Spore Story

Chapter 699 Barrage

Chapter 699 Barrage


Except for the necessary observers, the third group on the move is almost all paying attention to the actions of the distant squadron.

This battle can be said to be the first confrontation between the third group and the Zerg. Out of the need to test the combat power of both sides, the fleet commander, Lieutenant General Dia, made an assault squadron to deal with the opponent's more than 400 troops. Command of the troops.

On the one hand, it is to consider the ratio of Zerg and its own forces, and on the other hand, it is also to consider that abnormal losses cannot be caused due to carelessness.

Otherwise, letting a warship pass by should be the best way to test.

At this time, the battle between the three warships was almost without suspense in the eyes of the confident members of the group, but the reality is that they like to play with people's emotions so much.

"It's a self-destruction!" The Zerg's response was shocking, but it was a matter of course after careful consideration.

There are a large number of Zergs, and they never care about the life and death of individuals (except for the double-gun worms), so it seems that it is not impossible to attack the enemy by self-detonation when necessary. Even the double moon star has a creature called the meat ball beast , they have appeared in the long biological evolution to attack the enemy by self-detonation.

Therefore, the actions of the Zerg just made the soldiers in the group marvel for a while, and then continued to pay attention to the battle.

"Records, a new Zerg type, suspected to be floating in the air, moving slowly, the attack method is to spray a range of corrosive white mist attack, the regular attack distance is 3000, and the interval is 5 seconds. If necessary, there is a burst of high speed to attack the enemy by self-detonation. Way!"

Out of the idea of ​​knowing ourselves and the enemy, almost every battleship has member part-time enemy records, in order to calculate the data of all the Zerg arms encountered, and then submit it to the friend command headquarters, and compile it into a book and hand it over to all Zerg fighters. Relevant departments are studied for future use in fighting the Zerg.

While the captain's adjutant on the Xinyun was doing this, everyone's attention was mainly focused on the squadron.

From everyone's point of view, the Barracuda-class assault ships of the squadron seemed helpless in the face of the enemy's self-destruct attack at nearly the speed of sound, and their last resort was the barrage attack.

However, after being detonated by a barrage attack to detonate more than a dozen self-explosive bodies, Chongzi made a tactical change flexibly: the insect that rushed to the front canceled the state of self-explosion, and placed the relatively hard skeletal armor of the whole body in front. In this case, the shrapnel attack of anti-air shells alone becomes a bit insignificant, forcing the three warships of Fenggu to replace some weapons with armor-piercing shells that cannot be attacked by barrage.

In this way, although the speed of the Zerg itself has decreased, but driven by the same kind in the rear, it seems to have become a shield warrior who is attacking with a shield; and the barrage attack of the friend race is weakened, but it provides the enemy with more power. Good situation.

"I'll go! Cavalry assault?"

"No, I think it's more like Expendables."

"Commander! This ship requests to assist the squadron to attack!" Xinying turned to look at the commander, and anxiously issued the application.

The Xinyun is a modification of the Thunder-class capital ship. Although there are only two 25mm super rapid-fire guns on it for barrage attacks, and they are about 10 kilometers away from the bugs in the distance, they cannot attack them at all, but the two On the side, there are four single-tube 255mm heavy guns with a diameter of 30 times, which are more powerful than the main guns of the Barracuda class. It is more than enough to attack far away, let alone the main gun at the bow.

However, to Xinying's surprise, the commander sat on the chair and shook his head.

Although everyone could see the other party's contemplation after seeing the strength of the Zerg, they didn't seem to be worried about the three assault ships at all, and some were dissatisfied with the three assault ships.Could this familiar group commander in front of him be someone who disregarded the lives of his subordinates?No, so Xinying immediately felt at ease, the commander must have his own plan.

Sure enough, after seeing Xinying's expression, the other party replied with a smile: "You have thought about it too, so don't worry. If only the attack of four hundred flying insects damages our assault squadron, then this battle We don't have to fight anymore."

At the same time as the commander's words stopped, deafening explosions echoed from a distance.

Afterwards, exclamations came from the bridge, and Xin Ying immediately turned to look at the squadron.

"Hmph, you thought you had bombs, but we didn't?"

On the bridge of the Wind Valley in the distance, Yan Yin looked stern.

The previous situation was so severe that everyone in the bridge seemed to have entered the last moment, and the ghosts who were hiding as the last guarantee were even about to directly intervene in the battle to protect the three warships.

Because at that time, the self-demolition insects of the Zerg had already broken through layers of barrage, approaching the 100-meter range of the assault ship.Based on the range of white mist emitted by the bugs that were hit and exploded before, if the bugs enter the range of 50 meters, even if the enemy is killed, the battleship will also be hit by the white mist and cause damage.

This is an uninhabited continent, and it will take a lot of time to repair the damaged warships of the friends, even with the help of Youshen, which is not allowed in the tense battle situation.

But Yan Yin was not reconciled, because as long as Youshen made a move, it meant that the squadron's battle had failed, and failure was not only related to the battle, but also related to the honor of their unit.

Although the soldiers of the friend clan didn't seem to be clear about this kind of thing, there were still many people in the friend clan army who had this vague sense of collective honor, so he asked the elders to give him a chance.

And luckily... no, capable, he did.

"It's a good thing you can think of this method." Elder Youshen standing beside Yan Yin showed relief.

The elder had already made preparations for the rescue before, but it is impossible to protect every warship with the number of gods of the friends, so if he takes action at this time, it means that the squadron of the friends can't fight more than 400 bugs It will be difficult all the time.

This is obviously not what they want to see.

So as long as possible, they don't want to make a move at this time.

And this Yan Yin commander, in an emergency, actually thought of replacing all weapons with electric bombs (cannonballs transformed from calcium carbide bombs) for attacking fortifications, and let these ammunition explode 60 meters around the hull. The method made the entire assault ship seem to be wrapped in a layer of energy disturbance generated by the explosion of the calcium carbide bomb.

Although this kind of attack also interferes with the magnetic energy engine that relies on the geomagnetic field to fly, so that the assault ship is still swaying here and there at this time, it is extremely effective in hitting the insect swarm that hit the battleship by surprise, and the extremely disordered energy field It directly caused a large-scale explosion of unstable energy in the self-detonating insects, and instantly cleared the swarm of insects around the Wind Valley.

"It's just that the ammunition consumption is too high," Yan Yin said modestly.

"The ammunition is used to destroy the enemy. If it wasn't for this consumption, then when the enemy rushes in and explodes, then we are all finished. Even if there is more ammunition on the battleship, it will be useless." The elder patted Yan Yin on the shoulder, Smiling, he looked at the place where the protozoa swarm had been cleaned up.

It is a pity that the captains of the other two warships did not have Yan Yin's quick wit.And Yan Yin failed to notify the other party even when the situation was urgent, so although Youyue and Yeyue, which were protected by Youshen, also cleaned up the besieged bugs without any surprises and dangers, in terms of actual performance, they were not. It is far behind the Wind Valley.

But it's nothing, at least they have a way to deal with this crisis, then it will be much smoother in the future.

"But now it seems that the mission this time may not be that simple." In the distant cluster flagship Xinyun, the adjutant of the cluster commander spoke his mind on behalf of the commander Lieutenant General Dia.

"That's right, I'm afraid this is also the reason why the task of 'protecting the artillery group' rather than 'direct attack' is always assigned to us." The lieutenant general looked at the squadrons that were still cleaning up the undead bugs on the ground one by one, and said self-mumbling.

"Your Excellency, the Wind Valley Squadron is back," the correspondent repeated the announcement a little excitedly.

Although as far as the fleet is concerned, the performance of the 2nd Squadron can only be said to be unsatisfactory, but Fenggu's last lightning barrage defense made all the battleship commanders shine.

Even though most people can find this kind of defense, the consumption of ammunition and the requirements for the gunner's barrage shooting level, everyone has seen the horror of the sea of ​​insects in the simulation, and this method is obviously very suitable for dealing with this kind of defense. Insect Sea, no matter how high the demand is, practice it for me!

There seemed to be the wailing of the gunners in the dark.

"Actually, what if an automatic shooting device could be designed to replace the difficult-to-train barrage gunner?" A mechanical maintenance worker stood in the porthole, looking thoughtfully at the returning Wind Valley.

"The Second Squadron returns, all turn to the southwest, and proceed at cruising speed!" After briefly encouraging the group members, Diazhong ordered the team to continue on their way.

The friends don't know what the Zerg's communication means are, so they won't be idiotic to think that eliminating these bugs will not let the Zerg know that the fleet has arrived on this continent.As for the reason for destroying it, on the one hand, it is to test the strength of the fleet, and on the other hand, it is mainly to prevent the opponent from chasing the fleet, so as to know the next move of the fleet.

When dusk came, the cluster members finally saw the world that was no longer white, but the vast mountains of this continent.

"The fleet is about to enter the mountains. Please use the flagship as the calibration point for each ship. The distance between them must not exceed 3 kilometers, and the floating height must not exceed 1300 meters. Maintain a mobile marching formation!"

In 10 minutes, the fleet formed a complete formation. After confirming through Youshen that there were no Zerg monitors around, the fleet began to move south through the gap between the mountains under the leadership of the three battleships.

"According to the current speed, we can arrive at the bombardment position around 3:[-] in the morning, but the specific situation needs to be determined according to the investigation situation of the high-speed test ship."

"Understood, let everyone have a good rest. The elders said that they will do a good job of warning for everyone. After establishing a position, I am afraid that there will be no time for a good rest."

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander."

"In addition, there will be a long period of long-distance communication silence, so it will generate electricity for Xinpeng Island..."

———The Art of Explosion———

The pterosaur-class high-speed test ship, which everyone had placed high hopes on, was shuttled above the clouds at this time, bringing gusts of wind to rush towards the Zerg base on the southern record.

The pterosaur class, which weighs only close to 500 tons, can actually only be called a boat, but because it was built to test the shape of a high-speed warship, it was given the title of a ship.However, because the hull is too compact, the crew number is only 39 people, and the weapon is only a poor 105mm gun. The three double-barreled 25mm guns on the side were recently installed after optimizing the design in consideration of the combat situation.

However, the crew in the ship didn't worry too much about this, because the main advantage of the pterosaurs lies in speed and maneuverability, and the mission is only for reconnaissance rather than combat. wrist.

"We are just fighting, not fighting," this is probably the voice of the crew of the Pterosaur class, and even the captain with a slightly belligerent personality can't do anything about it.

As for other warships that do not have popular crew fixing devices, because the pterosaur was designed for high speed and high maneuverability from the beginning, and because of the small number of crew members, everyone took care of it. (PS: The pterodactyl class was designed after the second generation of warships and before the design of the S2 fighter.)
At this time, the captain sitting on the bridge was looking at the map beside him in a daze.

"According to the notice from the General Directorate, No. 05 should be located in this valley area, and we will approach the sky in 10 minutes, but it is late at night..."

"Captain, aren't there two servants on board? I heard that the soul-level mental power detection range is more than 2000 meters. When the time comes, the pterosaur will be able to scan the field directly from the Zerg."

"..." The captain replied with a look of embarrassment.


"Not to mention that many Zerg units seem to be unable to be directly discovered in the spiritual power. It is impossible for the Zerg base alone to have sufficient defense. According to the No. 03 Meteorite Base Circular we obtained when we left the polar region, the Zerg will build giants around the base. A large number of anti-aircraft turrets..."

Throwing the other party a look that you know, the captain buried his head again.

The adjutant who made the suggestion before also smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

But the immediate problem still needs to be solved.

"Please come over, my two attendants, let's count together."

"Yes," said the adjutant, flashing out of the bridge.


After the summarization of the several stewards inside the Pterodactyl was over, the first order the captain issued when he walked to the bridge was to order the battleship to slow down.

"Start to lower the altitude, turn to the southwest, and approach the target point in a spiral! How far is it?"

"Exactly 100 kilometers," the navigator said based on the data calculated by tools such as sextant and maps.

The Pengzu does not have a satellite positioning system yet, not to mention that even if they can launch satellites, with the number of Zerg UFOs in orbit, the result of these Pengzu satellites will only be a sheep.Therefore, Elder Kong Huan and others believe that when there is no ability to seize the near-Earth airspace, direct space development will not be carried out, and the imaginary world simulation and one-time experiments are not counted.

Although this affected the friends' space experiments to a certain extent, it can only be said to be a helpless move.

Bringing the distracted thoughts back to reality, the pterosaur has slowly lowered its height and speed under the driver's control.With the existing energy technology of the Friends, it is still impossible for the magnetic field engine to cover up those dazzling lights when moving at high speed, so it is best to keep a low profile when landing on such a dark and windy night.

"Altitude 8000, in the middle of the clouds, no abnormalities."

"Altitude 6000, close to the bottom of the cloud layer, no abnormalities."

"Attention all ships, we are about to leave the clouds."

"Altitude 4500, out of the clouds, no abnormalities."

"Huh," everyone breathed a sigh of relief after descending to an altitude of 3000.

Although they don't think that the Zerg will establish defensive measures at a distance of 100 kilometers at this time, they have encountered reconnaissance troops at a distance of 400 kilometers before. Soup.

"How's the surrounding situation?" This question was posed to the two energized servants. Because of his special status among the friends, the captain was very respectful when treating the two servants.

"The static situation within a two-kilometer radius of the surface is normal." One of the attendants opened his eyes, and the pupils emitting a light blue light fascinated the surrounding female friends for a while, and the surrounding males were a little jealous.

"The dynamic situation within a radius of two kilometers from the surface is stable, and no living things exist." Another attendant also opened his eyes.

Compared with the previous one, the light in the pupils of this servant seems to have faded a lot, but no one would think that he is weaker than the previous one.

On the contrary, this situation shows that the energy control ability of this energy body attendant is higher than the previous one, and it must be extremely high to confirm the animal activities that are not discovered by the spiritual power according to the dynamic situation of the environment. of attention.

This shows that the spiritual strength of this energy attendant is also higher than the previous one.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the two are just randomly assigning work.

"There are no creatures at all?" The captain who heard the report was slightly stunned and frowned.

"High-level secret, it can be unsealed now." At this time, the energy attendant with shining pupils nodded to the other, and then looked at the captain: "Elder Kong Ling of the Presbyterian Court has arrived around the No. 05 meteorite base before, And ordered to disperse all the animals, and at the same time cleaned up the plants to cut off the Zerg's initial energy supply."

"So that's how it is," the captain was startled, and then his face beamed with joy. If he could get information from the elder who came here a long time ago: "Then Elder Kongling is now?"

"Unable to contact." The attendant shattered the captain's hope without hesitation: "According to the regulations of the Elder's House, all contacts with Elder Kong Ling, except for his husband, Elder Kong Huan, are all Elder Kong Ling's unilateral initiative to contact the government."

When he heard this, the captain clearly saw the cheeks of the two attendants twitch.

However, he is not interested in exploring the secrets of the elders' house, not to mention that "all elders have eccentricities" has basically become a consensus, and no one will care.

"So, it's still up to us."

"Of course." The two attendants replied at the same time.

"Well, I hope you two can continue to check the surrounding situation. No one can tell if there are Zergs active around here." After nodding, the captain turned to look at the bridge members: "Altitude 900, speed 511, direction southeast , Battleship..."

"Not good! Maneuver to evade!" The eyes of the two energy body attendants suddenly burst into energy flames!

(End of this chapter)

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