Spore Story

Chapter 696 Balance

Chapter 696 Balance
"Then is trouble again?" After dealing with the Zerg trouble brought by Liu Yun, Kong Huan could no longer avoid it, so he could only turn his attention to another report on the desk, and remained silent.

Rationally speaking, he should deal with this problem as soon as possible to avoid similar situations in the future, but emotionally speaking, it is a bit difficult to make a decision, because this problem is likely to destroy the harmonious situation within the friend clan.

In short, something like the hesitation of a child about to face reality. (what a mess (--))
However, another identity of this illusory person, Gray Li, is an existence with more reason than emotion.It was this kind of rationality that allowed him to make many important decisions, such as... even if he was worried, he would not use his relatively poor command ability to interfere with the actions of the Military Academy.

And now, he also had to reactivate this rationality.

"So, it's impossible to keep it." Seemingly unavoidable, Kong Huan could only hold down his aching forehead, then rolled up the document on the desktop with his tentacles and put it in front of him.

"Report on the investigation of media sampling in the genetic process of energy body reproduction... ahem, I took the wrong one." He threw the report out like flying, and rummaged through the pile of documents on the desktop with an embarrassed expression on his face.When talking with Liu Yun before, the things on the desktop seemed to be messed up by Liu Yun's stack of files, and now it is really troublesome to find them.

"Looks like I want a full-time girl... Ah no, maid girl."

"Really want that?"

"No, it's just a joke!" Kong Huan, who suddenly felt a chill, subconsciously rejected it, and then looked around guiltily: "It's strange, it seems that I heard the voice of Dark Blood just now?"

"You're hallucinating."

"Oh... ah!"

"Hahahaha," a voice from nowhere suddenly burst into laughter, which made Kong Huan even more sure that this was not a hallucination.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a small experiment, duh, don't forget our own ability of telepathy," the dark blood, who didn't know where he was, laughed like this: "I just went in and tried it out. , who knew it would be successful.”

"..." Kong Huan's head was suddenly covered with black lines.

"Forget it, I have a lot of things to do here, so I won't bother you." After speaking, her voice disappeared without a trace just like her appearance, and Kong Huan stood there for a few minutes before shaking his head and smiling wryly.

The telepathic ability brought by the fifth-level brain has been studied a lot in the friends, but because the specific use varies from person to person, there is not much to gain. Even in the situation where the illusion, dark blood and Bai Nong are very suitable, to realize the It is not so simple to have such a direct dialogue.

"Maybe it's really boring." He made an excuse for Dark Blood, Kong Huan rerolled the document that was so frightened that it fell to the ground, and was amused by his own reaction.But in this way, the serious and cold image he had just created disappeared completely, and the heaviness in his heart also disappeared completely.

"Ah, I found it!" Helplessly glanced at the messy desktop, Kong Huan selectively ignored the situation and didn't think about the maid girl, and resolutely focused all his attention on the report in his hand.

"A statistical report on the survivors and deaths in the G06 incident, ah, this is it."

Due to being busy with G06's rescue, reconstruction, and research on the Zerg base, the G06 command, which is seriously short of manpower, actually did not conduct a separate independent investigation on the conjecture that there may be human factors in the G06 incident.Because this is just a conjecture, the G06 headquarters does not have so many people to investigate every conjecture.

However, because of the doubts and it is impossible to ignore them, the headquarters assigned the rescuers the task of 'finding out the situation from the survivors' while rescuing the personnel. At the same time, the headquarters also handed over the G06 death list to the shadow system. Have them pull up the recent activity logs of these people to check.

There are not many people involved in these tasks, and if there is only such a small amount of work, it is reasonable to say that at most it can only confirm safety and not have many useful conclusions. However, even such a simple countermeasure actually allowed the command to come to a conclusion.This has to make people sigh that even if you don't care about some things, they seem to come to you by themselves.

"Okay, if we find out early, we can prevent similar situations from happening again in the future." Kong Huan sighed, and continued to flip through the report, trying his best to remember the names of the hundreds of victims above: "Besides, this is also for An account of the deceased."

Tapping the desktop to stabilize his emotions, the report in front of Kong Huan finally stayed on the last few pages.


The name Kong Huan was somewhat impressive, and he only remembered it with the strong memory ability after becoming a Youshen class, but he didn't expect this slightly impressive name to appear on the list of suspects.

"It was just a precaution at the beginning, didn't you expect you to come this far?" Kong Huan frowned: "No, I can't confirm it yet, maybe it's a coincidence?"

"What's going on with this Dongnong?" Unwilling to be influenced by his emotions, Kong Huan directly found the person who summarized the report through the communication network and was also the person in charge of the G06 rescue.As an elder, Kong Huan has a high priority in the communication network, so he can also contact these people directly without needing a communicator to do the relay like when other people contact him.

"Donnong? Elder, please wait a moment," the person in charge on the opposite side was probably looking for information. Because of the busy mission, the reports submitted to Kong Huan by the headquarters are generally only general, and only when he needs a more detailed understanding Details will be obtained through the communication network.

"Ah, I found it," came the feeling of relief on the opposite side, but then it turned into a solemn emotion and was infected with emptiness through the spiritual network. This is probably a drawback of the spiritual communication network.

Of course, it’s good to get used to it, at least most of my friends are used to it, and they think it’s more convenient to communicate.

"Donnong, 27 years old, Xinpeng Island..."

"Wait," Kong Huan didn't have the patience to listen to Dongnong's life resume: "Skip the dull and important information, and focus on the information related to this incident. I have some impressions of this person."

"Yes, Elder." After waiting for a while, the communication from the person in charge came back again.

"Dong Nong has been confirmed dead in this incident. After his father died unexpectedly during the energyization test, he worked hard to graduate and worked as a technician in the energyization laboratory. However, due to unknown reasons, he was quickly transferred out. Join the Energization Group for Friends, and then enter the Energization Experimental Group for Animals.”

"After the reorganization of the industrial area, this person accompanied the animal energy experiment team to G06. He served as an assistant researcher of the team because of his outstanding ability. On the surface, there is no problem. He was confirmed dead in the G06 incident before," the person in charge paused for a moment. Said: "However, during the G06 period, according to records, this person had 31 separate outings on the grounds of 'field research', and the longest time was nearly two months."

"According to the description of the survivors beside him, although Dongnong has outstanding abilities, he has an aloof personality and doesn't like to use the spiritual network to communicate, and he has few friends."

"At the same time, after returning from going out for a long time, he will always have a period of emotional instability, irritability and suspiciousness, but at that time it was thought that he was living alone in the wild and did not attract attention. He was discovered before the G06 incident Being bored at home for a long time and unable to come out once caused the team leader to go to check, but nothing unusual was found, and in the end he just thought that he was overworked and let him continue to rest at home..."

"What's the result?" Most of the above things are just conjectures. Each item looks fine individually, but together it makes people suspicious.But Kong Huanqing has never been discovered, it is entirely because of the trust between friends within the friend clan.

In other words, the friend's vigilance against the friend is too weak.

However, this is the best in the eyes of everyone. Isn't it good for everyone to trust each other?It is precisely this that makes Kong Huan feel worried about this incident, because once this incident is exposed, it is likely that friends will no longer be able to get along with each other in such a trusting manner.He is afraid, afraid that the society of friends will become the human society before.

However, some things cannot always be transferred by human will.

"As a result, we confirmed that the center of the fall of the meteorite base was not far from his home, and because the impact of the fall of the meteorite base was not very large, when the research team was studying the meteorite base, they found the remains of a self-made machine of unknown use in the ruins of the East Nongjia. A biological How can science researchers be interested in machinery, and there has been no performance in this regard before. It is a pity that the unknown machinery that has been broken into parts cannot be restored, and we cannot use it to discover its use. "

"But these alone are not enough to confirm that it is the other party." Kong Huan said with a frown, although if you want to convict, these evidences are enough, but what if it is not Dongnong?
"Uh," the person in charge was stunned for a moment, probably thinking of the reason for Kong Huan's hesitation, and shook his head with a wry smile: "They are all dead, and judging from the other party's travel records, even if it was Dongnong who did it, it was only him. behavior, Elder Void..."

"Well, I was overthinking," in the end reason still prevailed, Kong Huan interrupted the other party's speech, closed the report in his hand and put it back on the table: "Whether it is this Dongnong or not, don't let this incident happen." Spread the word, at least until the Zerg fight is over to make sure the crowd is as small as possible..."

"I know that."

"Also, if... I mean if it is really confirmed. Then, check where he went out? Although it is emotionally unacceptable, we can't ignore the details that may lead to the next disaster!"

The empty words were a bit confusing, and the person in charge hesitated for a while before he understood what the other party meant.In the final analysis, they just didn't want to destroy the internal stability of the Pengzu because of this incident, and they didn't want to let this incident happen again in the future, so they chose to conceal it in the short term to delay the outbreak of its impact.

"But Elder Kong Huan, is the delay really useful?" This may just be the person in charge's subconscious thought, but through the communication network mediated by spirit, Kong Huan heard it clearly.

He shook his head and replied lightly: "How long can it be delayed? What's more, we are not doing nothing. During these times, we can take some actions in public opinion to buffer things, and this can also avoid emergencies, right? ?And the most important thing is that we desperately need internal stability when facing the Zerg now.”



The G06 incident seems to have ended so simply, but Kong Huan knows that its impact has just begun, and Pengzu will face a new fork in the road. Did it grow through this incident?Or is it loose or even split because of it?
Of course, it will be at least a few months before these things have an impact, and they still need to face the problem at hand-damn bugs.

The camera turned around and returned to the No. 03 meteorite base. At this time, it has been more than half a day since the arrival of the four Youshen. The contact battle with the bugs, except for the initial battle, is somewhat reduced to a formality.

Both parties probably have the mentality of continuing to accumulate strength.

The commander of the Zerg side saw that they had spent a lot of effort to besiege Chu Ling, Lingyun and a Thunder Beast, but failed to make any achievements. They also had more than 2000 troops. They seemed a little hesitant about the strength of the five Youshen, so they did not There was no full attack again.But at this time, even Chu Ling and the others who were on the periphery could clearly feel the speed of the crazy soldiers at the Zerg base.

And this time the Zerg Commander seems to have figured it out. Instead of pursuing the mid-to-high-end combat power in a unique way, it returned to the original route of the Zerg Sea.The war bees flying in the area with a radius of more than ten kilometers in the Zerg base began to appear like dark clouds in just half a day, making the surrounding ghosts almost suffer from dense phobia.

But Chu Ling and the others also know that they don't want to attack, but if they rely solely on the strength of the Youshen class, even if they are all kinds of outstanding people, they can use this strength to 100%. Being able to deal with the siege of thousands of Zerg is the best.

As for the fact that Chu Ling and Lingyun were able to turn tens of thousands of mid-to-high-level Zerg around with ease, it was all due to the thunderclouds accumulated by the Thunder Beast in the sky within two days.Relying on the natural thunder of these thunder clouds, they can also convert their spiritual and mental strength into energy combat effectiveness, thus exerting 400% or even higher combat effectiveness.

But now, there are only less than one kilometer of thunderclouds left in the sky. Maybe it's because there are too many squeezes these days, and the Thunder Beast can't find many usable thunderclouds in the surrounding area.

"But it's not a problem to be so bored?" Chang Zhan complained a little depressed.

"Aren't we also fighting now?" Lingyun looked at the other party suspiciously, and then pointed to the pile of war bee corpses that had just been cleaned up by several people, and the Zerg-shaped buildings in the area where the pile of corpses were located.

Because the Zerg adopted the tactic of shrinking the defense line while accumulating strength, except for Lamia who went to the L15 floating observation station to transport the Crocodiles, the rest of the people began to continuously compress the Zerg's activity space round by round.

However, the few people who seem to have the advantage on the surface, although they have compressed the Zerg from the radius of about 17 kilometers in the early morning to a radius of about 14 kilometers, they actually killed more than 2000 war bees and dozens of bees. A defensive building, this result is entirely due to the Zerg actively avoiding confrontation with them.

"I'm afraid the result of this battle is less than 30% of the production capacity of the Zerg base at the same time. Shall we just wait?" Chang Zhan said to Chu Ling.

"Just wait," Chu Ling replied.


"Listen to what I have to say." After waving everyone to a mountain range behind and stopping behind the Zerg, Chu Ling, who let go of her mental power to monitor the movement of the Zerg, sat on the rock and stretched: "In the current form, you can also It can be seen that the troops in the Zerg base are growing too fast, and even the existing troops cannot be handled by the four of us."

Several people nodded helplessly.

"At the same time, the Thunder Beast in the sky is exhausting but has not gained much, which makes us seriously lacking in long-term combat power and range combat power. Speaking of which, the Thunder Beast is really suitable for friends..."

"Lord Chu Ling, it's business." Ling Yun was ashamed.

"Ah, yes, but it seems that the situation is getting better and better for the Zerg, but we are not waiting for death. Thundercloud's problem is actually easy to solve, it just takes some time."

"You mean..."

"8051... Ah no, Elder Kong Ling is already mobilizing the epic creatures on the outskirts to create thunderclouds to transport here; and because the first and second combat groups are only about a day away from here, I have already suggested that they summon them in advance Chu Ling, then ask Chu Ling to rush over with the holy high priest and her scepter, which is the carrier of the temple domain."

"That's it!" Several people suddenly became excited.

According to what Chu Ling said, Chu Ling, one of the four Yin gods of the Peng clan, will arrive here soon.The strength of the Yinshen class has already surpassed the strength of the Youshen who borrowed Leiyun by a lot. When the time comes and cooperates with the Leiyun brought by the elder Kong Ling, the combat power of the friends will have a qualitative breakthrough.


Chang Zhan, who was standing aside, thought about it, and suddenly became embarrassed.


"I suddenly thought, why does it seem that we and the bugs are constantly adding fuel? And from the beginning to now, the balance of power between the two parties has not been broken."


Thinking about it carefully, Chu Ling herself was embarrassed.

At the beginning of the fall of No. 03, the Zerg had thousands of spear worms, Chu Ling had three epic creatures and more than 100 black-handed creatures. The strength of the two sides was basically balanced. break each

After No. 03 fell for a period of time, a large number of low-level troops appeared in the Zerg, and Chu Ling also added a few flying epic creatures and a marine epic creature. The two sides were still basically balanced. Although Chu Ling had a slight advantage at this time, she was powerless to fully Destroy the Zerg with the Meteor Base Defense;
After the suspended animation troops in No. 03 Meteorite Base woke up, the Zerg suddenly had a large number of middle and high-level Zerg units.Seeing that the Zerg was about to break through the line of defense, Chu Ling reacted decisively at this time, relying on three special epic creatures to form a purely defensive line of defense, buying time for the reinforcements to arrive.So after the arrival of the Four Nether Gods, the strength of the two sides reached a balance again;

But now, the Zerg's strength is higher than that of the Four Nether Gods, but at the same time, the support from the friends' clan is about to arrive. As a result, the strength of the two sides will be in a balance by then.

"Is this the arrangement of the Destiny Stone?" Everyone fell into the black line.

(End of this chapter)

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