Spore Story

Chapter 710 Commander's Chapter Fuck

Chapter 710 Commander's Integrity
Can't be calm, absolutely can't be calm.

At this very moment, the entire bridge was filled with an atmosphere of restlessness that could not be calmed down.

The people who had been suffocated by the long march for a long time could not calm down their emotions at this time.

This is different from the army march. After the army marches for a long time, even if there are transport vehicles, everyone will still be tired like a hound, but the warship march is not like this.

Since the second-generation warship test ship Jianyu suffered a power outage accident caused by a water leak, the design of Pengzu's warships has been more and more considerate of humanization, and what is humanization?The simplest explanation is comfort.

Therefore, the battleships are on their way for the past few days. Except for the usual training, the members of the combined fleet of the first and second clusters are basically no different from vacations, and the floating battleships are also quite stable. Chu Jie, the yin god, was summoned to help, and she was not afraid of the bad weather at sea.

However, looking at the vast blue sea below me like this every day, after a long time, even the classic sentence "O sea, you are all water" popped up, one can imagine how bored and idle these crew members are. What a pain in the ass.

Therefore, the battle that can start in six hours is something this group of guys have been waiting for for a long time.

For this reason, the non-warship operation related personnel on each warship have already started to prepare for combat, and the plan to go to war as soon as they reach the target has been customized and completed early.However, at this time, Elder Chu Ling actually sent you the news that 'they have launched a surprise attack on the core of the Zerg Meteorite Base'.

That's pretty cool!

"Commander! This ship requests to speed up and go to assist in the battle! Although the elders are powerful, they are outnumbered after all. As friends, we must not sit idly by at this time!"

Well, thanks to the captain of the flagship, he even found the reason so quickly.

The maximum safe operating speed of the capital ship is 399km/h, but the United Fleet only maintains the speed at the poor safe speed of 130km/h for the cargo ship because of the protection of the cargo ship. one of the long-term reasons.

However, in the eyes of everyone, the current situation is already a serious situation of "running fast and fighting, running slowly and running out of soup".

It was clear that they had no interest in making the trip an actual outing.

If this is the case, won't they be unable to even lift their heads when they see the people of the third battle group in the future.

So, you must speed up!
In fact, as the commander of the first combat group, the lieutenant general sitting behind the captain's seat is also considering this issue.But what he is worried about is that if the ships are rashly sent out of the United Fleet, if there is any loss on the cargo ship, they will also be to blame.

But at this moment, a communication was connected to his mind without warning.

"Your Excellency Xing Tian, ​​is there anything?" The lieutenant general frowned and asked the commander of the second group on the opposite side. It seemed that his old opponent was the one who could contact him like this at this time, and at this moment, he had A bad thought.

Sure enough, there was a quick response from the other side.

"Your Excellency Haotian, you must have received a message from Elder Chu Ling. Although I admire the brave behavior of the elders, as a member of the friends, especially a member of the army, let the elders personally experience the battlefield to buy us time It is enough, at this time we must not sit back and watch the elders take risks."

Lieutenant General Haotian nodded subconsciously, and then realized why these words sounded so familiar.

But before he could think about it carefully, the tone on the other side became more passionate.

"Therefore, after careful consideration, this group believes that the second combat group can break away from the joint fleet and rush to the No. 03 meteorite base in order to protect or assist several elders in combat. The first group is powerful and can protect the first group alone. All the freight ships of the second and third groups! So, please!"

After saying these things in one breath, Lieutenant General Xing Tian on the opposite side did not wait for Hao Tian's recovery at all, and suddenly disconnected or even blocked the communication.

Then, there was an exclamation from the bridge: "Vice Admiral! The battleships of the second group! Damn, those guys are going to run!"

Everyone on the bridge who saw the actions of the battleships in the second group through the portholes didn't know what happened. A few people with binoculars even watched the cheers of some people in the second group of warships and gritted their teeth, so in an instant, everyone was noisy yelled.

Lieutenant General Haotian, who was sitting in the command seat, was speechless for a while.

"Damn it, I was preempted by that bastard Xing Tian!" It seemed that because of his momentary hesitation, his prestige in the group took a big blow.

However, the first and second clusters are not subordinate to each other. It was easy for Master Chu Jie to talk about it here before, but now the commanders of both sides are at the same level, and the orders they get are only to cooperate with each other.The first group was a step slower and the second group ran away. Doesn't that mean that the first group should cooperate to protect the cargo fleet?

This is also mutual cooperation.

"No, if I really stay, I will definitely not even have to drink the soup, and the guys in the cluster will not tear me apart." Haotian, who is very conscious, quickly figured this out, and now facing everyone on the bridge Seemingly respecting the scrutinizing gaze, the level five brain turned rapidly, and after his gaze inadvertently swept out of the window, a countermeasure quickly appeared in his mind.

10 minutes later
Comrade Chi Yu, the sergeant commander of the Assault Gorge, sitting in the group cargo ship with a face full of embarrassment, looked at the first group combat fleet that disappeared in the distance, and then looked at each of the floating artillery turrets towed behind several cargo ships , and a slower forward speed, he sighed.

"If I had known, I would have gone to be a gunner on a battleship!"

He felt the same as him, and there were more than 20 soldiers in three clusters with a total of more than 2 floating cargo ships. At this moment, I am afraid that among these people, they are either complaining about the head-grabbing behavior of the battleship group, or they are lamenting why they did not go to the battleship to serve as soldiers. Gunner's past.

Of course, one thing is beyond doubt, that is, everyone is expressing collective contempt for the behavior of the battleship force.

However, in the fleet of the First Battle Group, the members of the bridge appreciated the wise decision of the Commander, and at the same time began to be bewildered and worried about the safety of the cargo fleet.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, is it really okay for us to leave only the floating fort?"

"Don't worry! Haha." Lieutenant General Haotian was still gnashing his teeth at this time. Xing Tian of the second group ran for five or six minutes. Considering the speed of the battleship and the distance opened, maybe his fleet still won't be able to harvest when it arrives. what.

But before that, he still needed to appease the emotions of these guys who started to think about the safety of cargo ships after their willingness to participate in the war was satisfied.

"There are three battleships in one group, and each battleship tows three floating turrets, plus the bastards in the second group also dropped the floating turrets that interfere with the speed of the battleship. Then there are 18 floating turrets, in one theory The defense against Zerg flying units has already surpassed the defense of a group of battleships, so there is no need to worry too much, haha."

"That's good." While Lieutenant General Haotian couldn't help but complain, everyone on the bridge heaved a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the thoughtful adjutant added: "It needs to be explained here that we did not 'drop' the floating fort because we thought the fort slowed down the marching speed, but because during the upcoming offensive, The effect of the turret is extremely low, but in protecting the cargo fleet, this purely defensive turret can exert its real strength."

"Therefore, we should appreciate and encourage His Excellency the Vice Admiral's wise decision to leave the turrets to protect the fleet and liberate the combat power of the battleships."

So, under Haotian Lieutenant General's expression of embarrassment, the stiff-faced adjutant took the lead in clapping his hands.

Soon, the entire bridge and the fleet warships heard the adjutant's announcement, there were continuous clapping sounds, and those who didn't know it thought that the first group of warships was holding a New Year's meeting and giving a leader's speech.


When the warships of the first and second combat groups began to fall into the ocean, the members of the cargo fleet looked at the empty sky and wanted to cry, and the third combat group was still ambushing the Zerg underground assault force, Chu Jie and others The team has broken through the outer corridors of the Zerg Meteorite Base, encountered insects and killed insects along the way, encountered walls and broke walls...

When there was a bang, the carapace fragments splashed from the base cleared away the mid-level Zerg flying units waiting inside, and after a small gap appeared, the figures of Chu Jie and the others flashed in the gap.

The next moment, massive thunderclouds poured in from the gap like a tide, instantly filling the large cavity inside the entire meteorite base, blocking the sight of all creatures.

The formation was not chaotic, and when the figures of the five reappeared, they were already in the swarm.

Centered on Lamia and Changzhan, two ranges of thunder nets flashed out of the diamond-shaped formation like wings, instantly covering the entire surrounding Zerg flying units.

Because it is located inside the meteorite base, the space becomes quite narrow after the number increases. The large Zergs in the flying arms of the Zerg seem to be unable to move smoothly, so all the people appearing in the entire cavity at this time are about the same size as the Wingmen. Medium Zerg unit.

Before the friends had discovered the magical effect of thunder clouds, when Youshen could only fight with his own strength, he was still able to fight in and out of the No. 02 meteorite base, not to mention that at this time the thunder clouds poured into the meteorite base like a tide, There is another more powerful Yinshen class in the team.

Therefore, even if Chu Jie didn't make many moves, the energy tactics accumulated by Lamia and Changzhang relying on Leiyun and friends were enough to prevent the surrounding swarms from approaching.

The goal of everyone is not the large number of anti-air buildings and production buildings at the bottom of the hollow, so they can rely on the barrier-free high-speed movement brought by teamwork to avoid the Zerg's air-to-air attacks, even if they cannot avoid the saturated attacks. Mind power can be used for temporary defense.

"Grasping bullets is also a skill."

Gracefully swaying left and right under the dense anti-aircraft bombardment that seemed to have no gaps, Chu Jie, who seemed to be dancing with the fingertips of death, was exuding a different kind of charm at this time. Stained on the surface of her body, the agility is breathtaking.

"Have you found your target? Otonashi."

Compared to Chu Jie's elegance, Chu Ling was obviously much more straightforward. She directly used the shell taken from the base to block the attack, and if she couldn't stop it, she waved her hands and used the Psychic Shield to deal with it.After dispelling a cloud of corrosive white mist, and then continuous thought power shocks to dissipate the surrounding white mist, Chu Ling took the time to ask Otonashi who was being protected by everyone at this time.

"and many more……"

Without further words, Otonashi continued to scan the surroundings back and forth with mental power.

Chu Jie can also do the same thing, but Chu Jie's combat power is far superior to Yinwu, so in line with the principle of rational use of resources, Chu Jie is responsible for continuing to do her favorite battle under Chu Ling's arrangement.

"found it!"

After everyone used thunder nets to disperse a group of insects rushing up desperately, the space between the team and the central pillar of the meteorite base was exposed. According to the previous investigations of the two meteorite bases, that pillar was what allowed the insects to break through the two sides. The key to the Lunar System's protective layer.

But at this time, the target of everyone is not this, but the Zerg commander who may be located at a certain point on the pillar.

The Zerg has a commander who is like a cerebrum, it directly controls the battles of all the swarms under its banner, and hides itself in a safe and tight meteorite base to become the brain of a swarm. This is the main goal of this trip.

In the No. 02 Meteorite Base a few years ago, 8051 discovered a brain worm escaped from the ground, and then Shuangyue took action to kill the opponent.

Although Dark Blood later discovered a Zerg cerebrum within the Black Bone Tribe, which led to doubts about 8051 in the group, but no one could prove that this cerebrum was the other cerebrum, so nothing happened in the end.

But no matter what the result of that matter is, it proves the fact that the Zerg brain worms exist in the meteorite base.

What's more, in the No. 04 meteorite base, everyone also found a brain worm that was unfortunately bombarded by the main gun of the battleship and smashed into pieces, further supporting the previous conjecture.

And the raid mission of the few people this time is to clean up the Zerg brain worms, not completely kill the Zerg here as the first and second clusters are worried about.Speaking of which, although this team is powerful, it is really powerless to clean up the hundreds of thousands of insect swarms outside.

No matter how powerful it is, the radius of the Yinshen-level thunder storm is only one kilometer, and it is not unlimited.

At this time, Chu Ling and the others didn't know that the battleships of the first and second clusters were rushing here because of Chu Ling's announcement. They were just trying to avoid being blocked by the swarms in the meteorite base. While waiting for news from Otonashi.

Soon, there was no sound.

He raised his fingers to a height of ten meters from the lower side of the central pillar, with a dignified expression on his face.

And almost at the same time, several Youshen felt a huge mental power trembling obviously for a moment, although it was short, it made everyone determine their target.

Chu Ling broke out in a cold sweat.

"The volume of the mid-stage Youshen class, and the hidden ability is so strong!"

"Yeah," Chu Jie laughed as usual, but she was still serious and cautious: "But it's just a singularity, and now it's obviously frightened by Yin Wu's actions, so it's even less of a concern. I'm afraid, even it itself I didn't expect that we would find him so soon, the group of Corrosion Dragons outside are just ready now, hehe."

"Ready?" Lamia asked confused.

"Yeah," Chu Jie jokingly pointed at the top of her head: "There are a bunch of corrosion dragons on it, and the shell of the meteorite base is opening. It is obvious that that guy intends to suddenly open the shell when we are pinned down so that the corrosion dragons can attack us." Let's launch a saturation attack or something."

"But now, don't talk nonsense, attack!"

The conversation between the few people was carried out entirely in their minds. From Yinwu pointing at the target to Chu Jie leading the charge, only a few tenths of a second passed.

Therefore, when several people appeared outside the pillar, the shell of the location Chu Jie pointed to on the dome of the meteorite base had just opened.Although the corrosive balls that were sent out intensively afterwards were indeed very powerful, if a few people were still there, even if they couldn't die, they would be seriously injured. Unfortunately, they had no targets on the way to attack, and the final result was that they all fell on the meteorite base. Bottom own building.

But since the bugs attacked, they obviously didn't think that the buildings below would be spared, so there's no need to feel sorry for it.

"Look at me, Thunderstorm!"

After finding the target, the mental power of the Zerg cerebrates had been exposed. Chu Jie aimed directly at the target, and the instantaneous high pressure generated by the intense compression of the thunder was hit hard on the pillar wall in front of him. Behind him, it is defending against the attack of the corrosive dragon group after modifying the target at the opening.

However, what is surprising is that only a layer of skin has been broken in the pillar area to reveal the inner bone shell, and the shell is only slightly burnt black.

"Ah! It's really amazing!"

Raising her fist, Chu Jie planned to switch to a physical attack.

With a physical attack mixed with energy body energy and mental power, the power of a punch like the Yinshen class is no less than a heavy blow from a 205mm electromagnetic gun.

Then, accompanied by the mournful cry of the pillar, a small crack appeared on the hard pillar wall in front of him.

"It's just a small crack! No, come again!"

But before Chu Jie attacked again, Yin Wu's face suddenly changed: "No, that guy has to run!"

Run away if you can't win. The Zerg mastermind is not an idiot who only knows how to fight like an ordinary Zerg. He originally thought that even if the opponent rushed into the meteorite base, he could rely on a large number of troops to kill him. , so it put Chu Jie and others here, and it never expected that a bunch of carnivores would be put in.

At this moment, the Zerg mastermind might be green with regret. (There should be intestines XD)

And in the end, it held a little hope, thinking that the hard pillar carapace would provide some time for the reinforcements, but unexpectedly, although the opponent's first blow did not accomplish anything as expected, the second blow hit the ground hard. Into the heart of the poor brain worm.

"Is this fucking a creature?" the brain worm thought.

On closer inspection, it seems that the energy body cannot be regarded as a carbon-based organism like a bug.

This is, Otoshi, who was paying attention to the brain worm, suddenly changed his expression, and hurriedly stopped Chu Jie who was about to use his strongest strength to smash the skeleton and the brain worm together.

(End of this chapter)

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