Spore Story

Chapter 712 The Trembling Old Chief

Chapter 712 The Trembling Old Chief

Thank you Bone Stick and Blue Turtle for their monthly support~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Then, the situation is like this. Considering the number of spaceships available to the friends, the newly built warships must support the third battle group, which is facing a relatively urgent battle situation, and the construction of cargo ships is only carried out in one dock. That is, the two Today, the construction plan was added because of logistical issues, but it cannot be completed in a day or two."

"Aren't there so many passenger spaceships?" Aiyi was puzzled.

"Elder, all the passenger spaceships capable of long-distance transport have been transformed into cargo ships. Now the farthest passenger ships in the ethnic group can only travel six to seven hundred kilometers, and the direction of the Far West Continent you are going to has the shortest distance. Thousands of kilometers, and most of the way is ocean." The director of the Shipping Bureau carefully explained: "Therefore, the only spaceship that can be transferred to the technicians to carry it is a floating cargo that is still in the dock and is still under repair. Boat……"

"Forget it, don't talk so much nonsense, just tell me how long it will take?"

Aiyi, who rushed over early with the expectations of many technicians, interrupted the speech of the director of the Shipping Bureau impatiently at this moment, and her eyes projected a green light like a carnivore.

The poor old director is probably a few years younger than Aiyi in terms of age, but because he has not entered the soul level, let alone energy, so that even he, who is Yiren, is now showing age spots. Butcher's knife.

Facing Aiyi's dominance, the usually tough old director could only answer tremblingly with his lips trembling: "Well, if you rush to work day and night, you should be able to prepare it in two days..."

"Well, two days later, Xinpeng Island West Airport, remember to make arrangements!"

After finishing speaking, Aiyi ignored the old director's wry smile, turned and left angrily.


In this regard, Kong Huan, who had been standing by the side making soy sauce, could only shake his head to express his powerlessness, and then looked at the old director with a wry smile.

"Although it is necessary to rush to work, safety must also be guaranteed. If it is really troublesome, I can temporarily send a few ghosts and energy bodies to help. As for Aiyi's request, I will try my best to meet it."

"Of course, I am very grateful to Elder Kong Huan." The old director gratefully accepted Kong Huan's proposal.

"It's nothing."

Please don't misunderstand the situation at this time, it's not that the illusion is deliberately delaying the time of the technicians, but this is the fact.

Now most of the construction capacity of the Shipping Bureau has been invested in the construction of warships, and all the airships capable of long-distance sailing of the Pengzu have also been invested in the three major clusters to support the war.

It wasn't until recently that the staff discovered the logistical problems in the fleet establishment, so they urgently inserted the construction plans for several cargo ships into the shipbuilding plan. Let the design bureau come up with a special military cargo ship design.

In short, there is currently no available cargo ship within the friend group.

As for the battleship, although the main body of two assault ships has been completed today.But the battle in the direction of No. 03 is already clear, but the direction of No. 05 Meteorite Base, where the third cluster is located, is extremely tense. At this time, it is impossible to change the field for dozens of technicians who are obviously second in importance, and may influence the situation of the battle. The battleship is transported to the direction of No. 03.

Aiyi knew exactly this, so she didn't say much.

Otherwise, if she is more powerful, she can directly invoke the power of the elders and force an assault ship to transport them to the No. 03 meteorite base.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan smiled wryly at Aiyi, but also felt relieved.

Afterwards, he took over Aiyi's class and turned to look at the director of the shipping bureau.

(It seems that they are not good stubble), the old bureau chief couldn't help but shiver.

"I am very aware of the issue of warships, so what I mainly want to know now is the situation of fighter jets and aircraft long-range vehicles."

Because Kong Huan was not oppressed and had a good attitude and a gentle expression, the old director didn't shake much at this time, and skillfully pulled out a document from his desk, opened it, and handed it to Kong Huan, explaining at the same time.

The document handed over was a piece of aircraft information submitted by the Flight Design Bureau to the higher-level Shipping Bureau.

From the above point of view, after the S2 was finalized a few days ago, the design bureau designed three variants of the S2 fighter according to the armament development direction established at the beginning, and took advantage of the expansion of the fantasy world.

Among them, the Z-2 is a high-mobility fighter modification, based on the S2, at the cost of reducing the size and range, in exchange for maneuverability, ammunition loading, and expansion of armor in important parts, so it is specially used for air combat with bugs. fight.

In flying combat, the ordinary wingmen of the friend race can definitely reach the strength of the middle-level Zerg soldiers in one-on-one, but the numbers of the two sides are completely incomparable. The function of this Z-2 is to enhance the defense and defense of the friend soldiers. attack power.

Due to time issues, this is only the basic model, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

H-2 is an assault bombing model. At the expense of maneuverability, the output of the engine is enhanced, the ammunition capacity is increased, and the flight speed is increased, so it is specially used for high-altitude and high-speed assault for precise bombing and high-speed departure from the battlefield.

The Zerg may be very fast in space, but limited by fundamental size problems, it is difficult to exceed the speed of sound in the atmosphere, which provides support for the combat success rate and safety of the bomber model of the Pengzu.

As for how to complete the precise bombing of ammunition, this involves the issue of the spiritual power technology of the friends, which will not be mentioned here.

The last model is A-2, which is relatively special.

It wasn't piloted by a friend, nor was it piloted by a Dunjia, Moon Spirit, or any other race... Of course, the Friends didn't have computer technology yet, so let alone smart technology.

In the model design of A-2, the airframe has not changed much. The main reason is that the driver is the one conceived by the friends after acquiring some Zerg leftover biotechnology and combining the abilities of the moon spirits (that is, the spirit race) brain worms. A mode that directly combines the spiritual cerebrum into the mechanical sphere to form a semi-mechanical body that controls the sphere, and then connects to the upper body for control.

The A-2 was only the original demonstrator of this model.

In the future vision of the friends, the friends will mass-produce the "moon spirit control ball" formed by the combination of the moon spirit human brain worm and the mechanical ball in the future, and continue to design replaceable bodies, combining them with this kind Moon Spirit controls the combination of balls to make up for the weak body of Moon Spirit people, and at the same time provide friends with more and more powerful mechanical Moon Spirit legions.

Of course, there are still many problems with this thing now. Even with the reference of Zerg technology, all the friends can do at this time is to provide this kind of moon spirit with a simple function of the aircraft body.

Moreover, the main body of the moon spirit controlling the ball is a biological brain after all, and it is also an intelligent biological brain, so the mental problems and protection of this kind of brain will be a difficult point in this kind of development.

Therefore, it will take time for the mechanical Moon Spirit Legion, which is comparable to the Zerg Zerg Sea, to really appear.

Seeing that Kong Huan roughly read the contents of the report and nodded with satisfaction, the old director rubbed his cold fingers and said softly: "Because the fighter plane is a brand-new tactical weapon, the huge warship dock cannot It is used for its production. Although the size of the tank production line is similar, the functions are too far apart and cannot be used in common use. Therefore, these things need to be redesigned and constructed.”

Kong Huan nodded in understanding.

"More than a month ago, after we received the order from the Elder's House, we urgently prepared the sites of six fighter production plants, three in the floating island and three in the hidden mountain area."

Kong Huan continued to nod. The S-2 just had a test flight a month ago and hadn’t finalized yet. At that time, he directly bypassed the inherent procedures out of race against time and asked the Shipping Bureau to make the preliminary preparations for production in advance, so the time was short. Not much wasted.

"A few days ago, after receiving the news that the S-2 was finalized, the machinery factory has started to fully produce the fighter production line and various accessories that will not have much impact in the modification, and the six factory sites have also started to prepare for the assembly line installation. .”

Rubbing his hands, the old director paused and said: "But reality is not a fantasy world after all, and our time is quite tight. Now the three models have been finalized, and the first and second models that are mainly developed, according to the plan, the first assembly line It will be put into production in three days, and it will reach the level of a Nissan H-2 in ten days."

Kong Huan frowned slightly, but he didn't say much, but motioned for the old director to finish.

"After all, this is the first time, and the speed is already very fast." The old director explained: "It is estimated that in 20 days, that is, in early August, 8 fighter assembly lines will be put into production in six production plants, including one A-37, Nine H-2s and Z-2s. At that time, we can produce two A-227s, nine H-2s, and Z-2s.”

After finishing speaking, the old director added: "And with the increase of assembly lines, the production capacity will be further improved."

"Very good," Kong Huan nodded, "What about the pilot's training?"

This is the point. Fighter planes are not that simple. Controlling a machine is not as simple as controlling the body. Even if the spirit technology gives the pilot the ability to directly control the routine activities of the body with mental power in an emergency, you can learn to use these abilities to the best advantage. The use of these abilities also requires constant exercise.

"Two ordinary illusory world makers have set up two fighter planes to train the illusory world, keeping the time ratio at 1:10. For assault training, after 20 days, there will be the first batch of one hundred people who have mastered the basic flying ability Pilots are starting to take delivery of the plane."

"However, these pilots probably only have the level of flying H2. The mental power control components required for the high-mobility Z2 are still in the final test. Even if the pilots want to learn, they have to wait until ten days later."

"Oh." Regarding this, Kong Huan was noncommittal, because even if he was in a hurry, he couldn't be in a hurry.

"What about the fighter jets?" At this moment, he stared at the old director with fiery eyes, and his aura gradually approached the previous Aiyi.

The poor old chief couldn't help shivering, but probably because of Aiyi's embellishment, his immunity was greatly enhanced at this time.

"Well, you also know that this thing is too big. Although the weight of [-] tons is not worth mentioning compared to the floating island, it is also a warship after all, and it is the first time that this family has built such a large warship. What's more, It also has high requirements for steel, and the existing technology is completely unable to meet its needs."

"Therefore, we are attacking with all our strength in three aspects: the shipyard is speeding up the construction of a [-]-ton shipyard, the design bureau is contemplating and perfecting its design in the public fantasy world, and the technical department is also attacking the material formula of alloy steel... "

"In the final analysis, it is still time." Kong Huan frowned.

"Yes." The old chief felt the same way.

From the current point of view, the use of fighter jets obviously cannot keep up with the No. 03 battle.

As for No. 05, judging from the experience of the third combat cluster, I am afraid that it is really possible to fight a protracted war.

This is not what everyone wants to see, but it is a helpless reality.

The staff of the Military Academy deduced based on the enemy's situation sent by the third cluster that the No. 05 meteorite base would be wiped out, and it would take two or three months for the three existing combat clusters of the Pengzu to gather the full strength of the Youshen class.

Fortunately, the Pengzu had already made sufficient preparations for the war before, so although limited by time, direct military force such as warships was not enough, but the construction of docks, resources and other things were considered sufficient preparations.

As time goes on, the strength that the friends can exert will only become stronger and stronger.

However, it is also true that the longer the war lasts, the greater the losses.What's more, what Chongzi is digging now is the minerals of Shuangyuexing. From the perspective of Konghuan, it is the property of Shuangyuexing and the friends. No matter how hard they fight, the losses are all the friends themselves.

Shaking his head to bring himself back to reality, Kong Huan patted the old chief.

"Try Harder."

After speaking, he turned around and rushed towards the direction where Aiyi was running.

An hour later, after caressing Aiyi and many technicians, Kong Huan, who became physically and mentally exhausted, sat in his office, ordered that there was no important thing to disturb him, and then sank into the civilization control that he had used many times recently center.

Selecting the option of 'possession', combined with the experience of Chu Ling and Lingyun, Konghuan quickly found many members of the first and second groups who were fighting in the direction of No. 03 Meteorite Base.

Afterwards, Kong Huan selected an energy body.

What he wants to do this time is not the ordinary line of sight borrowing, but direct body control, and even put part of his own power into it through the illusion of the main consciousness.

Although an ordinary wingman has a good body, even if they are at the soul level, their highest power can only reach the soul level.

The energy body doesn't have this worry, Kong Huan can put 30% of his power into it, and forcibly raise the energy body's soul-level strength to the initial stage of Youshen level.Of course, after the illusory consciousness leaves, the opponent's strength will also change back.

Moreover, when the energy is raised, it is empty and directly controls the opponent's body. As far as the advantages are concerned, the possessed person only has a little sense of power, but there are many disadvantages. Coordination requires several times the control time to recover and so on.

Void is also very aware of this, so this ability is not used much.

On the map selected by Possession, more than 03 light spots representing energy bodies are flickering over the No. 100 meteorite base theater, which is the result of illusory screening.

I chose the one with the highest strength among them and confirmed the possession.

The next moment, the body that stayed in the office fell into a deep sleep.


At this time, the battle in the No. 03 meteorite base theater has become fierce.

Most of the Zerg soldiers began to rush into the meteorite base, besieging Chu Jie and the others who hijacked their boss.

And these five ghosts, on the one hand, have to deal with the ferocious attacks of these worms, and on the other hand, they have to ensure that the brain worms will not be accidentally injured, which can be described as physically and mentally exhausting.If it weren't for Yinwu's interference, which could always save the day at critical moments, the five of them would have killed the cerebrates and fled.

As for the outside, there were surprisingly few Zergs attacking the aggressive first and second combat clusters. There were less than 30 flying Zergs, and they were quickly wiped out by the many weapons specially designed to deal with Zergs on the cluster battleships.On the contrary, it was the ground air defense buildings around the Zerg Meteorite base that could not move, which caused a lot of trouble for the more than [-] warships of the two combat groups.

"I'm really glad that if the elders hadn't attracted the Zerg's attention, we just saw the bug swarm rushing into the meteorite base, and the amount on the tail would be enough for us to drink a pot."

Lieutenant General Xing Tian sat in the captain's seat, looking worriedly at the entrance of the meteorite base in the distance.

Now the two clusters and the air defense buildings of the meteorite base are basically in a state of balance.

The battleships fly five or six kilometers away. Here, electromagnetic cannons can be used to bombard the enemy's anti-aircraft buildings, which can wear down the Zerg's strength little by little. They can also rely on the distance between the two sides to evade the opponent with well-maneuverable battleships equipped with magnetic field engines. Attack to buy time.

Judging from the current situation, it only takes half an hour to completely clear the Zerg air defense buildings around the meteorite base.

At that time, only the Zerg in the bare meteorite base will be left, basically lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

However, everyone was worried about the elders inside.

Suddenly, on the bridge of the flagship where Xing Tian was located, an energy body standing not far from Xing Tian was observing the surroundings with mental power to ensure that no enemy would sneak attack on the flagship. The entire bridge caused a brief pause in the bridge command.

"What's going on!" Xing Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and hurriedly put on a pair of sunglasses.

But just after finishing the movement, the light has disappeared, and the energy body that put the wings into the body in front of it was too troublesome, unexpectedly opened the four wings again, and the surface of the body is flowing with the color of glass, emitting a brilliant brilliance.

"This is... Yueyong, what's going on?"

It seems that the energy body named Yueyong slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes that exuded radiance swept across the surroundings, and even brought an indescribable sense of oppression to people, and this majestic eyes then stayed in the Lieutenant General Xing Tian.

The people around broke out in a cold sweat. They could feel the change in this energy body, but they couldn't tell what was going on.

At this time, some people who had been in contact with the elder were reminded of that look in their hearts, and an idea came to their minds.

Yueyong's attendant is said to be at the peak of the soul level, so it must be a promotion, right?
Good idea, unfortunately this is only temporary.

Moreover, at this time, it was not the energy body attendant Yue Yong who controlled this body, but the elder of the Peng clan, Kong Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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