Spore Story

Chapter 690

Chapter 690
"Are you going to die?"

"Damn, what about the rescue? Who's behind the scenes? Why not?"

"Ah, by the way, it must be because they don't want to give these monsters a chance to rush out for the sake of our dozen or so crocodile tribe members. That must be the case!"

"But, isn't that inevitable? I'm such an idiot to figure it out now."

"In fact, you shouldn't have believed in it in the first place, and you've just made yourself more miserable in the end."

Stalin watched half of his body being corroded by the saliva of the venomous snake. At this time, he and Torov jointly sent the corpse of his companion into the lava river. He smelled the smell of burnt and sulfur in the air. dizzy.


Stalin, who was unsteady on his feet and almost fell into the lava, nodded to Torov who held him back, without thanking or complaining. At this time, it seemed that there was nothing to care about.

When he looked up again, the dark clouds in the sky remained, thunder continued, and magma splashed... It was a doomsday scene.

With a self-deprecating smile, Stalin straightened out the tattered carapace, and turned to look at his teammates who were struggling with the bugs.The worm's attack seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Although it was a little strange why the worm didn't rush forward with all its strength at the beginning, it was also explained by Stalin that it was just trying to put pressure on the possible behind-the-scenes existence.

However, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The people behind the scenes who I don't know at all, how could I let you monsters go for us guys! No, even if he wants to, I don't want to either! Hahahaha!"

At this moment, his expression was unprecedentedly determined.



"Death in battle? Or burn to death?"

"..." There was silence around, and Stalin's meaning was well conveyed to everyone: the time is up, everyone should make the final decision.Stalin didn't care about this kind of silence. He just looked at everyone like this. Although it was for Torov, why didn't he ask his colleagues around him and himself?

"Well...hehe, whatever you want." Torov chose a slippery answer.

"Uh," shaking his head with a wry smile, Stalin lifted the bone spur at his foot, and with a light grip, the strength seemed to return to his exhausted body: "I jumped into the lava river alive and burned to death, maybe we can really be redeemed... "

The surrounding crowd took the time to look at the lava river, and the line of defense seemed to be gradually retreating towards the lava river.Stalin didn't mind this, he just caressed the bone spur, and then swung it violently, pointing the bone tip at the bug, with a fighting spirit on his face: "However, I am a warrior! A warrior of the crocodile tribe!"

The crowd startled in unison, looking at their weapons thoughtfully.

"Yeah," Torov didn't make any extra movements, but also raised two bone spurs that were half short, and played them in his hands like daggers in response: "Warriors have always been the only ones who die in battle." As a martyr, that is our final destination, as for the others... I am a warrior first, and secondly, I am a citizen of the gods."

"That's right! Torov, let's be a warrior and fight to the death together!" The surrounding crocodile warriors echoed in unison.

The next moment, everyone put away the indifference attitude caused by extreme despair, and the bold fighting spirit filled their bodies again.

There is no more anger, no more fear, only the belief that they must die is the only emotion in their minds.

At this time, the group of crocodile warriors seems to have returned to the moment when they participated in the selection of warriors in the square of the big tribe. For their own wishes, whether it is honor, survival, or fame... In the end, they still have to choose Warriors usually die, which is an unchangeable fate when they stand on the stage of the winner and receive the cheers of the tribal people.

"Even if you die, die like a warrior!"

Every movement and every breath of theirs seemed to envelop the surrounding space in this aura.It's just that 11 people broke out like a thousand troops.

It's a pity that the bugs didn't respond to this, and they were just charging as usual under the covert interference of the people behind the scenes.

Fighting warriors, weapons without fear, seem to be about to break out a fierce conflict between the two.

———Go to hell with bugs———

"Come on!"

With a loud roar, it was the first time that Stov felt that he could make such a loud sound on land; he could actually muster such a strong fighting spirit on land.

(Perhaps, the land is not a cursed land. At least, we can still fight, can't we?)
However, at this moment, a strong flash of light suddenly bombarded the swarm of insects in front of everyone. Even if they were far away, the eleven crocodile tribe members still felt numb, and their eyes were pierced by the strong light. It is painful and difficult to open, not to mention the bugs in the front.

Before the 11 people's vision recovered, the thunder in front of them began to erupt continuously. Even though they had already mustered their fighting spirit, the crocodile warriors still couldn't help but tremble in front of this kind of thunderstorm like the power of heaven and earth. , Moreover, they don't know what's going on at all.

Stov felt very aggrieved, why did this thing suddenly appear when everyone wanted to show their final fighting spirit.It's like hitting the pile of cotton with a full blow, and the feeling of depression is even more depressed amidst the thunder.What was even more frustrating was that he himself was frightened and motionless.

But soon, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be the person behind the scenes?
However, this kind of natural power can really be released by a person behind the scenes?If this is the case, then why didn't the other party deal with these monsters in one go, instead they needed to block them with lava rivers?In other words, how strong are these monsters if the people behind the scenes who need this kind of strength treat them like this?Finally, such a strong monster, why hasn't he been able to kill himself and others so far, is it just for the so-called breaking out of the lava barrier?
At this moment, when other people were still photographed by the majesty of the world and their minds were blank, Stalin unexpectedly lost his mind gorgeously.

How long did the thunder last?The crocodile people can't measure it, because in their view, this period of time is as long as a lifetime.Many of them even thought that they would die or had already died in the next moment. The bombardment distance of some thunderbolts was so close that their ears seemed to burst.

After the thunder stopped roaring and the vision of both eyes recovered, the 11 people looked forward in fear.

"This is……"

"This is hell."

The eleven members of the crocodile tribe swallowed in unison, and couldn't help shivering.

On the open ground in front of my eyes, the countless monsters of different sizes that were stuck there before have disappeared without a trace, and what is left is nothing but charred ashes that can only roll on the ground under the breeze. They couldn't see their appearance, but they could roughly imagine their past—those monsters.

Such a strong contrast caused everyone to fall into a long silence, and many people couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands steadily so that they fell straight to the ground.And at this time, they realized that even around their bodies, there were actually a lot of charred ashes, but compared to the flying ash outside, the ashes around them could clearly see some shapes—the shapes of monsters.

"This... these monsters want to attack us."

"But he was struck to death by Thunder just before attacking us?"

"Is that really the case? Or, is it really just that?"

"Hahaha! This must be God's punishment from the gods! These monsters who wanted to kill us were all dealt with by God's punishment! God bless you!"


After arousing their will to fight, the united crowd once again fell into chaos. Under the ups and downs, all the people cried bitterly. They had already embraced death a moment ago, but now they are still alive, and it seems that they are gone. Danger.In this case, they didn't even think about the question of 'will this happen, should they leave now'.

Even in the hearts of Stalin and others, the idea of ​​'this is the real miracle' came into being, and thus they became respectful to the gods who had never believed in them before.


The strange pronunciation heard by the crocodile people awakened everyone from the shock, looking for the source of the sound, 11 people looked up at the sky at the same time.


What a sacred and shocking scene this is, the crocodile people, who already lack words, can't describe it at all.

In the sky, three human-shaped figures flashing with thunder just floated in the sky without support. It was different from their floating in the water, which was completely flying in the air.

The same hands, feet and tail, the difference is that the other party also has four broad wings of thunder, but they didn't flap them.Although the unicorn on the top of the forehead is small, it is outstanding because of the entanglement of thunder... The pair of eyes with light blue misty light stared directly at the crocodile people below, making them dare not look directly at the three flying creatures for a long time. presence in the sky.

"Messengers of God! They must be messengers sent by the gods!"

When they saw the thunder entangled around the bodies of these three people, the crocodile people below did not dare to raise a heart of resistance again, and combined with the surrounding situation, a few people who reacted quickly also quickly deduced a situation that they saw. to the most reasonable explanation.

But what is a little troublesome now is that the envoy seemed to be talking to them just now, but...

"This... envoy of God, your language is too profound, and your humble people can't understand anything."

"Hey, this group of crocodile people can't understand us," while the crocodile people were depressed, the three flying in the sky were actually puzzled.

Because the Pengzu... or in other words, Void is quick to move, almost before the various civilized races on land produced their own unique characters or even a systematic language, he launched the promotion of the Pengzu language (Chinese version of the Pengzu).Relying on the strength of the friends and even the planetary will status of 8051 and Shuangyue as the backing, now on the entire Shuangyue star land, even the Black Bone Race and the Spirit Race, most of their common languages ​​originated from the original Peng Clan language .

Under such circumstances, the land people living in this environment (including the Pengzu people) subjectively believe that the Pengzu language is the mother language of all civilized races, so following Chu Ling's instructions to rescue the eleven When seeding the crocodilians, they subconsciously communicated in the language of their friends.

Unfortunately, although the Sea Clan, which is separated from the land, does not have a systematic written language, the language already has its own normative system. Although the internal language of the Sea Clan is also messy, it is basically quite different from the land language of the Peng Clan. Another system, the result is that the two sides are now unable to communicate.

However, this can't help the friends.

After realizing the language barrier between the two parties, two of the three ghost spirits flying in the sky looked at the third person tacitly.Different from the two people beside him, although this Youshen is surrounded by thunder, his whole body does not have a faint energy color like the other two, but an ordinary biological appearance.

People from the Peng Clan who are a little knowledgeable can see that this is a Youshen body without energy. This is an extremely rare special case among the Friends who have already formed a Youshen that is energy. Therefore, his identity is not difficult. Guess - Youshen from the shadow system.

"Otonashi, can it be solved?" The communication between the three is not through language but through the network of spiritual power. This is to avoid unnecessary troubles from being heard by the crocodile people below, and on the other hand, it is also because the three people habits or the habits of two of them.

Of these three, Otonashi is from the Shadow System of the Friends Clan, one of the three mind-control Lv7s. It can be said that they are one of the few people who are best at using mental power in the Friends Clan. Their status and direction of specialization are probably self-evident;

Lamia comes from the God Priest of the Goddess Tia system, and the priests can be regarded as the spiritual power specialization system second only to the Shadow system in the Friends Clan. On the face of the Friends Clan, most of the mind-controlling powerhouses are priests, which can explain this. a little;
Changzhang belongs to the elders' house, and he is usually responsible for industrial things. His sense of presence and status are ordinary, and he will not refute boringly when two people around him choose spiritual power.

Otonashi, whose two colleagues placed high hopes on him, didn't say much, but slowly lowered his height, leveling his figure with the eleven crocodile tribesmen below.Although this caused a small commotion among the 11 people, and even many people retreated subconsciously and almost fell into the magma, but he was not interested in paying attention to it.

Concentrated mental power, swept across the 11 people in front of him, and then quickly gathered in the brain of the one with the highest level of consciousness.

"In the mid-stage of the ghost class, it's normal," Otonashi commented in the spiritual network, and the other two didn't say much, just quietly waiting for Otonashi's next move.

Because he was not worried about being discovered, his mental power was only slightly concealed from his professional habits, which was of little effect.The mental power first scanned the other party's brain, quickly verified the thinking mode and language mode of the crocodile tribe, and then analyzed the other party's mental fluctuations based on the other party's mental power fluctuations. The most important thing was to determine the storage location of the other party's language.

As for the ultimate goal, of course it is to obtain a way of spiritual language communication with the crocodile people.

For Mind Control Lv7, Otonashi who is instinctive and experienced in the use of mental power, doing this is as easy as eating and drinking.So in just two or three breaths, before the worm's backup troops appeared in everyone's sight, he had withdrawn his mental power expressionlessly.

And Torov, who was stared at for more than a second, stood there in a daze for two or three seconds before waking up.The surroundings barely recovered from the shock. At this time, the companions who were waiting for the three "angels" to speak, only one of them noticed his abnormal reaction.

"Torov, are you okay?"

Stalin didn't know why his face seemed a little weird, but Torov, who didn't notice this, shook his head subconsciously and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Forget it, it's okay."

Torov acted as if nothing had happened, which made Stalin feel a little vigilant. After all, although Torov was in a trance just now, he could still see it clearly when he was standing beside him.But it is incomprehensible, and Stalin can only attribute it to the reason that God's behavior is not understandable by mortals.

I have to say that after experiencing so many ups and downs, he seems to have started to be lazy.

On the other hand, seeing Otonashi withdrew his mental power so quickly and flew back to the low altitude, Lamia, who was a little anxious, asked with some concern: "What? Can't it be analyzed?"


Otonashi's speed is too fast, even a mind control Lv6 person in the friend clan needs several hours to analyze the simplest animal language.In Lamia's view, no matter how powerful Lv7 is, it is no more powerful than the upgraded version of Lv6. It may take a few minutes to analyze animal language even if it is reduced, so how can it take an hour or two to upgrade to civilized creatures?
But she obviously couldn't understand the qualitative changes brought about by Lv7. If the mind control of Lv6 and its former friends analyzed the languages ​​of other races through fine mind control, a little bit of experimentation and derivation, then Lv7 is a direct copy .

'Barrier-free communication', this is the name of the application of this ability of Lv7 by the senior management of the friends, and it can be seen that it is powerful.

Therefore, Otonashi, who possessed this ability, replied indifferently but still couldn't help but with a hint of pride: "I already know, and now I will share it with everyone through the Internet."

Without waiting for the two companions to exclaim, Otonashi used the individual terminal technology of the Pengzu Technology Bureau to turn himself into an information database.Therefore, the few people who are allowed to connect to his information database at this time will be able to quickly grasp the information he released by directly reading it, which is the mental fluctuations of the crocodile clan when they communicate.

"I have to say, Lv7 is really enviable." After finding the content of the crocodile's intercourse spirit fluctuations from this information database, Chang Zhan, who started to learn, couldn't help but sigh.

Just for this large amount of language information, it would take a few minutes for these already powerful Youshen to learn, but it would take months for ordinary people, which is even more powerful than Otonashi.

Moreover, the abilities possessed by mind control Lv7 people with the same principle as 'Barrier-Free Communication': 'Instant Memory', 'Memory Copy', 'Mind Lens', etc. can be regarded as things against the sky.

Of course, if energy control and body control can reach Lv7, good things will be indispensable, but the friends are not clear now.But existence is reasonable, so the long battle of specialized energy is not too self-pitying.

(End of this chapter)

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