Spore Story

Chapter 711 Ai Yi's Chapter Fuck

Chapter 711

Thank you Wanli Sunshine++ for your reward O(∩_∩)O
"What! Elder Otonashi can control the command mode of Zerg cerebrates! Although the strength of mind control Lv7 is strong, there is no need to be so exaggerated!"

Sitting in the command room of the third combat group, Lieutenant General Dia, after receiving the direction announcement of No. 03 Meteorite Base, even temporarily put aside the three-party defensive battle of the sky, ground and underground at this time, with a face full of astonishment. .

"Specifically, it's not control, it's just a slight disturbance, so that when the first and second cluster fleets arrive, the response of the entire bug swarm will be slowed down and confused, so as to clean up the Zerg that cannot be interfered by the two cluster fleets Ground buildings only provide opportunities," explained the adjutant who had carefully reviewed the battle and pushed his glasses.

"And now the battle between the two clusters is still going on, and Elder Chu Ling's side is still trying their best to repel those bugs who want to rescue the brain worms, but there is something interesting here." The adjutant chuckled.


"Yes, there are dozens of double-gun worms among the troops that rescue the brain worms. These worms can obviously command the swarm, and that's exactly what they do." From the looks of it, the swarm commanded by the Double Spear Worms are actively attacking Chu Jie and the others in an attempt to save them, but upon closer inspection, many of those attacks are directed at the Cerebral Worms."

"Isn't it?" Diya was stunned.

"Really," the adjutant frowned, "However, this brain worm doesn't seem to be afraid of death. It can understand Elder Otonashi's threat. It's obviously very simple for it to control the surrounding worms, but it still makes the surrounding zergs start to attack." Crazy attack."

"Really? I said, it's not that this guy seized the opportunity of 'the elders don't want to give it up for the time being', thinking that he won't be killed so soon, so he should be confident," Lieutenant General Dia sneered : "It can be seen from the fact that this guy dared to let the elder in, even if he didn't have the purpose of using his body as bait, this guy's guts are indeed strong enough."

"Fact," the adjutant nodded approvingly.

"Forget it, there are several elders, Chu Jie and Chu Ling, plus two combat groups. Compared to this, we only have the third group of warships here, so let's concentrate on dealing with things here."

After all, as the commander of the third cluster, the battle here in Dongshan is far more intense than that at the first and second clusters, so I briefly discussed the battle situation at No. 03 Meteorite Base and determined that I can't learn from it in the short term. After the battle, he asked people to send this news to each combat unit to boost morale, and then continued to command the battle.

On the other hand, within the relatively peaceful group of friends, the discussion on this is obviously much more heated.

Summer heat...that was decades ago.

The summer is warm... This is the current Double Moon Star.

Because of the impact of the glacial climate, if the protective layer of the planet that interferes with vision is removed, the Zergs will see the double moon star in outer space, which is definitely half of the ocean and half of the ice and snow, but the equator is a little green.This is the current situation of the double moon star, and it is also the reason why most of the civilized races of the double moon star are concentrated in the equator region, because it is too cold to go to the poles.

Even the floating islands of the Pengzu basically run around the equator.

At this time, on Xinpeng Island, located north of the equator, a group of people from the Military Academy were still discussing enthusiastically.

"Leaving without permission by the first and second groups is an act of disobedience to orders, which should be punished!"

"But in fact they helped the elders, didn't they? Otherwise, with the strength of the elders alone, although the cerebrates can be eliminated, it may lead to riots among the rest of the Zerg after the death of the cerebrates!"

"But that's just because it happened to hit it, right? What if the Zerg raided the cargo fleet at this time? There are [-] soldiers there!"

"But the fact is that there is no eventuality, and we plan ahead. Isn't this the power of the frontline commander?"

"But that goes against the plan of the staff department, at least it should be notified in advance..."


Well, it seems that the quarrel in the military academy is just a matter of the power and responsibility of the frontline commanders, and there will be no harvest for a while, so let's divert our attention.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the accidental capture of cerebrates might just be the capture of the enemy leader, but in the eyes of relevant people, they can find a significant impact.

Especially for the general director and the technical department, this kind of harvest is even more exciting.

Lingxue's general director was busy with the command of the two theaters and the management of debris within the friends, so he didn't have much time to pay attention to the impact of this capture on the future, but directly threw it to the Solved by the technical department.

When receiving the forwarded information, Void, who was discussing the problem in the technical department, was the first to see it.

In fact, this information was sent to the chief technical officer Aiyi, but the flat-chested Aiyi was discussing the material of the Zerg shell with others, so he threw it aside without even looking at it. He just explained some problems and just happened to be idle Afterwards, he continued to focus on the research of the Zerg base with a group of people.

In this regard, Kong Huan can only express helplessness.

But the next moment, he let out an exclamation, the news was too shocking even for Kong Huan.

"What! Capture the Zerg brain worm!"

The exclamation was clearly audible, and the whole crowd was immediately startled.

The researchers who had jumped on the wreckage of the Zerg earlier responded, but the next second they exclaimed, Kong Huan noticed that a large group of panting researchers appeared in front of him like a teleportation, each with wolf-like eyes. Staring at the empty illusion... the report in his hand.

"Let me see."

Then, before Kong Huan, who was startled by the sudden appearance of a group of people, could react, the report in his hand was snatched back by Aiyi who was supposed to be the first to read it.

A few minutes later, a communication called a request, but actually a strict request, was directly sent to Chu Ling's mind who was in battle through the equatorial communication network formed by the equatorial observation station.

"In any case, try our best to ensure the survival of the brain worm; if possible, further ensure the integrity of the meteorite base."

It has to be said that this communication made Chu Ling and the others somewhat embarrassed, but it was not impossible. After all, as long as the brain worms were controlled, it would not be a big problem to clean up the worms inside the meteorite base.

In the technical department of Pengzu, the atmosphere became more and more heated after the newsletter was sent out.

The research of the Zerg base by the technical members of the Pengzu can be traced back to the period when the first small Zerg base fell before AD in the Pengzu calendar.

But at that time, Pengzu's technology was too crude, and there were not many useful results at all.

The biggest achievement of the friends from the small base of the first Zerg invasion was to recycle the iron scales on the opponent's chassis.And with the passage of time, although the technology of the Pengzu continued to improve, the small base deteriorated a little bit, even much faster than the decay of natural materials, so that now the small base remains in the Pengzu Yes, only a haggard skeleton remains.

But even so, the Pengzu also obtained a lot of leftovers from the small base of the Zerg.

And it is these achievements that make the friends who can only devote most of their energy to the most suitable energy and spiritual research due to the lack of population, but still have a technical level not weaker than energy and spiritual in terms of biotechnology .

At the same time, because of this, the technical members of Pengzu actually have a love-hate relationship with bugs.

In the second Zerg invasion more than a year ago, the appearance of the meteorite base did cause thousands of losses to the Zerg, but the technicians of the Zerg, through the study of this meteorite base, have a great deal of experience in absorbing the biological technology of the Zerg. In order to further develop it, I learned about the Zerg, at least the information about its arms in the atmospheric planets.

In this way, the friends were able to have a strong counterattack in this Zerg invasion, because all weapons were basically developed against bugs.

However, what was left of the meteorite base marked as No. 02 was a wreckage, and all the Zerg corpses were left inside. With the Zerg's rapid decay ability as always, the friends' technicians still didn't get many results from it.

What's more, it has only been more than a year since the fall of No. 02.In just one year, it is basically delusional to want to make rapid progress in scientific development from scratch.

Therefore, what Pengzu gained from No. 02 is more mainly concentrated on the theory of biotechnology.

But this does not hinder the enthusiasm of the technicians for the research of the Zerg, especially after the No. 04 meteorite base was wiped out, the friend army actually captured the living Zerg, which made the technicians ecstatic.

Although there was speculation afterwards that this kind of Zerg was an immature new species developed by the opponent after absorbing the creatures from the double moon star, it did not prevent the technicians from using this to understand the characteristics of the Zerg.

It was through the harvest of the No. 04 meteorite base that the friends learned of the possible existence of the Zerg's ability to "absorb genes from other races and keep them for their own use".

But to the pity of many technicians, the brain worms in the No. 04 meteorite base were smashed into meat, and their research value was almost zero.Even if they try to use cell cloning to manufacture, the cells will automatically die directly in the fertilized egg stage, as if mocking the arrogance of friends.As for the No. 04 meteorite base, it was even more thoroughly smashed by the artillery fire of the third combat group than No. 02, making the technicians want to cry without tears.

In this way, the technicians of the friends group are relieved by the increase in the attack power of the friends group, but on the other hand they feel distressed by the decrease in the value of the researchable objects.

This complex emotion once made the technicians here sigh.

But now, it is reported that the No. 03 meteorite base has captured living brain worms, which can affect the control of the brain worms on the Zerg soldiers.

Not only that, but the No. 03 meteorite base has not been damaged in a large amount.

Doesn't this mean that they may obtain a complete, systematic, and possibly even revolutionary research object!

What an exciting thing to do.

"Report! I'm applying to go to the No. 03 meteorite base immediately!" A researcher who was usually taciturn and stable no matter how he looked, suddenly excitedly applied to Aiyi and Konghuan.

Soon, there was a echo from around.

Kong Huan was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head to look at Aiyi's opinion, but he was greeted by Aiyi's flushed little face, who was staring at him with wide eyes, expecting and even pleading.

"..." Foul!Kong Huan turned his head subconsciously, unable to look directly.

"That, hasn't it been shot down yet?" Frowning and sweeping around, Kong Huan doesn't think the past is a good choice now.

Looking at the current situation rationally, it is obviously not the best choice to send someone over at this time.Because even if the No. 03 Meteorite Base can be preserved intact as expected, so as to provide better research objects for everyone, the research there is likely to start from scratch, after all, intact means more valuable research;

Relatively speaking, the research on No. 04 and the research on No. 02 are coherent.

After more than a year of hard work in the No. 02 meteorite base, the research on the No. 04 meteorite base has been confirmed to bear fruit. At this time, if these technicians are allowed to leave, what should we do with the fruit that is about to bear fruit?keep?

Thinking of this, Kong Huan shook his head firmly: "There is also a need for people to study here. Several departments are about to produce results, how can they leave suddenly? Therefore, everyone might as well wait for the 03rd to be laid down, and then confirm that they have obtained more valuable information." Wouldn't it be better to arrange a spaceship to take you there after studying the target?"

But Aiyi and many researchers obviously couldn't wait.

"The problem that is not hit, that is not a problem at all!"

Aiyi patted her flat chest heavily with her small hands, so that people thought that the reason why it didn't grow there was because of this action: "I have unlimited [-]% confidence in Chu Jie and Elder Chu Ling. Isn’t it three or four days before we rush there? By the time we arrive, it should be over there too!”

A group of technicians nodded in unison with bright eyes.

In this regard, Kong Huan couldn't help but wonder, why didn't you see you so united when discussing issues.

But for the principled things, Kong Huan still has to struggle: "But the research here is very important..."

"I know that too," Aiyi held her head high, looking confident in persuading Void's chest.

A group of researchers pinned their hopes on Aiyi at this time, especially those whose research team's results are nearing completion, perhaps in their opinion, it may be better to bring the research to the No. 03 meteorite The base will get better results, even if it takes longer.

Therefore, in the face of illusory opposition at this time, each of them has almost become a fanatical belief in the support of the Aiyi technical director in the past.

At this moment, Aiyi became a great navigator, god, angel in the hearts of all the technicians...

As for illusions, of course counter-revolutionaries, demons, villains who stand against the tide of history...

Hollow is sweating profusely...

At this time, Aiyi began to speak: "I know very well that you are dissatisfied with the leaving of the group that is about to produce results, so I decided! I will lead people other than these groups to the No. 03 meteorite base to expand the important Research on larger subjects, as for these groups, leave it to Kong Huan to lead the team."


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

In an instant, the image of Aiyi's glorious navigator, the angel of God, became taller in the eyes of those who would follow him, and those groups who were abandoned and betrayed suffered the grief of broken faith.

"You are the real devil..."

Empty and speechless, he looked at Ai Yi, who seemed to feel very good about making such a 'great' decision, with an excited face, and then looked at the technicians who seemed to be trapped in the black cloud at this time because they were abandoned , full of sympathy.

"Okay," after thinking for a while, under the polarized eyes of nearly a hundred technicians present, Kong Huan finally nodded: "The original subjects here can be left to some new students and assistants, and the main personnel will follow Aiyi to the past. I have nothing against it."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan paused for a moment, looked at the technicians who were selected under the roll call of the unscrupulous Aiyi after the cheers, and then turned his attention to the dozens of members who were sighing aside, all of them were unable to produce results people.

Giving up halfway is obviously not allowed by the illusion, so it is impossible to let these people leave now.

But the current state of these technicians is not in a state of being able to produce results, so he frowned and thought about it, and he coughed a few times to gather these people together.

"I know you want to go there." A group of technicians raised a glimmer of hope.

"But, not now," everyone lamented even more.

"You also know the reason, so I won't say more," said a group of technicians with tangled faces.

"According to the report you submitted before, the fastest project can produce results within a few days, and the slowest project is only half a month to a month. I don't know if I remember correctly?" Technicians, look at me and me Look at you, in the end a technician with a rather modest temperament stood up and nodded.

Afterwards, the person added: "But even if we rushed over at that time, it was much slower than those bastards. The good subjects were definitely snatched up."

Judging from the glances of this group of people, Aiyi's previous behavior seemed to have severely offended this group of people, and even the people who followed Aiyi seemed to be somewhat angered.

But there's not much to worry about.

The character of these technicians, or the character of friends, I don't know if they have inherited the emptiness of the main consciousness. It sounds like a calm life, but the point is that they are heartless.

As for any grievances, except for a small number of mutants, they are probably angry today and open their hearts tomorrow, and there is no overnight hatred.

After thinking about it, seeing that Aiyi was still organizing the team, Kong Huan smiled and walked among the group of technicians, pretending to be mysterious with a smile: "What you are worried about now is not being preempted by those guys, isn't it?"

Everyone nodded, with an expression of understanding.

"You should have heard that the Ministry of Technology has recently produced a very fast aircraft, right? In the case of war, many long-distance vehicles have been recruited."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all looked at Kong Huan, and some of them reacted quickly with smirks on their faces: "Elder Kong Huan's meaning..."

"Yeah, you guys are smart too," Kong Huan stretched out his fingers, followed by a smirk, and took the opportunity to narrow the distance between the two parties: "Look, now that all the aircraft of the Friends Clan are used externally, Elder Aiyi and the others have applied to leave, arrange It will take time to clean up the aircraft, arrive at the location of No. 03, and after the battle of No. 03, it will take at least five or six days to complete the whole set, right?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"And what about you guys? Hurry up, finish the results here quickly, and then I will personally mobilize the fast aircraft for you. The journey will only take a day and a half, and at most it will be a little slower than those guys, hehe."

"Hey Hey……"

In a dark corner, a group of technicians were led by Kong Huan to burst into sinister smirks.

(End of this chapter)

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