Spore Story

Chapter 705 Experience is a Problem

Chapter 705 Experience is a Problem
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"The current situation is like this. All we have to do is to use our advantages in climate, location and flexible command to offset the enemy's advantages in strength and morale."

In the command room, Lieutenant General Dia was making pre-battle arrangements to the commanders of the troops. There was a defense plan before, but the speed of the Zerg was a little faster, so the plan did not change much.

"The fleet is determined to fight the enemy with all its strength, but we can't guarantee that we won't let a bug go," the commanders of the various squadrons answered after discussion.

They have all kinds of simulation experience in the fantasy world, and they know that when facing the sea of ​​insects, the difficulty and powerlessness of a group of battleships that are only double digits, self-protection is still possible, but it is basically an illusion to block all the insects.

Knowing this well, they will not use empty words to cause misjudgment by their teammates.

"So hopefully the Marine Corps will be ready for close combat with the enemy."

"Don't worry, although the two assault regiments of the third group of marines we came over are better at assault operations, they haven't lost the defense of the fortress. There is a 307 engineering defense regiment working there. As long as the enemy appears, let them see what's going on It's a fast fortress defense for friends!"

In this regard, the Marine Corps seems to be full of confidence, but this also has a solid foundation.

Each of the three major clusters has nine marine regiments, which are usually trained separately and organized into three marine regiments when necessary.

Among the nine marine regiments, there are two armored regiments, four assault regiments, two engineering defense regiments, and one self-propelled artillery regiment.

Among them, each armored regiment is equipped with a gorge equipped with a BL03 tracked heavy tank, and two gorges equipped with a BL02 tracked insecticide tank, but the two armored regiments of the third group run with the first and second groups Therefore, it is impossible to come here with the troops.

At this time, the 304 and 305 assault regiments followed the third group.

There are four such assault regiments in the nine marine regiments of the cluster, and each assault regiment is equipped with a BL01 tracked assault vehicle gorge and two gorges equipped with all-terrain assault vehicles.

At this time, two such assault regiments were deploying defenses on the positions. The two regiments had a total of 120 BL75s equipped with 01mm assault guns and 200 assault vehicles equipped with double-barreled 25mm rapid-fire guns.

In terms of the amount of ammunition released per unit time, the combined amount of the third group's entire fleet may not be comparable to these two land assault regiments.

Of course, the battleship has super-caliber heavy artillery, and the assault regiment's largest weapon is only 75mm and 40 times the caliber. There is no comparison in this respect.

Moreover, at this time, it is also necessary to consider that this operation is far away from the area occupied by the friends, and the logistics of the entire third group can only be supplemented by the transfer ammunition delivered from the friends from the L11 floating observation station in the equatorial area.

In such a situation where their own ammunition replenishment ability is extremely weak, their actual combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

At the time of departure, the entire Military Academy agreed that in order to deal with the No. 05 Meteorite Base, a quick decision must be made.But the reality is that a single third group cannot complete this task, so the strategic heavy artillery regiment that consumes less ammunition but has greater power came over, and the third group changed from frontal combat to defense.

However, this situation will not last long, and when the first and second clusters complete their tasks, they will rush over directly.

Therefore, facing the current situation, several Marine Corps commanders are still very confident.

Now, the 304th and 305th Marine Assault Regiments have completely driven their weapons into the reinforced concrete fortifications urgently built by the 307th Regiment.

Relying on the weapons they carry, although they are limited in logistics and are not suitable for barrage attacks, they are also completely confident that they will not be defeated in the face of enemies that are several times their own. simulation.

In this regard, everyone also praised the performance of the Marine Corps.

"It's good to have confidence, but it's also necessary to take necessary preparations," Lieutenant General Dia nodded approvingly, and then looked at the commander of the squadron.

Unlike the others, this commander seemed very calm, because he was the commander of the floating cargo fleet and basically did not participate in frontal battles, but he was also very dangerous.

On the other hand, Lieutenant General Dia upholds the idea of ​​not letting anyone be idle, and turned the next order to the commander: "The floating cargo fleet cannot be idle, and it must be ready to accommodate the heavy artillery regiment and the marines at any time." Work, if necessary, we will not stick to one place, and sometimes we will get greater results when we move, understand?"

"Please rest assured, Lieutenant General, although the cargo fleet has no combat effectiveness, but when it comes to your job, you absolutely don't have to worry, we are always ready to hit."

"very good."

The next moment, everyone looked at the head of the heavy artillery regiment.

As the core force commander of this trip, the head of the regiment looked at Lieutenant General Dia at this time. In order to ensure a unified command, he would not object to this strategic decision.

"Obviously there is no need to say more about the mission of the Heavy Artillery Regiment. Unless the enemy breaks through the defense lines of the Marine Corps and the Fleet to attack you, your missions are only two: [-]. Attack the Zerg Meteorite drop point, which is pulled by the Pterodactyl, and there is no special order. Second, as a cluster artillery group, bombard the Zerg attacking troops, this is done after the command of the cluster command is issued, and once it starts, ensure the delivery of ammunition."

"Although our logistics is insufficient, it doesn't mean that we need to take care of Gu Na when the enemy's army is pressing down on the border. At most, when we eliminate a wave of enemy attacks but run out of ammunition, we can retreat to L11 and wait for supplies."



The task has been distributed, and Lieutenant General Dia cast a majestic glance at the few people present, and suddenly became passionate: "Although we have already made basic preparations, the number of enemies this time is huge, and there is only so much time for further preparations... "

"However, these difficulties cannot stop us!"

"We are the great friend army, the third battle group of Double Moon Star! It is the glorious army that just killed the No. 04 meteorite base!"

"So everyone from the third group and the Strategic Heavy Artillery Regiment! Work hard! The creatures of Double Moon Star are watching us!"

"For friends! For Shuangyue! Fight!"


After the passion arose, the meeting was declared over.

The entire discussion lasted only 10 minutes.

Because there was no more time to waste, after setting a basic tone, the commanders of various departments left the command room one after another.

At this time, there were still 30 minutes before the swarm approached 10 kilometers.

Next, the heavy artillery regiment will continue to attack, but the target will be temporarily placed on the Zerg meteorite base.

The troops will enter their respective lines of defense, and the battleships in the sky will also adopt the most suitable spherical formation for flexible formations, and begin the final inspection of weapons, waiting for the attack of the Zerg.

The whole position fell into silence for a moment, only the continuous hum of the heavy artillery regiment's electromagnetic weapons was still ringing intermittently.

And these shells will cross the bottom of the fleet, pierce the clouds from below, pass over the Zerg army that is rushing to the position, and then pierce the clouds from above, and finally smash heavily according to the position given by the Pterodactyl before the shelling. On the vast creeping land outside the meteorite base.


Although the heavy calcium carbide shells fired are large in size, most of the volume is used to limit the explosion time of the activated calcium carbide bombs inside. Only the 30 kg electric core at the core can really produce explosive power.

However, although the explosive power of 1 kg of electric nuclei is comparable to that of 1 ton of TNT explosives in the human world, as the number of electric nuclei gathered together increases, the energy generated by the internal excitation of the electric nuclei will be within a certain range, and the output will be doubled increase.

Therefore, when the 30 attack electric nuclei exploded, their actual power was comparable to that of 300 tons of TNT.

Of course, in terms of the explosion shock wave, the calcium carbide bomb may be less powerful, but after the calcium carbide bomb explodes, it will produce extremely strong electromagnetic damage and energy erosion.

This will cause devastating damage to buildings such as creeps that seem to transport some kind of energy liquid, sappers such as devouring insects, and plasma attack weapons.

Even if they hid far away and observed the situation of the Zerg meteorite base with mental power and telescopes, people inside the Pterodactyl could still see the explosions in the Zerg meteorite base after being bombarded by dozens of ultra-long-range heavy artillery calcium carbide shells. bright flash.

The energy flash that completely captured the morning sun's rays easily tore apart the Zerg creep with a radius of several kilometers.

However, the people on the Pterosaur were just admiring the sound and light effects of the calcium carbide shells, but they were not very excited, because they had been watching this situation for several hours.

Obviously, the effect of the explosion in the early morning is obviously more shocking than at this time.

Moreover, in terms of destructive power against the Zerg, the calcium carbide bomb seems to be somewhat weak.

"For the record, as before, the creeps within the explosion range are completely destroyed, and will probably re-grow after a while."

"All the Zerg soldiers within the range of the explosion were wiped out. The number of casualties in this bombardment should be about 2000, most of them are middle and low-level troops."

"Only a very small number of small defensive buildings within the explosion range were destroyed; medium-sized buildings that could spit out poisonous thorn snakes and giant jumping spiders were the most seriously injured, unless they were hit by the shock waves of more than two shells, or were hit by a It can only be destroyed if it is directly hit by a shell; as for those large buildings that still belong to the giant meat sacs whose function is unknown...the skin is torn and blood is shed."

The captain summed up the results of the battle, while the adjutant at the side shook his head: "Although the power is strong, it doesn't look like it's enough. Even if there was a wave that directly hit a giant flesh sac, it only caused some moderate damage to them. It will be fixed soon.”

Putting down the observation telescope in his hand, hiding inside the bridge of the Pterodactyl in a special cloud, the captain put his hands on the porthole, with a gloomy expression.

They are now completely risking death, observing at an altitude of 10 meters, which is only 2 kilometers away from the Zerg meteorite base. If there is no cloud protection with unknown composition and no abnormal appearance provided by the elder Kong Ling (8051) , they had already been discovered when the Zerg flying swarms passed by N times before.

Even though they had gained confidence in the cloud after several passes, every time a swarm of insects passed by, it would still frighten the entire ship.

In such a bad situation, the crowd led the shelling.

But until now, our bombardment is effective against small bases, but it can deal with large bases, and it only destroyed a few scattered creeps and many defensive buildings outside the Zerg meteorite base.

If it was some time ago, in this case, the third cluster can take the opportunity to rush in and kill.

But now, the Zerg Meteorite Base is no longer relying solely on the surrounding defensive buildings for defense. More often, it still relies on small defensive bases outside and a large number of densely packed insect swarms.

Offense is the best defense.

At this time, the Zerg is attacking on all sides to expand the area of ​​control.

If the bombardment hadn't started, the Zerg Meteorite Base's control area at this time would probably not have a radius of 100 kilometers, but a radius of 300 kilometers.

The previous attack on the shelling position was the expansion of the Zerg's troops to the shelling position.

As for the Pterosaur, they even saw the Zerg intercepting shells at some point, although it was only a small part, and although the accuracy rate was very low, it was enough to make friends who had never seen precise intercepting shells dumbfounded. (The Youshen class is arrogant enough to intercept 105mm assault guns with a mind shield at most.)
Withdrawing his thoughts from the new understanding of the Zerg, the captain rubbed his face to make his face look better, and then nodded to the telepathic communication team.

"Report back the details verbatim."

"in addition!"

Suddenly thought of something, the captain glanced at the dark ground and the huge meteorite base in the distance, and added: "I request the heavy artillery group to focus on the meteorites at the Zerg meteorite base, or the large number of Zerg units around the Zerg meteorite base. It is the report of the front-line observers, report my proposal together."


The winged man of the telepathic communication group closed his eyes and gradually fell into a half-asleep and half-awake state.

In this state, it will be easier for the fifth-level brain to find another brain that matches itself.

Soon, the wingman of the communication group felt the person with the highest degree of fit in his mind, that was his twin brother, who was waiting for his brother's communication in the third group headquarters.

The message instantly crossed the space between the two, and reached the other person's mind in a way that the friends could not yet understand.

The next moment, the Yiren brother opened his eyes, and immediately repeated the information he had received to the Dunjia correspondent at the side.

The information written on the paper was quickly delivered to the group bombardment headquarters through the hands of the Dunjia communicators.

Pushing open the door of the headquarters, the Dunjia man handed over the newsletter to the deputy head of the heavy artillery regiment with both hands, and entered it into the other party's mind after the other party's eyes swept over it.

"Head, the frontline observation results."


"The effect is not very ideal."

The adjutant concluded in this way, and at the same time expressed the thoughts of the captain of the Pterosaur.However, neither the adjutant nor the head of the regiment who was directing the bombardment responded to the proposal of the captain of the Winged Dragon.

Because, at this time, the insect swarm was already close to the range of 30 kilometers, and it could be said that it had officially entered the first-level alert area of ​​the friend clan battle group.

At the same time, they also received an order from the cluster command and began to turn their guns to shell the swarm that had been visually confirmed to belong to a large number of dense Zerg soldiers.

"Hurry up! Change to short-range electric bombs!"

"Damn it, the logistics team! We don't have enough electric bombs, so transfer them from the cargo ship immediately!"

"Third Cliff, you won't use ordinary ammunition to survive without electric bombs first!"

The situation on the bombardment position was obviously unexpected. The output of electric bombs has not been high, because it is a troublesome subject for the friends to make such a small mechanism as the active calcium carbide inside the electric bombs. However, the delivery of this time There are still a lot of electric bombs.

At this time, it is only because of the consideration of the safety of the shelling position when it is attacked, so the ammunition left on the position is generally only prepared for a base.

These shells will be replenished after 1/5 of the shots have been fired, and when this happens, it can only make people express helplessness.

"I'm still inexperienced," the gunner, with a face full of dirt and lubricating oil, shook his head gloomily as he looked at the experimental ammunition that had just been fired.

The rate of fire of the ultra-long-range heavy artillery is actually very high, and it is easy to shoot once a minute, but sometimes it takes three to four minutes to aim, so that the gunner can still take a short break between shots.

In fact, many of these steps can be modified to improve shooting efficiency, and this gunner is also doing this like many people who have begun to accumulate their experience, but obviously the modification of the steps cannot be completed in a day or two. It is related to the adjustment of the entire shelling process and logistics and other auxiliary systems, so now they can only shell slowly.

"I'm still inexperienced," the commander of the artillery regiment sitting in a floating fort above the position shook his head.

The floating turret located under him is a kind of auxiliary equipment designed by the friends for position defense and floating island defense. It is equipped with six to ten super rapid-fire guns, which are specially used to deal with defensive positions. Those insect seas also took into account the role of coordinating battles with battleships.

When marching, this kind of fort was towed by the capital ship.

After arriving at the position, this kind of floating turret, which has no horizontal movement ability at all and can only be adjusted by the battleship, will be put down and become an external firepower output turret.At least in the fantasy world simulation, they are very powerful. As long as they have enough ammunition, even a huge group of flying dragons can hardly get within 2 kilometers of the fort.

Therefore, this kind of turret is regarded as the key to truly hindering the impact of flying insect swarms.

"I'm still inexperienced," Lieutenant General Dia, who was sitting in the command room on the ground, couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw the three-dimensional battlefield situation simulated by the force of thought and sand on the sand table.

Regarding the configuration of the battlefield in front of him, he always felt that there was a problem here, and there should be modification there, but when it came time to do it, he felt that any modification would affect the whole body.

At this time, they are about to meet the enemy. If they suddenly change their formation, the harm will obviously be even greater.

This sense of powerlessness and presence made the Lieutenant General, who once commanded the glorious Longyue Legion, anxious and uneasy.

What went wrong?Why does it always feel like I've overlooked something very important?

Another round of shelling was launched, this was the second round of shelling against the swarm of insects 30 kilometers away, the ammunition was accelerated by the electromagnetic cannon, quickly crossed the entire sky above the entire position, and flew towards the target by rubbing against the clouds.

But at this time, in the clouds, a figure looked at the approaching insect swarm below, and the shelling positions that seemed to be in full swing in the distance, and also sighed.

"Still inexperienced."

At the end of the year, everyone, Happy Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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