Spore Story

Chapter 702

Chapter 702
The intelligence personnel of L15 are skilled. Through the analysis of the content of the report, Kong Huan came up with the specific social situation of the Hai Clan at this time.

Obviously, the Haizu at this time is in the transition period from a loose primitive tribe to a primary tribal union.

This is an extremely important period for a civilization, because it represents the development of the entire civilized society from independent individuals to unity.

The similar transition period of the Pengzu, relying on the strength of the many Gashan tribes led and educated by Kong Huan, progressed very quickly, and it hardly gave people the feeling of transition.

The Sea Clan does not have such a special existence as the Void, nor does it have the Friends Clan as a reference like the Black Bone Clan and other land races, so they can only explore by themselves a little bit, so the progress is very slow.

At this time, Kong Huan definitely looked at the current Sea Clan from the standpoint of the Peng Clan.

If the Sea tribe continues to maintain a loose tribal situation, it will be extremely beneficial to the future friends, because the loose tribe of the Sea tribe will greatly facilitate the friends to use their advantages in technology, beliefs and culture to gradually erode and eventually control individuals They are not strong.

But in this way, if the Peng Clan wants to take advantage of the number advantage of the Sea Clan, it will be far away to assist in the battle against the Zerg.

Because that kind of encroachment needs a process, and during this process, turmoil should be avoided as much as possible.

And if the Sea Clan is allowed to enter the primary tribal union at a high speed, it is only necessary for the friends to ensure the basic relationship between the two parties. The relatively unified Sea Clan (at least a single-digit organization) is under the threat of the Zerg, using the technology and military strength of the friends to arm Together, it will be able to rely on its numerical advantage to become a major force in the war against insects in a very short period of time.

But in this way, when the Zerg race is wiped out, if the Sea Race is not restrained, the Sea Race may become a serious problem for the Friends Race.

In this case, how should the friends choose?Or how should he choose Wu Huan, who has the absolute trust of Lingxue and others in making strategic decisions in the general direction?
"Damn it, if there were no damned Zerg, the future Double Moon Star Clan would have the same status as Earth humans, but now! Cut."

Unreal is really depressing.

If there were no Zerg, he would definitely not hesitate to ask the friends to take action to disrupt the current social process of the Sea Clan and keep the Sea Clan in the current loose tribal state.It is even possible to personally take action to destroy the large tribe of the fish clan and its epic creatures, so as to lay the foundation for the Peng clan to erode the sea clan for a long time.

But if it is if, it is not realistic in many cases.

The current reality is: In order to resist the Zerg, the Friends have been searching for allies everywhere, and at the same time use the technology they have developed to enhance the overall strength of the Double Moon Star Civilization.

Even the Black Bones, who were once regarded as the future enemy by the illusion, have now armed themselves with seven electromagnetic rifle regiments.

And the Spirit Race, which had a war with the Friends Clan, is now constantly receiving envoys from the Friends Clan.

From this point of view, the decision does not seem too difficult to make.

But at this moment, there is still a problem to face: whether to take action to promote the overall civilization process of the sea people?

Although cultural aggression using language, writing, and thought is absolutely necessary, is it necessary for the six major sea clans to start the unification process like the fish clan?

Cultural aggression is often directed against the same race, just like whites, blacks, and yellow races are all human beings, so cultural aggression is feasible, but the current Double Moon Star is a completely different race.

If other races are strengthened through culture and then the friends are destroyed, then no matter how long the culture spreads, it has nothing to do with the friends.

Sitting at the desk, Kong Huan looked at the floating globe he instantly fashioned out of the soil on the sand table. His palms gently brushed over the land, ocean, and floating islands in the sky, and finally stopped on the long coastline.

On both sides of that line, one is the land dominated by the Peng Clan, and the other is the ocean that the Sea Clan is likely to take over...

However, his line of sight moved slightly, and finally stayed above the coastline.

There is a floating island simulated by sand.

And above, there is the sky, the clouds, and the boundless universe.

"Sure enough, confidence is what I need most."

With a casual smile, Kong Huan waved away the globe.

The land turned into yellow sand, the ocean turned into blue mud, and the floating islands turned into stones and fell to the sand table in front of them one by one. A few wisps of sand and dust were splashed, but they were blocked by the mental shield on the edge.

Then, the illusory gaze was once again placed on the Sea Clan report in front of him.

"No rule is without hierarchy. The only difference lies in whether it is a single-line or a ring mode. What our friends need on Double Moon Star is a single-line level control, but it does not mean that all levels except the bottom of this line must be friends. Clan occupation."

"Perhaps, only occupying the topmost line and connecting all classes is the best choice for the friends."

Smiling and nodding, Kong Huan took up a pen and wrote down his thoughts on the paper, which will also become the original rules and regulations for the Peng clan to lead the Hai clan and other clans in the future:
First of all, the Sea Clan needs to establish a unified organization.

But this organization is not a single unified organization, but one for each of the six oceanic races.

These institutions will directly learn from the centralization model of the Pengzu to establish. As for the epic creatures developed by the Yuzu, the function of setting the country is very good. There is no need for 8051 to take action. The senior management of the Pengzu can provide five or six more heads to the Haizu;
Secondly, the Hai people must learn the characters of Shuangyuepengyu, and at the same time promote Shuangyuepengyu when the physiological conditions are met.At the same time, it is also necessary to send ideological books to the Haizu, including "The History of the Double Moon God (Nth Revision)", in order to spread the culture of the Pengzu and strengthen the Haizu's understanding of the threat of the Zerg;

Furthermore, the Hai Clan must establish a temple system with the Peng Clan's Youshen as the target of sacrifice, and cooperate with the "History of the Double Moon Gods" as the thread for the Peng Clan to control the Hai Clan's thoughts.In the later stage, like the Black Bone Clan, it can establish the belief control of the Peng Clan over the two most populous Clans on Shuangyuexing;

Finally, the Pengzu needs direct control over the Sea Tribe army if feasible, and can use energy attendants as control nodes to ensure safety and deterrence.


"Complete," blowing dry the ink, writing these emptiness did not send out directly, but after making minor revisions and explanations, Shi Shiran put down the pen in his hand: "Our pen writing can finally be seen now." , Unfortunately, it cannot be used in the ocean.”

After a while, he looked at the paper in front of him and suddenly fell silent.

Among the carriers of characters, extremely important paper, ink, etc. will be eroded by sea water, so it is impossible to use them in the ocean.

It is impossible for the Pengzu to force the Haizu to move to the surface of the sea to study and take classes. Even if the Haizu is willing, they cannot promote books to their daily life. It is conceivable how useful this kind of education is.

"From this point of view, I'm afraid there is still a lot of trouble in exporting the culture of the Hai Clan." Kong Huan rubbed his forehead and thought.

"If you think about it carefully, in the future, only the crystallization of spiritual power memory that the technical department is still discussing theory will be able to allow the friends to send culture to a large number. However, it may take a few years for that thing to succeed, and the bamboo slips that are early The obsolete things might have to be dug out, maybe it’s a good idea to consider making a few machines that can automatically embroider on cloth.”

Thinking of this situation, Kong Huan immediately opened his mouth.

While the students of the terrestrial race study with cheap paper books, the sea race carries slates, or drags a pile of exquisite embroidery books, bamboo slips and even engraved plates to enjoy.

"Shouldn't be complained by the students on land... probably, Quack."

The jumping thinking was quickly taken back, and after rational consideration, it was confirmed what should be done in the current situation.

Afterwards, Kong Huan called the correspondent.

After sending the documents to Lingxue, the next thing is to wait for Lingxue's staff to complete these regulations. After that, these should become the Peng Clan's strategy for dealing with the Sea Clan for at least five or six years.

But after finishing these, Kong Huan needs to do more serious business immediately.

At this moment, the space beside him flashed, and 8051 suddenly appeared behind Kong Huan, and immediately rushed towards him with open arms, laughing and laughing.

"Are you willing to come back?" Kong Huan was able to confirm the identity of the person behind him without turning his head.


Obviously dissatisfied with Kong Huan's lack of cooperation, 8051 puffed up his face in depression, then lay down directly on Kong Huan's back, and began to pull Kong Huan's ears with both hands.

"It hurts! Stop it, I admit defeat!" Kong Huan shook his head helplessly, but it was useless.

"It's really boring." After letting go, 8051 put his head on Kong Huan's shoulder, and continued to exhale to express his dissatisfaction: "I don't have time to accompany me."

In this regard, Kong Huan could only helplessly stop the work in hand.

Rubbing the other person with his cheek, he then sighed and explained: "The situation is so urgent now, even if you want to take time to rest, there is no way, good boy."

"What's your tone of coaxing the child? I'm older than you."

8051 jumped up immediately, but because the shape was based on the wingman of the friend clan, and because he thought it was troublesome, he removed his wings. The result was natural: the height of both of them was not very good.

"Okay, then, auntie 8051... oh tail!" Kong Huan couldn't help howling miserably.

"Kong Huan...sorry for interrupting!" The Shadow Clan soldiers who were attracted by Kong Huan's pitiful howl immediately retreated at a faster speed.


"Want to die once?" He secretly pulled his foot from Kong Huan's tail hanging behind the chair, 8051 stared directly at Kong Huan with his eyes glowing with fire.

In this regard, Konghuan can only express its deep apology and sincere apology as always.

After frolicking for a few minutes, he hugged the quiet 8051 and asked softly, "Why did you suddenly remember coming back?"

"I don't think you are. The main reason is to send some documents back to the friends. I see that you are near here, so I hand them over to you directly."

Misunderstanding, he threw a stack of documents on Kong Huan's desk, which was already full of documents, like a spoof. Looking at the twitching black line in the corner of Kong Huan's eyes, 8051 suddenly smiled.

But Kong Huan, shocked by more documents, subconsciously ignored Xiao 8's rare appearance of arrogance.

"You have also seen that I have so many things, if you can, please give me a brief explanation."

Kong Huan held the document paper between two fingers, shaking weakly all over.

In this regard, 8051 resolutely returned to his original nature, covering his mouth and snickering.

However, perhaps because of the cooperation of Kong Huan, I still made a commentary: "It is mainly the battle reports from both sides on 03 and 05. The content of the battle reports they sent through communication cannot be exhaustive, and I can bring some personal information during the teleportation. goods, so it becomes your delivery man."

"..." Kong Huan didn't speak, but just tightened his arms, and 8051 immediately showed a kitten-like smile.

Of course, adhering to the consistent character, 8051 did not make any small moves in the business, and continued to explain with a smile.

"The battle situation on No. 03 has basically stabilized. The Youshen army under the command of Chu Ling has now confronted the Zerg several times. Although the outcome is close, the opponent's control area has been stably limited to a radius of ten. to within twenty kilometers."

"At [-] o'clock in the morning, after Chu Jie arrived there, he immediately used Thunderstorm to clean up at least [-] Zergs. However, there are too many flying units of the Zergs, estimated to be at least [-]. The most important thing is that the enemy is around the meteorite base. A large number of powerful anti-air defense buildings have been built, so it cannot be completely solved for a while."

"But now it seems that Zerg Base No. 03 is likely to contain our troops."

"Of course, Chu Jie and the others couldn't do it all at once, mainly because of the lack of Lei Yun and the fact that Chu Jie just arrived and needed to rest."

"From the current situation, as long as the first and second clusters enter the attack range of the meteorite base in the middle of the afternoon, the battle situation in the direction of 03 can basically be determined."

"Very good, now only Base 05 is left," Kong Huan said happily, and even took the opportunity to raid 8051.

However, although the other party was blushing, he still made a teasing and unrealistic look. The deterrent power dropped by dozens of percentage points compared to usual, but instead brought a sense of charm.

Of course, no matter how it feels to the outside world, as long as 8051 shows a teasing expression, especially to Kong Huan, then based on Kong Huan's long-standing memory, it can be judged that there is absolutely nothing good.

Therefore, the effect of that trace of charm is decisively returned to zero.

"Do you think that only the No. 05 meteorite base is easy for the friends?" Sure enough, 8051 did not give up any chance to beat the illusion.

"Could it be that the third group is not going well?" Kong Huan frowned, and found out the problem in an instant.

However, 8051 shook his head, this reaction made Kong Huan fall into doubt.

"The problem I'm talking about is not the battle of the third cluster."

8051 glanced at the desk, pulled out the document and put it on the desk and said. "In fact, since the long-range bombardment started at 3 o'clock in the morning until now... Well, at [-] o'clock in the morning, with the guidance of artillery fire, they have successfully destroyed at least six small mining bases outside the Zerg and repelled the A Zerg assault on an artillery emplacement."

"Isn't that great? Wait a minute, a small outlying mining base!" Kong Huan was startled suddenly, and subconsciously clenched the hands holding 8051.

Although both of them are strong men and are not afraid of such a little power, 8051 still knocked Konghuan with his head in dissatisfaction, and then continued to explain: "This is one of the problems. We all know that the Zerg cannot absorb land plants and To maintain its huge expansion capacity, the mining industry must develop, but at the beginning, no one thought that the other party would develop so fast."

After rummaging through the stack of files for a while, 8051 put two papers that looked like maps in front of Kong Huan under anxious eyes: "This is the No. 05 Zerg Meteorite Base I drew in two time periods." The sub-base map, the first one was drawn at noon on the 8th, that is, at noon yesterday, the Zerg base actually controls an area with a radius of only 50 kilometers, and there are only five sub-bases, and they are all defensive."

Kong Huan nodded, then looked at the other one.

Soon, he was dazzled by the densely packed dots on it, representing sub-bases.

How long has it been? The last one was at noon on the 8th, but now it is only the early morning of the 9th.

Although unwilling to accept it, 8051 has always used direct blows to wake up the opponent for such behaviors as illusory escape.

"As you can see, this was drawn before the shelling at 3 o'clock in the morning today. The other party discovered several mining areas around the periphery, including metal mines, calcium carbide mines, and geothermal mines..."

"Wait, calcium carbide mine? Can bugs use calcium carbide?"

"Isn't that obvious?" 8051 patted Kong Huan's head regretfully, as if expressing silent condolence to the opponent's IQ: "Carbide mine is an important energy carrier mine. Even if the Zerg have never seen it before, they can investigate it in a short time. Be clear."

Speaking of this, 8051 pondered in doubt: "However, the strange thing is that the Zerg have discovered six calcium carbide mines, but only one of them is being mined on a small scale, and the other two are only occupied by defensive bases."

However, without waiting for Kong Huan to speak, she brought the topic back to the right track: "Now there are more than 05 Zerg sub-bases in No. 60, and there are more than a dozen mining mines, distributed in the outer radius of No. 05 Meteorite Base. Within 100 kilometers, if the three major swarms rush over foolishly, you can imagine the result."

The empty expression is dignified.

"And with mining support, there is even less time left for us to eliminate this group of bugs."

"Is long-range bombardment useless? Even if the accuracy rate is not high enough to clean up the No. 05 meteorite base, it is still possible to clean up the mining base under guidance, right?"

"Yes, those forks on the second map are the mining bases that were destroyed by shelling." 8051 nodded, "But the bugs are not fools, they will stand there and let you attack them."

"Even I don't know the number of troops in the No. 05 Zerg base. The first attack of the bugs at around 5 o'clock is obviously just a test. I'm afraid the third group will have to face big trouble soon."

(End of this chapter)

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