Spore Story

Chapter 713

Chapter 713
Thank you for the monthly pass of the stars, breeze and silver moon, quack O(∩_∩)O
Opening his eyes, his illusory gaze swept over the soldiers present, and after confirming that he had landed on a bridge, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not bad, at least it's not coming to the battlefield, avoiding the sad situation of being beaten when you come out. After all, the body will be in a state of stiffness in the first moment of coming, and it is easy to be beaten.And because it is too far away from the empty body of Xinpeng Island, the objects that can be selected to possess only appear on the selection interface as luminous dots, and it is impossible to confirm the surrounding environment at all, so the empty illusion is ready to face The situation of the war.

Of course, the results are pretty good now.


Yue Yongkonghuan's mouth twitched.

"Why is it a woman?" Although this is nothing to Kong Huan, it is a bit uncomfortable after all, because it is easy to leave a clue for those unscrupulous guys, but the matter has come to this point, so let's ignore it.

Looking around, Kong Huan accidentally discovered Xing Tian, ​​the commander of the second group.

Now that the other party is there, the current location can also be confirmed.

Nodding to Xing Tian, ​​Kong Huan habitually asked in a subordinate tone: "How is the battle going?"

After the voice came out, it became a soft voice.

It must be the voice of the attendant Yueyong, it sounds very nice, Kong Huan gave a small compliment in his heart, and the conscious body of the attendant Yueyong who was temporarily squeezed in a corner of the conscious world smiled wryly and didn't say much.

Yueyong, who used to be a high priest but is now an attendant, has not encountered the current situation, but has understood it, so she has no resistance.

In comparison, Xing Tian, ​​who was looked at by the energy body that was still subordinate to him before, and asked directly, seemed a little dazed.

"Yueyong, what's the matter with you? You should know better than me how the battle is going. Also, is it a promotion?"

"Eh, Yueyong? Oh, hehe, look at me!"

Only then did Kong Huan pat his head in embarrassment, hesitating whether to tell the other party his identity.However, seeing the surrounding situation, it seemed that if he left without explaining, it would cause great trouble to the possessed Yue Yong.

"I'm really sorry for causing you trouble," Kong Huan apologized and sent a wave of goodwill to Yue Yong in the consciousness space, and then returned to reality.

Walking to Xing Tian's side in a few steps, Kong Huan smiled slightly as he looked at the commander who was vigilant in the face of the "somewhat abnormal Yue Yong": "Relax, I have no malicious intentions."

At this time, Xing Tian also realized the fact that the person in front of him might not be Yue Yong.

"who are you?"

"I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm the elder of the elders. I have to borrow the body of Yueyong's attendant temporarily because of urgent matters. You can check this with the elders now. Of course, please keep this secret. Now I need Going to the meteorite base, so I want to leave."

After speaking, leaving Lieutenant General Xing Tian in confusion, Kong Huan left the flagship flying in the air through the bridge with the shining wings that could not be retracted due to physical reasons.

During this process, Lieutenant General Xing Tian did not take any action even though Kong Huan's identity had not been confirmed.

Because the people on the opposite side are obviously Youshen level, and even the powerful lieutenant general knows that once they fight, they have no defense ability at all.

On the bridge, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Captain, what happened to Yue Yong?"

Kong Huan's previous voice was isolated by his power of thought, and only Xing Tian himself could hear it, which made everyone curious about it.

Lieutenant General Xing Tian's eyes flickered, he ignored the inquiries of the people around him, but immediately contacted Xinpeng Island Presbyterian Home through emergency communication.Because Kong Huan had left a notice before, Xing Tian, ​​who was quickly confirmed, was also relieved, but then became a little serious.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of direct arrival is too terrifying.

Obviously Yueyong's attendant didn't know about it at the first moment, but at the next moment, his body was no longer under his control, and he didn't even know whether his consciousness was affected.I used to be very curious when I heard that Elder Lingyun and Elder Chu Ling could descend on animals in this way, and thought it was amazing.But now, facing an elder who could descend on him, he couldn't calm down.

After all, it's human nature.

Obviously, Kong Huan is still a little inexperienced in this area, or he trusts his friends too much.

"Forget it, the elder shouldn't abuse it." The battle is still going on, and there is no room for distraction. Lieutenant General Xing Tian shook his head heavily to get himself out of the increasingly dangerous thoughts, temporarily suppressed his thoughts, and began to continue. Command the battle.

At this time, Kong Huan was already floating above the flagship, watching the combat situation of the entire fleet, and frowning a little after inspecting it.

"What's the deal with this kind of fighting method standing in the distance?"

Because of the distance problem, at first glance, the entire battleship group is leisurely using the electromagnetic guns on the battleships with a range enough to reach the enemy on the periphery, killing time with enemies who cannot move in the distance.However, the rapid-fire guns with a large number of hulls and a range of less than two to three kilometers, all of which are dedicated to Zerg are shut down, because the Zerg in the surrounding air has been cleared by the battleship group.

If you just look at the bare buildings on the ground in the Zerg base in the distance, and the appearance of nothing but endless anti-air buildings, this kind of tactics seems to be good.But the problem is that there are still five elders in the meteorite base fighting a large number of Zerg.

"Why don't you rush over in one go?"

Shaking his head, Konghuan lowered his altitude and flew towards the Zerg base in the distance.

I didn't make too many comments on the battles of these people, let alone interfere with the choices of these commanders because of my own ideas.There is a specialization in the art industry, even if these people are wrong, it will be a question of the conclusion of the battle afterward.Kong Huan felt that if he had just arrived here to see the situation, it would be a trivial matter if he just ran to interfere and start a bad start. What if his understanding was wrong?
Dodging three flying energy balls, Kong Huan lowered the height to 10 meters again.

At this altitude, the Zerg's anti-aircraft artillery fire basically no longer aimed at the lonely individual, Kong Huan, which made him less stress-free in the process of approaching the opponent.

In the sky, continuous electromagnetic shells are precisely bombarding fixed buildings on the ground.

At this time, a communication was connected to the empty phantom in flight.

"Elder, I have notified the ships of your independent action in the name of a special mission, but is it too dangerous to do so, do you need support?"

Opposite was Lieutenant General Xing Tian. After recovering to confirm the situation, he saw Kong Huan shuttling through the tracks of numerous anti-aircraft artillery fire and the electromagnetic guns of battleships, which made him break out in a cold sweat.

That is a battlefield with heavy artillery fire, sir!

If something happens to you, maybe you will die twice.

At this time, he also thought of the specific situation. The actions of Elder Lingyun and Elder Chu Ling are not kept secret for his level, so he also knows that Elder Lingyun fell into a coma due to the death of the epiphyte, so he is very worried If something goes wrong with Kong Huan, the elder's coma is one thing, but the death of his attendant Yue Yong is also a big problem.

Originally, their operation was somewhat suspected of modifying the combat plan without authorization and putting the cargo fleet in a possible dangerous place.If at this time the elders are allowed to lower their eyelids and another accident occurs, even if it is only a small injury, it may affect the severity of the investigation of the previous actions of the two cluster commanders after the war.

But Kong Huan obviously didn't expect this. He just accepted Aiyi's request to come and take a look in advance, hoping to provide Aiyi and the others with more complete research objects while ensuring the safety of Chu Jie and the others.

So facing Lieutenant General Xing Tian's worries, he waved his hands nonchalantly and replied: "Don't worry, after the arrival, this body can already exert the strength of Youshen level. Even if you can't fight, you can still run."

Afterwards, he cut off the communication and accelerated towards the distant meteorite base.

Xing Tian, ​​who was sitting in the command room, could only smile back wryly.

"Attention, our special mission executor Yueyong attendant is passing over the Zerg at this time. Please pay attention to the accuracy of the artillery bombardment of the ships here, and try to solve the offensive buildings on both sides as much as possible!"


Although he didn't know the order of Lieutenant General Xing Tian, ​​Kong Huan could still feel the changes in the fleet's artillery fire.

After being slightly annoyed by the other party's unauthorized behavior, he also realized that it was all caused by himself. While a little embarrassed, it would inevitably cause the other party more trouble, so he could only further increase the speed of progress.

When he approached the meteorite base almost all the way smoothly, there was already a long path of artillery fire behind him.On this road, all the air-to-ground buildings were pulled over by Konghuan with the power of thought to clean up the shells, and the fleet members saw with their own eyes the accuracy of the Youshen class when guiding the end of the shells.

Stopping at the gate of the Meteorite Base, after sweeping through the mental power, Kong Huan frowned again.

What makes people can't help complaining is that the buildings outside the meteorite base are being ravaged by the fleet, but there is not a single bug infested.But in this meteorite base, which completely blocks the outside world's spiritual power detection, even the perception of sound can already detect how dense the number of insects exists.

Although he had confidence in Chu Jie and the others, he couldn't help but worry deep in his heart at this moment.

"But, can this rush in?" Kong Huan muttered to himself. (This is what you are worried about (--))
Flying forward subconsciously, a black wind suddenly blew across the pavement in front of his eyes.Kong Huan used his thoughts to protect his body almost reflexively, and then he felt a surge of force without much reaction, and his body flew out like being hit by a heavy hammer.

"Damn! Intensive artillery bombardment!"

Lieutenant General Xing Tian, ​​who saw all this through a telescope in the distance, couldn't help but swear, and then ordered to block the swarms.

Dense medium-caliber artillery shells slammed into the flying insects gushing out from the exit of the meteorite base like black mist.Unable to squeeze into the interior, they were bored at the entrance for a long time. At this time, when they found the illusion, they immediately pounced on it like a vicious dog seeing food, but they never thought that they would encounter such a level of intensive shelling immediately. The lack of command formation is somewhat chaotic.

The Cerebral Worm was arrested. Although the Double Gun Worm was still alive, they all crowded in the front to rescue the Cerebral Worm, or to attack a few ghosts. The Worm, who lacked command, was fighting on instinct.

And the insect's instinct seems to be to kill the enemy.

So, taking this as an opportunity, the bugs who were blocked at the entrance and outside the meteorite base and couldn't get in touch with the internal battle, rushed out like a tide under the leadership of the teammates in front.Like a few tentacles protruding from the meteorite base, they all flew towards the battleship group in the distance.

"Prepare for air combat defense!"

Seeing this shocking scene in the distance, the battleship group quickly changed their artillery formation under the command of the commander to a box formation for air combat. The rapid-fire gun turrets on each battleship also rotated at the same time, one after another. aimed at a distant target.

At this time, the poor Lieutenant General Xing Tian could only take a moment to glance at the direction where Kong Huan was knocked into the air, so he had to concentrate on the enemy in front of him.

When the enemy quickly leaped a distance of one kilometer and entered the range of the battleship's rapid-fire guns, even the battleships in the battleship group that had not yet completed their transformation consciously launched an attack.

In an instant, a long whip of glowing electromagnetic bombs began to whip the insects in the distance back and forth.

As for Kong Huan, who just got up from the ground, what he saw in front of his eyes was the meteorite base like a giant beast, stretching out several thick black 'tentacles' towards the battleship group in the distance.In the battleship group, hundreds of long whips that were as shiny as silver threads were thrown out, knocking off groups of black 'skin flakes' from the front ends of the 'tentacles'.


"I'm so ashamed," Kong Huan covered his head, drooping his tail, blushing from the previous action, and didn't even have the face to comfort Yueyong's conscious body whose eyes were tearful because his body was knocked into the air.

"Forget it, it's more important." After a few seconds of silence, Kong Huan, whose personality is mainly gray, patted his body and stood up.

After a little inspection, because of the instant protection of mind power and the fact that the enemy did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, the damage to the body was just a little discomfort caused by the impact, and the skin was not even broken.At this time, all the bugs that could come out of the inner exit of the meteorite base seemed to have flown out, leaving an illusory passageway.

Glancing at the sky, there should be tens of thousands of insect swarms, which looks scary enough, but the ammunition of the battleship group is definitely not less than hundreds of thousands of rounds, so it should be able to handle it.

Moreover, this is also a good opportunity.

Kong Huan smiled slightly, and carefully flew around the scattered swarms of ground bugs and buildings on the ground, and approached the entrance again by following the path formed by the shell craters created by the shelling.

At this time, there were no insects in the entrance, and he entered it smoothly.

No need to search, through the cracked wall opening on the passageway inside the entrance that is similar in structure to No. 02 Meteorite Base, Kong Huan quickly found the direction where the densely packed insect swarms inside the Meteorite Base were attacking.

Although the mental power still couldn't find his target, the center surrounded by the swarm was obviously the one he was looking for.

"Wow, that's a lot."

Carefully hide his figure, hide in the illusion behind the group of bugs, trying to find an opportunity to connect with the people inside.However, although the pillars surrounded by the spheres hardly stopped dropping Zerg corpses, there was still no chance for Kong Huan to sweep away the mental power, obviously the density of Zerg was too high.

As for the periphery, Kong Huan made a rough estimate. Except for the densely packed land bugs trying to climb the pillars to get close to the central sphere, there were at least ten thousand flying Zerg flying in the sky.

However, there were not many giant Zergs like Corrosion Dragon among them, and most of them became corpses on the ground. It seemed that they were killed by Chu Jie and the others as the main threat from the beginning.

At this moment, most of the people inside the meteorite base are medium-level Zerg, and most of the people who flew out to attack the battleship group before are low-level Zerg, such as war bees.

In this regard, the Youshen-level elder Kong Huan, who was knocked into the air by the war bees, was even more embarrassed.

"Tch, what the great man said is good, there is no way, we will go by ourselves!"

No matter which great man said it, at least Kong Huan thinks this sentence is very correct.

So after finding a direction and avoiding the possibility of being trapped in it, he quickly walked around the empty corridor outside the Zerg meteorite base and approached the pillar part.

Judging from the situation at this time, the brain worm is really the death spot of the Zerg.

If not, it would be impossible for such an important place to be without a single guarding bug, and the swarm of bugs outside were instinctively attacking desperately, which made Kong Huan subconsciously think of something called "pig". The Assault' tactic.

"Unfortunately, there are not many good opportunities like this."

For example, in the direction of the No. 05 meteorite base, even the Youshen class has great difficulty in getting close to the opponent's meteorite base within 10 kilometers, and the Yinshen class is also very risky, let alone controlling the opponent's brain worm like this time.

This time it can only be said that it was an accident, maybe it was due to the surprise of Chu Jie and others, and maybe there was also the pretentious cleverness of the Zerg brain worms.

But how, who knows?Anyway, the result is that now at least in War Zone 03, the Friends will win and the Zerg will lose.

"Now, let me show up in style, Quack!"

With a wave of thunder in one hand, Kong Huan suddenly flew out from behind a giant corrosive dragon that was unaware of its back. He raised his hand and killed the two gun worms who were obviously directing the surrounding Zerg, and then looked at it hatefully. The twin gun bugs that are too far apart for the time being can't be solved.

Using thought power as an arrow, he kicked hard on the dome of the inner space of the meteorite base, and then accelerated strongly electromagnetically, shooting himself out like an electromagnetic shell.After piercing the Corrosion Dragon in front of him, his momentum remained undiminished, and soon he broke through the nearly [-]-meter-thick Zerg swarm, approaching the inner circle where the Zerg attacked.

"Leave it all for me!"

After the body broke into the spherical layer formed by the insect swarm, it was unable to move forward, and at this time, it was full of insects from the Zerg race.The Zerg, who hadn't realized the fact that the same kind beside them were crushed by the enemy in the next moment, looked at the sudden illusion in a daze at this time, but then revealed their fierce minions.

In this regard, the illusion has long been prepared.

The energy in the condensed body is converted into electrical energy, and high voltage is radiated around the body.

Soon, the lightning radiation like the magnetic energy coil in the game hit the surrounding flying insects with the void as the center.The light of the high-voltage arc instantly filled an area with a radius of more than ten meters. This was also because the Zerg were too dense.

The closest bugs failed to respond at all, and were reduced to ashes under the high voltage close to the natural thunder. Even the Zergs on the edge exuded a burnt smell, and fell to the ground together with the Zergs paralyzed by the electric current.

"Hahaha, look at my Thunderbolt!"

The words that Kong Huan uttered after doing all this passed through the swarm of insects that could not be replenished due to the vacant small area, and passed into the interior.

The few elders who had been highly concentrated all had smiles on their faces when they heard this.

"Hang Huan actually ran over, is he really still restless?"

(End of this chapter)

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