Spore Story

Chapter 706 Cave Mountain Defense Battle

Chapter 706 Cave Mountain Defense Battle ([-])

"Still inexperienced."

8051 floating in the clouds sighed, unaware that her words had been repeated N times before.

But at this moment, I feel the mass of Zerg reactions coming from the ground in my spiritual power, and the front of these reactions is only less than 20 kilometers away from the bombardment position, but the top and bottom of the bombardment position are only concerned about the Zerg army who is still 30 kilometers away When she was with the Air Force, even if she knew, she would probably still sigh like this.

Obviously, the Zerg are not fools who can only do things recklessly.

However, because of the lack of understanding of the enemy, the friends were affected by the performance of the Zerg in the previous battles, and instead entered a certain mindset.

At this moment, even Youshen, who has the ability to scan to the ground through mental power, unconsciously ignores the ground in order to be able to scan the Zerg army and air force tens of kilometers away with mental power.

8051 discovered this situation, but she was still hesitating, should she tell the friend troops below about these things?
"If you lack experience, can't my sister tell them?" Shuangyue's newsletter suddenly came to mind.

The little girl who lives in the will space of the planet and chats with ordinary creatures every day does not seem to have given up her attention to the friends, and after being lectured by 8051 last time, she seems to pay more attention to the friends.

"Since we are determined to unite, I don't want the future united race to be an incompetent guy," these were the exact words Shuangyue said at the time, propping up the desk with one hand and swinging at 8051 with the other.

Let’s ignore the desk and so on, but the result of the little Lolita’s indecent actions at that time can be imagined. In the next few days, 8051 was forced to read "Etiquette for Ladies of Friends". blacken.

At this time, even though she had already planned to be tied to the friend clan, she still felt that the friend clan had to show qualified strength before that, but this did not prevent Shuangyue from expressing limited concern for her brother-in-law's race.

In fact, the reason is that Xiao 8 forced him to read too many friends' books, and he was polluted by the friends' morality, um, that's it.

What a good loli...

Closer to home.

"Actually, Shuangyue thinks that my sister's method is a little bit too much." A certain little loli made the above remarks to 8051 on the other side in the space of the planet's will.

"Passed?" 8051 froze for a moment, carefully recalling what he did, but found that it should be normal.

Friends who are inexperienced need all kinds of hardships to sum up so many excellent experiences step by step.And these tribulations, although most of them were not caused by 8051, were also seen and guided by her.

It was also under these tribulations that Pengzu was pushed step by step to its current position.

And this time, no matter how you look at it, it's just a common experience summary, isn't it?
Therefore, 8051 shook her head, and was curious about what Shuangyue said. She was very curious when her dumb sister would care about these things.

"People are growing up too!"

For 8051's reaction, Shuangyue was obviously dissatisfied, and her tooting tone added a bit of cuteness, which made her lose the so-called "grown up" temperament.

8051 snickered.

"That's why, sister, you are too serious, serious! You need to consider the feelings of your friends!"

She was annoyed at first, but after saying these words, Shuangyue's tone suddenly became lighter.Apparently, Little Loli was extremely happy to be able to give a serious lecture on 8051.

"Just like us as the will of the planet, we need to consider the feelings of the biosphere when we act. Although we need to ignore these feelings at certain times, driven by the desire to make them develop rapidly, in fact, we will still To pay attention to their deep-seated needs."

"If the action is too different from the essential needs of the animals, it should not be implemented, because it is likely to cause adverse consequences!"

8051 did not speak, but smiled and waited for his sister's narration.

At this moment, she felt that she could imagine the little Lolita Shuangyue triumphantly shaking her index finger in the space of the planet's will, her eyes slightly closed, and her head held up to speak nonsense.

And the little loli seems to have started to become addicted, and her usual few words have started to go to the other extreme.

"It's like my sister's previous plan to promote biological evolution. Although it will cause a large number of biological deaths, it is indeed in line with the 'evolution' instinct of biological essence, so it has not been refuted. It's a small black house, cluck."

The veins on 8051's forehead began to bulge, and the little Lolita added without realizing it: "So, what my sister did is a bit self-righteous."

"Oh, self-righteous, who do you think I am for!" 8051's tone sounded a bit gnashed.



8051 once again felt the powerlessness of acquired black belly in front of natural black, which is completely squeezed by grades.

"You girl, where did you learn these things!" 8051 felt extremely uncomfortable being ridiculed by a girl who was always lectured by him on business matters, regardless of whether what the other party said made sense or not.

What's more, this girl still looks very reasonable.

On the opposite side, Shuangyue Xiaoliu seemed to be unaware of the crisis, and continued to make that young ringtone: "Well, there are many places, such as "One Minute Friends Social", "Luo Yi Psychology", "Duo La A Meow", "My Favorite Sister", "Blood Stains on the Sink"..."


The front is still normal, but the back is getting more and more broken!

8051 was sweating profusely. She felt that she had to determine a learning process for Shuangyue, otherwise she was very worried that her innocent and lovely sister who occupied the space of the planet's will and could read all Shuangyue's literature without any scruples would be killed. Teach bad.

But now the little girl Shuangyue seems to be in a certain state. If she insists on counter-preaching this little girl who enjoys the joy of preaching to her sister, the effect will definitely be discounted by 99.9%.

Therefore, 8051 decisively changed the topic: "Okay, girl, you said so much, you mean let me remind them to pay attention to the underground?"

"Hey! Ah, no, I almost forgot about it!" A flustered and awkward laugh came from the opposite side.


8051 shook his head, turned around and flew towards the ground. If he really waited for this girl who was a mixture of natural dumb and natural black to think about something serious, maybe the Zerg raid had already succeeded in the Zerg raid.

"Hey! Sister accepted my preaching?"

Shuangyue in the space of the will of the planet tilts her head cutely, her eyes are twinkling with starlight, she seems to be very happy that she finally succeeded in preaching to her sister once, and began to become more and more complacent to the point where she even thought that she could teach her sister in the future .


On the other hand, 8051 resolutely suppressed this kind of overly proud behavior.

"I will consider what you said later, but before that, I just want to avoid problems, so I don't need to impress my friends this time."

8051's answer instantly made little Loli puff up her mouth.But after thinking about it carefully this time, it was considered a success, and she burst into laughter again in an instant.

"This little girl," 8051, who was very aware of his sister's emotional reaction, just shook his head dotingly and smiled wryly.

She has always believed that without a deep-rooted lesson, it is impossible to make a deep impression on people, especially the main consciousness race of the friends who are affected by the illusory and indifferent personality. In many cases, they have an attitude of indifference. Strong stimulation to help.

And this is why she didn't remind the troops below before.

Even this reason can be said to be the theoretical basis for many things she has done so far.

"Just like in the simulation of the fantasy world, sometimes even if it is a dangerous moment before reminding, those guys will heal their scars and forget the pain because of their calmness. But now the friends also have battlefield records, I hope they can improve in this regard Bar."

Thinking this way, 8051 sensed the situation in the entire war zone, and landed at the gate of the cluster headquarters without any haste. Because there was no announcement, facing the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, the two moon spirit guards suddenly became nervous He holds AZ02 in his hand and looks at 8051.

"But Shuangyue, by the way, you seem to talk a lot today, are you trying to show your presence?"

"What is the sense of presence, and it's not much," Little Lolita began to quibble.

After seeing 8051's actions and confirming that the elder sister would inform the commander of the friend clan, little Loli stopped saying a word, which made the older sister 8051 feel very depressed and powerless.

At this time, the guard carefully stepped forward to inquire, pulling 8051 back to reality.

"excuse me, you are?"

"Elder Empty Ling of the Elder's Court, urgent military affairs!"

The identity of the elder of the Peng clan is easy to confirm. With the appearance of the Peng clan, he can fly without relying on wings or even without wings. If he goes further, he can also try the effect of mind power, which is the representative ability of the Youshen level.

As long as these three points are confirmed, it can basically be confirmed that the other party is an elder of the friend clan.

At least this is the case on Shuangyue, because as long as the friends become the Youshen level, they will be arrested and thrown into the elders' house.

Some people in the Zengjin clan concealed their strength and hid for various reasons.

But soon, these people found that it was completely futile. Even if they were hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, the final result would be that they would be welcomed into the elders' house by several Youshen elders from the friend clan within a few days after they were promoted to the Youshen level.

So far, many people are still curious about this. Even in the technical department, there are many people who want to use scientific methods to explain the ability of the elders' house. How did the Pengzu elders' house find these people?
However, both the Elders' Court and the Court of God are silent about this, neither explaining nor prohibiting research.

But no matter how much research was done, no one came to a reliable conclusion. With the start of the Zerg war, this kind of wasteful research was decisively stopped, and the reason was urgently needed to be hidden, and no one among the friends made a breakthrough. After the Youshen level, he is still bored playing the hidden world.

After all, even if you join the elders' house, in fact, if you don't want to do things and run around, no one cares about you.

As for the reason, because I couldn't understand it, it became one of the many mysterious topics in the friends' elders' home and the Shenting, and it became a topic of conversation after dinner.

However, the two Moon Spirit soldiers guarding the gate obviously did not expect that the culprit of this reason had just walked over to them and scared the Lieutenant General Diya inside to death.

"What! Underground!"

Just a moment ago, he was confidently facing Elder Kong Ling who was elusive, wondering if he was thinking about some evil thoughts such as Mr. Kong Huan guarding the vacant room alone, but now, Mr. Lieutenant General's elegance and calmness have long been thrown aside.


God knows why the Zerg still attack from the ground.

Nowadays, the defense of the entire bombardment position is completely based on the construction of ground-to-air defense, and the possibility of being attacked from the ground has not been considered at all.

Although the friends have also been in contact with the Dunjia people's underground combat before, it's not that the friends look down on the Dunjia people, but because of the physical strength of the Dunjia people, the only result of suddenly appearing in the group of friends' soldiers in the ground combat is not that the friends The clan troops were chaotic or even disintegrated, but were ravaged.

Ten Dunjia men couldn't even deal with one friend in close combat.

This caused friends to despise this tactic.

What's more, at this time, the soldiers of the friend clan have already popularized the fourth-generation energy armor, and the officers and special forces have even popularized the fifth-generation energy armor. As for the sixth-generation trial armor, it is now undergoing mass production. Preparation.

As a result, it caused the friends to fall into some kind of misunderstanding.

However, the problem now is that the Zerg's individual combat effectiveness is very strong. Although a fourth-generation armored original soldier can fight three to four dogs alone after being equipped with armor, the Zerg will send the lowest-level dogs as this kind of attacking force. ?

Even when the armored people perform the underground combat, they still choose the most powerful warriors in the tribe, let alone the Zerg tribe.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Dia subconsciously looked at Elder Kongling standing beside the sand table.

"I haven't seen the specific type of arms, but it is definitely not a puppy. With the speed of dealing with digging soil, you can analyze the strength of the opponent's forelimbs alone, and it is definitely close to the giant elephant."

The lieutenant general and the surrounding staff couldn't help but take a breath. As the strongest land unit of the Zerg that the friends have come into contact with so far, the giant elephant is a disaster for the land unit in the fantasy simulation.

In most of the simulated battles, only the direct fire of the Pengzu BL03 assault tank can penetrate the opponent's bone armor, and the penetration is not equal to the kill.The sickle-like forelimbs on the front end of the giant elephant can even easily cut through the defenses of several types of tanks developed by the BL chassis. In the test, it is said that only the defenses of battleships and fortress armor can barely resist.

And now if there are really a few giant elephant-level Zergs suddenly rushing out of the ground...

"This is a lesson, remember it for me! Then, while there are still more than ten minutes before the final contact, adjust quickly!" Looking at the worried headquarters, 8051 roared seriously.

Afterwards, she turned her head to look at the staff officers around her, and ordered sharply: "Why are you still standing there! Do you want to wait until the bugs come out before moving!"

"Ah, yes!"

A group of staff officers straightened up in a panic.

Even in the face of Zerg raids, these guys would not be so frightened, but in the face of 8051, they found it strange that they could not afford to resist anyway.

Thinking about it this way, maybe the experience of 'don't mess with Elder Kong Ling' will be more unforgettable than the experience of 'you need to be careful underground'.

In this regard, 8051 can't laugh or cry.

At this time, although Lieutenant General Dia was the commander of the group, he was already sweating profusely on the sand table and had no time to take care of his surroundings.

As for the elder Kong Ling in front of him, although he looked calm and calm, he didn't expect that it would be fine if he didn't speak, but when he opened his mouth, he scared people to death, making everyone afraid to go forward.

Regarding the reaction of these officers, 8051 just shook his head silently, then turned to look at Lieutenant General Dia who was constantly moving the model of the army on the sand table and surrounded by several staff officers.Through the sand table, everyone can clearly mark the activities of both the enemy and the enemy, and with the help of the Youshen class, this kind of calibration can even be achieved in an all-round three-dimensional manner.

But at this time, the Youshen of the headquarters have all gone out to set up the defense line.

Without hesitation, 8051 quickly mobilized the sand on the sand table with his mind, and shaped the entire battlefield, focusing on the underground world.

The mud and sand are flying and forming continuously while suspended in the air, first is the surface layer of the ground, then the sky, and then the ground.

In a short while, six huge underground passages simulated in front of everyone, and the passages were moving to the high ground where the bombardment position was located at a moderate but firm speed. At this time, the calibration distance given by 8051 was only about 14 kilometers, while the ground troops The position is only 20 kilometers away.

Calculated based on the speed difference between the two sides, it is obvious that the Zerg's plan is: when everyone is fighting fiercely with the ground troops, suddenly rush out of the Zerg raid troops from the inside of the friend's position, and take the opportunity to break through when the friend's race is in chaos Friends line of defense.

If you don't know, there is a high possibility that the friends will be recruited, but now...

The command room was in a hurry.

A few minutes later, His Excellency the Lieutenant General finally regained his composure under the care of the adjutant at the side, because the revision plan was barely finished.

Afterwards, the staff officers around picked up the communication equipment one after another and issued orders to the troops in charge.

"Attention all floating turrets, turrets No. 371 and 372 have moved to the inner circle of the artillery group! The remaining turrets adjust their orientation according to the situation and continue to maintain the current arc formation!"

"Attention all marines, the 304th Assault Regiment Third Gorge immediately withdraws from the position, and retreats to the artillery position to assist the 307th Project Defense Regiment to garrison and strictly prevent the assault of the underground Zerg! The 305th Assault Regiment shrinks the line of defense..."

"Attention the affiliated departments. Immediately deploy the Dunjia communication cliff of the cluster headquarters and the Dunjia Gorge of the artillery group logistics department. Cooperate with the engineering garrison to immediately dig deep tunnels around the periphery of the position, and dig shafts to prevent underground raids inside the position to establish an underground defense line!"

When Lieutenant General Dia began to command, the various troops began to adjust their defense plans in a targeted manner. Although this battle always seemed to have problems, fortunately it has not caused any major troubles so far.

Everyone here breathed a sigh of relief, and 8051, who saw all this, recalled Shuangyue's thoughts, and disappeared in a teleportation while everyone was not paying attention.

"In this way, even if you are attacked again, you will be able to defend yourself. Fortunately, you are free...eh?"

The people who came back to their senses did not see the elders in the command room.

Looking around thoughtfully, Dia stopped the staff who wanted to find the elder: "With the strength of the elder, it is impossible to go wrong. I think I left by myself. Now, let's discuss the effect of the shaft." , after all, it is only something used in the fantasy world to deal with Dunjia raids, and I am afraid it will be a little troublesome to face the higher Zerg units."


It turns out that New Year’s Day is coming soon, hahaha, happy everyone, ga =w=
(End of this chapter)

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