Spore Story

Chapter 704

Chapter 704
Unknowingly, this book has been with us and everyone for a whole year. We, who have failed in life and studies, have experienced all kinds of ups and downs during this period.

For us as novice authors, these are indescribable valuable experiences.


Spore's grades have been poor, that's true;
It is also true that our technology is still lacking;
It is still a fact that we do not have the self-consciousness as an author, and do not know how to promote and canvass votes;

the most important is
Because of the lack of initial outline and writing experience, and personal emotions have a strong impact on the article, spores sometimes make people read confusing and have mixed word counts, which is probably more of a fact;



Even with the flaws of many facts in it

But we will still persevere, so as to continuously hone our skills and lay a solid foundation for future new books, um.

And it was the constant support of friends that did not cause the spores to fall into the endless crater of Dian Niang.

Here, I would like to sincerely thank you all.

Whether it's subscriptions, recommendations, comments, or clicks, you are our best readers and friends, and the most grateful ones, Quack.


It should be the 31st. Happy New Year everyone, quack quack quack
(End of this chapter)

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