Spore Story

Chapter 694 High Speed

Chapter 694 High Speed

Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Xingchen Qingfeng Yinlong and Cool Flying Dragon~\(≧▽≦)/~
It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when the General Director of Xinpeng Island received the report from the third cluster.

Just after summarizing the battle situation of the five ghost gods in the direction of No. 03, and using it to improve the empty battle case reserve of the friends, and then urging the first and second groups to rush over as soon as possible, Lingxue and the others had no choice but to take a break before taking a short break. Pick up the intelligence of the third cluster for analysis.

Then, with a bang, the intelligence report was slapped on the table.

"Do you still need to ask this! It's just a heavy cannon gorge and a cargo floating ship, stay here! The others will continue on their way while ensuring safety! Just answer me like this!" Lingxue didn't have a good face at the third group headquarters who asked, even if the other party wasn't by her side.

"The three major clusters have too little combat experience, this kind of thing is inevitable. However, certain beatings are also necessary," Long Yue was also a little dissatisfied with Yourou from the cluster headquarters, but she still knew the inevitability of this situation.

The development of combat technology, social development, and technological development of the friends is very fast, or too fast. In the eyes of ordinary people, it may just be that the replacement of things is very fast, because they only see the things around them, but they don’t know where they stand. The high-level people who look at the problem in an all-round way are very clear that in many cases, technology is waiting for people, not people waiting for technology.

At the beginning, the Friends could also rely on recruiting people from other races, such as the Moon Spirits, to make up for the shortage of personnel in various places. However, with the development of technology, the requirements for technical personnel continued to increase, and short-term training could no longer meet the needs of the Friends. demand, many high-tech jobs began to appear a large number of gaps.

After all, there are only a small number of imaginary simulations. Most of the technicians have to rely on the education system of the friends to be effective. However, the education system of the friends will take three or four years to cultivate talents at the fastest. A qualified technician, not to mention those researchers and command personnel who use high-tech equipment.

But this is not the main thing.

The most troublesome thing is that the textbooks of Pengzu change almost every year. Even so, they often cannot keep up with the speed of technological updates.On the surface, Pengzu has entered the era of "atmospheric floating battleship + electromagnetic weapon" from the Bronze Age by leaps and bounds in just 50 years, and it appears to be extremely powerful.However, under the superficial strength brought about by this rapid speed, there is an extremely fragile composition of personnel knowledge and a serious shortage of middle-level technical personnel (engineers).

If it weren't for the five-level brain of the friend Zhongyiren, the computer-like computing speed of the Youshen level, and the powerful comprehension brought about by the cultivation of many spiritual powers and energy, the friend family may not even be able to understand some important physical knowledge. Simple understanding will be difficult.

For example, the lieutenant general of the third group this time was also the commander of the three major armies (formerly the three major armies of the friends clan) with great military exploits. The ability under the real simulation is also the top of the friend clan, otherwise it would not be able to achieve the current position of the main cluster commander.

But the problem is that he used to command the Marine Corps, but now the three major groups are battleship-themed troops, and they have only been formed for more than half a year.Even the history of friends using floating spaceships has not reached double digits.

And those of them who used to command the army's cold weapons to fight, now suddenly have to stand on the bridge of the battleship, watch the screen and the map, and command the three-dimensional land and air group battle.

There are so many mutations in it, it is conceivable that there are very few people who can successfully accept these, let alone command flexibly.Even if Longyue herself feels troubled by this, she can imagine the pressure on the group commanders who have only studied in school for half a year and simulated it for only two or three years.

After all, the Pengzu's three-dimensional floating battle has no actual combat experience at all. If there is no fantasy world, the current battleship group will have problems even starting.

But the fantasy world is not a panacea. There are only more than 20 qualified fantasy world producers. They are distributed in various important positions in the friend clan and are often transferred by temporary key projects.Moreover, the time ratio of their simulated fantasy world can only be maintained at a maximum of 1:10, not to mention the limitation of this level of time ratio on the creators.

Thinking of this, Lingxue's resentment towards the commander also decreased a lot.

"Learn a lesson, send our opinion to the third group, and tell him at the same time: 'You are the commander of the group, not a combat staff officer', and that's it."

"Yes, Master Lingxue."

"So, what about that cargo ship? It's not good to just stay in the ice and snow, isn't it?" Bai Nong asked with a frown, "It is impossible for Youshen to stay and help, because he has to protect the main fleet, and the cargo ship The built-in damage control team capability may cause cargo ships to stay in the polar regions for a long time."

"Judging from the previous polar passage of the third group, staying for too long, even if the cargo ship is kept from contact with the ice by the buoyancy provided by the pumice-powered engine, it will still have adverse effects on the overall structure of the cargo ship. Small damage. In this situation, our family's airship needs to ensure that non-combat attrition does not occur as much as possible."

Speaking of this, Bai Nong was a little worried: "Besides, the health of the personnel above is the top priority. Without the help of air conditioners and Youshen for external maintenance, frostbite and the like are inevitable. Those are important technicians. There are less than [-] people in the whole friend family, even if we rest for a month or two due to injury, it will be a big loss for our family."

"Then let the Divinity pass by," Long Yue immediately suggested: "There is no trouble in the group now, there are temples stationed in various places, it is not a big problem, it is a waste to keep the Divinity here to patrol, why not let it bring a soul The damage control team composed of super energy bodies rushed to rescue the cargo ship as soon as possible, and then the two can go to the periphery of No. 05 to rendezvous with the third cluster, which can be regarded as reducing the pressure on the third cluster."

"Well, the soul-level energy body doesn't need to worry about the weather, and although the Divinity is still in the trial period, it can handle special things..."

After thinking about it, Lingxue nodded: "Okay, you can make arrangements."

"Well," after nodding, Long Yue left the conference room with the internal affairs staff.

After watching the two leave, the conference room fell into a brief silence again, but it was quickly broken.

"At the end of the day, Kong Huan and Aiyi are the ones to deal with the problems in the development of science and technology. We don't need to worry too much. On the contrary, the training of folk talents is greatly hindered." Bai Nong concluded.

In response, Lingxue and the people around her nodded helplessly.

Everyone is troubled by these problems of the ethnic group, but the trouble now is: in order to deal with the Zerg, the friends have to develop faster, faster, and pursue faster than the fastest speed to develop, but even the current Speed, compared with the Zerg, will make everyone here feel slow.

But they are Youshen, with strong learning and comprehension abilities, they can barely accept the current speed, what about ordinary people?
When the comparison of the Zerg is stripped away, and the acceptance ability of ordinary people is placed in front of the current speed of the friends, people will exclaim: the speed of the friends is so fast that it is unimaginable, and it is unacceptable for ordinary people.

The current speed, on the one hand, is supported by researchers who account for 17% of the total number of friends, relying on the good wisdom brought by their own brain level and mental power research, but the most important thing is the illusory civilization control center.It provides most of the basic theories needed for the rapid development of Pengzu, so that with the assistance of nearly [-] researchers, Pengzu can reach the current level of development.

In many cases, all Pengzu researchers need to do is to reverse these theories and then turn them into applied technologies.However, this has also led to a slightly deformed situation where there are a large number of researchers in the Peng family, but there are very few real scientists.

But the main problem is not here.

The most important thing is: the acceptance ability of ordinary people who occupy the majority of the population is not as high as imagined.

The "acceptance" here does not refer to the use of various new things, which my friends are very good at; it lies in the study of new theories, research on the use of new weapons and tactics, urban planning composed of new technologies, etc. Wait for such soft power aspects.

For example, the various floating cities, when they were established two years ago, these floating cities were built by friends' researchers using the most advanced technology at that time, which seemed almost sci-fi in the eyes of friends at the time.

But now, with the emergence of many new technologies, such as Leiting Power Plant, three-dimensional urban transportation system, omnidirectional information communication system, etc., in the eyes of some technicians, these floating island cities have already been transformed in just two years. Some lag behind the overall technological level of friends.

This is called a miracle.

However, Lingxue and the others who were really standing at the top knew that if they were not forced, no one would have obtained this miracle for any reason.

Eating delicious food until you are almost full to death is probably a very vivid metaphor.

"The problem of our family now is the serious lack of time, lack of time to cultivate talents! lack of time to accumulate experience! lack of time to adapt to new things!" Lingxue, who tapped on the desktop, pointed out the key to the problem.

"I was wondering, is it possible to do this?"

Long Yue, who had just returned to the meeting room, just heard Lingxue's words, and thought of a solution: "The training of military equipment is very troublesome. The main problem is that the equipment starts training after it is qualitative, but it often leads to the training time being too short. Then, when the concept of certain equipment is proposed, can we use the fantasy world to conduct adaptive training and summary of tactics?"

"Although this will cause a gap between the training equipment and the reality, at least it can make everyone psychologically prepared for it, right?"

"You mean it's like a sci-fi movie, or a concept conference?" Lingxue asked.

"Almost," Longyue nodded: "For example, the spaceships of our family that are completely in the concept, cooperate with the orbital accelerator that is working on difficult problems, and simulate these things in the fantasy world. The details may not be able to be trained, but We can train things like command and tactics, can't we?"

"That's right," Lingxue nodded.Although, in terms of rationality and rigor, this approach is completely wasteful and useless, but in fact, Pengzu can only do this now: "An idea that just came up?"

"Well, almost," Long Yue nodded.

"Then it's up to you to make a detailed plan. If feasible, I will deploy a certain number of illusion creators there," Lingxue nodded and gave the order.

Long Yue immediately became embarrassing: "Well, Master Lingxue, I still have work in the Military Academy. You must know that I am basically responsible for the command of the Military Academy now!"

"Um, look at how confused I am," Lingxue also responded embarrassingly: "Well, why don't you suggest to do it alone, I don't have any suitable people for this."

"Well, I will submit a report to you then."

After finishing speaking, Long Yue turned around and left again without even sitting down.

After this matter was over, Lingxue turned to look at Bai Nong: "How is the transformation progress of the energy body?"

Although the transformation of the energy body will further reduce the population growth rate of the friends, it will greatly enhance the overall strength and future development potential of the friends, and at the same time, the IQ of the energy body will be much higher than that of soul-level friends, which can be regarded as a disguise It has improved the adaptability of Pengzu to high-speed development, so this can be regarded as a development focus of Pengzu.

"It's okay, Aiyi and the others reported before: up to now, the success rate of energyization is still at a high level of 96%, the loss of friends does not exceed 50 people, and 32 of them have successfully rescued the dead souls. And the successful people have already There are nearly a thousand, plus the previous energy bodies of our family, the number of existing soul-level energy bodies has increased to 2700, accounting for 26% of the total number of non-revenant soul-level friends in the whole family."

"In addition, there are nearly [-] animals such as Qilin Beasts and Thunder Dragons that have not low strength after energyization, but the suggestion of the Military Academy is to assign these creatures to non-energy soldiers, which can make them energyized. The role of creatures is raised to a higher level, rather than the vassal status of energy bodies and people's mounts and assistants that were planned at the beginning."

"Let the Military Academy figure it out." The situation was going well in this regard, and Lingxue also heaved a sigh of relief and her face softened.

"By the way, what about Void?"

"Him?" Bai Nong thought for a while: "It should be in G06 now. It is said that G06 has some ideas about the research on the Zerg meteorite base, so he rushed over impatiently. As a result, several projects that needed to be finalized had to be let go. Others went over. In addition, there may be some internal circumstances in G06's encounter this time, and he is investigating."

"Okay? He has that kind of temperament. But, what's the internal situation?" Lingxue was a little curious.

"It should be the reason why the No. 04 meteorite base smashed into G06 so accurately. I'm afraid it's not that simple."

In an instant, the temperature in the meeting room seemed to change to the location of the third cluster.Feeling this situation, Bai Nong sighed, waved his hands and said: "The specific situation is still unclear, you can ask Kong Huan when the time comes."

"Really." Lingxue shook her head, pondered for a moment or gave up the idea of ​​pursuing it now, time waits for no one, and there are countless things waiting for her.

Through the communication network of several Youshen on Xinpeng Island at any time, she immediately found Elder Mi Yue who was in charge of the manufacturing industry: "What about the battleship?"

Ask concisely and clearly.

"Don't think about it for three days."

The answer on the other side is also very simple: "Four floating turrets leave the factory three days later, two Barracuda converted assault ships leave the factory after eleven days, one Thunder-class capital ship and seven floating turrets leave the factory at the same time after twelve days, and the rest are all It's a month away."

"Really, let's pay attention to everyone's health. Oh! By the way, what about the crew's preparations?"

"The crew is in some trouble. We have adjusted the configuration and changed the configuration ratio of friends, Dunjia people and Yueling people to 3:1:1." Mi Yue on the opposite side replied helplessly: "It is impossible to reduce the ratio of friends. , But even so, the crew members trained now basically start from scratch. Even if three fantasy creators are selected for training, these people still need at least one month of real-time training to ensure the basic combat effectiveness of the battleship. "

"It's just a pile of bad news."

Smiling helplessly, Lingxue nodded to Bai Nong who seemed to be able to leave after asking, and continued to bury her head in piles of official duties.

On the other hand, outside Xinpeng Island.

After returning to the base after completing another patrol and sea trial mission, the members of the bridge team were cheering outside the Divinity, which was resting with the crew, because they were finally ready to fight.

"Don't be happy so early, it may take four or five hours for those technicians to complete their transformation." The captain mercilessly poured cold water on the crew.

He was as excited as these guys when he received the notification before, but he was beaten by the accompanying researchers afterwards, but now, he has found a psychological balance with his subordinates.

"According to the intelligence of the third group, we will carry out polar adaptation transformation on the Divinity, and equip it with enough tools to repair a cargo floating ship," that's what the technician at the time said to the captain of the Divinity.But now, under the leadership of the captain, the members of the bridge watched as the Divinity was put into the dock again, and began to remodel it.

"We should be thankful that the Divinity is in the sea trial period, and the return location is right next to the dock," the head of the arsenal waved his hands carelessly, and said cheerfully: "Otherwise, the time might have to be doubled."

The surrounding crew members agreed with this one after another, and then continued to grimace.

"What are you doing! Everyone is pulling their faces. It's good to be able to go this time, isn't it necessary for four or five hours?" In this regard, the captain spaceship strongly condemned the performance of the crew.

At this time, the adjutant who was going to negotiate with the factory ran over: "Captain, the shipyard wants us to participate in the transformation, saying that this will help the crew get familiar with the battleship. Moreover, it is said that they will add some extra to the Divinity." weapons, for there was a squad of squires accompanying him."


"Ah, haha! I'm sorry, look at me, I forgot to tell you guys." Faced with the scrutiny of the surrounding crew members, the captain pretended to smile naturally: "This time there is indeed a team of attendants joining, everyone cheers Bar!"

But after the captain cheered foolishly for a second, he suddenly realized that there was no one around.You know, up to now, the soul-level energy body attendant is also a star-like existence in the friend clan.

"These guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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