indifferent still exposed the true emotions of this crocodile tribe. It was nothing but the despair that came from knowing that he would die.

The people around them are actually similar, they are warriors, but since they took the task of rounding up epic creatures and came to the shallow sea, they first failed to round up, and then encountered piranhas. They survived by accident, but they were killed all the way on land. After chasing and killing them, they rushed to the enemy's base camp sullenly, but then miraculously escaped, but in the end, they were still stuck in this dead end.

This tragic encounter plunged this group of warriors into chaotic emotions.

Among them, those who should collapse have already collapsed, and the rest can be regarded as the best among the best with extremely good psychological quality. Unfortunately, they still have to face despair in the end.

"Let's get up and play, it's easy to defend and hard to attack here, haha," Stalin looked at the environment like a raised river bank, and showed a self-deprecating smile: "If the bugs rush over, we might still be able to fight in the area." Take a head or two and take a hot bath before you die."

Pointing to the lava river behind him, gravel and mud blocks would fall from time to time, and then quickly turn bright red.But facing this scene at this time, the crowd seemed very relaxed, as if the hot bath Stalin mentioned was really just an ordinary bath in a warm water area.

"Come on, maybe we should form a formation, or I'm in the first row," a crocodile tribe stood outside, and walked to the front facing the bugs with a smile on his face, the bone spurs in his hands were stained with blood.

Regarding the actions of these people, Stalin did not stop them, but secretly patted Torov, and then stood at the back of the team.

"The exciting place in the first row can't be ruined by you, I'm coming too!" Another crocodile tribe stepped forward boldly.

So soon, the members of the 13-member crocodile team quarreled over who stood in the first row as if rushing to see the beauties. In the end, four people were selected to block the narrow front line because the bugs were about to come. .

Then, the bugs began to charge with unusual coordination.

At this moment, the swarm had just come into contact with the four people in the front row of the crocodile tribe, and there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the lava river, and then a large amount of magma splashed out, which happened to hit the back of the swarm, instantly knocking down the few people in the middle of the swarm. Bug burn slows down.

However, due to the problem of sight, although the crocodile people found the lava splash, they did not find that the splash of lava just split the charging swarm in two.

At this time, the only insects that were really fighting these crocodile tribesmen were the five puppies at the head.

The results certainly speak for themselves.

The crocodile tribe thought it was an extremely difficult battle, but with the rich experience accumulated in just one day, the crocodile tribe easily wiped out the five puppies.At this time, the Zerg troops blocked by the splashing magma happened to be replenished, so in the eyes of the Crocodiles, the Zerg's charge was continuous and there was no fault.

This is the control power of 8051.

Without the barrier of splashing magma, with the dense charge of the Zerg, even if the crocodile tribe had no way out at this time, even if they wanted to die, they would not be able to hold on for two or three seconds.But now relying on this seemingly simple delay method, the crocodile striker has a short buffer time, the pressure is not reduced, but the room for displaying strength has greatly increased.

"Be careful, so that no one will notice it," Chu Ling, who was standing across the lava river, instructed 8051 on the side.

"I know, how long will it take for those guys?" Another lava burst gave the crocodiles a chance to breathe, and 8051 asked seriously: "Although it looks inconspicuous, this method can't be used much anymore." After all, no matter how idiotic they are, it is impossible for the Crocodiles not to notice something wrong when they see the lava behind them splashing so steadily to block the enemy but do them no harm."

"Two minutes," Chu Ling replied calmly, "Although it's a bit short of the three minutes of the plan to let them fight at the beginning, it's nothing. This group of people seems to be the elite of the Sea Clan, and their psychological quality is probably much higher than that of many people." Friends are fine."

"I think that the psychological quality of the Pengzu is completely supported by absolute strength, advanced technology and civilization beyond the age," 8051 replied in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Because from the beginning to the present, the friends have maintained the self-view of the strongest race of Shuangyuexing...or some kind of common sense, and relying on the current strength, the external performance of the friends is indeed the same, so that most of the friends Extremely confident.

Of course, this kind of self-confidence is not manifested in the so-called arrogance and other places.

When friends treat friendly people from other races, they will also communicate with equal attitudes, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, but in many cases, the natural behavior and demeanor of friends from other races will give members of other races around them a sense of confidence. It comes from your friend's usual grades and mentality.

This is a good thing.

But with the passage of time, this kind of self-confidence has also begun to sprout too much. For example, when they can't do it themselves, they completely believe that someone else in their group can do it successfully. Even if others don't succeed, people will I think there is nothing that the elders' house can't solve.

In this way, what will happen if you encounter a problem that the whole clan cannot deal with?
Shaking his head, 8051 put this thought aside.It's not that she didn't tell Kong Huan and them about this situation, but Kong Huan, Bai Nong, and Dark Blood all believed that as long as the friends can maintain their current status, and at the same time control public opinion and let the individuals of the friends continue to evolve, then Even if you encounter some setbacks, as long as you solve them quickly, there will be no trouble.

Speaking of these, Darkblood also used the War of Friends and the Great Migration to the Far West as examples.

In this regard, 8051 does not know how to refute it, so let it go.

"But think about it." 8051 looked up at the eastern sky, with a smile on his face: "Doesn't this also show illusory self-confidence? Self-confidence is better than no confidence at all."

(End of this chapter)

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