Spore Story

Chapter 701 Selection and Diplomacy

Chapter 701 Selection and Diplomacy

As the elder of the friend clan and also the 8051 of the will of the planet, even for the future leadership of Shuangyuexing, he will never be ambiguous about the issue of fighting against the Zerg.

Although there may be some unavoidable misunderstandings in her actions with the idea of ​​"for the good of her friends", she believes that what she does is correct, and at the same time, she has been paying attention to the development of Base 05 situation, and is constantly making war preparations that belong to the will of the planet, but few people know about it.

After the third group passed through the polar region and entered the continent, 8051 actually discovered the other party immediately, and then monitored the whole process.

But no matter how dangerous it was, she had no intention of making a move.

"The lack of friend clan fleet battle experience is an extremely serious problem, which not only affects the current strength, but also has an important impact on the future."

"Because they are all three-dimensional battles, this kind of experience will be very important when facing enemies in space in the future."

"So, it's rare that there is a Zerg sub-base that is temporarily evenly matched to send war experience to the friends. All I have to do is to ensure the final safety, so that they can grow through the actual combat summary."

This is 8051's explanation to the curious sister of the will of the planet, Shuangyue, and the development of the planet and the sister are always the first, and the others are second, and the illusory friends are at most [-] percentage points higher than the second Little Lolita Shuangyue obviously didn't delve into this issue.

As for Void, it trusts and supports 8051, so it doesn't interfere when it's busy, or it doesn't know at all.

In this way, the practice of 8051 has continued until now.

Maybe it will last longer.

After discovering the actions of the Pterodactyl, she first chose to follow secretly.In order to allow the Wing Loong to conduct in-depth investigations to obtain more reconnaissance warfare data, and at the same time to allow the Wing Loong to gain more experience in reconnaissance, she will take action from time to time, which may cause the Wing Loong to be destroyed by the small base. Under the circumstances, eliminate the danger for these people.

It's not that 8051 moved to rescue with compassion, it's just to let the Wing Loong gain more investigation experience.

Well, at least that's how the 8051 explains it.

As for herself, she will record all the situations that are blocked by her, but may indeed lead to dangerous investigations. After summarizing, she will pass it to her friends as important experiences like many things in the past. The Military Academy is used to supplement the command manual of the new generation of war mode of the friends.

On the surface, it seems that the members of the Pterodactyl were completely reduced to the experimental products for 8051 to accumulate investigative experience in such ignorance.

In this regard, 8051's thinking is: "Although we think that even if the people on the Wing Loong know about this situation, they will understand our actions. After all, there is actually no loss. However, that will cause some psychological pressure after all. So it's better not to let them know, Quack."

However, there are limits to secrecy.

When approaching the No. 05 base, 05, who knew the danger of the No. 8051 meteorite base, confirmed that even if the Pterosaur continued to move forward, it would only deliver food, not to mention a waste of experience, so he showed up decisively.


"Are you talking about me?"


Talking about some important things in a familiar place, when I was nervous, I suddenly heard a voice I had never heard before. This horror is probably stronger than many blood-splattered horror movies.

The two attendants and the captain, who were deeply stimulated, jumped out almost subconsciously, but because of the narrow space of the Pterodactyl bridge, they smashed against the wall without any accident, and a series of collisions and painful cries sounded.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect your reaction to be so intense." 8051 unconsciously covered his mouth and laughed, and the figure floating in the bridge finally attracted people's attention.

"Who are you?" Although the two vigilant moon spirit guards felt a sense of intimacy from 8051, they dutifully pointed their weapons at the unknown person in front of them.

However, in the eyes of most people, this thing is probably useless to the person in front of them, because many people have already guessed the identity of 8051 from the opponent's figure and movements, but they are still expressing how the opponent teleports in. Just curious.

In response to this, 8051 tilted his head and smiled with a bad taste in his heart.

"Hey, weren't you talking about me just now?"

For a moment, the cute appearance of only 1.4 meters because of the reference to the shape of the winged man immediately attracted everyone's attention, so that many people almost forgot the original purpose.

However, the attendant, who seemed to have good resistance in this area, quickly woke up and asked tentatively, "Elder Kongling?"

"Well, that's the name."

8051 nodded with a confused face, but it caused a burst of complaints from around.

But what does 'just' mean?Could it be that you can't even remember your own name?
The crew on the bridge couldn't help complaining, and the driver also followed the usual operation and slightly reduced the speed of the Wing Loong to avoid premature contact with the No. 05 meteorite base.

Since the elder appeared suddenly, and everyone knew that the interior of the meteorite base must be very dangerous, as the driver at this time, he should flexibly extend the communication time between the two parties.

To this, 8051 nodded approvingly.

Then, she put on a serious expression.

Although this action is just more cute in the eyes of the people around, but with the aura of the planet's will, no one will feel contemptuous about it.

"You did a good job in the previous work. Although you were almost discovered many times during the period, it's not bad to have such a performance."

Those who reacted quickly in the crowd quickly showed an expression of sudden realization, obviously connecting the appearance of 8051 with the period so smoothly.

"However, the situation of No. 05 Meteorite Base is special. The opponent's inner circle defense, because of Elder Lingyun's attack and my next test, so the preparations are very strong. If the Pterodactyl enters the opponent's 20 kilometers inner defense circle like this , the only result is death."

"Then we..."

"Just keep the distance at 20 kilometers for the time being. Now you have two alternative ways to deal with it: First, I will provide you with a short-term concealment ability. After the communication between the mind group is completed, you can be the artillery guide of the strategic heavy artillery regiment. Confirm the accuracy of the shelling for them. But the danger of doing so is: my concealment is not perfect, once you are discovered, the battleship is likely to be destroyed."

"Second, use my Psychic Shield to provide you with defense. You use the high-speed way to scout the opponent's base, and then rush to the L11 Observatory as planned. But this is also very dangerous, because even with my Youshen-level strength , and dare not enter the No. 05 Meteorite Base alone, not to mention protecting a warship."

"Of course, you can also think of your own way, and as an elder of the Peng clan, I will also give support within the ability of Youshen level."

At the end, 8051 added another sentence: "Now, there are still 21 minutes before the heavy artillery attack."

"21 minutes, multiple-choice question," the captain directly rejected 8051's proposal to let them figure out their own way through a seemingly unintentional exclamation, but everyone who was thinking did not notice the disappointment in 8051's eyes.

But thinking about 8051 is also relieved. According to her understanding, although the captain graduated from a university majoring in mechanics and worked as a worker in a shipyard, his understanding of battleships exceeds 70% of the captains of several existing groups. In terms of command ability... It is not high.

Thinking of this, 8051 turned his head to look in the direction of Pengzu, what is Konghuan doing now?
Unreal is sleeping.


In fact, maybe not even sleep.

After turning on the possession mode of the civilization control center, the illusory body will fall into a deep sleep.

But in fact, his consciousness is constantly beating among the members of the main groups.

That is to say, through this method, Kong Huan was able to clearly understand the specific situation in various parts of the Pengzu, thus providing support for the government to make accurate decisions, which is one of the reasons why he was able to serve as the chief intelligence officer.

At this time, there was a slight knock on the door.

His illusory eyelids twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes emitting a faint blue light, staring straight at the ceiling above his head.

After a lazy waist and stretching movements to restore his stiff body, he flew up lightly, and finally stood at the gate.

"What's the matter?" There was a Dunjia correspondent in front of him. It shouldn't be too important to look at the expression, otherwise the Dunjia who is not very calm will usually show excitement, panic, etc.

"Elder, Lord Lingxue asked me to give this to you," the Dunjia respectfully held up a stack of documents in front of Kong Huan.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Kong Huan seemed to see a trace of sympathy in the other party's left eye, which was almost blocked by the document.

His cheeks twitched, and the emptiness at this time can be said to make him feel uncomfortable just by looking at this thing.

But there is no way, there are many things that must be done by him, and this thing cannot be avoided even if he wants to.

Moreover, if he didn't do it, Lingxue and others would have to do it. They were already tired enough, and Kong Huan didn't want to burden them because of his own comfort, let alone his own job.

"Oh, thank you very much," Kong Huan nodded gently after receiving the folder from the Dunjia man, and the Dunjia man immediately turned around and left after saluting with a smile.

Kong Huan's reputation among the Dunjia people has always been very good. This may be his initial subconscious behavior, but with the development of the Pengzu in Shuangyuexing, he is now an important part of the Pengzu's unity of all tribes, because many times , the Dunjia people are references for all ethnic groups to join the friend clan.

Of course, there are also moon spirits now, but they are in a special situation.

For all races, due to the strictness of the Zerg, the friends are now using the method of wooing.

Dunjiaren and Yuelingren have already joined the Pengzu, so I won’t mention them here;
After so many years of development and influence, the Shadow Clan has begun to gradually integrate into the Peng Clan system. In the future, it is basically certain that it will become a minority ethnic group of the Peng Clan like the Dunjia Clan and the Yueling Clan;

Although the Black Bone Clan is still in internal chaos, under the influence of the church, many people have developed an attitude of reverence for the Friends Clan, and their resistance has been greatly reduced.It is expected that in the future, although the Black Bone Race will not become a member of the Friends Clan, it will also become the Faith Ranch, food farm, and future source of cannon fodder for the Friends Clan;
The only problem on land is the Eldar, who are still tepidly fighting with their friends.In the underground world, the advantage of the friends is not great. Even if Mu Wen repeatedly used tricks to cause the spirits to shrink their defenses, they still couldn't completely eliminate them.

The most important thing is that the root of the long-term development of the spirit race is still there, which is not comparable to the less than one hundred standard breeding bases of the moon spirits of the friend race.

If the spirit race really wants to fight, if the spirit race does not consider the food consumption of the spirit people produced, but supplies most of the food to the spirit race breeding insects for reproduction, the friends estimate that there are nearly [-] standard breeding bases with as many breeding insects Even if the Zerg of Shuangyuexing combined at this time, the ability of their violent soldiers would be behind.

What a huge war potential this is, which makes people both respectful and awe-inspiring.

What's depressing is that these spirit races just don't want to accept the union.

The reason for this may be that the conflicts between the friends and the Eldar were so great that even the threat of the Zerg was regarded as a conspiracy by the friends.

In desperation, Kong Huan once asked 8051 to make a match.

However, the other party directly said, "The Eldar is a peaceful race, no matter who we are, we can live in peace, so we reject any form of war" and rejected the friend.

Not even giving face to the will of the planet, this is enough to make Kong Huan dumbfounded, and what makes Kong Huan speechless is: at most 04 kilometers away from G06, which fell from No. [-] meteorite base, is a border tribe of the Eldar. But until the Zerg base was destroyed, the other party turned a blind eye.

"Spirit Race, hum."

Pushing open the office door, Kong Huan, who pulled his thoughts back, turned his attention to the documents in his hand.

This is about the reception of the L15 Observatory. A group of crocodile people was found in the No. 03 meteorite base. After contacting with the friends sent by the friends, and after a certain degree of communication and testing, L15 sent them to Xinpeng Island. Summary report.

It was also this report that drew the illusory thoughts into the diplomatic discussions of the friends.

Of course, sitting on the office chair and flipping through the documents, he had already turned his attention to the Sea Clan.

As for why Lingxue handed this over to Kong Huan, it was of course because Kong Huan was mainly responsible for diplomacy besides intelligence.

According to the report, the intelligence and diplomatic personnel transported to L15 by the Pengzu through several modified high-speed spacecraft had a very smooth communication after contacting the Crocodile tribe, but the situation they learned was not very good.

It's not that the Sea Clan is dangerous or resistant to union, but that the Sea Clan is too scattered.

It never occurred to Kong Huan that the six major races of the Sea Clan do not have a relatively complete government organization even now that most of the land races have entered the period of the race nation.

The entire Hai Clan is still scattered in the form of tribes at this time, and the only people who can be regarded as connecting the various tribes are the 'Holy Land' and the 'Elders'.

What is a holy place?There was a little trouble when asking a few members of the Crocodile Clan, because it was advertised that the Peng Clan was a clan of gods, so how could they not even know about the Holy Land.Fortunately, the investigators at that time were relatively clever and quickly obtained relevant information;

As for the elder, because there was one member of the crocodile survivor team, the information he got was very clear.

Generally speaking, the Sea Clan at this time is a loose union of tribes linked by primitive religion.

With the holy land that preserves the sacred stone that is said to bring wisdom to these sea people as the core, each of the six major sea clans has a piece of such a sacred stone, and there are also some scattered small clans that have fragments of the sacred stone.As for how did this divine stone come from and how did it break?Everyone doesn't know, Kong Huan intends to find a machine to ask 8051.
Holy places are not allowed to be occupied.

This was the initial consensus within the Sea Clan, but as the development of the tribes became more and more unbalanced, some large tribes began to indirectly occupy the Holy Land on the grounds of protecting the Holy Land.

Of course, there must be battles among them, but I won't say much here.

Soon after, these large tribes occupying the holy land began to use their geographical advantages to establish the initial religious elder system of each tribe in the name of the gods, and it continued to improve in the following years.

The important elders are trained by the big tribes occupying the Holy Land. These are mostly children handed over from various tribes. After being raised by the big tribes, they return to the original tribe as elders.

On the surface, these elders are at the same level as the patriarchs of the original tribes as the existence of "spreading the teachings of the gods" and "sharing the excellent experience of the big tribes". Members of the tribe tend to favor the big tribe on foreign issues.

This system achieved very good results at the beginning of its implementation, and almost all the large tribes occupying the Holy Land have entered a period of rapid development.

However, the population of each ethnic group is too large, and the model of large tribes cannot supply too many people, so that after the growth reaches a certain level, this expansion is stopped.

Not long after, this elder infiltration mode was improved by some wise men, turning the elders into a tool for the big tribe to supervise the small tribe. Support, and the big tribe provides protection for the small tribe, which is actually the type of gangsters collecting protection fees.

Because this method is somewhat conspicuous, it was secretly resisted by many small tribes shortly after its initial development.

According to the elder of the crocodile tribe, this is the case in many crocodile tribes.

As for the foreign race, they don't know much.

However, there is another important situation here, that is, they have heard before that that the large tribes of the Yuzu rely on the capture and domestication of epic creatures with low intelligence, and it seems that they have the will to unify the tribes of the Yuzu by force and establish a tribal union. situation.And the holy land tribes of various races like the crocodile clan seem to have plans to learn from the fish clan.

The task of these crocodiles this time is to round up the juvenile epic creatures, which also proves this situation from the side.

In this regard, Kong Huan was quite surprised.

"The society of the Sea Clan seems to be developing at a high speed, so what should we, the Peng Clan, do?"

Commenting with a smile, Kong Huan looked towards the ocean.

"I don't know what the sacred stone in that holy place is?"

(End of this chapter)

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