Spore Story

Chapter 708 Cave Mountain Defense Battle

Chapter 708 Cave Mountain Defense Battle ([-])
Thank you Yue Xingyuan and Yeyue Black Wing for your support~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Let the shells fly!"

On the bombardment position, a special-made calcium carbide shell weighing nearly 200 kilograms was put into the discharge port of the electromagnetic rail gun by the gunner, and then pressed into the magazine by the gunner behind.

Immediately afterwards, the cannon began to adjust its aim.

Accompanied by the final command of the gunner, the gunner easily pressed the shelling button connected to the gun body through the wire, and in less than a second, the entire electromagnetic gun experienced electrification, magnetic field establishment, calcium carbide excitation inside the shell, and shell firing. The whole process of being pushed on the track by the electromagnetic field, and finally the calcium carbide shell leaves the muzzle at a speed of several times the speed of sound.

The rotating cannonball broke through layers of air in the sky, leaving behind a belated whistling sound, but the main body drew an arc, ruthlessly rubbing against the bottom of the cloud layer, and finally smashed heavily more than ten kilometers away It seemed to be densely packed, but in fact, there was still a swarm of insects separated by one or two meters.

Although it was a pity that the shell failed to directly hit a giant elephant that was very close, it still grazed the opponent's right carapace, and hit the ground after bringing out a deep bloodstain.

Huge pressure was exerted on the flat and dense soil on the ground, and then a huge amount of soil was forcefully pushed away from the restraints of the ground, splashing in all directions like bullets, instantly piercing through a dozen or so Zerg that were nearby.

However, the power of calcium carbide shells is more than that.

At the moment of bottoming out, the extrusion caused the firing pin at the front end of the shell to be pushed into the core of the shell, which was wrapped firmly by the shell. The 30 catties calcium carbide bomb, which had been excited by high voltage during launch, was excited by 1 gram inside itself. After the striker of calcium carbide strikes, the internal balance of the calcium carbide bomb is quickly destroyed.

In an instant, a strong burst of energy caused the gas inside the closed shell to expand rapidly.

The shells with dents were made at the time of design, and many cracks appeared according to the trajectory of the dents when they hit the ground. At this time, they were subjected to strong expansion and extrusion, and they burst instantly within 0.001 seconds of hitting the ground. open.


The power of this explosion is not comparable to the mud splash produced by a solid bomb hitting the ground before. The huge shock wave was mixed with electromagnetic disorder and eroded the entire field.The shock wave was generated when the soil just splashed one or two meters into the air, and then pushed the soil again, flying farther like a shotgun, while the electromagnetic disturbance directly disrupted the body coordination of all the Zerg within the range.

As we all know, biological activities are controlled by brain neurons through bioelectricity, and it is difficult for Zerg to avoid it, and this is where the direct combat power of this electromagnetic disorder lies.

Therefore, in the face of the soil shotguns produced by the shock wave, the Zerg within a radius of 300 meters could hardly even react, and would be wiped out by the shotguns.

However, it is a pity that this shell fell into the middle of the four giant elephants. The giant elephants are five or six meters tall, causing the electromagnetic disturbance caused by the calcium carbide bomb. However, the splashed soil and shock waves only took the lives of these four giant elephants.

Compared with other calcium carbide bomb companions who harvested dozens or hundreds of Zerg, the results of this calcium carbide bomb are obviously not on the table in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, it is disgusting.

But it has done its job and is dead.

The artillery team that completed another shooting mission did not stop, because it was a medium-to-short-range attack, the artillery team did not need too much time to confirm the results of the battle and change the aiming direction on a large scale, but only 2 minutes after the previous shell was fired, The second shell has already been fired again.

As an ultra-long-range heavy artillery, once the enemy enters a range of 10 kilometers, the heavy artillery regiment can no longer attack these enemies, but will hand over the task to the fleet and marines.

Afterwards their main task was to continue the 'precision' strikes against the Zerg base.

At this moment, the ground troops are still bombarding the swarm of insects as always, and watching the opponent approach a little bit; the sky troops have begun to adjust the defense line of the battleship, setting their respective attack ranges according to the enemy's position; Stretch out an electromagnetic gun with a range of 15 kilometers; and in the ground, the enemy has already begun to attack...

In other words, the enemy has already begun to suffer losses.


The ear-piercing sound of insects sounded in the cavity, and the only consequence of the reverberation was that the structure of the cavity was already unstable. After being excavated by the digging insects and the neighing of the Zerg, it began to continuously drop soil and water droplets, and it seemed that it would completely collapse in the next moment. so-so.

As for why the Zerg neighed?

Probably even these seemingly emotionless bugs are annoyed by this continuous void.

From the very beginning of encountering a cavity, a cavity of five or six meters appeared almost every five or six meters. In many cases, the digging Wormtail hadn't left the previous cavity, and his head had already entered the next cavity.

Faced with this cheating situation, under the command of the double gun bugs, the diggers had originally planned to go up, or go left and right, but what they didn't expect was that the left, right, up and down were all such cheating empty bubbles.

How many bubbles did those bastards dig!
If the Zerg had a mind, maybe they would already be complaining like this now.

It's a pity that their thinking ability is very weak, and fighting is everything to them.So according to the plan, they continued to dig up diagonally, so that at least the length of the soil layer would be a little longer.As for letting the Zerg drag the digger through the hole, it's a waste of time.

In fact, unbeknownst to the Zerg, there were not many of these voids.

The density of the voids they feel is only because the friends have insight into the movement of these Zergs, which can create this illusion.

However, the Friends of the Clan obviously wouldn't tell the enemy such things, not to mention that the two sides still couldn't speak the same language.

At this time, the ground suddenly trembled slightly. Standing next to the electromagnetic gun with a small recoil, the gunner who was bombarding the position clearly felt this tremor. Although it stopped quickly, it still reminded him of something.

"Has the Zerg attacked?"

Sweeping his gaze slightly across the ground, he quickly regained his composure, got up and roared at the gunners of the surrounding guns: "The enemy has entered 11 kilometers, and the attack on the swarm is over, and the target is transferred to the small base outside the Zerg Meteorite Base. The next target coordinate……"

And when the long-range heavy artillery began to shift targets and the floating fort began to accept tasks, they did not expect that a large piece of the originally thick ground was empty under them.

This is the masterpiece of Dunjia Lava, and he is even very proud of it.

Below the position, there is an area left by the rock layer that can be used for the collapse of the lower layer.When the Zerg underground troops passed by, the already unstable bubble-like area of ​​the underground cavity quickly collapsed.The collapsed soil does not come from the ground, but from the area below the ground, which avoids the impact of underground battles on the ground.

When it collapsed, those digging worms were fine, at most they felt pain and effort, but the worms behind them, such as the double-gun worms and fire-breathing worms, had no ability to dig.

After a large amount of soil was squeezed down, a huge cavity was actually formed inside the mountain where the entire shelling position was located (the origin of the name Dongshan after the war).Underneath the cavity, the soil that originally belonged to the large cavity filled the group of small cavities dug out by the Dunjia people.The worms that were in it before were not buried in the soil at all, and their limbs could not move, so their movements were completely restricted.

As a result, less than half of the Zerg's underground offensive troops had been lost before they really came into contact with the enemy.

"very good!"

When he felt the trembling, Dunjia Lava, who was sitting on the cargo ship that was still on the ground, showed a satisfied smile, and even rarely showed a little bit of complacency, but he deserved it.

And after hearing the situation confirmed by the attendants by their mental strength, several people present happily raised their drinking cups.

"For the ultimate victory!"

"For victory!"


However, the celebration of Dunjia Lava will not affect the operation of other departments. After receiving the report from Youshen, who is in charge of the underground defense line, the headquarters only replied "very good" lightly, and said no more.

Because they also have to face enemy attacks on the ground and in the sky.

As for the underground, this small victory at the beginning is just the beginning.

The role of the subterranean cavitation is only in its initial power. Although many Zergs were flattened by the collapse, and the mobility of a large number of Zergs was blocked, the friends have no means to further reap the results of the battle at this time, and can only 'see' With the digging worms digging out the worms that don't rely on breathing to survive, one by one.

However, the effects of 'slowing down the enemy's speed' and 'dividing the enemy's impact' of the bubble group did work.

Some Zerg underground troops that did not enter the cavity group had already broken through the underground soil layer at this time, and suddenly appeared in the newly formed cavity below the bombardment position with an extremely strong attitude, mixed with the annoyed desire to be teased before. To teach the enemy a lesson, of course, even if there is no previous incident, they will try their best to teach the enemy a lesson.

And this hole is the battlefield prepared by Dunjia Lava for the friends and Zerg underground troops, and it is also to prevent the Zerg from directly interfering with the battle of the heavy artillery group above.

At this moment, the chariots of the assault gorge were sporadically staying above the large number of protruding rocks on the side of the hollow, at the lower level of the muzzle.

Before the subsurface soil started to squirm, many people in the gorge with high mental strength had already discovered the arrival of the Zerg (the squeezed soil could not be concealed), and immediately notified the people around.

An assault gorge has 500 people, because it is a mobile force configuration, equipped with 50 assault vehicles, each with three people: a driver, a gunner, and a motorized infantry.

At this moment, when more than 100 excavating worms suddenly sprang out from the ground, 50 double-barreled 25mm rail guns and 50 AZ02 spoke at the same time, accompanied by dozens of calcium carbide bombs.

Almost at the moment when the first wave of digging bugs emerged, the fate of these guys was already doomed.

Under such an attack force, even if a giant elephant emerges from the ground, there will only be one result—death, let alone digging worms.

Therefore, the attackers looked at the enemy in front of them excitedly, and under the impact of bullets, shells and bombs, they turned into sieves and flesh and blood, filling the entire void.

"Stop attacking!"

After a while, the gorge chief confirmed that there were no Zerg living in the hollow ground at this time, and the ammunition could not kill the enemies below, and then issued a silent order through the mental network connected to the personnel inside the assault gorge.Everyone stopped shooting at the same time, and looking around, there were only more than 100 excavator corpses that had only crawled out of half of their bodies.

Many corpses were hit by electric bullets, and the specific shape could not be seen clearly.

The ordinary soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but the leader of the gorge and a few experts in mental power were not in that mood.

Through the sharing of the spiritual network, those soldiers who were slightly relieved also quickly learned that the enemy had not been wiped out, and gathered their spirits to be vigilant on the ground in the cave.

This is another advantage of the Friends Clan. A lot of research on mental power technology has made the friends Clan's battlefield communication and member command reach an extremely high level.If the short-term emotional reactions caused by the members as intelligent individuals are excluded, the friends' command is even comparable to that of the Zerg, and may even be slightly exceeded.

But now, facing the enemy, everyone didn't think much about it.

Hold the butt of the gun tightly, keep your hands on the buttons, keep your eyes on the ground, and concentrate your mental power. These are the movements of the soldiers.

After a short period of calm, the entire cave floor began to shake violently like boiling. Obviously, the enemy this time would not be the auxiliary Zerg like the Digger, but the dangerous main force of the Zerg.


This time, without waiting for the enemy to show up, the gorge chief gave the order to attack.

In the observation of spiritual power, judging from the outline of the soil being squeezed, the enemy this time will be a giant beetle like a scarab. They did not dig the soil, but directly used huge force to push the thick Stratum, the intention is to open the soil to move towards the ground.

At this time, the soil layer was only less than half a meter thick, and the ammunition of electromagnetic weapons would be weakened after passing through the soil, but the degree of weakening was not great.When hitting the fire-breathing bug below, relying on the concentration of ammunition, many lucky bullets still passed through the gaps in the carapace and pierced the inside of the beetle.

The specially configured armor-piercing projectiles and electric projectiles also produced a very good killing effect.

When the first fire-breathing bug emerged, there were already more than thirty fire-breathing bugs left forever in the soil that was still more than ten centimeters thick.

However, tough battles followed.

The fire-breathing insects that popped up were smashed into a sieve by more than a dozen rapid-fire cannons in an instant, but under the intensive artillery fire, if one broke through the soil, there would be a second and a third...

A burst of strong light flashed, and the moment another fire-breathing bug crawled out of the ground, it shot out a pillar of hot flames from its tiny mouthparts, and then swept towards the cliff.

A strong fire flashed, the battle continued, and the entire battlefield became a world of iron and blood.

The rocks that originally supported many assault vehicles did not last long after facing the flame attack of the Zerg. All the vehicles that could evacuate went around to the bottom of the cave through the tunnel dug in advance by the Dunjiamen.Although this caught the Zerg by surprise, the effect was not high.

At this time, as the Zerg troops continued to drill out of the soil, more and more Zerg corpses were accumulated in the cavity, and the pressure on Assault Gap, which was good at mobile combat, also began to increase greatly.

"Pay attention to the left side! Cliff 1 and Team 2 concentrate on attacking this end!"

At this time, the command of the spiritual network has been replaced by a one-way command from high to low. The command of the gorge leader can be heard by everyone or only by people of a certain class, and so on.As for the soldiers who could have talked to the commander, they could only report to their superiors in order to avoid too much communication causing interference to the commander.

But this didn't cause much trouble, because everything was simulated in the fantasy world.

A soldier who has been in the friend army for one year has at least two years of imaginary simulation time, and although the imaginary simulation is not as good as real combat, it is also much more realistic than ordinary exercises.

So in terms of experience, all friends soldiers are actually half veterans.

Therefore, after a little panic at the beginning of the battle, they quickly transformed into veterans and fought more smoothly. At this time, the commander's technical level is the test.Because the command ability often requires massive battles to accumulate, but the real battle command can not be carried out in batches like soldier training.

Friends can quickly train a qualified soldier, but they cannot quickly train a qualified commander.

This has created a more embarrassing situation for the Pengzu: As the battle continues, the original ambush in the hollow seems to have begun to become an independent battle of the team, and it is completely unable to take advantage of the collective coordination of combat.

In response to this situation, the Pengzu Military Academy has a compromise solution, which is to command the entire gorge as a small team at this time, the commander is the captain, and the commanders of each cliff are the soldiers of the small team.

The results of this approach are obviously not good, but it also barely allows the friend tribe troops to take advantage of the Zerg with a less commanding Zerg.

"Team 2 and 5 went around and blew up that damn bug corpse with a calcium carbide bomb. Only one of them blocked the trajectory of the entire team!"

"Team 3 Cliff and Team 3 pay attention to the left, another fire-breathing bug is coming out!"

The remaining assault vehicle of the called team hurriedly turned right to avoid the ground where the Zerg was expected to appear, while the two soldiers left stood there straight with anticipation.

"Hey, let you taste the delicious bomb of the Moon Spirit!"

The soil boiled, and a fire-breathing bug broke through the ground like a formula, lowered its head, and sprayed flames.

But this time it failed to perform as well as its predecessors, because the soldiers who had begun to sum up their experience during the nearly half-hour battle also jumped onto its back carapace when it rushed out of the ground.

Facing the unsuspecting fire-breathing insects, the two moon spirit soldiers smiled strangely, and then they all activated the calcium carbide bombs with the triggering devices in their hands.The next moment, the bomb was directly inserted into the soft flesh next to the flamethrower of the flamethrower, and the soldiers jumped off the flamethrower as if fleeing for their lives, and rushed towards their own team.

In an instant, the fire-breathing insect that just spewed out flames seemed to pause, but a bright light flashed across its head.

After a few seconds for the people around to get used to it, there was only half of the fire-breathing bug's rear carapace that was filled with the earth-red crystals decomposed by the digging bug.

"The enemy is coming again, prepare!"

(End of this chapter)

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