Spore Story

Chapter 703 Attacking and Receiving...Defending

Chapter 703 Attacking and Receiving...Defending
As predicted by 8051, the bug will not ignore the behavior of 'someone shelling its own base from a distance' at all, not to mention that this shelling has caused substantial harm to it.

The pointer of time points to 45 am on July 7, 9 AD.

The location was at an altitude of 70 meters, [-] kilometers away from the bombardment position. A shiny spaceship was flying back and forth along the center line with the bombardment position and the Zerg meteorite base as two calibration points.

Different from the Barracuda-class and Thunder-class second-generation warships built in large numbers by friends, the shiny warship flying in the sky at this time is a pre-test spaceship of the second-generation warship, code-named Swordfish-class.

Everyone is no stranger to this kind of ship because of many problems. After completing the design of the verification magnetic field engine, the production of this kind of ship was discontinued, and the friends only built three ships.

It stands to reason that now that the second-generation warships are officially equipped with troops in batches, this kind of little guy who only weighs more than 1000 tons and has many defects and is fully patched should accept the fate of retirement.

But now facing the Zerg, the friends always feel that their number of spaceships is seriously insufficient.

Therefore, after repairing and rebuilding, the three Swordfish-class ships have transformed into special reconnaissance ships of the three groups by relying on their small size, medium-to-high speed, and relatively excellent special combat capabilities after improvement.

At this moment, after the Pterosaur was transferred to the bombardment guidance mission, this swordfish took over from the other party as a scout ship for the movement of the Zerg in the direction of the Zerg meteorite.

But in the bridge, the atmosphere is quite relaxed.

"I heard that eleven small Zerg bases have been killed. Sure enough, it is the most beautiful thing to stand in the distance and throw bombs carelessly, watching the enemy panic under the bombs."

"Yeah, if all the enemies can be dealt with like this, then we frontline soldiers will be reduced to garrison troops." Some militant crew members laughed as if they were complaining.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Think about it carefully, isn't it good for everyone to take care of everything? Why risk your life to fight and kill," the captain holding the Xiguo water glass said nonchalantly, but only after speaking Realizing that this seemed a little negative, I hurriedly added: "Of course, I am not afraid of war. If we really encounter the enemy, we must not be timid! I believe that everyone will never be timid!"

"Of course!"

"We know, Captain, we still don't know what you look like?"

The surrounding crew immediately cast a pair of "you are a war mad look" at the captain, which made the captain sitting in the captain's seat dumbfounded, these guys must be too much.

At this time, the pilot of the energy body who is in the driver's seat and controls the entire spaceship has nothing to say.

Because the magnetic field engine is a version that does not have a speed limit installed, the swordfish-class engine still needs an energy body to control, which is a lot of trouble, but it is also extremely flexible.

Of course, this kind of flexibility is a commendatory term when fighting, but it is a completely derogatory term when not fighting.

At this moment, no matter how careful the pilot was, the swordfish still swayed with a certain rhythm.

This is also a big factor in making Swordfish's crews very demanding.

But these are minor details.

The captain, whose thoughts were flying wildly, subconsciously turned his head to look at the elder sitting behind him.

An elder dressed in pure white and with long black hair gave off a capable yet gentle charm.The elder named Sadako is said to have been a member of a mysterious system before, but he was recently transferred to the elders' house and then joined the general command, which made the other party even more mysterious.

But that's not the most important thing.

At this moment, Elder Zhenzi was closing his eyes slightly, ignoring the surrounding situation, his brows fluttered and eased from time to time.

This is not to say that the other party is sleeping. At this time, Elder Sadako just closed his eyes to block visual interference for the convenience of making the mental power scan more accurate.

For this way of using mental power, the captain who is only a step away from the soul level also understands something.

But looking at the Elder Youshen in front of him, he still worships him more.

It was also the elder's continuous scanning back and forth that allowed other people on the bridge to rest easily, because everyone on the bridge now only needs to pay attention to the situation around the battleship with their eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, Jianyu's main job seems to be to carry the elders.

And the real investigation task is entirely in charge of the elders whose maximum scanning range is said to be dozens of kilometers.

Just when the captain was thinking about these things, the eyes of the watching elder wrinkled slightly, and then slowly opened, a pair of blue crystal pupils stared straight at the captain, the poor young man The wingman captain suddenly became nervous.

"Elder, elder, what's the matter?"

However, the elder shook his head, and then suddenly looked at the captain with a depressed expression: "If you can, please don't stare at me all the time."


The entire bridge suddenly fell into silence.

"Ah, haha, sorry, sorry."

Smiling awkwardly, the captain turned his head decisively. Although he wanted to turn back several times out of curiosity, he still suppressed it.

He felt very strange about this, he obviously didn't want to watch it much before, why did he want to watch it even more after the other party told him not to watch it?

"Maybe I should ask Dr. Liang Yi (psychiatrist) after I go back."

Shaking his head, the captain glared fiercely at the people on the bridge who were covering their mouths and snickering, and drank the Xiguo water in their hands with black lines on their faces.

Behind him, Elder Sadako also looked at the captain in front of him depressedly, and after confirming that no one would be staring at him, he closed his eyes again.

The mental power scan starts from her body, and spreads out the mental power all the way to scan a large area.

Because the scanning area is very wide, high demands are placed on the scanner's concentration.

And the ability has been raised to the level of Youshen level, especially Sadako's level of mental control Lv6, is also very sensitive to changes around the body.

This kind of sensitivity is obviously very good in combat and reconnaissance, but the problem is that when sitting on the bridge to reconnaissance in the distance, if there is someone staring at it all the time, it will give people a feeling of being unable to concentrate, which will lead to inner irritability. The search accuracy is lowered.

If it weren't for the timely notification of her investigation information to everyone and confirmation through the porthole of the bridge, Sadako would rather be bored in the small black room for investigation.

At this point, she had to 'wake up' to remind the other party.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have explained it earlier, tragedy," complaining to herself in her heart, after confirming that no one would deliberately stare at her, Sadako swept the previous interrupted area with her mental power again, and continued to search for it. Traces of Zerg.

According to the experience gained in the first and second Zerg invasions, the friends have already known the ability of Zerg active arms to be immune to mental power scanning, so to be precise, this kind of mental power scanning by Sadako cannot directly detect Zerg.

But the one-foot-high demon...ah no, it is the one-foot-high demon and one-foot-high, and the Zerg has the ability to become invisible with spiritual power (different from the mental power immunity of the Shadow Clan), but it doesn't mean that the friends can't deal with it up.

Summarize experience, find breakthroughs, and solve problems.

The Pengzu Technology Department and Shenting jointly researched and proposed a solution to this situation more than a year ago.

Speaking of it, it should be regarded as a tricky way.

The researchers found that even if the Zerg can completely hide itself from the friends' mental power scanning, it is not visually invisible, let alone completely invisible to the body's influence on the surrounding environment.

In short, the body of the Zerg still exists in this world.

Therefore, even if the body of the Zerg cannot be scanned by mental power, the body of the bug will inevitably affect the surrounding environment when it is moving, such as the grass being bent, the soil being squeezed, the air flow in the sky being disturbed, and the clouds being pushed away. Open, etc., especially on rainy days, it is clearly visible.

At this time, friends cover a certain area with mental power, and after observing the subtle changes in the environment in this area, they can confirm whether there is an invisible object with mental power.

However, this kind of activity requires high mental strength and carefulness, which is one of the reasons why Sadako asked the captain to look away before.

Moreover, because this kind of scan cannot confirm the specific outline of the bug, most of the results obtained are "whether there are creatures invisible to spiritual power", rather than "what are the creatures invisible to spiritual power".

In this way, it is also possible to encounter some strange creatures in the local area of ​​​​Shuangyue Star at certain times.

But here, everyone doesn't need to worry about this.

Because according to the elder Kong Ling, all living things within a radius of [-] kilometers of the entire meteorite base have been removed, and all plants that can be cleaned have also been cleaned up, so the abnormal ones are all bugs.

Thinking about it carefully, what this Elder Kong Ling did was really amazing.

Sadako was startled, and blushed slightly at her sudden distraction, then gathered her energy and continued to scan.

And some people on the bridge who glanced at the elder curiously found the elder's face in surprise.

So, they immediately looked away, leaving the strange emotion of 'Elder Sadako is very shy, but so cute' in their hearts.

God knows if this group of guys who are looking forward to the spring will spit blood to death after knowing what Sadako did in the Black Bone Race back then.

But these conjectures are floating clouds.

When the people on the bridge were either bored or excitedly counting the explosions of shells flying towards the enemy or hitting the enemy base in the distance, Elder Sadako who was sitting behind the bridge suddenly opened his eyes again.

A certain crew member who happened to pass by the elder turned his head back like an electric shock, and then looked at the people around him, thinking something like 'I won't make the elder unhappy, right?'.

But this time it obviously has nothing to do with this kind of thing, because Elder Sadako immediately yelled.

"Emergency! Immediately issue an early warning to the bombardment command: time..."

Stop talking, Sadako looked up at the clock above the bridge.


After the bombardment started, there was no need to perform communication silence, so the news was quickly conveyed to the third party inside the floating fort located above the bombardment position through the more convenient friend communication system that turned each warship into a communication transfer station. Combat Group Command.

At this moment, the headquarters is still orderly selecting targets, calibrating coordinates, and issuing shelling orders...

Suddenly, a Dunjia communicator rushed out of the communication room on the side, then rushed into the command room opposite, and handed a report to Lieutenant General Dia, the commander of the third group, who was setting up the positions of the enemy and us in front of the sand table .

"Report! The latest report on the situation of the Nanling has been released, and signs of large-scale Zerg activities have been found in the north of our side!"

"Read." Without too much emotional reaction, the lieutenant general, whose eyes remained on the sand table in front of him, did not reach out to receive the report, but waved his hand to report directly to the correspondent.

"Ah, yes, Your Excellency the Lieutenant General!"

The correspondent froze for a moment, but quickly realized.

"Report from the Nanling: At 10:21, Elder Sadako of this ship found a large number of signs of Zerg activity through mental scanning in the plain 97 kilometers west of the bombardment position."

"It has been determined that the opponent has a large number of land and air troops. It is estimated that the land strength is no less than 11, and the sky strength is no less than 10. The opponent's movement is based on the movement speed of the land troops, and slowly moves towards the bombardment position in a straight line. It is estimated that it will enter the 20-kilometer warning range of the bombardment position around [-]:[-], and hope that the headquarters is ready for a big battle!"

"That's it!" The correspondent stood still and waited for further orders.

"Are you coming so soon? I thought there were still two or three hours," Lieutenant General Dia suddenly said to the adjutant beside him, "Notify the head of the Heavy Artillery Regiment and several squadrons. The commander is here for a meeting! The battle plan needs to be adjusted."


After the adjutant left, the lieutenant general casually took out a cigarette from an ordinary cardboard box beside him, lit it, and put it at the corner of his slightly raised mouth.

After a while, the middle-aged friend Yiren fell into thinking about the battle situation.

These bugs didn't seem to have discovered the ability of the friends to scan the mental power, or they didn't realize their own hidden ability to scan the mental power, so they acted very boldly, without any actions to cover up their actions.

Otherwise, if the group of bugs flew and attacked at an ultra-low altitude with low air flow, it would be difficult for even the elder Youshen to detect the existence of the other party before entering the visual range.

However, 90 kilometers away from the cluster, only Nanling and Yiren are investigating, which will inevitably cause visual omissions.

Once things develop like that, the position might really be raided.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party is very confident in his fighting power, so he is not worried about being discovered at all.

In the view of Lieutenant General Dia, the possibility of this situation is higher.

So, is the friend clan really unable to resist the attack of the Zerg as the Zerg thinks?
Your Excellency the Lieutenant General took a deep breath on the cigarette in his hand, and when it was more than half lit, he put it down with some reluctance, and looked down at the sand table in front of him.

Combat command, the six main points of the heaven, earth, people, generals and soldiers.

The people's hearts referred to by the Tao, I am afraid that both sides are similar, but the Zerg on this continent is basically an army with all members, and the friends who are here at this time are all troops, and the Shuangyue star creatures have been blasted away, and the two sides are not in the same place. It's not a matter of popular opinion;

The weather should obviously be on the side of the friends, since the Zerg have not shown the ability to control the climate at this time, while the friends have.Now the entire bombardment position has been filled with thunderclouds by the two thunder beasts brought by Elder Kong Ling, and there are enough thunderclouds to satisfy the energy bodies;
The geographical advantage is basically owned by the friends. The Zerg attack is the bombardment position that has been built by one's own side. One attack and one attack... Ah no, it is defending, so the geographical advantage of the friends is self-evident;

In terms of morale, although he was a little unwilling, Dia knew that the Zerg had a great advantage in this regard, and the other party had no idea that their morale was zero;
General, Dia smiled slightly at the general he referred to.

He is very confident in himself and a few of his subordinates, and he heard that the Zerg only has the brain worm commander of the meteorite base.

Judging from the command ability shown by the Zerg before and the slow response to the Zerg flying troops encountered when they entered this continent, the Zerg simply relied on the crushing of absolute superiority to destroy the enemy.

Once this advantage is lost, the Zerg is a scum, at least the Zerg in front of them should be like this.

The last 'soldier' ​​made Dia frown again.

"However, it seems that our biggest problem is military strength and logistics."

Because after the previous attack on Meteorite Base 03, the cargo ship and several teams joined the joint fleet sequence of the first and second groups. At this time, the combat effectiveness of the third group of friends entering around the No. 05 Meteorite Base is not complete.

As for the fleet, apart from three Thunder-class battleships, eighteen Barracuda-class assault ships, one Swordfish-class scout ship, one Pterosaur-class scout ship, and six floating turrets, there were only temporary deployments. The three cargo airships.

In terms of land forces, there are only three assault regiments with a corps size of 4500 people, and an incomplete strategic heavy artillery regiment.

"It seems that our strength seems to be lacking."

Putting the cigarette to the corner of his mouth, Dia felt the pungent smell, and seemed to calm down more.

But the next moment, the smell of cigarettes suddenly disappeared.

"Huh?!" The majestic Lieutenant General Dia suddenly felt cold all over.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, where did this cigarette come from?" A gentle voice came from next to his ear, and he almost didn't have to turn his head to feel the awe-inspiring murderous aura of the adjutant who looked like a gentle housewife behind him. .

His fingers pointed to the ordinary box on the table almost habitually.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The murderous intent disappeared, and the box turned into ashes under the shining light.

The lieutenant general who just came to his senses watched the box of delicious food disappear in front of him without tears, and felt exhausted all over.

But soon, he regained his spirits.

Because, no matter how you look at it, the adjutant, who is harmless to humans and animals, is already standing behind him, and at the door, almost all his subordinates have already filed in.

Obviously, he still needs to maintain his image in front of his subordinates.

As for that box of deliciousness.

"Hmph, do you think I have no backup? Quack quack." An emotional lieutenant general seemed to ignore the difference between superficial thinking and deep thinking.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant General, what are you talking about?" The gentle and pleasant devil's voice came to my ears again.


(End of this chapter)

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