Spore Story

Chapter 693 Polar Regions

Chapter 693 Polar Regions
Thousands of miles are frozen, and thousands of miles are snow drifting.

This is about the northern country, but it seems feasible to put it in the northern polar region. However, for the people of the third combat group, they can't wait for this place to see the yellow sand in the sky, and travel in a desert full of sweat .

So cold.

More than that.

A sudden blizzard disrupted the plans of the entire third combat group. So far, the third combat group, which has more than 20 airships, has been blocked by this blizzard for three hours.

Don't underestimate such a short period of time. The third combat group's combat arrangement this time is to cross the polar region and approach the No. 05 Zerg Meteorite Base on the other side of Shuangyue within two days. Before arriving, make a decision on long-range bombardment, approaching harassment or direct attack as the case may be.At the very least, the development of the enemy must be restrained, so as to prevent the Zerg from bursting out at such a huge development speed and threatening the Double Moon Star.

But now, they have only traveled about half of the distance, and a lot of time has been wasted.

Although the Psychic Shield of the Youshen class can protect the battleship from strong winds, people still need to consider the endurance, endurance and defense range of the Youshen class.

At the same time, not all battleships are equipped with powerful Youshen, and there are only five Youshens with some combat experience drawn from various places because of the emergency before the battle in the third battle group.Thinking that even the two Nether Gods who acted as deterrents in the spirit clan were all transferred to the team, you can think that the strength of the friends clan is at a disadvantage at this time.

It seems that there are more than 40 Youshen friends, but the number of Youshens in real combat is actually not many.

Therefore, in order to avoid non-combat attrition due to forced movement in the blizzard, the third combat group had to make an emergency landing more than ten minutes after encountering the blizzard, gather with each other, and wait for the end of the blizzard or the cluster command to discuss other solutions.

It has to be said that the friends who have not even visited the Central Plains have too little understanding of the polar regions. Even though Void has human memories, they just stay in the "the polar regions of the earth are cold, but they are about to melt and cause the end of the world." At one point, it can't act on Double Moon Star at all.

That's why the cluster encountered the embarrassing situation where it was supposed to be the shortest distance, but it was difficult.

"When will this damn storm end?" Sitting on the bridge of the Thunder-class battleship Xinyun, the flagship of the third combat group, Captain Xinying looked at the porthole with a cloudy expression, and felt the blizzard in front of him. It's extremely helpless.

"During the latest briefing, Lord Youshen seemed to be discussing how to pray to Master Chu Jie to help calm the snowstorm," the adjutant lying on the side of the chair limply on the back of the chair, holding the report book in both hands and facing the captain above, He seemed to have less fighting spirit than the other party, at least the captain was leaning on the chair instead of lying on the chair.

"Since you have figured out a way, why not do it?"

"It has already been done, but Master Chu Jie couldn't eliminate this storm with a diameter of nearly [-] kilometers, and Master Chu Jie was summoned to leave after that. Now it may be said that the headquarters is still gloomy."


Rubbing the unicorn depressedly, Captain Xinying leaned against the captain's seat even more weakly, his eyes swept across the white and white world outside the porthole, but he always felt a little stuffy.

At this time, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Lady Shi Lun, which is also a battleship not far away, and her eyes twitched subconsciously, but her heart was inexplicably relieved a lot, which surprised her: "At this time, people Is your happiness really based on other people's cups? Well, I'm not pure anymore."

The tragedy of Mrs. Shi Lun stems from the impatient captain of the opponent.

After the huge fleet of the third combat group encountered a blizzard, the captain of the opponent decisively ordered the battleship to land to avoid being affected by the strong wind at high altitude.If it is in other places, even the equator, this kind of decision is very correct, but this time the captain Shi Lun made a mistake.

Not long after the warship landed on the ice, the soldiers at the bottom routinely checked the external situation, and urgently reported the danger that the bottom of the battleship was frozen by ice and snow, which might cause the warship to be frozen into an ice sculpture with the ground due to its long stay. The captain decisively ordered to take off.

But no one expected that after only staying for 5 minutes, the bottom of Mrs. Shi Lun was frozen together with the ice.In the end, it was the surrounding battleships and some Youshen who smashed the ice under the belly of the Madam Shilun together, making this hapless capital ship float again.

In the eyes of others, the Madam Shilun should actually be thankful that what she landed on, with a length of more than 200 meters and a weight of more than 6000 tons, was the ice layer above the polar land, not the ice surface of the polar ocean, otherwise a little ice would have landed on it. The crack sinks into the end, and it is a little difficult to think out.So the great forerunner, Mrs. Shilun, taught all other warships a vivid first lesson in the polar region with her personal experience: don't stop the warship on the ice.

As a result, the current situation is that the warships around Xinying are all floating at an ultra-low altitude of ten meters according to the same standard, but only the Mrs. Shilun looks taller than the surrounding warships because of a thick layer of ice stuck to its chassis. All low, full of joy.

"Xue Li, how far is it from Zerg Base No. 05?" Xu was extremely bored, and Captain Xinying finally thought of something under pressure, and suddenly woke up the adjutant who was a little confused.

"Ah, what?" The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and finally lowered his head in embarrassment under the captain's contemptuous eyes, and then answered after careful recall: "Well, please wait, captain."

After speaking, the adjutant jumped off the adjutant's seat as if fleeing, and came to the navigator in front of the bridge.

The navigator with slightly dark blue skin and long mercury-like hair draped over his shoulders was currently scribbling on the map to pass the boring time, and he dubbed it 'reviewing the knowledge learned in school'.

"Distance? Wait," the navigator, who understood the adjutant's meaning, waved his hand, lowered his head and found the map of the corresponding location from the drawer, and then took out a bunch of professional tools to draw a bunch of lines, and let the adjutant After the dazzling gestures, the navigator looked up again with a dazzling face: "The straight-line distance on the surface is 1200 kilometers."

"1200 kilometers, it seems not enough," the captain shook his head in disappointment when he got the reply from the adjutant.

"In the end, what was your previous thought, Captain?" the adjutant asked curiously.

"Aren't we mainly responsible for transporting the ultra-long-range heavy artillery regiment? I was thinking that if it was close, let these people simply build artillery positions in the polar regions..."

"You can figure it out," the adjutant squinted his eyes, with a half-smile on his face, "I'm afraid as soon as you bring it up, Captain, those guys from the Strategic Heavy Artillery Regiment will have to tear you apart immediately. Let's not talk about shells in this situation." The accuracy of the soldiers' cold tolerance alone is a problem, and there is no air conditioning outside."

Outside the window is a 'high temperature' of tens of degrees below zero. Even if it is floating in the air, the porthole of Xinyun is covered with frost, not to mention the ice.

At this moment, the people of all warships are probably very fortunate that when designing these warships, although there were many small problems, at least those designers still considered the problem of high-altitude flight, so they designed all warships to be airtight, and even more so. It is the air conditioning system that is equipped in key areas, otherwise they would not be able to survive here.

"Forget it, anyway, the distance is so far, there is no way to attack, this damn blizzard..."

"Captain, an order from the cluster command!"

The sudden intrusion of the group's internal affairs personnel broke the silence in the bridge. The other party did not hand over the communication to the captain first, but passed it directly to the correspondent in the bridge. After the other party verified it, he handed over the copy to Adjutant Shirley, after saluting, left without saying a word, neat and tidy from beginning to end, which made the bridge even colder.

"What? Is there a precise order? It can't be a return flight, right? Speaking of which, have the masters of the headquarters finally got their brains clear?" Unconsciously speaking embarrassing words, the heart shadow is actually She looked at the adjutant who received the report with bright eyes. Like everyone else, she was tired of staying here, and she wanted to leave a long time ago. It was better to leave or continue on her way than to be bored here and blow the cold wind.

Soon, the voice of the adjutant sounded almost at the same time as the voice of the communicator who was issuing announcements to other warships. Since this ship is the flagship and the group headquarters is also here, all orders for the group are issued through the bridge.

"The joint command of the third group headquarters and the group Youshen squad is as follows: Before 13:40, each fleet will form a diamond-shaped fleet array with the flagship Xinyun as the center, according to the position marked above... Front, rear For the warships on the left, right, and upper center, the elders will create a one-way windproof wall to form a rhombus-shaped windless zone covering the entire fleet."

"After the completion, each fleet will maintain a constant speed of 130km/h, maintain a standard formation and move towards the target. Warships in any direction are not allowed to move privately, above."

"In this case, let's start, I order! The ship's azimuth is in the middle, the floating speed is 1, the calibrated altitude is 300, and the horizontal speed is 0!"

"Yes, horizontal speed 0, floating speed 1, lift to 300 meters, heart rhythm starts!"

With the order issued, the flagship started the engine first among all warships, and maintained a speed of 300 after rising to an altitude of 0 meters.And Xun Yun, the elder of Youshen on the Xinyun, also began to provide a full range of mind protection for the Xinyun, so as to prevent the battleship from being disturbed by strong winds when its attitude is corrected.

Then, through the portholes, people on the bridge saw four figures leaving the ship and moving towards the two capital ships and two assault ships that were moving around.

"The elders are so pitiful, they have to go out in such a cold day."

"Quiet! The lieutenant general is coming!" Shirley hit the navigator's head with a knife.

Ten minutes later, only the upper half of the mind power protection on the Xinyun was left, because the elders in the other four battleships not far away had also blocked the strong winds from the left, right, front and back with the mind power walls, making The lower half of Heart Rhythm is no longer affected by Stormwind.

This looks like using five warships to provide a small windless area for a total of more than 20 floating spaceships in the third cluster.

However, in order to reduce the burden on the elders, the distance between the ships is very small, and the distance between Xinyun and the cargo floating ship below it is only more than 50 meters, which is frightening.

Therefore, the fleet will issue a speed limit of 130.


"Time, 13:41." Xinying nodded and looked behind him: "It's almost there, Commander."

"Well," the lieutenant general commander of the group, who has come out of the conference room of Xinyun and is sitting in the additional seat behind Xinying, began to wave his big hand: "I order that the ships maintain the current distance, and the countdown will start. , Three, two, one, start!"

Accompanied by the command issued by the commander instantly through the swarm communication network, a total of 23 airships in the third swarm began to start their engines steadily.The problem of different acceleration performance of each engine has been considered in advance, so the initial interval of each ship in the horizontal direction is very large. When the speed is successively increased to the standard 130, the fleet formation will reach a smaller range through fine-tuning. There is no need to worry about the impact of the blizzard because the time is short.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and when the fleet formation completely fit into a small-scale rhombus, the distance between the horizontally adjacent ships had been shortened to within 100 meters.

"According to the current speed, it will probably take night to arrive at the destination, above." The group commander with a serious face sat there, and Xinying's little lieutenant, Shirley, was no longer as lazy as before, and responded sternly, while Xinying Then he behaved very conscientiously, commanding the movement of the fleet in a hurry.

The blizzard is still there, but the fleet is tenaciously moving forward bit by bit.

However, accidents always happen inadvertently. Just when everyone expressed that the current speed was barely acceptable, one of the older ships in the team escaped the search of the first and second groups entirely because it was repaired and rebuilt in the shipyard before. , and on the side of the floating cargo ship that was incorporated into the third group at this time, the newly installed magnetic field engine seemed to be overwhelmed, a few sparks suddenly appeared, and then stopped with a whining sound in an extremely embarrassing manner .

This is not the most troublesome.

It doesn't matter if it stops, but the problem is that the fleet speed is 130km/h at this time, but the distance between the ships is only about 100 meters.

Therefore, almost at the moment when this unlucky airship stopped, an assault ship behind it rammed straight into it.Although the Youshen on the battleship behind the assault ship, which was responsible for the rear mission, reminded in time that the battleship avoided a series of car accidents, it still caused the entire fleet to fall into chaos for a few minutes.

At this time, the bridge of the floating ship that caused trouble was also noisy.

"Damage management, tell me what's going on!"

"Captain, the engine team is checking, this..."

"Hurry up, it's not easy to run and go wrong again, shit!" In fact, it's just the captain of a civilian airship, who just recently learned a month of knowledge suddenly and then became the lieutenant of the captain of his modified transport ship. , couldn't help complaining.

The warship construction speed of the Pengzu is already very good, but there is a serious lack of various warship command talents. Even if the warship command academy that has been assembled in a hurry can use the fantasy world, it has no experience accumulation, and what the students can learn is only superficial, like This captain, who once served as the captain of a civilian airship, is already considered a certain degree of experience in the Pengzu.

At this time, the bridge automatic door behind everyone suddenly opened.

"Captain, what happened, are we under attack?"

The person who pushed the door and entered was the Major of the First Gorge of the Strategic Heavy Artillery Regiment responsible for the transportation of this floating ship. The sudden stop before and the violent shaking caused by being hit by the rear assault ship almost made the ten precious heavy artillery of this Gorge Turned over and hurt people, so that the major was very annoyed.

"The attack was not, but it was just a problem with the transport vehicle."

"The issue is?"

"If you ask me, I don't know. Damn it, this floating ship doesn't have the space to modify the magnetic field engine. You should pay attention to this when installing it before, but those guys still say that it's okay!" the captain said depressingly. He complained, but apart from inquiring about the damage control situation, he could do nothing about the current situation.

In this regard, the major commander Xia can only shake his head: "What's the use of saying this, what I need is to solve the problem of time and..."

At this time, the communication on the bridge was turned on again, and the group command's inquiry followed.


"My Goddess!" After finally coping with the above problems, the captain could not bear the helplessness in his heart when he saw the damage caused by the previous collision handed over by the damage controller. Asked: "How about the Yuanshan number in the back?"

"Although the Yuanshan is the original version of the Barracuda class, it is still a battleship with a high degree of solidity. According to the notice, the opponent's observation port on the bow of the ship is slightly deformed, and an elder has already gone to help. It only takes about half an hour. It can be recovered," Damage Guan responded with a wry smile and rubbed his forehead: "The important thing is that we are here..."

This airship is the last one built by the first-generation airship of the Pengzu, and it has been improved and refurbished several times, so it is reasonable to say that it is not bad.But after all, she was only the first-generation airship skeleton design. She was only lightly hit by an assault ship before, but now most of the back has been deformed, and even a dozen unlucky ghosts were injured and lay in the infirmary.

"We should be thankful that the key areas such as the warehouse are in the middle, and the skeleton of the main body is still stable and has not been damaged," added the damage management.

"How long will it take to solve it?" Everyone who should complain has complained, and the captain at this time is still clear about his mission: "What is the opinion of the cluster command?"

"The situation has been reported. If you have the help of Youshen, the battleship should be able to restore its basic structure within two hours. However, the engine problem is still being checked. Up to now, there is only one 'suspected engine line and the original floating ship line. In severe cold weather It was concluded that a partial short circuit occurred after being frozen and ruptured, because it takes a lot of time to fully inspect the line, so I don’t know how long it will take to repair it.”

"..." Now both the captain and the major commander in the bridge were silent.

They all know the mission and the problem of the third group at this time. Going to the polar region is in a hurry, and the cargo capacity is approaching saturation. Even if they want to spread the heavy artillery regiment to other cargo ships, there is no way for the fleet to leave.

"The command called back!" The correspondent roared: "They are reporting the situation to the general command. Before that, the command asked us to do our best to repair the engine and the hull."

"Okay, that's the only way to go now."


(End of this chapter)

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