Spore Story

Chapter 692 Survival

Chapter 692 Survival
Thank you for the support of the two monthly tickets of the lame antelope. After so many days, someone finally appeared and was hungry again. I was moved by ing
Elder Stov looked haggard, and his wrinkled face was even more vicissitudes. If he could go back, he might be more popular because of his appearance, but all the premise is that he can go back, but Judging from the current situation, it was an accident that he himself was still alive.

At this moment, his hiding place in the depths of this water area is already the fourth one, and the thrills he encountered during the period almost made people collapse, and even now, the reality that he was not discovered is absolutely a miracle, because the patrolling of those bugs is really amazing. is very dense.

Looking at the pitch-black cave beside him, he resisted the hesitation in his heart and the complaint in his stomach, and approached the cave entrance step by step carefully.

He has not eaten for two days. Because he did not expect this situation before, as an elder, he will never be short of food and clothing no matter how fierce the struggle is. However, after more than a day, the body felt a sense of hunger, and it was even worse now.

However, even if there are occasional solitary insects swimming by outside the cave, he dare not pay them the slightest attention. Who knows if doing so will expose himself. In this tense moment, any slightest detail must be To be noticed, although this is basically impossible, then any noticed details must be paid attention to. This is the standard he sets himself.

However, the double torment of body and mind finally drove him to swim towards the entrance of the cave.

"At least confirm the situation outside." He thought of this, and then mustered up a trace of untraceable courage deep in his heart, driving his tail to swing forward a little bit.

At this moment, he suddenly became unsteady, and the tail that swung behind him instantly straightened, obviously being held by something.

However, Stov didn't panic, but quickly turned around and punched down with a fist, hitting the target accurately so that the opponent let go of his claws.

Looking at the envoy who rolled his eyes again, Stov's eyes flashed fiercely, but he quickly put them away.

"Hmph, if you didn't need you to attract the attention of these damn bugs when necessary, and worry about the smell of blood attracting them, I would have killed you long ago."

The emissary in front of him collapsed not long after he hid in this cave with Stov. He howled for a while to go out to die, and said nonsense like 'that's just an ordinary fish'. To avoid revealing his position, Stov Only then stunned it.

During this period, the messenger woke up several times, but every time he woke up, he seemed crazy and disordered. As a result, Stov simply punched the messenger before he woke up to make any remarks, and let him fall asleep again.And the purpose of keeping the other party until now is just as he said, it is just for the bait when necessary.

After solving this little trouble again, based on the previous experience of knocking on the messenger, after estimating the result of 'the other party will not be able to wake up in a short time', Stov heaved a sigh of relief, and finally lay down on the hole, keeping his eyes carefully Get close to the cracks in the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave, and look out of the cave.

Just yesterday during the day, he saw a group of bugs in the last hiding place, found the leader of the crocodile warriors and his personal soldiers who were hiding, and then saw with his own eyes that this group of similar people who were hiding like him had nothing to worry about. He resisted and was dismembered by the bugs, leaving not even a drop of blood.And it was precisely by taking advantage of the opportunity that all the bugs' attention was attracted by that side that he and the messenger were able to escape from the previous hiding place that was no longer safe, and hid here.

There are indeed emotions such as fear and sympathy, but Stov is more sad about the death of the rabbit.

"How long will this situation last... Oops!"

"Go to hell, hahahaha, everyone go to hell! Anyway, I can't survive! Hahahaha!"

What Stov didn't expect was that the envoy woke up so quickly because he didn't know if he was used to this kind of blow and his body was resistant to it. With a sudden force in an instant, the two of them were directly knocked out of the hole with few rocks.

For a moment, Stov's face showed despair, because they were completely exposed to the bugs outside.

"It's over," Stov wanted to cast all the vicious curses on the mad messenger, but he knew that it was over, and those bugs swam over almost the moment the two rushed out of the cave, and the The speed of the leader of the crocodile warriors could not escape the pursuit of the bugs, not to mention the elderly Stov, let alone being caught by a lunatic at this time.

"Go to hell, hahahahaha, what kind of epic creature hunt, you bastard, it's you, you led us to this cursed land, you must be a fallen person tempted by the devil, quack quack quack..."

The crazy messenger had already appeared incoherent, and Stov didn't care about the other party's reaction at all.He didn't even take an evasive or evasive action, because he had witnessed the scene of the warrior leader fighting to death with his own soldiers, and he knew clearly that resistance was futile in the face of the insects that were about to surround him.

He's not a warrior, he's just an old elder.

Thinking of this, Stov subconsciously looked up at the sky, passed through the thin layer of water, and above it was fresh air, gentle sea breeze, and warm sunshine...

Today's sky seems to be very bright, and Stov doesn't know if this is an illusion before death, but he doesn't care about all of this.

At the moment before the worm was about to die, he felt a little numb in his body.Is this what it feels like to be bitten?Why is it not painful?Stov couldn't think of an answer, because the next moment that feeling came, he fainted magnificently.


"Hey, Otonashi, look over there, there are actually two crocodiles floating up again. The vitality of these guys is really extraordinary." Lamia, who was assisting the attack, jumped like a little girl and pointed to the water. , with a joking look on his face.

The attack brought by the thunder is largely a high-voltage electric shock, which will cause range damage to creatures in the water regardless of whether it is friend or foe.However, because the creatures in the water at this time had died as early as when the No. 03 meteorite base fell, in the eyes of several people, there were only bugs in the water, so they could kill without any scruples.

As a result, what the three of them didn't expect was that in some small places that they didn't pay attention to when attacking, because of the electric range attack, they could occasionally chop out one or two crocodile tribe members like winning a lottery, which was a surprise.

"It's Lamia, you go to the rescue. After all, it is a creature of the double moon star. The less you die, the less you die." Nagao was busy assisting Otonashi's attack and had no time to help, so he sighed and said that he was slightly weaker than his friend in terms of energy attack. Lamia, an elder in the Central Plains region, please do this kind of porter.

As for the non-energy body Youshen Yinwu from the shadow system, its ability is not as powerful as it seems on the surface. Although it can guide Thunder to emit a thunder storm like a Yin God level, it is only a simplified version.Because he only has the consciousness level of the early stage of the Youshen class, the weakness of the hardware (mental power weight) brought about directly leads to the unsatisfactory endurance of Otonashi's Thunderstorm.

Of course, even so, it is still better than Changzhan and Lamia.

There is a difference in size, Yin Wu's mental strength is not comparable to that of the energy body Youshen, even if the amount is not much, it is not much different from other Youshens, and of course he stands above him with super control; but the size is different. In short, when he is in a direct battle, his combat power in terms of energy is understandable because he only has a second-level energy core.

The movements of the two crocodiles that emerged from the water were a little strange, one of them hugged the other from behind, so that Lamia, who was a little deviant, said out of boredom: "Ah, the movements of these two ...Quack, maybe you are doing something discordant."

"Pfft!" Elder Chang Zhan couldn't help but spit out, his body was unsteady and he was almost hit by the natural thunder that was about to guide, so his face turned livid.

"Don't talk nonsense, get out quickly!" Otonashi, who had been keeping a straight face, had a few fluctuations in his tone, obviously dissatisfied with Lamia's thoughts.But if you think about it carefully, there will be such a reaction, these two people are actually not pure.

"Anyway, right away, hehe," seeing that the two colleagues didn't respond properly, Lamia stuck out her tongue, and quickly flew in front of the two crocodile tribesmen, and then directly wrapped the two tightly hugging people with her thoughts and left the water. Fly towards the shore.As a result, Otonashi and Nagaju can attack as much as they want under the harassment of bugs.


Another two crocodile survivors were brought to the shore by the great envoy.

The smiles on the faces of the first eleven crocodile tribesmen who saw this scene became even stronger.They thought they were the last survivors of this operation, but at this time there were already seven companions rescued by the three divine envoys. Although not many, it was also a kind of psychological comfort.

But this time it wasn't just a matter of consolation.

"This is... the elder and the messenger!"

Because most of the rescued people were still in a coma, Stalin and others jumped off the floating worms to take care of the survivors.At this time, the crocodile tribe who came to check on the two newcomers recognized the two important figures in the previous team almost immediately. They were surprised and relieved at the same time.

"Great, both the elder and the envoy survived, it really is the blessing of the great god."

Although they all believed that they were God's chosen people at this time, and their mentality was different, the common sense of life in the past few decades could not disappear so quickly.And when they thought that they would still have to go back to their big tribe to meet the patriarch in order to get in touch with the land and sea, and the failure this time would probably cause them extra trouble in carrying out this task, the dozen or so people couldn't help but sigh.

But at this time, with these two important figures standing in front of the tank, it will be much easier for them, who were just soldiers before.

"The elder and the messenger? These two people?" Hearing the exclamation of the two, Lamia asked curiously.Although he learned the crocodile language through Yinwu, and it is difficult for these crocodile people to master the friend language in a short time, Lamia can speak and communicate in the crocodile language.But she obviously has no love for the weird-sounding crocodile language, so she still uses spiritual communication directly.

Probably because they got used to this kind of communication during this period of time, or the crocodile people who didn't care about it simply because they were too nervous, had a good impression of the very friendly messenger in front of them, so they hurriedly and respectfully made a gesture to Lamia. Explanation.

"So that's it. Take good care of these two. I'll go see if there are any more survivors."

"Thank you, my great envoy." Several crocodile people respectfully saluted Lamia who flew away.

However, at this time, Lamia did not wholeheartedly search for the surviving crocodile tribe as she said. Instead, after returning to the location of the three of them, she directly connected to Chu who was flying a bug kite in the distance through Youshen's huge spiritual power. Ling.

The situation at this time has exceeded expectations. The surviving crocodile tribe has not experienced the ordeal process arranged by Chu Ling, let alone the shocking rescue of the last Youshen. The eleven original crocodile tribe members who had been brainwashed gradually returned to normal under the influence of the newcomers.

This is not what a few people want to see.

What's more, among them are the Elders of the Crocodile Clan and the envoys of the Great Tribe, whose status is completely different from that of other Crocodile Clans. If they can be used, it will obviously be better for the plan.

With that, Lamia told Chu Ling who was fighting in the distance.

"This is indeed an opportunity. Originally, I was still thinking that the status of these eleven crocodile tribe members is too low. I am afraid that we will need our friends or Elder Kongling (8051's friend tribe's external status) to provide support on the surface. This will inevitably leave hidden dangers for the contact between the two parties, but now we have an elder and an envoy, which saves us a lot of trouble, haha."

"You mean..."

"As you can imagine, if these two people agree with us like the previous eleven crocodile tribesmen, then the mission success rate of an exchange team led by an elder or a large tribe's messenger is obviously better than that of a group of low-level warriors." The small team formed is taller, isn't it?"

"Of course, but the question is how do we do it now? Also, do we still need to take these people to the southern floating observatory?"

"I still have to go. When the situation on your side eases down, immediately take the rescued crocodile people to the observation station. Although it will be a bit troublesome at that time, it is just a modification of the plan, adding some new survivors. It's just the brainwashing of others." Chu Ling didn't seem to care about it.

And Lamia, who was confirmed by the task, also breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, but speaking of it, if I had set up a temple at the observatory or stayed behind a holy high priest, I think it would not be so troublesome now."

It was just a casual remark that stunned Chu Ling in the distance, and then she shook her head and smiled bitterly: "This is indeed a mistake. There are few people in my clan, so there are obviously fewer people who think about problems. Problems always arise because of that.”

"However, new things of our family are still appearing continuously, which makes people dizzy with the things around them. It is difficult to deal with a certain thing in all aspects and details, and some mistakes such as forgetting are inevitable."

"However, I will notify the higher-ups to pay attention to what you said as soon as possible. After thinking about it carefully, it is indeed a good solution. After adopting it, if you encounter bugs falling in the future, you can rely on the floating observation stations distributed on the equator to provide more Great response flexibility, thank you."

"Ah, Gaha, that's what I should do." Laughing a little embarrassedly, Lamia, who didn't expect casual complaints to be useful, disconnected after confirming the mission, and returned to Otonashi and Nagashi.

"What did Master Chu Ling say?" Otonashi's tone was as flat as ever.

"It's nothing, it's just that we don't have to worry, and we can continue to complete the tasks here with peace of mind," Lamia nodded with a smile, and then joined the electrotherapy team in the sea area.

At this time, there were probably three to four thousand bug corpses floating on the sea surface. Although they were all low-level Zerg, they would start to make the bug commander feel distressed.Occasionally, some insects did not die, and returned to the bottom after relying on their strong resilience. The three of them didn't care about this, because their purpose was not to kill them all, but to block the opponent's passage into the sea and interfere with the Zerg command. judge.

Now it seems that the purpose of the mission is being succeeded little by little, and the number of Zerg flying troops flying over to encircle and suppress the three of them is increasing little by little.

It was almost noon, and the five Youshen began to show fatigue, thinking about the decision to evacuate temporarily.The bugs in the ocean are basically in a passive state of being beaten, because they don't have the help of flying bugs that should be their air defense force. The occasional one or two groups that fly over are just food delivery for Otonashi and the others.

Although there are a lot of flying bugs besieging Chu Ling and Lingyue in the sky, they still have nothing to do with the extremely flexible two. As long as the two don't exhaust themselves, it is difficult for the existing bugs to catch up with them. This is the key to developing individual strength. benefit.After flying the kite all morning and paying the price of nearly [-] mid-level and high-level insect corpses, even Chu Ling and Lingyuepi didn't touch it, the Zerg seemed to have a little retreat.

However, the worms have also achieved results. The thunderclouds that originally permeated the entire Zerg base were now sparsely scattered like cotton candy that was about to disperse, and the speed at which the thunder beasts gathered thunder was getting slower and slower.

At noon, the two sides made evacuation actions almost at the same time, and then turned back to fight again after discovering the other's actions at the same time, and finally separated tacitly again after the battle.

Insects need to end this war of attrition in order to reconsider the plan to deal with such a powerful single enemy with a small number of enemies under the situation that all efforts cannot be effective for the time being; Chu Ling and others urgently need to rest in order to While quickly recovering its strength, let the thunder beast accumulate more thunder clouds, so that everyone can carry out the next harassment.

As a result, the battle entered another intermission.

"How's the ocean situation?" Chu Ling sat on the ground panting.Lamia has already taken the crocodiles away to the south, and there are no Zerg on the way, so there is nothing to worry about.

"One-sided massacre," Otono summed it up in one sentence.

"But I'm afraid it won't be so simple next time," Chang Zhan frowned and shook his head, not optimistic.

To this, Chu Ling, Lingyue and Yinwu all nodded in agreement.

"The battle in the morning was just a test for both sides. Everyone should recover as soon as possible. After that, the bugs may not do what we want."

"Yes, Master Chu Ling."

Nodding her head, Chu Ling looked up at the increasingly difficult sky where the thunderclouds gathered, recalling the development speed of the No. 03 meteorite base, and gained a new understanding of the power of the Zerg, which made her understand the situation of the No. 05 base. I became even more worried. There was only one 8051 with unknown contribution, and his death was worrying.

"Husband and wife are not easy to worry about," Chu Ling complained sourly.

Every Monday's request for support drifts away =w=
(End of this chapter)

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