Spore Story

Chapter 695 Genes

Chapter 695 Genes
Time, October 45, 7.

Location, Northeast Reconstruction Area of ​​G06 Industrial Zone.

Outside the door was a construction site in full swing, all kinds of new small floating construction machinery flew by continuously, bringing up waves of dust, but the empty fantasy sitting in the office inside the door did not have that enthusiasm.

Looking at the two reports in front of him with some hesitation, his constant rubbing of his forehead showed his inner struggle.

Obviously, neither report seems to be a good thing.

One of them was a small harvest obtained by the great biological researchers of the Pengzu when they were researching the Zerg.

It's really just a small harvest. After all, no matter how powerful the friends are beyond the norm, it is impossible to decipher the core secrets of the Zerg at the level of cosmic civilization in just three days, and it is even difficult to even scratch the surface.

And this small gain from the Zerg placed in front of Kong Huan is still relying on a friend who controls Lv6 with his mind, relying on his ultra-precise micro-observation ability and mental control to achieve a kind of sixth sense after reaching Lv6. Ability to get inaccurate news.

"Double gun worms are very closely related to a kind of spider from Double Moon Star. What the hell is this? Could it be that these bugs were transformed from spiders from Double Moon Star?"

This stupid conclusion makes people collapse, imagining that the bugs 'returned' to Double Moon, leading the spiders on Double Moon to defeat many races in the civilized world, and then raised their arms and shouted... Ga.

"Uh, I can't imagine," Kong Huan weakly covered his forehead, his head covered with black lines.

However, it is obviously impossible for the bug to become a double-moon star spider, and 8051 also confirmed to Kong Huan that 'the double-moon star has grown from the most primitive barren planet to what it is now after a long step of evolution.Since the appearance of the first creature on Double Moon, it has been protected by the system, and there will be no creatures from other galaxies within the entire Milky Way where Double Moon is located, let alone the double moon spider flying out Became a Zerg.

But thinking that it is not protected by the system yet, but has been blocked by the Zerg at the door, Kong Huan feels a little unconfident.

What is going on in this situation now?
Hollow knocked on the desktop, selectively ignoring another report, and thought about the existence of the Zerg's Double Gun.

A few minutes later, he still had nothing to gain, so he could only call Elder Liuyun, who was in charge of this research, through the communication network.

Elder Liuyun worked in the Pengzu medical institution before he became Youshen, and later he chose to specialize in the theory of biology. Although his status in the industry is not as high as that of Aiyi in the field of energy, he can be regarded as a leader. The person in charge of the first study on the Zerg was also the elder.

"Although there is a great possibility that the double-gun worms are closely related to spiders, we must realize that they are too different from spiders, not only in appearance, but also in intelligence, tool use, etc. The most important thing is: they It's from the Zerg, a powerful race from the outer universe!"

After Liu Yun arrived, Kong Huan hurriedly spoke without waiting for the other party to speak, making no effort to hide his doubts or worries about this issue.

"Elder Kong Huan, we also attach great importance to what you said," Liu Yun, who had already thought about the purpose of Kong Huan calling him here, didn't talk nonsense, and directly put a stack of documents on Kong Huan's desk, and then sat opposite him: " Even now, we are still curious about how a genetic difference of less than [-] per [-] could lead to such a large gap."

"You know very well that the genetics of my family originated from your civilization control center," the illusory secrets are selectively released in the presbytery, so it is not surprising that Liu Yun knows this: "And this theory passed Several of us who control Lv6 minds have confirmed that this kind of thing exists in most creatures on Double Moon, and this is also the main point for us to determine the origin of many creatures."

"However," Liu Yun paused for a moment, "The optical technology of our family is not enough to create a microscope that allows ordinary people to access this level, which leads to the study of genetics only in our few mind control Lv6, and we must It is inside people who have a certain knowledge of biology. In this case, we lack the accumulation of experience provided by a large number of researchers, and we really know very little about genetics.”

The corners of Kong Huan's eyes twitched. He didn't expect that he was just asking about the Double Gun Bug. How could it turn into Liu Yun complaining to himself: "In terms of optics, it is mainly the defects of electronic technology and material technology. Aren't they working hard to fix it?" ? And, didn’t the technical department provide a spiritual diffuser?”

"What we want is the microscopic vision brought by the fineness of mind control, not the macroscopic impact brought by the spirit diffuser!" This time, it was Liu Yun who tapped on the table, but seeing the depressed look on Kong Huan's face, He also sighed: "Not to mention this aspect, although genetics is extremely important in bimonthly biological research, but don't forget, the effect of genetics on friends is not as great as imagined."

"A problem with the energy body?"

"Well," Liu Yun picked up a cup of tea and looked out the window, his gaze swept across the stack of documents on the empty table, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "Or about the issue of the double-gun worm, our internal discussions have no results, after all, you know that our family There are many secrets that are not understood by ordinary researchers, and in the absence of information, what they have is not enough to deduce useful information."

"Do you want to let go of some secrets?"

"This is your business." Speaking of this, Liu Yun glanced at Kong Huan meaningfully, and then smiled: "But I have a few guesses."

"Tell me?"

"First of all, we must know the characteristics of the double gun bug: high agility, independent thinking, and tool use. Under normal circumstances, it should be strange to appear on the Zerg. But in fact, we think that since the Zerg is a cosmic civilization, And it’s a race that favors biotechnology, so it’s impossible not to do this ‘simple’ thing, right?”

Kong Huan nodded: "Indeed, even some animals taught by our friends can easily use tools, not to mention the ability of independent thinking that any animal has. So what do you think is the point?"

"The point should be that the double-gun worms will be able to rush out of the meteorite base within half an hour of falling in the meteorite base!" Liu Yun knocked heavily on the table, shaking things on the table, but both of them did not agree. Nothing.

"You should know that after studying the Zerg meteorite base this time, we have confirmed that the mechanical awakening device of the opponent's base is basically the same model as that in the meteorite base in the second invasion."

"Let's not discuss the tragic mechanical manufacturing capabilities of the Zerg, let's put everything aside and look at this key point: the same mechanical awakening device, why can the double gun insects and clamp insects in this invasion wake up so long in advance, while the meteorite With so many troops left in the base, it took half a day to a day before they woke up at the No. 03 and No. 05 meteorite bases as usual?"

"Or, have they ever suspended animation?" Liu Yun pointed out the key point.

"Double Spear Bug and Pincer Bug should have the ability to break through Double Moon Star's defenses without feigning death. This is the best explanation," Kong Huan found the key to the matter.

"Yes, it's the defense mechanism you mentioned. Although I don't know how you did it, since the Zerg have to make such a response, it is obviously feasible. But why can the double gunworm and the pincer How about a breakthrough?" Liu Yun is neither a detective nor a patrolman, so it is impossible to lose Kong Huan's appetite, but directly takes out one of the documents he brought and puts it in front of Kong Huan.

"Improve the assessment of Zerg's ability?"

"Yes, after discovering the problem, I pulled out the latest astronomical observation signals and fantasy information about the Zerg in the information database, and the result was frightening." Liu Yun couldn't help but sigh: "Perhaps, the danger of the Zerg is not limited to now. The number of troops and the speed of production are so harmful."

"Can you explain in detail, it's too brief," Kong Huan frowned as he flipped through the paper.

"Okay, but first I need you to tell me what's going on with that protective layer?" Liu Yun said with a serious face, "For us, this shouldn't be a secret, right?"

Kong Huan was stunned for a moment, his tentacles fluttered and calmed down again, and he explained with eyes that did not live up to Liu Yun's expectations: "It's actually not a big secret, um...you can imagine that some great power wrapped up the double moon star in the past. The layer is like a membrane that passes through the security check, and it is impossible for any creature that is not a double-moon star to come in from the outside..."

"Unless you die?"

"Hey, how do you know?" Kong Huan was a little serious at this time.

"It's not that I know, but it's just a simple reasoning. Otherwise, why would the bug make a fake death device. But since it's so powerful, what about that great power?"

"It's gone," Kong Huan spread his hands.

"I think so too," Liu Yun waved his hands and didn't make too much entanglement: "But if what you said is true, it can not only explain why the meteorite base of the Zerg was equipped with that kind of machinery, but also explain the problem of the double-gun bugs. .”

"Huh?" Kong Huan's reaction speed was not so fast, he felt that he was about to be confused by Liu Yun's jumping thinking: "Speak simple and clear, don't be so confusing."

"Oh, haha, it's actually very simple, just like some people want to pass the security check but carry contraband. The Zerg's first action is to hide these contraband, that is, fake death, and take them out after passing the customs. It is to use mechanical resurrection; but this time, the Zerg disguised the contraband such as the double gun bug as a non-contraband item, and then passed the level smoothly."

"That is to say, this powerful protective film regards the double-gun worm, which is very similar to the spider like Shuangyuexing, as one of its own. I am afraid that the judgment of this protective film is doubtful," Liu Yun said. Talk to yourself.Kong Huan had an embarrassing expression on his face. If Shuangyue Xing hadn't been disconnected from the system, the protective film would obviously not be so fragile.

At this time, he was suddenly startled.

"Damn, why didn't I think of it!"

Kong Huan tapped his palm fiercely, and suddenly remembered the human world's fantasies about the Zerg in the past, the ability of the Zerg to obtain good genes by devouring other races.It's been too long, and many things have been buried in the depths of memory. If Liu Yun hadn't mentioned it, he, who is still at a loss until now, would feel a little guilty at this time.

"It can be said that the Zerg has broken through the protective layer limit of the Double Moon Star through this method. In this case, aren't we in danger?"

"It's possible. Although in terms of combat effectiveness, the double gun worms are still slightly weaker than friends, but they are already stronger than moon spirit soldiers. If the opponent's meteorite base crashes and thousands of double gun bugs appear, it will be really troublesome What's more, the clamp worm is like a small base that can become the same thing as the breeding nest of the moon spirits of our family, and it is not affected by time."

"But after all, the current situation is actually very bad, no matter how bad it is, it can't go anywhere, right?" At this time, Kong Huan unexpectedly calmed down.

Liu Yun wasn't surprised by this, they were all acquaintances for decades, and they knew each other's personalities clearly.

After sorting out the documents in his hand, he pointed to the blue moon in the sky: "From now on, it is obvious that the Zerg have taken the blue moon as their primary target. When the other party thinks that there is no problem with the blue moon, it will be us It's time for friends to be in trouble."

"I have to say, I really hope that Lanyue has a powerful race living in it like in the legend, so that it can hold back the Zerg for a little longer," Kong Huan said with a sigh.

"Yes, time," Liu Yun stood up and nodded, then walked towards the gate.

When he came to the door, he stopped and thought for a while and added: "If possible, use your civilization control center to study the technology of these bugs, especially their space technology. Anyway, it's better to fight out than to close the door and let the dogs go." It’s a good time, all you lose now are your own things.”

"I think so too," wryly smiling at Liu Yun who left, Kong Huan sank down to look at the control center turned into a passer-by with a gloomy expression on his face.

Research Zerg technology, why doesn't he want to do it.But friends don't know anything about Zerg technology, let alone any prerequisites, how to research...



Didn't know that Kong Huan was in the office. Looking at several new researchable technologies that suddenly appeared in the Civilization Control Center because of his words, Liu Yun was walking slowly on the road to the Meteorite Base Research Center, thinking about his own problems .

What he is thinking about now is not the threats of the Zerg, because all he can do for this kind of thing is to remind the real decision makers like Konghuan.As for how to do it, he didn't have the energy to think about it, because his main task was not there but the Zerg in front of him, or his major - biological research.

What Liu Yun was thinking at this time was about the genes and heredity of the Pengzu.

When discussing with Kong Huan earlier, he said that "the effect of genetics on friends is not as great as imagined", and Kong Huan answered "energy body", which shows that both parties have a certain understanding of this.

This understanding is: Among the friends, Yiren and Yuanren do have genes, and although Yuanren and Yiren have considerable differences in appearance and even abilities, their genes are indeed basically the same .

However, when they were researching the energyized soul-level friends and Youshen-level, they made an unexpected discovery.

"Why is there no such thing as a gene found in the energy body, but the combination of the soul-level energy body can still give birth to the next generation?" Liu Yun muttered to himself while walking.

This phenomenon has attracted him even more than Zerg technology has attracted him.Because in Liu Yun's view, research in this area is most aimed at friends themselves.He even had a feeling that if he could unlock the secrets, the friends would be fully sublimated, and maybe the Zerg would no longer be a problem.

"But why?"

Previously, Liu Yun had discussed this issue with Kong Huan, and then cooperated with Ai Yi, an authority on energy under the recommendation of Kong Huan, but until now, the research on the inheritance of the energy body between the two is still very one-sided. on things.

Liu Yun believes that since the energy body can give birth to offspring without the gene of a living body, it obviously also has a genetic carrier.So he mainly considered the genetic medium of the energy body, which is nothing academically, maybe the energy body is an intelligent creature like him after all.

As a result, the energy bodies of the research subjects he pursued avoided him, and Liu Yun, who believed that he was working hard for the future of his friends, was very dissatisfied.But he can't do anything about it, so sometimes, he simply studies his own body directly. Fortunately, Aiyi is not with him at this time...

Aiyi, on the other hand, proposes the study of the materialized energy body from the aspect of energy, which is likely to solve many doubts and conjectures about energy, such as the role of calcium carbide as an energy carrier, so the research is directly conducted from the aspect of materialization of energy.

After the two collaborated, they even discovered that the details of the conversion of organisms into energy bodies during the process of energy body quantification may become the key to all this.

This directly caused the two of them and their assistants to hang around various energyization places for a long time, and by the way, they could also ensure the safety of their friends' energyization.

But up to now, the two of them and their team are obviously still at the stage of theoretical discussion, not to mention that it is impossible for both of them to study this thing specifically.They have their own responsible directions, and their progress in this area can only be said to be slow.

"I don't know if those energy body newborns will become a breakthrough," Liu Yun thought hard about the solution: "But..."

There are only eleven energy body newborns in the Peng family, but the darlings who are loved by thousands of people, how can it be possible for an enthusiastic researcher like Liu Yun to study, and even connect to touch will make people worry.Even though everyone knew that Liu Yun would not really hurt these children, they couldn't stop the weird thoughts in people's minds.

"Forget it, when will you use the excuse of visiting to scan again with your mental power?"

Saying so, Liu Yun walked into his research room with firm steps.

Eleven glorious little babies who were blowing bubbles in their cradles sneezed in unison, causing a flurry of fuss among their caretakers.

(End of this chapter)

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