Spore Story

Chapter 707 Cave Mountain Defense Battle

Chapter 707 Cave Mountain Defense Battle ([-])
Under the jingling position, it doesn't feel like a bombardment position. Except that there are no floating engineering equipment, it is more like a construction site in a certain city.And during the quiet period between shelling, this feeling is even stronger, so that the people on the ground don't have much tension in the battle.

In this regard, Dunjia Lava who was guarding the construction site didn't think much, because he was just an engineer, and he was just right for this kind of place.

Sitting on the construction site, he looked at the drawings of the entire position and the expected route of the Zerg underground assault force, thinking hard.

Before the battle on the frontal battlefield, it seems that an underground war without gunpowder will start in advance.Although it may not be visible on the ground, many people can imagine that this battle will not be weaker than ground and sky battles in terms of importance or tragedy.

As a different kind of Dunjia tribe, the brain ability is considered by the Pengzu Technology Department to be at least level [-] and close to level [-] Dunjia lava. He has always been a civil engineering expert of the Pengzu.And this time I was able to ignore the Pengzu's "Decree on the Protection of Highly Skilled Personnel" and came here because the construction of the shelling positions required professionals.

Otherwise, Pengzu would not be willing to let such a valuable professional like him come to the frontline battlefield.

Even now, he still has two energy body attendants by his side. You must know that there are only two to 3000 energy bodies in the whole clan. It can be seen that the friends value him.

Of course, the two attendants, like the elder attendants, also serve as assistants to the protector.

This is also a reasonable use of resources.

"Here, three standard cavities with a diameter of five meters are excavated at the front of the tunnel, which are also in the pattern of two inner rings," Dunjia Lava issued an important engineering order pointing to the blueprint in front of him.

Although Dunjia Lava seemed a little terrified when he got two energy body attendants at the beginning, but after a long time, he got used to it.

Now he is able to instruct the other party to do work without any pressure.

"Yes," one of the attendants turned and left without a trace of embarrassment on his face. Obviously, this kind of thing has happened not once or twice.

When friends treat others, they often value ability.

The ability here does not only refer to combat effectiveness, but also the technical capabilities of all walks of life, including business culture and other aspects.

In terms of civil engineering, this Dunjia man has abilities far beyond theirs, even far beyond the abilities of most of his friends, so they should respect each other, this is what the two attendants think.At first, they might be dissatisfied with letting them, as energy bodies, protect the generally weak Dunjia people, but after getting along for a long time, they will feel relieved.

We are all friends, why should we divide them into such fine details?Although there may also be the idea of ​​dissipating the unhappiness of being "surpassed by the Dunjia people" in it.

Anyway, at least it turned out to be good.

What's more, this arrangement is a fixed decree made by the House of Elders, and they must also abide by it.

It was the Dunjia Lava who proposed to dig a large number of voids underground to replace the original shaft plan.For ground races such as friends, the shaft is obviously much easier to dig, but for the underground race Dunjia, if time is tight and the digging ability of Dunjia is used reasonably, then cavitation digging is much easier and more effective.

After Dunjia Lava learned from the headquarters about the size, number, shape and guessing ability of the underground raiding enemy, he decided on this countermeasure.

After the surrounding Dunjia people started digging with all their strength with the help of Yuelingren and friends, and their own work assignments were completed, Dunjia Lava straightened his body a little, let his slightly sore waist relax, and then looked into the distance The gorge length of the 304rd gorge of the 3th Marine Regiment.

At this time, the opponent was setting up a defensive front for the wheeled assault vehicle in the gorge to which he belonged, according to the cavitation defense plan originally given by Dunjia Lava.

From everyone's point of view, underground raids require secrecy. Once this stealth is lost, the results of the raid troops are doomed to be miserable.But there is a premise that the defensive troops have known the opponent's surprise attack plan early, and at least have enough time to defend.

But the problem is, the time given above is only ten minutes!
Such a short amount of time, in the eyes of the canyon chief, is almost the blink of an eye, but it is almost a joke to arrange so many things according to the plan.But like Dunjia Lava, he had no choice but to cooperate with the Dunjia troops to make sure not to waste any time.

At this time, Dunjia Lava turned his head to look at another attendant behind him, thought for a while and said: "You have also read our underground defense plan just now. You, who come from the military force, are obviously more capable in this area than me, who is purely civil engineering. Great, do you have any questions?"

"Yes," the attendant didn't delay, he pondered for a few seconds and then said mercilessly: "In fact, from the defense point of view, this plan has many loopholes, such as insufficient number of cavitation cells, weak defense force, no reserve force, and uncertain geological structure. And so on, but considering that there is only ten minutes of preparation time, some things are also excusable."

Dunjia Lava nodded with a calm smile, not minding the other party's severe criticism of his plan.

At this time, the attendant continued to say: "Master Lava is clearly aware of these obvious problems. And judging from our cavitation settings, the master's plan is not to completely block the enemy, but to use a few cavitation bubbles to The defense line divides the enemy's troops into several sections, thereby reducing the defensive pressure of our limited number of defensive troops."

At this time, the attendant nodded approvingly: "In this way, the number of enemies that the defensive troops face per unit time will be reduced. This makes the enemy's underground raid, which was originally a large army, become a refueling tactic."

Thinking of this, the attendant couldn't restrain his admiration on his face.

"You can come up with this kind of defense line that can reasonably mobilize the capabilities of various troops in just a few minutes, and can complete the defense line in 10 minutes. Your ability is really admirable, sir."

"You're too proud, this plan is very risky, after all, we know too little about the enemy," Dunjia Lava smiled and said nothing after a moment of humility.

Turning his head to look at the Yuelingren and Friends soldiers who are continuously transporting underground soil to the ground to build the inner defense line of the bombardment position, but he is still thinking about how to further improve during this period of time, but the limit is in the space. Large, people, time, and even engineering equipment are seriously insufficient.

"Hey, I've tried my best."

Now as long as there are no accidents, there is basically nothing related to him.

And the defense lines everywhere have been built. Dunjia Lava is also a strong person with limited ability. If he cannot make better modifications, according to the plan, he should board the flagship or cargo ship to ensure that he can fight in the future. can safely evacuate at any time without any harm.

However, after finishing a project, he likes to occasionally take time to visit his finished product.

This time is no exception.

"Go, go to the defense line and have a look."

Waving his hand, Dunjia Lava didn't wait for the attendant next to him to answer, and took the lead in walking towards the few traffic inclined shafts ahead.

The attendant next to him was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Master Lava, you should leave now. The strength of the opponent's underground army is unknown, and there are only five or six minutes to arrive. It is too dangerous to go down now."

"Don't talk about what's there, and even if it's really dangerous, can't you protect me with your ability?" Dunjia Lava turned around 45 degrees and looked up at the speechless friend's energy body behind him, and then took the lead to get closer To save time, the opening is only the size of two Dunjiamen passing side by side.

Obviously, a servant who is a friend type cannot pass.

Looking at the inclined well that was much shorter than himself, the attendant couldn't help but smile wryly. After a while, his body melted like a liquid, and in an instant, an energy body with the appearance of a dunjia appeared at the mouth of the well.

Regarding this, the Dunjia lava that went deep into the inclined shaft could think of it, and didn't care about it.

He is a Dunjia, although he will not be discriminated against by race among friends, but due to the generally low intelligence and weak physical strength of Dunjia people, even though they are taken care of by friends, they still have many delicate thoughts. Dunjia people will develop uncomfortable feelings when they mature.

Dunjia Lava is one of them.

When he was a child, he was not as smart as he is now. Although his friends never deliberately rejected the Dunjia people, no matter how hard they worked, their grades were often not as good as those of the original people who worked a little harder, let alone the wings. people.

Those guys seem to be playing all day long, but the results are as strong as ever.

However, it is precisely because of the difference between the winged people and the original people that the Dunjia people among the friends are much more peaceful.

Because in terms of intelligence, the Dunjia people are not as good as the original people, and the original people are not as good as the winged people.

In this way, in many cases, if you fight against the Yiren, the original person will stand with the Dunjia; To provoke Yiren, Yiren is forced by social morality and laws, and generally will not provoke Dunjiaren.

In this way, the Dunjia, Yuan, and Yi parties within the Pengzu became a kind of balance.

Many times, they somewhat ignore the difference between the original people and the winged people who belong to the friends, making the Dunjia people a certain ethnic group like the original people and the winged people, and turning the friends into a trinity.

The status of the Dunjia people, even the Yueling people, is not as good as it is now.

This is the result that the Pengzu Presbyterian Home most hopes to see, and it is also the result of their decades of hard work, and now, this result is also blooming beautiful flowers.

The Dunjia people, who are tens of thousands more than the friends, have completely become one of the main forces of the friends, and they have shown excellent strength in civil engineering, underground city agriculture, floating city professional farms, etc. It is already an integral part of the friend family.

As for Dunjia Lava, he can proudly say that he is not weaker than Yuanren, not even Wingren.

Of course, in civil engineering.

"Master Lava, you should be careful!"

A slightly weird complaining accent came from behind, which made Dunjia Lava, who was checking the cavitation defense array along the way, couldn't help but chuckle.

This kind of accent may not be unfamiliar to people many years ago. It was the accent of a Dunjia who was just learning Pengyu.But now, most of the Dunjia people don't know whether it's because of the inheritance of the previous generation, the influence of the environment, or other reasons, and their accent is almost the same as that of their friends.

On the contrary, it was an energy body like my attendant, who had the ability to transform into a Dunjia, because they didn't adapt, so the accent they spoke was the pronunciation of the Dunjia version of Pengyu.

For a long time, Dunjia Lava took pleasure in this.

But there is a limit to everything.

At this time, the two were already 300 meters underground. Although the Dunjia could dig deeper, they didn't have so much time, so the fortifications were temporarily advanced here.

He patted the soil layer under his body lightly, it was slightly wet and obviously not stable.

Because the shelling position was located on the top of Wuming Mountain (named Dongshan after the war), the height of the mountain was about 200 meters, so this place is actually about 100 meters below the ground.

Although the Dunjia people have taken certain stabilizing measures, a few drops of water will still seep from the top of their heads from time to time, which indicates the structural danger of this kind of tunnel.

However, this is not due to the lack of abilities of the Dunjia people, but on purpose.

"If the tunnel is completed, everyone will leave immediately. You don't want to trouble Lord Youshen to come and save you because the tunnel collapsed at this time."

When passing the excavation troops along the way, Dunjia Lava would smile and tell everyone, and the surrounding Dunjia people would respectfully salute and express their understanding after seeing him.

This is the recognition of the great men of the Dunjia tribe.

Even if they have already integrated into the friend clan, there is a person like themselves standing on top of the friend clan, which is something that makes them proud.

"My lord, the enemy is approaching."

The Dunjia man who walked behind the Dunjia Lava frowned slightly, his spiritual power was only two or three kilometers above the surface, and only more than one kilometer underground.He didn't discover this news by himself, but received a notification from the companion on the ground from Youshen.

"Okay, everyone evacuate immediately!"

Regardless of whether the project is completed or not, everyone evacuated underground in an orderly manner following the order of the chief engineer.

After getting out of the hole, Dunjia Lava took a deep breath, calmly watched the waiter waiting in front nodded and turned around, and consciously walked to the distance.

"Let's go back to the cargo ship," it was already the limit to go underground to check.

He knew that if he didn't want to cause trouble to those around him at this time, he could only obediently find a safe place to wait. This was his right as well as his responsibility.

At this time, the leader of the assault gorge passed Dunjia Lava, stopped and asked in a low voice: "Master Lava, do you have confidence in the defense line?"

"Of course." Without stopping, Dunjia Lava continued to walk towards the cargo ship ahead with a smile on his face.

And the commanding officer who heard the answer from the other party also stretched heavily, showing approval.

"This is confidence, soldiers! Work hard! Enter the position!"

Meanwhile, the underground world.

The composition of the Zerg's underground assault force is very simple. It should be a unit left after many trials, but it is not clear whether the formation is perfect.

These bugs may not have a name at all inside the Zerg, or they may only have a code name. After all, the name is also for people to see, and the name of the Zerg does not seem to need to be seen by anyone inside, let alone outside.

After that, the Pengzu gave these bugs very representative but no temperament names, including digging bugs, fire-breathing bugs and so on.

As for whether it is a kind of contempt for the enemy, we don't know.

The guy with a big head and a small body is the digging bug in charge of digging at the front of the team.

At the huge head at the front end of its weird looking body, there is a huge mouth that looks like an ogre in a horror movie. The teeth inside shake back and forth, digging out all the dirt that the mouth touches and driving it away. In the entrance.

Afterwards, the soil in the giant mouth will be driven into the shriveled torso behind the body by something like tentacles in the mouth. While stretching the torso, the soil is constantly being decomposed and transformed into some unknown substance, which is finally secreted from the backyard.

These falling crystals will soon be swallowed by a Zerg named later named fire-breathing insects behind them, and stored on the back of the body to form something like a turtle shell.

This should be a small cycle. Although the current friend Youshen can see this situation with his own eyes and is curious about it, he still can't understand the principle for the time being.

But soon, they will know what it does.

Of course, the Zerg at this time must first face the underground defense line of the friends.

Accompanied by a slight sound of soil falling to the ground, the digging worms digging in front suddenly stopped.Before the fire-breathing bugs in the rear expressed their curiosity (if any), these digging bugs, which are not slow when digging, waved the barely visible limbs of the torso with difficulty, in a depressing way. speed forward.

Cavern in the ground?

The two-gun worm who had been leading the team bypassed the digging worm and appeared in the hollow, and came to the center of the hollow to check.

There are obvious excavation traces inside, which should not have appeared naturally. These traces were not concealed by the Dunjia people at all, but in the eyes of the Double Gun Bug and the surrounding Zerg, such a small hole is not enough to see.

However, they didn't act to mock the enemy, they just mechanically determined that there was no need to worry, and then moved on.

For this army, when encountering an underground cavity, if the cavity is large, the digging worms will avoid the cavity and move from the surrounding soil layer in order to ensure their speed. Their speed in the soil is faster than walking in the cavity. Several times; if the hole is very large, the Zerg behind will move the digging worms on their backs, and let the digging worms start working after quickly passing through the hole.

But now the hole is only four or five meters in size, and it has not reached the body length of a digging worm.

At this time, the time for bypassing and directly passing through is about the same, so of course, the digging bug just regards it as a small obstacle. Although it is annoying, it only takes a few seconds to walk over a few steps.

The surrounding Zerg also think so.

However, they will soon realize how naive this is.

In fact, even Dunjia Lava, who was sitting in the cargo ship while looking at the entire defense line and drinking tea, did not expect that the ground defense project he came up with on the spur of the moment would have such a good effect.

new year new moon say
I hope everyone is happy
Hope the votes are high
I hope the comments are full
Hope to recommend five
Hope to hit millions

(End of this chapter)

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