Spore Story

Chapter 697 Aurora

Chapter 697 Aurora
Is today Christmas Eve or Christmas?I didn't pay attention to the old man with white beard. In short, everyone who celebrated the festival happily said that we are still drifting past...

The camera moved away from Chu Ling and the others who fell into silence, and the location shifted to the polar regions of the northern hemisphere.After traveling for three consecutive days, the unlucky third combat group was blocked by the snowstorm for more than three hours, and then stayed for several hours due to traffic accidents. Formation, anxiously rushed out of the range of the blizzard.

When the strong wind pressure disappeared from the mental hoods of the five Youshen, the clear sky appeared in front of everyone, and there was no crackling sound of crackling ice and snow outside the spaceship, everyone was relieved.

It finally came out.

This is both a sigh and a fear. God knows that the first time I crossed the polar region, I would encounter that kind of storm. If it weren't for the fact that there were five Youshen in the team, and the battleship was also very strong and equipped with air conditioning and sufficient energy, God knew that this group of People can come out.

At this time, people became worried about the unlucky cargo ship left behind, but after the group commander informed that the Divinity was approaching the cargo ship, people breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, what awaited them at the edge of the polar region was not only the joy of leaving the storm zone, but also a gorgeous and colorful polar beauty.

"Look, what is that!" The navigator was the first to discover the beautiful scenery. They were responsible for guiding the course of the warship when there was no global positioning system, ensuring the position, and avoiding unnecessary dangers.

"All on alert!" Because of a certain degree of ignorance, when the tense people of the third combat group had just crossed the storm zone and saw the aurora for the first time, they were slightly agitated and nervous.

Ultimately, though, the beauty worked its allure.

"What is this?" On the flagship Xinyun, the navigator had never seen such a strange thing before. She was slightly absent-minded and caressed the silver thread with a calm expression: "It's so beautiful."

It is really beautiful, the colorful aurora hangs like silk on the nine heavens, no one can refuse the aurora beauty that makes people unable to refuse the temptation and fall deeply into it.The previous overreaction was nothing more than a subconscious action caused by the sudden discovery of an unknown substance in the sky. After the navigator muttered that sentence, there was a burst of echoes, and the group commander sitting behind the captain The officer also blushed after confirming that there was no danger.

"Ahem, it doesn't look artificial, can you tell if it has anything to do with the Zerg?"


"Sorry, I haven't seen this kind of thing before, so I suggest sending an assault ship to take a look." Xinying pointed to the spaceships that were still on alert, and some excessive guys even aimed their guns at the sky.


At this time, the chief of the arsenal who was sitting on the side suddenly reported the situation: "Report, I suspect this is the aurora mentioned in the book!"

"Aurora?" Everyone immediately turned to the insider.

"Well," the chief of the arsenal once again focused on the beautiful scenery in the distance, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was the same as the one described in the book.Moreover, seeing such a scene with her own eyes at this time, she even felt the charm of the aurora that could not be described in the words of a book. The dreamlike world was simply beyond the reach of human beings.

Of course, the chief of the arsenal who fell into this charm inevitably ignored the captain's inquiry, which made everyone present feel itchy and expressed dissatisfaction with the chief of the arsenal.

Many times, when friends encounter something they don’t understand, they first want to know the reason. Although it may be a lot less fun, discovering the unknown is also one of the joys of formal friends.

Because the commander was right beside him, the usually mischievous captain couldn't make a fuss, so he gave the adjutant a look.

Dazed for a moment, the adjutant glanced helplessly at the commander who was pretending to be calm, and then admired the ribbon-like beauty in the sky, then walked to the side of the chief arsenal and patted him on the shoulder: "Hey, don't say anything!" Half, did you read it in that book?"

"..." The surrounding crowd immediately fell to the ground. All they wanted to know was about Aurora, but it was obvious that the adjutant, who loved books, misunderstood.

Even the chief of the arsenal was taken aback by the other party's question, but he still replied subconsciously: "The third edition of the middle school geography textbook."


"Are we not as good as middle school students?" The entire bridge was plunged into low air pressure.

Compared with the situation that the textbooks of science nature such as physics and chemistry have been updated to more than 30 editions, the knowledge textbooks of geography that have not changed much are very stable. month's credit.

The contributions made by the quasi-priests of the Peng clan to geography are actually limited to the three friend activity areas of the Central Plains, the Far West, and the West.As the friend clan is increasingly short of friends, the work of quasi-priests, which is a serious waste of manpower, has basically ceased. At most, the friend clan will send some moon spirits and dunjia people to confirm according to the information provided by 8051 and Shuangyue.

But at this time, the members of the bridge team are not concerned about this, but...

"It's actually a middle school textbook..." 囧
Most of the members of the bridge have a college degree, but at this moment, each of them looked deeply shocked, and only the captain, the old god, was sitting there.

"Captain, how can you not respond at this time!" The adjutant expressed dissatisfaction.

"Why do you want it?" The mischievous captain was overwhelmed, and nodded his lower lip with a look of 'we are very simple': "I learned it in the second edition when I was in middle school, and it should... ah no, There must be no aurora or anything."

"You won..." The audience was silent.Oops
But in this way, the atmosphere has improved a lot. Under the urging of everyone, the chief of the arsenal recounted the introduction about the aurora in the textbook. After learning the height of the aurora, he was decisively rejected when he made the suggestion to send the assault ship to check. Get out of your mind.If the Pengzu's assault ships could fly into Aurora, they wouldn't be fighting bugs on the planet now.

But even knowing the possible formation principle of the aurora, it will not interfere with everyone's appreciation of the beautiful sky.

However, time is short.

"Okay, if the aurora is a natural phenomenon, then you can find opportunities to see it in the future. Now, let me concentrate on my journey!" Until then, the commander who seemed to have regained his composure issued a serious order, which immediately made the entire bridge silent.

Although this commander has only been their group leader for a few months, most of the people on the bridge are from the Longyue Legion, one of the previous three legions.And quite normal, this cluster commander is the former head of the Longyue Legion.

No one dared to refute the old boss's order.

However, it's okay to complain a few words in my heart.

"What, let us go on our way when we saw enough, hum," Xinying thought.

"Master Commander, you don't know that there are many natural phenomena that can't be met, but who knows if this aurora is a rare phenomenon?" The adjutant looked strange.


But no matter what everyone thinks, for them as soldiers, obeying orders is the most necessary, not to mention they have stayed here for more than ten minutes to appreciate the sky, which is enough in this emergency situation.

"Attention all the ships of the third group, disband the current formation to resume the high-speed marching mode, everyone has worked hard to successfully pass through the storm zone this time. But we can't relax, the mission has just begun, so I hope everyone will continue to work hard!"

Accompanied by the unenthusiastic words of the commander, the soldiers of each ship have already woken up.

Soon, the ships of the huge third combat group fleet consisting of more than 20 floating ships began to disperse.

The high-speed march is based on the mid-to-high speed of the fleet's lowest speed floating ship, and the lowest speed in the cluster is of course the modified floating cargo ship (ignored by the turret towed by the capital ship).Although it is equipped with a temporary external magnetic field engine specially designed for the first-generation spacecraft, the speed of the cargo ship can only reach 177 kilometers per hour.

"After all, without these slow guys, we might have already fought with bugs." The navigator complained a little depressed.

"Without these cargo ships, who will transport the Strategic Heavy Artillery Regiment?" the adjutant calmly told the facts.


Yes, the additional carrying capacity of battleships is extremely low, even capital ships are less than 1/10 of cargo ships.And a strategic heavy artillery regiment has 30 heavy artillery. These heavy artillery are not ordinary electromagnetic weapons that can be done with one cannon, but a heavy artillery system, including three big pieces: shell launching components, energy supply components, and communication calibration components. .

A capital ship can only carry one heavy artillery system, let alone an assault ship with a much smaller belly.

Therefore, the navigator can only keep complaining in his heart why there is no high-speed cargo ship, at least reaching the standard speed of 300 kilometers per hour of the battleship.

Of course, that's just something to think about.

Breaking away from the idea of ​​​​a group of ordinary soldiers, the commander who returned to the entire group and even the friends looked at the warships that were changing the distance between them in order to expand the dangerous 100-meter distance to 400 meters, and their thoughts were flying.

Crossing the polar region this time is also a great pioneering work for the Pengzu.

This is the first time that the civilized creatures of Double Moon Star have crossed the arctic region, and it is also the first time that the Pengzu fleet has passed through the storm zone. The accumulated experience in polar passage will provide better support for the future actions of the Pengzu. Everyone can think of this.

But now, their main task is to get close to the target as soon as possible, and then deploy the long-range artillery force to ensure the safety of this force.

"However, is this really useful? Why don't you let the third group attack directly? Even if I lose, I will make the Zerg pay enough!" The commander thought in his heart, but he came back to his senses Looking around at the subordinates who were laughing and laughing in non-wartime, there was no regular subordinates, but their hearts couldn't be hardened.

Sighing secretly, the commander shook his head to dispel the idea of ​​a desperate charge.

"There are still too few people, any one of them is the treasure of our friends."

If you think about it carefully, if you are commanding all foreign troops, preferably black-skeleton troops, then this commander will probably send out a fatal attack mission without any psychological pressure.Even though he might be added to this inevitable death, if the death of himself and a group of foreigners can be exchanged for the death of fewer friends, he will definitely not hesitate.

"But in the final analysis, these are just thoughts. Even if we arm other people, we will not give them good weapons for safety..."

"What are you thinking?" A gentle voice suddenly came to the ear, which startled the commander from his distraction.

Smiling awkwardly, he turned to look at the lieutenant colonel beside him: "It's nothing, just some trivial matters."

"Really?" The lieutenant colonel still maintained a gentle and sweet smile, and at the same time handed the manuscript in his hand to the commander: "This is the battle plan that Colonel Shihou of the Heavy Artillery Regiment asked me to submit to you. They hope you can send a A high-speed ship is equipped with an energy body to go to scout for their subsequent bombardment arrangements."

"As long as the elders agree, then there's no problem," the commander nodded, looking through the porthole to the surrounding fleet and quickly found the target: "Let that high-speed test ship Pterosaur go, the last time I dealt with 04 It performed well when it was in the No. [-] Meteorite Base, but it was a pity that it was thrown here if it was too high or too low. If you want to have the protection of the energy body attendants, you don’t have to worry about not being able to escape when the time comes.”


"However, this kind of reconnaissance is likely to expose the position of the heavy artillery regiment, so after the reconnaissance, let them send the images directly through the telepathic communication group (Note 1), and they will transfer to the southern L11 floating observation station. Think so far , even if it is discovered and chased by the Zerg, it will be regarded as a very ordinary investigation and not taken seriously."

The commander who was reprimanded by Lingxue Power Generation before, obviously began to treat his current job more carefully at this time: "Although it will definitely be exposed after the shelling starts, at least it must be confirmed that there will be no problems before the shelling. As for the shelling after the shelling starts here safety, that is the main task of our third cluster."

"Then, I'll talk to the elders."

"Well," as for the elders, although they are higher in rank than the commander and are not directly ordered by the headquarters, the commander of the cluster clearly knows that it is impossible for these elders to refute this kind of matter.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the slender high-speed test ship began to break away from the fleet, and started cruising towards the No. 500 meteorite base at a speed of more than 05.

On the bridge, the commander looked at the navigator.

"Where are we now?"

"Report, the cluster is now 05 kilometers away from the No. 501 Zerg meteorite base, and 411 kilometers away from the calibrated bombardment position. If it is at full speed, the cluster can reach the destination at around 1 am and build defenses."

"very good."

It was already 8 o'clock in the evening. Although the speed of the fleet was not bad, you could still see the floating aurora when you looked up. This caused some people who were more concerned about the fleet's navigation and active thinking to sit on the battleship and kept complaining, "No. Someone will cause a car accident because of looking at the scenery' or something like that.

Of course, that was just a joke.

As the battleship flew across the polar ocean and entered this continent where no friends had ever set foot, and was opposed to the Central Plains Continent across the core of the Double Moon Star, they realized that things were a little serious.

"Report, the Wind Valley reported that a community of unidentified flying species was found two kilometers away from the direction of the fleet at eleven o'clock, requesting the next action instruction!"

The report sent to the flagship by the correspondent was not worrying, but when the commander used the binoculars to look in that direction and found a group of 'unidentified flying species' who were also looking at the warships of the third group and didn't know what they were thinking, He knew that this time, he might not want to act secretly.

Before the binoculars were put down, the commander yelled.

"All battleships are ready for battle at the second level! Attention the Wind Valley on the left, bring your squadron and fight all these bugs for me! Don't let any one go!"

The correspondents began to be busy, but the commander's order did not stop: "The battle formation of the capital ship squadron, protect the cargo ship! The remaining assault ships immediately expand the search area to ensure that there are no other enemies!"

He took a deep breath, and it wasn't until then that the commander sat back in his seat and thought about the current situation.

But he quickly looked up at the navigator ahead.

"270 kilometers from the Zerg base, 190 kilometers from the bombardment position." The navigator understood the commander's thoughts well.

"Has the Zerg already been able to scout so far? Or is it just doing extreme scouting?" The commander continued to think after nodding approvingly. His eyes did not focus on the squadron that started the battle in the distance, but on the one in front of him. map.

From the geographical point of view, there is no river between the Zerg No. 05 meteorite base, but there are two mountains that stretch for several kilometers.From the perspective of the land situation, the bugs should not be able to spread so far in just two or three days, and the fact that they encountered flying bugs instead of land bugs can illustrate this point.

"Very good. To a large extent, it is probably just the Zerg going out for extreme reconnaissance troops. However, it is a pity." Think about it carefully, if the Zerg really only rely on the troops expanded in two or three days, they want to occupy The area of ​​[-] kilometers is a good thing for the third group.Because facing the Zerg with scattered forces, they will fight much easier.

But Commander Dia will not treat the enemy as a fool.

"Order the Wind Valley to resolve the battle as soon as possible, and the third cluster turns to the southeast. Since the bugs have found us, the secret cannot be maintained for long. At this time, those who are still walking in a straight line are idiots. We will go to the destination through the 317 mountain range!"

"In addition, report our actions to Xinpeng Island, and then all communications except the spiritual communication group will be silent to the outside world, and only the internal mental network communication of the fleet will be maintained!"


Note 1: Psychic communication group, this is a special communication group composed of friends who have a higher degree of sensitivity to the center of the fifth-level brain of the friend group after conducting many experiments on the fifth-level brain of the winged people. It uses an unknown method as a medium, unlike communication media such as mental power and magnetic field, which can be discovered, so it is considered by friends to be the safest communication mode.However, due to the scarcity of the number, it can only be used for important positions.

(End of this chapter)

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