Spore Story

Chapter 698 Barrage

Chapter 698 Barrage (Festive Ticket Request)

The Wind Valley is a Barracuda-class assault ship. Although the degree of transformation is not as good as that of the Divinity, it has also undergone three large-scale rectifications after leaving the factory. In terms of current combat effectiveness, it is at least 70% higher than when it first left the factory.

The current Wind Valley is 3600 tons in basic data, equipped with an improved exoskeleton magnetic field engine (still the first generation magnetic field engine), with a maximum speed of 470 kilometers per hour, a cruising speed of 330 kilometers per hour, and a limit floating height of 3 The record of 1.7 meters, while the conventional flight altitude remains at [-] meters.

In terms of weapons, the Barracuda-class assault ship, which has clarified the enemy and combat effectiveness, has received extremely targeted configurations.

First of all, a 150mm main gun with a diameter of 30 times is equipped directly in front of the battleship, with a range of 21 kilometers.Based on the central axis of the battleship, the attack range of this main gun is 30 degrees up and down, 70 degrees left and right, and two rounds per minute. It is mainly used to supplement the battleship's artillery fire during fortified battles and ground battles;

Secondly, there are two six-barreled 25mm super rapid-fire guns at the middle and rear of the left and right sides.Because it is an electromagnetic weapon, the rate of fire per minute reaches the highest height of 500 shots per minute, and the effective range is 1200 meters. It has an extremely powerful barrage attack capability when fighting against a wide range of enemies. It is especially designed for the sea of ​​insects tactics. developing;

In addition, a total of six small double-barreled 4mm rapid-fire guns are deployed in the upper front and lower rear of the battleship in a ratio of 2:25. As the fire support of the two six-barreled super rapid-fire guns, they can be used flexibly to check when necessary. Fill in the gaps.

With such a weapon configuration and power configuration, a barracuda such as the Wind Valley can be said to be fully worthy of the title of its assault ship. It is dedicated to dealing with those dense mid-to-low-end Zerg units, and part-time to protect the close safety of the main force cluster. .

Therefore, the crew members who have witnessed the improvement of Fenggu's combat effectiveness are eagerly looking forward to a real actual battle to prove Fenggu's strength.

It is a pity that when attacking the No. 04 meteorite base, because the enemy no longer had air and ground troops, all warships were completely used as artillery batteries, and the Wind Valley was no exception.

This kind of battle obviously didn't show any strength, which made the crew depressed for a while.

But it's better now, unexpectedly when they first stepped into the continent where No. 05 Meteorite Base, the most threatening Zerg threat, was located, the fleet encountered the enemy.As the Wind Valley closest to the enemy, a battle between the warships of the friend race and the flying units of the Zerg will be inevitable.

"Listen well, this is a great opportunity for us on the Wind Valley! Give me the best girlfriends one by one... Ah, and the energy of a boyfriend!"

"Oh!" All members of the ship started booing.

After receiving the order from the group headquarters, Captain Yan Yin, the captain of the Fenggu and also the commander of the No. 2 Squadron of the Third Combat Group, immediately called the other two assault ships of his own squadron to leave the group team and headed far away. There are hundreds of unknown creatures moving around.

Although he has confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Wind Valley, in Yan Yin's view, the necessary caution cannot be abandoned. This is the point repeatedly reiterated by the instructors in the military academy.

"Youyue and Yeyue form a triangle formation with our ship, don't rush to charge, test the enemy first, we know almost zero about this kind of bug!"

These unknown creatures could obviously see the obvious movements of the Wind Valley, but surprisingly, they neither retreated nor attacked, but just floated there in midair indifferently, seemingly indifferent to the movement of the swarm.

But what I can see from the binoculars is that the green eyeballs of these guys have never left the group for a moment, but the squadron where the Wind Valley is located seems to have few bugs paying attention.

"Have you been underestimated?"

With a cold snort, Yan Yin felt slightly happy, and then waved his finger forward: "The distance is 3000, the altitude is 1700, the main gun is loaded with anti-aircraft ammunition, start charging, and all guns are ready!"

The order directly communicated with the bridges of the other two assault ships not far away (about 300 meters) through the mental force amplitude device in front of the correspondent, and conveyed Yan Yin's order to each ship in real time.

The next moment, the 150mm assault guns on the prows of the three assault ships began to emit increasingly bright light, and the muzzles of the guns were constantly fine-tuned to aim at the dense swarm of insects ahead.

However, although the worms are fearless, they are not fools. No matter how idiots exist, it can be seen that the main guns of the battleship Fenggu are about to attack at this time.

However, to the slight surprise of those who observed here, the response speed of the bugs seemed to be much slower.

"Report the situation, and the technical department will have a headache when they go back."

The main guns of the battleships are very fast, because it is confirmed that they are going to attack the enemy, so the shells of the three battleships are loaded early, and the energy supply line does not need the so-called warm-up.

It only needs to be powered on, and the next moment the gun barrel can use the electromagnetic field to shoot the turret out, so before the hundreds of bugs in front are completely dispersed, three special anti-aircraft shells hit the swarm hard , and then exploded with countless shrapnel.

There are probably nearly a hundred pieces of shrapnel splashed. Although the armored areas of the insects can only cause minor injuries such as pits, the belly of these insects' round bodies and many small places still have areas that are bulging but lack protection. For ranged shrapnel attacks, the defense is obviously insufficient.

Therefore, the first attack took away six worms that were more than ten meters in size. After being hit, they quickly withered and fell straight to the ground.

However, the airspace where these dead insects were originally was filled with a small group of fog. Although the surrounding insects did not seem to be afraid of this fog, Yan Yin was not interested in using his precious assault ship to test the harmfulness of this fog. So immediately after the first shot was fired, the fleet was ordered to increase its height.

"Occupy the superiority in the air, so as to exert the power of the super rapid-fire guns on both sides, and at the same time use the sunlight to interfere with the enemy's attack." The instructor's words echoed in Yan Yin's ears, but judging from the actions of the bugs, the last sunlight interference seemed to be is not working.

At the same time, the attacked bugs completed the movement of spreading out, and then charged towards the Wind Valley in a semicircular formation.

At this moment, the astonishingly slow response of these bugs can be clearly seen. In the center of the semicircle formed by them, the three barracudas that should have been there had also dispersed a few seconds ago.This situation has everyone scratching their heads, but it is obviously beneficial to the Barracudas.

———Fleet Battle———

The two parties at war at this time are enemies that are unfamiliar to each other.

Bug obviously doesn't have accurate data on the Assault Ship of the Friends, even if it does, I don't know if it will care; and the Friends don't have this kind of body that is more than ten meters long but moves slowly (relatively), seems to be unresponsive, and at the same time, the attack is unknown big bug data.

Therefore, both sides appear very cautious in this initial engagement.

"Altitude 3000, side string barrage preparations, the three battleships divide the left, right, and directly below three responsible areas according to the current position, prepare... to fire!"

The weapons of the Wind Valley launched the attack first. A total of 28 25mm gun barrels in the six dormitory turrets, four large, two small, continuously spit out ammunition for anti-aircraft use, and immediately ruled the sky with shrapnel, smashing the swarm below. among.

From the low-altitude insect swarm almost covered by shrapnel, there were constant crackling sounds and crackling sounds of hard objects.

And the bugs were not to be outdone, almost at the same time as the Wind Valley launched its attack, clouds of white mist hit the three assault ships at a speed like spraying water.However, if you consider the opponent's previous slow reaction, it might be that the bug planned to attack in advance.

"Spread out! Try not to be contaminated by the white mist!" Wisely dismantling the formation of the three ships, Yan Yin issued an order for the fleet to maneuver.

Relying on the magnetic field engine covering the outside of the ship like an exoskeleton, the three Barracuda-class assault ships narrowly brushed against the edge of the white mist that focused on the first wave of attacking the three assault ships, and sent the group of bugs in three directions. surrounded by it.

However, just after breaking away from the first wave of white mist attack, the second wave of white mist changed its attack mode and hit the area where the three assault ships might move with a covering attack.

"Estimate the enemy's attack interval, 5 seconds!" The adjutant roared out this data at the same time the enemy launched the second wave of attacks.

According to this kind of data, the captain with extremely powerful brain computing ability can do a lot of things with the help of intervals. Although this tactic will not be very effective when dealing with a large number of insect swarms, it is still better than nothing.

When the enemy's attack was about to approach, Yan Yin and several other captains of the battleship who were about to be hit simultaneously shouted a new order: "Explosive high-speed dash! Avoid this annoying white mist for me!"

"Prepare for impact resistance!"

Accompanied by the emergency announcement of the entire ship, the pilot of the warship did not leave anyone any time to prepare, and pressed the red button on the console almost at the same time as the order was issued.

The instantaneous burst of energy caused the magnetic field engine to emit a bright light.

The subsonic speed that once caused the engine of the Swordfish-class test ship to smoke, because the duration is not high, did not cause much trouble to the optimized Barracuda transformation, but this speed will still affect the life of the engine even for the second-generation warship , so use it as little as possible.

But now is wartime, and in the eyes of these commanders, some small concerns should be thrown away without hesitation.

"The white mist is attacking right in front! The attack accuracy of these insects is too high!" Just after waking up from the dizziness of the high-speed rush, the navigator who is part-time bridge observer looked at the approaching white mist and shouted. arrive.

"Move to the left at high speed!" After subconsciously ordering, the captain rubbed his head and took a breath, and the pilot also pulled the battleship's lateral movement controller at the same time.

Because of the discomfort of the crew caused by this high-speed maneuver, the captain and driver of the battleship will basically have a certain amount of intensive training.At this time, it was another high-mobility evasion. The entire assault ship had just woken up from the high-speed forward movement, and immediately encountered a warship member who was moving sideways. Even though they were usually well-trained, they were in a hurry at this moment.

"My head!" A armored man who slammed his head against the wall of the corridor because he didn't stand still, was squatting on the ground, clutching his head and complaining.

Because they are the internal affairs personnel of the ship, the Dunjia people are everywhere in the shuttle ship all the time, and only a small number of Dunjia talents with outstanding abilities will take up positions such as shooting personnel.

But this ratio, among the Dunjia people who are only tens of thousands more than the friends at this time, the Dunjia people who can achieve that status are as rare as the energyized soul level among the friends.

"Secretary, are you okay?" Surprisingly, this Dunjia man seems to be in this ratio.A Yueling man in the coat of a medical staff hurriedly came to the side of the Dunjia man holding his head and asked worriedly.

"No, it's okay," moaned a few times depressingly, the armored man with a red envelope on his head smiled wryly and waved his hand, then grabbed the handrail in the battleship that was constantly swaying left and right, and looked at the man who was also relying on the handrail to stabilize his body. The moon spirit doctor in shape, the opponent's skill is obviously much better than him, and he is still walking on the ground in such an unstable battleship.

(This can also be regarded as a racial difference.) The Dunjia man smiled bitterly, and then asked: "How is the battle going now? What about the casualties?"

Yueling people have outstanding mental power. Although friends are similar, friends generally have more important positions, so one of the several sets of emergency communication systems in the ship is based on Yueling people.

Soon, the Yueling doctor understood what the Dunjia service chief wanted to know: "Because of the training, only two... ah no, three were slightly injured."

"I'm really unlucky," the Dunjia service chief, who glanced at the other party sadly, who knew exactly what the moon spirit doctor's pause meant, shook his head.

"In terms of the battle situation, generally speaking, it's pretty good. Up to now, Wind Valley has not been hit by an attack, and there are a lot fewer enemies outside. According to the bridge correspondent, the commander is now setting up a battle line to prevent the bugs from escaping." .”

"That's good." Shaking his head, the Dunjia man helped the Moon Spirit man and walked towards the infirmary. The bump seemed to be more than a lump, and he felt that his head was uncomfortable: "Dizziness, damn it, it seems After returning, you must submit an application for interior modification of the ship, and there must be a way to ensure that the ship does not need to move a lot during battle."

However, at this moment, there was a sudden burst of tooth decay in front of the corridor near the side of the battleship.

Hearing this sound, the Yuelingman reacted much faster than the dizzy Dunjiaren. After throwing the opponent across, he quickly rushed to the corner of the corridor and rushed to the center of the hull.According to the training, when encountering such a situation that is likely to be shot, the people nearby should hide in the safer middle.

"What's going on?" the Dunjia man managed to recover his spirit and asked softly.

"What's going on?" Yan Yin supported the seat assistant with a serious face.

"Captain, the port side is under attack, and the white mist is highly corrosive... Wait, huh, it has been controlled, and the exoskeleton of the magnetic field engine has not been damaged!" After the report, the staff breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, there was a trace of fear: "The shell of that part is made of a 300mm thick alloy steel plate, and it has been corroded by more than 200 mm."

"Immediately inform Youyue and Yeyue of the situation, and order them to pay attention to avoiding the white mist attack while ensuring the current circular mobile encirclement."


Although Yan Yin could not see the situation in the middle through the porthole, he could still see the trajectory of the two super rapid-fire guns on the port side. Obviously, it was lucky that the important turret and exoskeleton engine were not hit, so the combat effectiveness would not drop.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he continued to command the fleet to encircle and suppress the bugs inside.

The artillery fire from the three battleships continued. Although the bugs did not rush up as recorded after they dispersed, they were a little surprised by the fact that the two sides kept a moderate distance like the Barracuda.But in the face of the high mobility and barrage-level attacks of the three assault ships, bugs with seemingly low defenses are still falling to the ground.


"It seems that after going back, we must notify the design bureau to consider the stock of ammunition. The rate of fire, and the accuracy rate seems to be too low. Look at this level, but it is only the lowest intensity of the battle that consumes so much. Really If there is a big battle..."

Shaking his head, Yan Yin put the matter aside.

Although the consumption of ammunition was huge, the results were remarkable: of the first three or four hundred bugs in the distance, there were only a hundred or so left, and the damage to the three assault ships was negligible.

Although there are also factors such as the slow movement of the bugs, slow response, and easy-to-dodge attack methods for the Barracuda, the most important thing is the barrage of the three assault ships.

"Captain, the bugs are expanding their range of dispersion, maybe they have to escape!"

"This is impossible!" Yan Yin pressed his hands on the console, and issued an order in a loud voice: "Youyue moves to the west 700 meters, and uses the strongest firepower to cover the swarms! Yeyue and Fenggu are one south and one north, and the altitude 2000, equal to the Zerg, call me one by one!"

"As ordered!"

The three assault ships were manufactured at about the same time, and the degree of improvement is similar. The weapons they are equipped with are exactly the same, and the training experience of the crew is also similar, which makes it much easier for Yan Yin to command.

Abandoning the barrage and switching to the precise attack mode requires experienced gunners to be competent, but Yan Yin’s meaning is not to do this, but to change the previous method of attacking from the face to the method of using several cannons to deal with an enemy .

This is more effective when there are fewer enemies.

Soon, the bugs that were being scattered began to fall to the ground steadily at a speed of nine by nine.

"That's it! Hahaha!"

"No, Captain, the bugs are not running away, but charging towards us!"

"Charge! They are going to die... huh?"

Watching the green surface of the insects divided into three groups in the distance gradually light up, and at the same time scattered towards the three assault ships, Yan Yin suddenly felt a chill in his heart.This directly caused him to yell almost regardless of his image: "Return to the barrage attack! Don't let any bug rush over! Keep a distance between the ships and the enemy! Back slowly!"

"Keep your distance! Resume the barrage attack!"

"Damn, these bastards are so fast!"

"No, it's a self-destruct attack!"


(End of this chapter)

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