Spore Story

Chapter 709 Chu Jie's Proposal

Chapter 709 Chu Jie's Proposal

Thank you Shuijing Minghuatian, zload, and Slim-Shady for their monthly support. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Experience is important, and the elders of the friend clan always remember this sentence.

Today, the soldiers of the Pengzu have also deeply realized the importance of this sentence.

At daybreak, when the third combat group's underground troops rely on the experience accumulated in the battle, they use it to block and even start to clean up the Zerg raiding underground; Within six kilometers, without any rest at all, the accelerating sea of ​​insects launched a barrage attack; when the sky fleet relied on the countless experience accumulated in the nightmarish simulated battles in the fantasy world, it began to collide fiercely with the sea of ​​insects in the sky ...

Chu Jie and Chu Ling, who were located at No. 03 Meteorite Base, also happily welcomed the first and second battle groups that seemed to be playing with soy sauce.

Yes, it is indeed soy sauce.

Let's go back in time a little bit by an hour.

At this time, the Dongshan (named after the war (=.=)) bombardment position where the third combat group is located has just fought with the underground raid Zerg, allowing the bugs to taste the fun of the vacuolation group; The Yinshen and Youshen teams started watching the raid on the No. 03 Meteorite Base.

For the impatient Chu Jie, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing the enemy there and waiting for the follow-up army.

Therefore, when Chu Ling told her not to rush to attack the distant meteorite base for the third time because of the lack of thunder clouds and the need to ensure safety, the Yin God was dissatisfied.

"Anyway, it's just a fight on the periphery. If it can go further, go further. If it doesn't work, it's a big deal and just retreat."

I still have great respect for Chu Ling, the former vice-captain of Quack's team, Chu Jie. Even though the strengths of the two sides are very different at this moment, there is not much to pursue for them, or to pursue the elders who have tended to be purified. In other words, past memories and relationships are extremely valuable.

Therefore, during the communication, even though she was a Yin god, Chu Jie still put herself in a lower stance when facing Chu Ling.

This kind of behavior shocked and puzzled Otonashi and the others around him, but both Chu Ling and Chu Jie were used to it.

"Isn't it also beating on the periphery now?"

Just like Chu Jie's understanding of Chu Ling, Chu Ling's understanding of Chu Jie was vacant for a few years, but now she has made up for it, so she also knows the bottom line: "You are now a Yin god, and your strength is certainly strong, but this is not you. The world that pursues breakthroughs in strength is the battlefield that concerns the entire friend civilization!"

In Chu Ling's view, the real battlefield and the story are absolutely different: in the story, the protagonist can be on the battlefield because of his blood and fanatical disregard of the orders of his superiors and the careful plans of countless people, but he can succeed repeatedly, and it is miraculous. Breakthrough in strength, become a master in the nick of time, and finally become a hero or something.

But that's a story after all.

On the real battlefield, what a commander hates the most is soldiers who don't obey orders, even if he will make greater achievements because he doesn't obey orders.From the commander's point of view, every step must be careful and cautious. They need to consider that if Chu Jie, one of the four Yin gods of the friend clan, falls due to that one-in-a-thousandth accident during the adventure, what will happen to him? It was the friends who suffered the most, not the Zerg.

Moreover, even if Chu Jie made some breakthroughs in this battle, with her stable strength at the elementary level of the Yin God level, she could only enter the intermediate level at most.Compared with the possible losses, the gains are too disproportionate.

Therefore, Chu Ling, who knew how boring and dangerous the real battlefield was, felt that she had to consider the strength of the entire friend clan and not allow Chu Jie to take risks.

But regardless of whether Chu Ling was right or wrong, the hot-headed Chu Jie obviously would not accept this idea.

In her opinion, there is nothing to take a little risk in the battle, the phrase "if you don't enter the tiger's den, you will catch the tiger's cubs" was what Kong Huan told them back then.Although the tiger, like the little fur ball, can only be used as a pet in their eyes, but a little change of identity to the little Lingyun... Ah no, if it is the little white rabbit, the implication of this idea seems to be understandable.

Therefore, when the dispute between Chu Jie and Chu Ling began to stalemate, which might cause time wasting, the four ghost gods and one ghost god of the team chose to vote.

As a result, Otonashi and Chu Ling agreed to continue to maintain the current insurance tactics of cutting flesh with small knives; Changzhan and Chu Jie agreed to take advantage of high-end strength and break through the Zerg meteorite base in one fell swoop to win a quick victory.

Two votes against two votes, the result made people on both sides look at each other in dismay.

But at this time, Lamia, who escorted the crocodiles all the way to the L15 Equatorial Floating Observatory for questioning, was worried and ran back alone, and arrived just in time. This ghostly goddess from the Far West is under a lot of pressure.

"I, that, I think, ah! By the way, I heard that the situation at No. 05 is not good. I think our side should end quickly."

Maybe it was too nervous, Lamia's words at the beginning seemed very confusing, but both sides had a high level of understanding, so she quickly understood her thoughts: We are not in an isolated situation, the No. 03 meteorite base has been resolved, but there is still The No. 05 Meteorite Base is waiting. If we can take some risks here to solve the problem quickly, and then rush to help No. 05 as soon as possible, it will be beneficial to the entire battle situation.

In this way, Chu Ling accepted it.

"I'm sorry, I've been dealing with the problem here at No. 03 before, but I've limited my thinking to one place."

Lowering her head and admitting her mistake, Chu Ling, who regained her strength without waiting for a few people to comfort her, showed a smiling face to everyone: "But this is also an important experience, and it can be regarded as something in strategic thinking, quack."


So, without waiting for Lei's coquettish and tender people to recover from her quick face change, Chu Ling flew into the sky this time with more enthusiasm than Chu Jie.At this time, the consideration of the problem is no longer a question of whether to take risks, but a conclusion drawn from looking at the problem from the perspective of the entire battle situation.Obviously, if the battle here on No. 03 ends as soon as possible, then the combat power drawn out will be able to rush to the direction of No. 05 faster.

Personal adventures and strategic issues, which is more important, can be understood instantly by a few people.

"Call me impatient, Chu Ling, you are more impatient than me!"

Chu Jie, who was preempted, had no complaints, laughed and rushed into the sky, and soon arrived at Chu Ling's side at the speed of a yin god.

Afterwards, the few people stayed in the sky where the Thunder Beast had been busy for a long time before collecting the thunderclouds.

The reason for Chu Ling's initial plan was the lack of thunder clouds. Cutting flesh with a small knife is a safe way, and it is also a helpless decision when the logistics supply is insufficient, because this kind of plan can make the attack consume Lei Yun's speed and thunder clouds. The cloud replenishment rate reaches an equilibrium.

But since the plan has been changed to focus on raiding the meteorite base, then look at the problem after changing our thinking. This thundercloud with a radius of several kilometers seems to be just enough to meet the offensive consumption of several people.

"Then, it's better for Chu Jie to pass through a thunderstorm first, and after cleaning up the messy things around the meteorite base, we will rush into the base together by relying on the advantage of a small number of people. At that time, Chu Jie will be the main attack, and our support methods will quickly attack the base." Cleaning the interior of the meteorite base, it is best to be able to kill the opponent's command center cerebrum in one blow, that would be very good, how about it?"

"Agreed." Hearing that she was the main attack, Chu Jie was of course satisfied.

"Agreed!" Lamia immediately seconded.

"Agreed," the long battle followed.

"Ditto," Otonashi...

"Okay, let's go!"

The strength of Yinshen is equivalent to the combination of Youshen and Leiyun, and this is only a comparison in quantity. In fact, Yinshen is also extremely powerful in terms of manipulation.

Because this attack is a key raid, Chu Jie's thunder storm needs to clear the insect swarms and air defense facilities on the way of several people around the main meteorite base, so she did not create an indiscriminate large-scale thunder storm as before, but It took a little more mental power to narrow down the range of the thunderstorm to achieve a precise attack plan.

They are guarding outside the base, because Chu Ling and others have continued to use small knives to cut flesh before, and it is inevitable that some of the meteorite bases will increase the outer defense and ignore the inner defense. A trace of 'panic'.

This kind of Zerg's 'panic' is not because the groups of other races are busy, but that when the commander temporarily stagnates in command, the bottom Zerg's response to the attack is slow.

The continuous thunderbolts precisely bombarded the swarms and buildings outside the meteorite base one after another. If you observe carefully, you will find that there are actually only six thunderbolts appearing at the same time.However, because Thunder's attack speed is generated too fast, and the afterimage of Thunder will stay for a few seconds, this makes people look like there are hundreds of Thunder in the sky at the same time.

The Zerg had encountered thunderstorms several times before. Although the meteorite base could avoid it with a lightning rod, ordinary small bases and the Zerg could not avoid this kind of thunder bombardment, which had an active attack effect.

Therefore, when he reacted, the commander of the Zerg first made a few long lightning rods above the meteorite base according to his previous experience, and at the same time hurriedly mobilized the living bugs out of the range of the thunder storm, and guarded the ground. On the outskirts of the small storm area, prepare to rush in at any time to reoccupy the territory after the Thunder.

The Zerg commander thought that although some buildings would be lost by this action, he could still avoid the enemy's attack. Obviously, he did not expect that Chu Jie and the others had already entered the inside of the thunder storm at the same time as the thunder storm.

The energy body can create thunder, but it is also easy to attract thunder's attack.

Every year, three or four people of the Friends of the Clan accidentally die from lightning strikes. Most of them are those whose internal energy is unstable, but they do not follow the Lightning Protection Measures of the Friends of the Clan. They think they can learn from their predecessors and use this to convert energy .After the energy technology has matured, this kind of misfortune has been relatively reduced, but there are still one or two unlucky people every year.

If too much energy is injected by being hit by the thunder at the same time, even the energy body will have no good end.

But at this time, with Chu Jie precisely controlling Lei Ting, and the few of them were at the Youshen level, there was no such worry.

So when the thunder storm began to weaken, and the Zerg commanders began to reduce the encirclement of the insect swarm just like the previous experience of the thunder storm, preparing to regain this area and see how many buildings were lost, Chu Jie and the others had already floated on the meteorite. Outside the shell of the base, he stared at the hard meteorite base in a daze.

In the sky, the thundercloud that was originally located outside the meteorite base had already taken advantage of the Zerg's inattention and stood directly above the meteorite base.

Perhaps it was the too long memory of "the inseparable relationship between thunder and thunder cloud", which caused the Zerg commander to have a blind spot in thinking in this regard, thinking that thunder cloud was just moving naturally, but it made Chu Jie and others move more smoothly.

"Everyone has seen the No. 04 Meteorite Base and the previous No. 02. Although we are not sure that this base is the same as those two, the internal structure must be similar."

Taking advantage of the fact that the thunderstorm lasted for more than a minute, Chu Ling began to assign specific tasks.

"Among us, Otonashi is from the intelligence department, and he is a rare mind control Lv7. He can better confirm the road and target location, so I will lead the way. Remember, our main target is the Zerg commander , after the paralysis, go and clean up the others slowly!"

"Lamia and Changzhan are about the same strength. They are both in the early stage of the Youshen class and approaching the middle stage. You are responsible for guarding Chu Jie's left and right sides to ensure that the entire team is not approached by the swarm, so as not to be delayed in action!"

"Chu Jie, don't say much about your strength. If you encounter those troublesome things such as walls blocking the way, giant elephants, and corrosive dragons, give me a fist and knock them down. If anyone can stop you in a small-scale battle God, then we friends should wash up and sleep."

"Of course, hee hee."

Chu Jie raised her head in deep agreement with what Chu Ling said.

However, she has this proud capital. If it is only about individual strength, the Yinshen class can even fly to an altitude of nearly a hundred kilometers, and even only needs to absorb energy from nature without the support of oxygen, food and other things.Under the defense of the evolutionary psychic shield, they even have defense capabilities beyond the battleship level.

If it is said that a yin god is a super battleship equipped with thunder cannons all over its body, it is correct.

"But, Chu Ling, what are you doing?"

"Me," Chu Ling said with a smile, pointing to Leiyun above her head: "Someone must do the logistics. I am responsible for guiding Leiyun into the meteorite base to provide support for everyone. Except for you, Chu Jie, everyone else here can rely on me to help everyone." This thundercloud will provide you with lasting combat power."

"Besides, anyway, there is no problem for us that the thunderclouds obstruct the line of sight. The Zerg base does not seem to have such a thing as mind power. point (dense), but there is no means to completely disperse the thundercloud, or it is not paid attention to or cared about at all.”

"Then let's take this great opportunity to fully utilize Lei Yun's ability."

"Okay! Let's go, sisters form a team to defeat the Zerg boss!" Chu Jie raised her fist emotionally, and Lamia and Chu Ling echoed.

However, the two men, Otonashi and Nagajo, expressed that they were under a lot of pressure.

"Ah, of course there are brothers, Ga." Chu Ling hurriedly added after discovering this, while Chu Jie stuck out her tongue cutely.


The faces of the five people were different, but they still lined up. At the moment when the thunder storm subsided, Chu Jie started with a powerful impact of thoughts, and after breaking open the door of the Zerg Meteorite Base that had been closed since the outlying bases began to develop at full strength, everyone started Suddenly rushed into the meteorite base at a speed as if teleporting.

Outside, the swarm of insects was once again in 'chaos', and many of the zergs who were rushing towards the thunderstorm area turned around in situ because they had no follow-up command for the time being.

However, Chu Ling and the others obviously did not pay attention to the situation outside at this time.

At the same time, dozens of spacecraft with a length of more than [-] meters were wandering in the sky hundreds of kilometers away.

The huge fleets of the first and second clusters are now chasing clouds and fog, rushing towards the No. 03 meteorite base.

On the Qingsong, the flagship of the first cluster, the commander of the cluster was drinking the delicious tea in the cup one by one.

"Isn't it here yet?"

"At the current speed, it will take another six hours."

The adjutant was so conscientious that he stood beside the captain stiffly, without a trace of looseness, he looked like an iron-blooded soldier.

But the cluster commander who heard the answer seemed a little depressed.

"It was our first and second joint clusters that left the friends to fight at first, and our joint cluster is the most powerful one. Let's see what we have done along the way?"

The adjutant didn't look sideways.

"Read the battle report, rush on the road, eat and sleep for training, continue to read the battle report, continue to rush on the road, continue to eat, sleep and train... Fuck me! When we were doing this, the third group destroyed the No. 04 meteorite base, and now they are bringing The heavy artillery regiment crossed the polar region and got involved with the bugs at the No. 05 Meteorite Base!"

"Why do you think our luck is so unlucky?" The commander squatted down the teacup heavily on the console, staring at the splashing tea with ecstatic eyes.

"Captain, it's not a matter of luck, it's just limited by the distance and mission. Besides, isn't it six hours before we arrive? Elder Chu Ling also said before that he would use a knife to cut flesh to constantly weaken Enemy, wait for us to arrive and give us a full blow."

"A full blow? It's just eating leftovers. We don't know the strength (character) of Master Chu Jie. Even if you cut the flesh with a knife, I'm afraid the flesh will have been cut by then, and the bones will be left... That meteorite base That's fine."

"At least there is a meteorite base, isn't there?" The adjutant was very calm.

At this time, the hatch behind him was pushed open, and a armored communicator hurriedly charged towards the bridge, but was accidentally caught in the groove of the hatch, and he simply curled up into a ball and rolled into the bridge like a ball , and finally hit the captain's back hard, and let out a painful cry.

The atmosphere of the entire bridge suddenly relaxed.

This situation of being caught by the groove under the hatch at the same level as the ground seems to be the first time the ancestors created the world, and a group of bridge members all had strange expressions.

But the next moment, they couldn't calm down anymore.

"Report, report! Master Chu Ling's newsletter..."

(End of this chapter)

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