Spore Story

Chapter 691: Crossing the Bridge

Chapter 691: Crossing the Bridge
When one of the three "God Envoys" suddenly spoke in their minds in the crocodile language that Torov and others were familiar with, it was actually only 10 minutes before the three Li Yinwu appeared.

And within these 10 minutes, the troops of the Zerg within a radius of two kilometers surrounding the lava river have been wiped out by a thunderstorm-like lightning attack. The hidden commander of the Zerg base who has seen this kind of strength, I am afraid He is also hesitating whether to continue to increase troops at the risk of more consumption. Therefore, bugs did not appear in a short period of time as expected by the ghost gods.

Of course, few people will not let go of this kind of opportunity.


They took the opportunity to start fooling... Ah no, they skillfully stood on a high place and looked down at the crocodile people with the backing of their strength, and then began to brainwash them calmly.At this time, among the four ghost gods who came to reinforce this time, the one from the crocodile tribe that has not yet appeared is at Chu Ling and 8051 on the other side of the lava river.

Lingyue, I am afraid that not many people pay attention to who this Youshen is. After all, she has become an extremely passer-by existence because she is too low-key.But in terms of seniority, this female elder who was Lingxue's assistant in the Gashan tribe, and now ranks in the top ten among the friends Youshen with the strength of the mid-level Youshen level, can be regarded as belonging to the same period as Die Wu exist.

The purpose of her coming here, on the one hand, is to assist Chu Ling to further compress the living space of the No. 03 meteorite base like the other three companions, and consume its energy reserves for the general attack after the main force arrives; Ling's body was brought over.

The ability of the main consciousness to descend on a member's body is like an exclusive skill for the main consciousness, but because of system restrictions and the fact that all of his subordinates are civilized creatures with fourth- and fifth-level brains, it is impossible for the main consciousness to descend at will.

When descending into a certain body, the subject of the main consciousness can generally only perform some routine activities, such as sleeping.But this time Lingyue flew over with Chu Ling's body.

Fortunately, the main consciousness of the Hell Butterfly does not consume a lot of energy, so Chu Ling can use a small amount of energy to control the main body to fly with the Lingyue in a dual-purpose way, otherwise the arrival time of the Lingyue may have to be postponed.

"Sure enough, my body is comfortable to use." Chu Ling stretched her limbs against the cold wind and flapped the two-meter-wide butterfly wings on her back. Finally, she was able to use her human body to make some movements that butterflies could not do.

"Thank you, Lingyue."

"This is what I should do, Master Chu Ling." The female elder who has her own family is more calm and humble than before. Of course, her low-key is still the same, but Chu Ling is also used to this, and she didn't say anything like a cliché. Don't be so polite' or something like that.

"However," stroking the back of the hell butterfly flying beside her, Chu Ling looked at the three ghost gods who were accepting prayers and kneeling from the crocodile tribe in the distance. It seemed that everything was going well, and she looked away and asked Lingyue next to her : "Why didn't the Yin God come over?"

If a yin god came to sit in the formation, with its powerful thunderstorm, it might not need to wait for the main force to arrive to deal with the enemy in front of him.

"Lord Chu Ling, please forgive me. As the supreme commander of the General Command, Master Lingxue cannot leave the control center; Lord Dark Blood is responsible for the stability of the Black Bone Clan. There are only four or five true gods, and there are small-scale conflicts from time to time, so it is necessary for Master Dark Blood to stabilize his beliefs..."

"But the problem with the Shadow Clan is not that big. Chu Xia should have come, right?" Chu Ling didn't have much time to contact her friends, and she could only understand the details through 8051 and Lingyue in front of her. Of course, 8051 couldn't be hers. Messenger is flying around, so only Lingyue in front of him can solve his doubts.

"I'm very sorry," Lingyue said, still keeping a low profile as always, and said sincerely before explaining, "Although the Shadow Clan is very stable, recently the two ghost gods of the Spirit Clan have been transferred to the third group to play No. 05 Meteorite base, and Mr. Mu Wen happened to enter the Youshen level, and was asked by the general manager to return to start energyization, but in the end he had to trouble Mrs. Chu Xia to sit in the formation..."

"Where's Chu Jie?"

"Master Chu Jie really wants to come here." Speaking of the carefree Chu Jie, even Lingyue's face showed a trace of strangeness: "The original plan was that we would carry the sacred scepter and summon Master Chu Jie after we arrived. Unfortunately, when we carried out the experiment according to the plan on the way, we found that the sacred scepter carried by our Youshen was actually useless."

With a wry smile, she stretched her hand into her bosom, and Lingyue took out a finely crafted scepter, and then held it in front of Chu Ling with her hands spread out.

In fact, if it is confirmed that it is useless, it can be thrown away casually. The reason why it is still kept is probably out of respect for Chu Jie.

Looking at it suspiciously, Chu Ling simply held it by herself and tried to pray, but of course there was no response, it looked like an ordinary wooden scepter that stood stupidly in front of Chu Ling like this. There was no movement, which confused her who knew the function of this kind of scepter very well.

"Nor are the others?"

"Yes, the Holy High Priest belonging to the second combat group can summon Master Chu Jie as usual, but our ghost gods can't do it anyway. Through the communication with Shenting, the other party has also done some experiments and concluded that The conclusion is that it is because Youshen is also a god, so it is impossible to activate the temporary temple function of the sacred scepter as a believer, not even a priest of the god."

At the end, Lingyue did not forget to add: "However, there are holy high priests in the first and second combat groups. When they arrive two days later, they can summon Master Chu Jie as usual."

"Two days," repeating these two words, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Ling's mouth: "Although there will be strong support in two days, we can't leave all the troubles to the people who come later, come on, come with me Let's see what's going on."

"Yes, Master Chu Ling."

"Since you have no problem here, I'll leave first. Things on No. 05 are much more troublesome. Really, why is the speed of the third cluster so slow?" People react and disappear instantly.

"Hey!" After being stunned for a moment, Chu Ling looked helplessly at the vanishing point of 8051: "Damn it, it seems that we can only use floating worms to transport it later."

———Rolling lava flows east———

"...Here, you have experienced all kinds of hardships, chosen by nature, you will become participants in the era of sea-land exchanges, and you will perform your destiny mission under the witness of the gods. God blesses you."

"God bless!"

The crocodile people who were completely intoxicated in this atmosphere followed and flickered in the sky... Ah no, the missionary elders gradually 'woke up' after reciting religious lullabies like ten thousand essential oils.

It turns out that the existence in front of me is not only the messenger of the gods, but also the representative of the gods created by the gods; (Shuangyue Shenshi said no pressure)
It turns out that the previous monsters were not just their enemies, but also demons from outside the world that needed joint resistance from land and sea;

It turns out that they are so lucky, and after overcoming the previous hardships, they will lead the most brilliant life; (...)

Of course, these things are just a sentence now. Even if they have chosen to believe it, the dozen or so people present can be regarded as people who have suffered a lot, at least on the surface they still look very calm.

However, in the face of Otonashi, who controls Lv7 mind control, the effect of externally expressing this thing is almost zero.

At this time, dense insect sky troops began to appear in the distant sky. It seemed that the commander of the opponent finally figured out that he planned to deal with the enemy this time even if he paid a huge price.The Zerg commander probably also realized that facing the threat of Youshen this time, if it fails to solve it in one go and let Youshen take the initiative, its subsequent actions will be extremely passive.

"Let's go, first deal with these crocodile people who are in the way." Otonashi lowered his height and waved towards the lava river.

At the same time, a translucent Nianli bridge appeared on the lava river, connecting the crocodile people to the other side of the lava river, but it seemed that the transparent bridge was erected on the lava river, which obviously made it difficult for the crocodile people who needed to pass .

The 11 people looked at each other, and Stalin was the most courageous. He came to the bridge first and looked up at the three "angels" in the sky, as if waiting for instructions from each other.

Otono continued to pretend to be cool without saying a word. The former commentator was about to explain the situation. Lamia nodded in understanding, and Stalin immediately retracted his gaze gratefully, and then took a deep breath...

"Cough cough!"

The scorching sulfur smell rushed into his lungs, causing Stalin to cough heavily, and the sacred atmosphere was immediately diluted a little by this unexpected situation. Regarding this, Otono frowned dissatisfied, and then waved again.

A gust of wind passed by, and the surrounding air suddenly became fresh, and it was separated from the scorching air in the lava river area below like two worlds by the barrier created by this wave of hands.

At this time, Stalin had also finished his short-term mental activities, and stepped on a bridge that seemed nothingness no matter how you looked at it.The crocodile people around were watching Stalin's movements so engrossed that no one noticed that the army of bugs in the sky was only a few minutes away from them.

"No...it's okay, hey, you can really step on it."

"Isn't this nonsense," Otonashi said with a black line floating in the sky.Of course, these words were just echoing in his mind, but because he is now in a state of mental networking, has he concealed his thoughts, so Lamia and Changzhang who heard these words naturally sniggered.

However, the crocodile people, whose attention was all attracted by this Nianli bridge, which is very common in the eyes of the friends, of course would not notice the movements of the three angels in the sky.

With the first one, there are more. As Stalin moved to the center of the bridge step by step at a snail-like speed in the eyes of few people, and kept approaching the opposite side, the rest of the people also walked up one by one.

When the last person stepped onto the Nianli Bridge, the bugs in the sky were only about a minute away.However, don't forget that the thunder beast in the sky is still yawning there.

"It seems that you have to work hard before you can rest," Chu Ling, who did not go to join the three of Yinwu, but took Lingyue to fly to the side of the thunder beast in the thunder cloud, looked at the densely packed people in the distance. The swarm teased Lingyue who was beside him.

Before, he was only unable to display his strength as a hell butterfly, but now she appears as the consciousness of the hell butterfly master. Although she is only at the advanced stage of the Youshen level, her actual combat power is second only to the Yinshen level. It is determined by the huge amount of energy brought to her by the identity of the main consciousness.

"My lord is serious. Our mission is here. It's not troublesome." Lingyue, who also saw the swarm of insects in the distance, felt her scalp tingling. Although she was confident in her own strength, the densely packed scene was indeed a bit scary. , being a human being is nothing more than that.

"Okay, let's show these guys a little bit of power first! Thunder Beast, continue to defend the line! Lingyue, come with me!"

The Thunder Beast in the sky whined, probably because it was slightly dissatisfied with Chu Ling's arrangement, but at this time it could already feel threatened in front of the main consciousness Chu Ling, which was obviously stronger than when it faced the hell butterfly Chu Ling before. A lot of well-behaved.

On the ground, the crocodile tribe looked at the lava river under their feet with trepidation. Although the surrounding air had been adjusted to be fresh and comfortable, they still couldn't stop the scene of several people sweating profusely, which was caused by psychological effects.

In this regard, the three Youshen expressed powerlessness.

When the violent roar of thunder came again, the people on the bridge shook neatly, and then turned their heads neatly.

"Don't worry, those are our partners who are punishing these monsters." Seeing that Lamia and Otonashi were not interested in explaining, Long Zhan, who had been the spokesperson before, said in a leisurely manner to prevent the crocodiles from being too panic He explained: "The demons you see are just their outposts. The real battle has not yet begun. At this moment, all you have to do is to participate in the joint sea and land."

"When the enemy really starts to attack, we can use our strongest strength to resist these disasters, and then, is the time when we really start fighting."

Stalin couldn't help shivering: "This is just an outpost..."

He has seen the power of these monsters with his own eyes. When he and his teammates accidentally broke into the opponent's lair before, he watched the opponent's soldiers come out of those viscera-like buildings one by one, without stopping at all.

These are just the words of the outposts, so the real enemy...

"I said why the Protoss didn't directly destroy the enemy, that's why," Stalin thought he understood secretly, but he still had some doubts about why the Gods didn't take action.But these, Otonashi who knew what this crocodile was thinking was not interested in explaining. He knew about religious things when he was studying in the shadow system-mystery is better.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and the Zerg commander seemed to have spent a lot of money this time, planning to use this as an opportunity to break through Chu Ling's blockade with three epic creatures as the fulcrum.As an important direction of the blockade, sky power has become the key development direction of the Zerg commander this time.

When the overwhelming Zerg approached, Chu Ling couldn't help being taken aback when she realized that most of them were mid-to-high-end arms such as batwing dragons and flying dragons.You must know that because the production speed of the war bees is very fast, since the intersection of the Zerg and the friends, this is the first time that the number of middle and high-level arms exceeds the number of low-level war bees.

"Looks like you have to be careful." Chu Ling pondered for a moment, and began to give instructions: "Lingyue, remember! Keep as far away as possible to mobilize the natural thunder and power grid in the thunder cloud to bombard the enemy, save energy, save energy, and avoid being caught Wai!"

"Yes." Seeing that Chu Ling was so cautious, Lingyue also became serious.

However, Chu Ling had no intention of asking Otonashi and the others to help, because these three had other jobs.

When the crocodile tribe finished walking the Nianli bridge on the lava river, which was only more than 20 meters wide, Chu Ling and Lingyue in the sky had already started their attack on the Zerg sky troops.The Zerg commander seemed to intend to crush the enemy with absolute strength, so he did not rush to divide his troops, but gathered all the power in the sky, and the nearly ten thousand middle and high-level Zerg besieged Chu Ling, Lingyue and the approaching Thunder Beast.

"This... what should we do next?" The task that Chu Ling got was to frighten the dozen or so crocodile tribesmen, and then lead them across the lava river. Now that Chu Ling wasn't around, the one who made up his mind was Otonashi.

However, Chu Ling would not make such a small mistake.

Soon, the spiritual network of the three of them was forcibly inserted by Chu Ling. Although Chu Ling's control power was only at the level of Lv5 close to Lv6, in terms of volume, ordinary people outside the main consciousness could not compare at all.

"Let the crocodiles ride on the two floating worms outside. I will share the control method through information immediately, and then Lamia will take them south to the L14 floating observation station in the south to wait for the next order."

"Otonashi and Nagazho are flying eastward. There are many bugs in the ocean over there. Don't let them enter the deep sea, and be careful not to fall. These bugs are just the product of us letting the Zerg develop and divert part of the productivity to the ocean. Now you can't let them expand by delaying your arrival!"


"Ah, that's right," Chu Ling seemed to think of something, paused and said with a smile: "Lamia, before leaving, it's best to take the crocodile tribe and Otonashi with them, let them see how we clean up the bugs in the sea of."

The three of them froze for a moment, and then showed a smirk.

"Don't worry, Chu Ling-sama, Otonashi is probably the best at this thing." Lamia responded with a smile, and then looked at Otonashi, who was said to have done a lot of work on black-boned men in the shadow system.

However, Otono didn't say a word, turned around and took the lead to fly to the coast.

"Ah, damn it! At least wait until I put these crocodiles on floating worms!"

"The battle situation is urgent, keep up with the long battle!" Otonashi's plain words echoed in the spiritual network.

"Cut." Lamia curled her lips, turned her head and changed into a standard business in an instant... Ah no, the expression of the priest began to fool the quiet crocodile people below.

(End of this chapter)

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