Spore Story

Chapter 700 Investigation

Chapter 700 Investigation
Thank you Yeyue Black Wing and Dandan Huahua for their monthly support. =w=
The captain of the Pterosaur felt that if the Crow's Mouth also had a rating, he might be able to become a member of the great Lv7 of the Friends Clan.

Of course, he would rather not have this kind of glory.

The hull narrowly brushed against two groups of strange green things, and after using the turret of a rapid-fire gun on the side string in exchange for the survival of the hull, the captain looked at the suspected shell objects flying into the distant sky with fear, and endured Can't help wiping off the cold sweat.

Then, he woke up with a start - now is not the time to rejoice!
"Increase altitude to 3500, speed to 700, the whole ship is ready to meet the enemy!"

Accompanied by such an order, the pterodactyl just got up from the chair with the seat belt because the spacecraft slowed down, but was then urgently evaded by the people who were stumbling around, and hurriedly climbed back on the chair and pulled the seat belt , and then continued to complain about this tragic luck.

"Found the target! 5 kilometers away from the direction of three o'clock, there is a suspected Zerg anti-aircraft building!"

At the moment of being attacked, the two energy servants mobilized their strongest mental power to search for the target according to the direction of the source of the local bombardment in a linear scanning manner.

This method is because the accuracy rate is extremely low in range scanning, especially for active scanning of targets immune to mental power scanning. The two did not use it before because they did not expect that the enemy already had a fixed turret here. This thing can be found by mental power of.

But at the next moment, the expressions of the two who reported the enemy's position suddenly changed: "Not good! The enemy's energy response, the number is 10! Emergency evasion!"

At the same time as the two attendants warned, the pilot had already made evasive actions, and the captain immediately added an order: "Stop ascending, lower the altitude and move to the southwest! The whole ship is highly maneuverable to evade!"

"No, come again!" The members inside the Wing Loong were speechless for a while.

Accompanied by swaying left and right like a roller coaster, the Pterodactyl relied on the all-round and instant output of the improved first-generation magnetic field engine, turning the entire Pterodactyl into a fallen leaf in the wind. The east and west swayed, as if dancing on the scythe of death.

"It's not an option to go on like this!"

The captain of the Pterodactyl was holding on to the armrest of the seat, and while his body was swaying, his thinking was not affected much. The Zerg had already expanded the control area to [-] kilometers, which was beyond everyone's expectation , but it's not too much beyond expectations. You just need to deal with it well, and it's not impossible to avoid it.

"The enemy's defense strength is not low for the Pterosaur, but in fact there are only 10 fixed anti-air weapons. And the soldiers of the Zerg have not appeared until now. Is it simply a small external base without protection? Or something else reason?"

Turning his head to look at the two energy body servants who stood firmly on the bridge relying on the magnetic force, closed their eyes and directed the pilot of the battleship to avoid enemy attacks like an early warning radar. Before the captain spoke, the pilot shouted first. It came out: "Report! The altitude is 100, and it has entered the warning altitude of high maneuvering restrictions..."

The captain immediately issued a further order: "There is no need to lower the altitude! Center on the enemy base, at a distance of 5 kilometers, maneuver at high speed, and prepare for the main artillery bombardment!"

"Yes," the driver began to follow the order without hesitation, and after receiving the order, the main gunner at the front of the battleship also began to cooperate with the assistant gunner to control the aiming of the main gun.

"Captain, our mission is to detect the enemy's situation?" The energy attendant who thought the captain might be hot-blooded reminded him.

"Of course, but testing the enemy's defense capabilities is also part of the investigation," the captain explained in detail to the energy attendant while directing the battleship to correct its posture.

These energy attendants are soul-level individual transformations of the friends, but few of them belong to the army, so they lack command experience, let alone more demanding experience in commanding warships, which many captains just know. Probably something.

Normally, the attendants would consciously not interfere with the captain's command, but at this time it was only a momentary enthusiasm.

"So that's how it is," the attendant who got the explanation was relieved, but he added cautiously: "Please consider the problem of the lack of combat power of this ship, and hope it can be resolved quickly, otherwise we are not 100% sure that we can use it in the face of the enemy's large force. Speed ​​to escape, after all, the speed of the Pterodactyl..."

"Understood, please rest assured!" The captain interrupted the attendant impatiently.

It's not that the captain has intentions, it's just that when it comes to speed, the captain of the Pterosaur might be proud a few days ago, but now it's more like mocking him and the Pterosaur, although the attendants probably didn't mean that.

"Don't worry, I don't think the body of a bug can reach the speed of sound of S2 in the atmosphere, and we are only testing the enemy's defense."

Recalling the news that "Because of the systematization of S2, the Pengzu will regulate the flying weapons of the whole family, so the research and development of the Pterosaur-class fast air cruiser will be suspended", the captain couldn't help but twitch his cheeks, It is also true that he is so sensitive to 'speed' because he already has some feelings for the pterosaur class.

At this time, the only 105mm main gun on the Pterodactyl class that can attack distant enemies at a distance of five kilometers began to show its power. With the help of projectiles and the height advantage provided by the altitude of 7 meters, the design range is 4 kilometers, but the actual effective range is only [-] kilometers. The assault gun was barely up to standard accuracy.

The slight recoil brought by the heavy shelling made people sitting inside the pterosaur, which weighed only about 500 tons, clearly feel their own counterattack. Although this is not strong, it is still exciting.


"Unfortunately, it didn't hit, it happened to hit the open space inside... Wait!"

Because it was late at night, the gunner's shooting was directly commanded by the attendant, and only the attendant could 'see' the shooting effect. I saw that he was a little regretful and suddenly laughed: "Haha, there must be bugs in there, and it is Land troops. Although the mental power cannot be seen, there are a lot of blood and stumps in the open space after the hit! Very good, continue!"

The spaceship was maneuvering at high speed under the command of another attendant, so everyone didn't have much confidence in the bombardment, so it was only a little depressing to hear that the opponent's side missed.But then the attendant told everyone the result of the blunder, and the whole ship immediately burst into applause.


"Ah! Bastard! Steady the spaceship, you pilot give me a slap in the face!"

"Excuse me, I'm sorry!"


They escaped the bombardment without any risk, perhaps because they were dissatisfied with the killing of a bunch of ground Zerg, and everyone felt that the pressure brought by the bombardment seemed to be even greater.Although this is likely to be a psychological effect, the captain is still unwilling to take risks, and the test mission is over.

"Test the strength, the attack interval is 3 seconds, the accuracy rate against this ship is medium, and the strength is unknown!"

"Turn to the southwest, speed 700, leave the battlefield at high speed!"

Since the bombardment can hit the Zerg soldiers in the opponent's base, it is difficult to guarantee that the opponent has no flying soldiers. Although the battleship is so close that it is not surprising that the flying soldiers are not attacked, and it is also possible to rely on the servants to warn them, but it is like the servants It is said that they are reconnaissance missions rather than combat missions. The tests of these few guns are enough to confirm the enemy's situation.

Thinking of this, the captain turned his head to look at the attendant, who also nodded in cooperation, expressing that he would do his best to carry out the investigation mission.

In this way, the efficiency of spaceship transfer is even higher.

———Investigation Investigation————

In the silent night sky, only the bright stars twinkle to announce the existence of vitality, while the land below them is barren.Although there are mountains and water, there are no living things, there are only scattered gravel and new mud that has been dug out.

This is a hilly area, surrounded by desolate people.

But at this moment, there was a strange buzzing sound from the gap between the hills, which was annoying.

After a while, there was a little light in the gap, and a 60-meter-long behemoth flashed out from the shadow of the mountain range, stopped in the gap of this uninhabited hill, and then slowly lowered the height, and the light on the shell was also like a fluorescent light as weak.

Upon closer inspection, it was the Pterosaur that escaped the pursuit of the Zerg.

At this time, on the bridge of the Pterosaur, everyone was sitting on chairs panting with fear.

There are not many attendants with serious attitudes, and the two energy body attendants are also lying weakly on the two chairs prepared for them. An empty core that obviously needs to be recharged, showing the energy consumption of the two.

"Report the situation." The captain may be the first person on the bridge to recover, but the tired eyes still indicate his fatigue.

"Two 25mm rapid-fire guns were destroyed; the shaft of the 105mm assault main gun has something wrong and cannot be used temporarily. It will take two hours to repair it with all our strength, but in this situation..."

The adjutant shook his head and continued the topic: "The bones of the upper left engine are damaged, and the flexibility will decrease when maneuvering in the upper left and lower right in the future. This thing can only be repaired after returning to the shipyard; now there are one seriously injured and three slightly injured in the medical room. member……"

Listening to the adjutant's report, the people on the bridge just sighed. Not only did they not have too much helplessness, but they also felt a little grateful.

"It's lucky to be able to escape from that situation with only so few casualties," the navigator said from the hearts of everyone.

Originally, they had decisively evacuated after investigating a small Zerg base that they encountered unexpectedly before, but what they didn't expect was that this time they evacuated head-on and bumped into a Zerg battle bee colony that happened to be investigating in a hilly area. There were more than 1000 war bees A standard swarm of insects might not seem like a big deal to any battleship or even a turret, but it was a bit difficult for the Pterodactyl.

It's just that after more than ten minutes of contact and fighting, everyone unanimously confirmed that the Pterodactyl has no counterattack ability at all, and this conclusion was reached with the help of two energetic attendants.

Therefore, the captain decisively ordered everyone to risk crashing into the mountains and cause the ship to be destroyed, and rushed into the hilly area with little view at high speed, relying on the maneuverability of the spaceship and the mountains in the hilly area to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

Fortunately, although there were several thrills on the way, the Pterosaur class relied on its speed, small size and maneuverability, and finally escaped the pursuit of the Zerg after passing through several hilly forks.

Afterwards, under the detection of the servants' mental power, they moved cautiously all the way, until now they reached this place where there seemed to be no enemies before reluctantly stopping to take a rest.

Thinking back on these encounters, the captain can only sigh at the danger of scouting and his own experience.

"Where is the current position?" There is no danger, and the things related to the mission are not damaged much, so the mission has to continue.

"Please wait... It should be 05 kilometers away from the Zerg No. 70 base, 40 kilometers away from the small base we encountered before, and 90 kilometers away from the shelling position."

Quickly spread out the map and confirmed the location of the ship on it. The captain and the two attendants were similarly speechless: "We seem to be running towards the No. 05 base."

"Yes." The servant nodded.

"However, I haven't encountered many enemies during my escape, or I'm still alive. Is this considered lucky?"

"It should be," the attendants continued to nod.

"But, why did it hit the enemy's small base and scouts in the first place!" The captain was full of embarrassment.

"..." The attendant was also speechless.

However, the task still needs to continue. I checked the inventory of the ship and confirmed that the energy supply at least after going to the No. 05 base and then returning to the L11 floating observation station is sufficient. Although the ammunition is seriously insufficient, there is only The next 25mm rapid-fire gun, plus the task is to detect and not fight, so the ammunition is useless.

So the mission continues.

"The time is now 0:14 in the morning, and the shelling position is estimated to start shelling the enemy at around 2:30, so we must finish the investigation of the enemy's situation before this time and report it up..."

After pondering for a while, the captain decisively ordered the warship to increase its altitude: "Now, if we rely on mobility to hide in the mountain nest, it will definitely be too late. The altitude is 600 meters and the speed is 05. The mission goal is to confirm the location of the small Zerg base along the way. Search [-] The mission of the situation at the No. [-] base has been relegated to a secondary objective."

Although there is suspicion of changing the mission, the person in charge of the reconnaissance team generally has the right to choose the most important target for reconnaissance according to the actual situation. Unless the order of 'no modification of the target' is specially added in the initial order, otherwise this right will not subject to any doubts.

It went very smoothly, maybe because they didn't think the enemy would go inside after encountering such a dangerous situation, or maybe the Zerg thought that their internal defenses were stronger and they didn't have to worry about the enemy breaking in, so the Pterodactyl was lifted to the middle and upper part of the cloud layer. No danger was encountered at any distance.

But how long does this kind of luck last? As they continue to penetrate into the Zerg, the members of the Pterosaur think that they have realized the true development speed of the Zerg.

"Which one is it?" The person who recorded the investigation calmly asked his teammates for confirmation.

"Eleven." The other party was also very calm.

"After the location is marked, it will be handed over to the Psychic Communication Team for safekeeping, and it will be sent to the cluster headquarters when the time comes." The captain issued the order weakly, and turned to look at the two attendants.

"Go on, since we haven't encountered any enemies, then our mission must continue. Besides, I am now curious about what the development of Base 05 will look like." The energy body attendant rubbed his chin curiously, and passed through the The bridge looks into the distance.

However, it's all cloud cover.

"Curiosity, forget it, keep the altitude at 05 meters, and continue on your way to Base [-]."

Although I am very curious about why 11 Zerg bases were discovered along the way, this pterosaur still escaped the enemy's detection every time "nearly and dangerously", and has not been discovered until now.Of course, everyone was still very happy to face this situation, and praised the captain's command level.

Although, many people believe that there may be some conspiracy behind this situation.

When the sun can almost be seen in the sky like a line, the time has just entered two o'clock in the morning.But the people on the bridge who didn't have the time to appreciate these things were still busy with their respective work, and while they were tense, they were also guarding against the enemy who might appear in the next moment.

Among them, the pilot, navigator, captain and two attendants are probably the most nervous.

"The distance is 30 kilometers, report, it is about to approach the No. 05 meteorite base!"

At this time, the navigator reported an important situation, which indicated that they were about to approach the most important target. After completing the task of searching for this target, the ship could turn to the south and leave quickly.

"Really, the fleet is ready to meet the enemy! Level [-] alert!"

"Level [-] alert! Approaching the target soon..."

The warning sound in the battleship began to echo, and the bright blue light flashed to remind everyone to pay attention, and everyone began to pull down their seat belts.

However, the crew members who have learned the lesson are mostly sitting in their posts at this time, and only the medical assistants will wait at various points in the ship. Once they receive damage somewhere, there may be casualties. They will rush there with the damage control personnel as soon as possible.

At this moment, the stronger attendant on the bridge frowned suspiciously.

"What's the matter?" The sensitive teammate beside him noticed something wrong with his companion and asked.

"No, it's nothing." He shook his head and didn't intend to explain, but after thinking about it, he still felt a little uneasy and said, "I always think it's strange that no one was discovered along the way. It's impossible for the Zerg's detection ability to be so weak?"

"Isn't there a trap?" The companion said nonchalantly.

Although they realized that it might be a trap, they rushed all the way to complete the task. Even if the battleship might be destroyed, relying on the ability of the spiritual team, the investigation information would be sent out steadily.

"There's nothing wrong with traps. What's more important is that Elder Kong Ling who monitors Base 05? As an elder, the opponent's strength is said to be very mysterious, but we've all been here for so long, why haven't we appeared yet?"

"Are you talking about me?"

It is said that everyone has a free ticket for the annual works and writer voting. If possible, can you give us some support?

Yes, it is like that.

drifting away~~
(End of this chapter)

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