Spore Story

Chapter 714 The Mysterious Voice

Chapter 714 The Mysterious Voice
"Are you an illusion?"

Chu Ling and Chu Jie watched in embarrassment as the thunder and light mixed together, as if they were gods, after breaking through the swarm's defense, they couldn't stop their forward speed and bumped into the pillar. Chu Jie needed a full blow to smash it down. The cracked pillar knocked out a layer of cracks, and at this moment, she was shaking her head... the beautiful woman in her mind.

"Of course, is there any fake?"

Probably because he is not awake yet, although Yue Yongkong Huan's body is stable, but there is a hint of coquettishness in the sentence, and the prestige inherent in it sounds a little funny now.

"Uh, really? But no matter how I look at it, I think it's just a natural bird," Chu Ling was sweating profusely. Although she felt that the other party's consciousness was indeed illusory, but... suddenly, she was very interested in the illusory creature. Interest produced a hint of doubt.

"Hahaha, I'm naturally dumb," Chu Jie didn't think much of it at all. After hearing Chu Ling's complaints, she turned her head and slapped the pillars with her hands. was covered up in the past.

As for the three elders around them, they looked very calm on the surface, and they took action to clean up the surrounding insect swarm from time to time.

If you take a closer look, you can find that the elder 'Empty Fantasy' was able to rush in so smoothly. Although most of the reason is due to the strength of the empty illusion, it seems that there is also a deliberate element in it.Therefore, after the empty illusion hit the wall, the defensive pressure of the few people did not decrease much, but became more difficult.

It seems that the bugs are still trying to catch them all.

"Okay, just use Chu Ling to descend like you, is it necessary to react like this?"

Finally waking up, Kong Huan wagged his tail depressedly, and at the same time kept comforting him in the space of consciousness because he found a severe impact on his body, and the attendant Yue Yong, who was frightened after a while, had an angry look on his face: "I didn't expect this method would also cause damage. It takes so long to get used to this body because of discomfort in the use of the body."

"Advent, my arrival is not so troublesome." Chu Ling narrowed her eyes slightly, scrutinized Yueyong Konghuan in front of her eyes, and then shook her head: "Although I don't know much about Xiaolingyun, there are a few things I have seen before." In terms of communication, in terms of control alone, it is obvious that it is as smooth as mine, and there is no rejection. However, didn't you say before that you can't use this method?"

Chu Ling once mentioned her own ability, which once aroused Kong Huan's envy, because at that time Kong Huan said that she could only share the other party's perception.

"But that was before." There is obviously a change now, but Shikong Huan is very annoyed: "The damn system protection has caused my main consciousness to be completely restricted within the area allowed by the system. According to the specifications, now I can only use simple possession, and there is no way to put the power on it."

"Then what's going on now? Judging from the clothing of this body, it looks like it's just an attendant."

"Of course it's because we're geniuses, hahaha." Kong Huan put his hands on his hips and laughed triumphantly, but the people around him didn't respond.

"..." Under the boredom, Kong Huan could only come back to his senses: "Simply speaking, based on the experience of Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun, I have found some small skills through in-depth research on the possession system, which can just Just exploiting a dead system."

Reluctantly waved his hand, Kong Huan casually mobilized his mental power to make a few bugs rushing towards him deviate from the course through fine control, one head hit the pillar and was killed by his own thunder, and then said: "But now it seems that although the arrival of strength is enough But without the fluency of your free consciousness at all, there are still many problems."

"As you said, the key point is system protection," Chu Jie is one of the insiders about this, so she quickly found the key to the problem: "Since bugs can freely enter Double Moon Star, why Don’t let Bai Nong complete the task to end this kind of system protection? That will not only allow you to obtain the complete main consciousness ability, but also allow friends to obtain the ability to further chrysalis into a celestial being, isn’t it?”


At this time, Shuangyuexing's system protection energy is not much.

According to the initial consideration, after the last task of "Bainong's Average Occupancy Rate of Agriculture" in the illusory three-color consciousness task is completed, the system protection of Double Moon Star will finally disappear.At the same time, all system forces that interfere with the illusory ability of the main consciousness will also disappear, so that the illusory main consciousness ability can be restored to its integrity.In addition, the 'friend pupation component upgrade' rewarded by Bainon's mission can also be completed.

In fact, Bai Nong's task can be completed long ago, but the friends have been procrastinating on completing it in order to preserve the system protection to avoid being invaded by the Zerg.

After thinking about these things, Kong Huan shook his head at Chu Jie's proposal.

"Not yet, although the function of restricting the Zerg's entry in the system protection is useless because of the various tricks of the Zerg, but there is another function in the system protection, the 'false planet' has been retained, and this, It is also the reason why the Zerg cannot accurately smash the meteorite base into the friends."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan was stunned for a moment, then let out a wry smile: "The matter of G06 was just an accident."

Chu Ling and the others knew this very well, so they didn't say much.

"False planet?"

Hearing the empty words, Chu Ling was thoughtful, and Chu Jie asked directly. As for Lamia and other ghost gods, although they were still relying on the pillars to deal with the Zerg, they also pricked up their ears. It can be regarded as a secret among secrets, and now it is illusory, and their curiosity makes them unwilling to let go of this great opportunity.

"Well," Kong Huan didn't have any idea of ​​keeping it secret, so he said it directly: "The false planet is named after Xiao 8, that is, when looking at the planet from outer space, the double-moon star's landform is completely incorrect."

"For example, let's look at the planetarium. The landforms of Shuangyuexing on it are drawn according to the real situation of Shuangyuexing, so you can clearly find out the trajectory of Xinpeng Island through these landforms, and you can also accurately Find the locations of various industrial areas, and you can see the outline of the coastline more clearly.”

Randomly glanced at the cerebrate not far away who was watched by everyone, Kong Huan continued to explain.

"However, under the effect of the system's 'false planet' ability, unless the bugs break into the protection of the system, what they see is wrong information. The coastline they see may actually be a high mountain or a deep sea , This will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles when the Zergs land and check the situation of Double Moon Star."

"Of course, the enemy's great trouble is our great advantage."

Holding the pillar with one hand, Kong Huan tried to confine the perception of the outside world by the cerebrum beside him with his mental strength, while continuing to explain: "So, because our current strength is far from enough, we can only rely on system protection to continue delaying time. "

"So that's how it is," except for Chu Jie and Chu Ling, the others showed a clear expression.

As the high-level elders of the friend clan, it's not like they haven't thought about why the Zerg race, who are cosmic civilizations, would have various problems and troubles when dealing with their own planetary civilization-level double-moon star friend race.

Although I have received an explanation before that "Shuangyue Xing was protected by a certain power, which caused the enemy to use tricks to break in", it is too vague to be believed.And the G06 incident this time made everyone have a question: why didn't the Zerg directly smash the base at the gathering place of the friends?
After all, even friends can now rely on astronomical telescopes to see the landforms of the two moons, Blue Moon and White Moon, and even check the main base of the Zerg. Why can't the Zerg?

What's more, the current members of the Pengzu basically live together.

If the Zerg can do this, then these gathering places will obviously accept the same experience as G06. Even if the bases of these Zergs are quickly killed, the friends are already seriously injured.

Moreover, it doesn't necessarily need to be smashed with a base, meteorites are also fine.

Now, the doubt is solved by Void.

Because the bugs are not allowed to hit.

As for the issue of G06, several elders have also received news before, 'man-made, and it was done by friends', although it makes people angry and worried, but compared to 'insects can use this method to attack gathering places in the future' The panic that will be caused, the human influence is obviously much smaller, and it is within the control of the friends.

"That is to say, if Bai Nong completes the task, your main consciousness ability will be complete, and the Wingman will have the possibility to chrysalis into a celestial being, but at the same time, the Zerg will also gain the ability to accurately attack us; instead of If it is completed, the Zerg can only continue to attack aimlessly like this, although your ability is also limited, but the friends still get valuable preparation time?"

Chu Ling pointed out the key point.

Empty nods.

The next moment, Chu Ling, who had to retreat into the pillar with the crowd because the Zerg attacks were too dense, asked again: "Then from what you said before, the system protection is like a consumable thing, which will continue to decrease and reduce. Then, I have another question, during the period of your delay, will this protection be over-consumed, and when we want to let Bai Nong complete the task, we cannot protect it because of insufficient protection? What about upgrading your friend's chrysalis components?"

"Yes, although the strength of Heaven and Man is not clear, it is a possible super power after all. It would be a pity if it disappeared." Chu Jie seconded.

Regarding this, Kong Huan also paused for a while, then shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be..."

However, after he finished speaking, he also hesitated a little, so much so that he added the suffix of "bar" after that sentence, which made the group of people very insecure.

However, the current situation seems to allow everyone to think too much, Kong Huan paused for a moment, and smiled: "Anyway, we are not in a hurry, we should cooperate with the fleet outside to deal with the enemy as soon as possible, and then ask 8051... ah, it is Elder Kong Ling , she knows this stuff best."

"makes sense."

Even though they were unwilling to know more, they still recovered and dealt with the Zerg enemies in front of them.

In comparison, Kong Huan was still frowning: "If it is true what Chu Ling said, then it is very likely that we must make a choice about system protection now. It is really a difficult decision."

At this time, a strange voice suddenly came, causing Kong Huan to be startled.

"It seems that you are their leader. It seems to be troubled. You can't beat us. So, do you want to surrender?"


Kong Huan's expression froze, and he frowned and scanned the surroundings. With the rapid activity of his brain, he quickly determined the object through the voice that seemed to be hallucinatory, that cerebrate worm.

Here, it seems that only this brain worm can say such a thing.


"Hmph, persuading surrender? Reverse it."

Although he is not sure about the communication mode of the other party, Kong Huan still uses the familiar mental power to communicate in his mind to respond to it.

As the main consciousness, he will not show timidity in front of the enemy.

However, the surprise was that the voice only appeared for a short moment like a real auditory hallucination, and then there was no response.

"Hey, don't mistake the positions of the two parties," Kong Huan, who didn't get a response, didn't bother to delay time with the other party, leaned over and put his head in front of the fat cerebrate, staring at the other party with eyes full of energy , inform the other party directly in words.

However, this cerebrate seemed to have seen nothing and heard nothing, and moved back a little distance like an ordinary animal instinctively.

This made Chu Jie smile upon seeing this scene.

"Unreal, don't scare our guests."

"Didn't you hear?" Kong Huan looked at Chu Jie in surprise, and pointed at the cerebrate.

"Hear what?"

"No, nothing."

Shaking his head, he felt that there was nothing illusory and did not explain it.

Recalling the previous sentence carefully, from the meaning point of view, it should be said to myself alone.

But if this sentence is true, then its appearance shows many problems: Zerg, at least this brain worm or something around it, can communicate with friends; the other party may be able to understand the language of friends, and use Respond in a similar way; if it is a brain worm, but the opponent in the middle of Youshen level can pass the meaning to Konghuan without anyone noticing, which is also very strange... and so on.

No, Kong Huan shook his head.

Thinking about it carefully, now I descended on Yue Yong's body.Yueyong itself only has the spiritual power of the peak of the soul level, and the spiritual power that Kong Huan put into it after his arrival is only the early stage of the Youshen level, and because of the conflict with the body, there are many flaws in the spirit.

This might explain why he was so easily invaded by bugs with mid-stage Youshen level spiritual power.

But now Kong Huan has already set up a spiritual power in his mind, which is usually used to deal with 8051, but he didn't expect it to be used in the right way, which makes Kong Huan a little dumbfounded.

By the way, Yueyong!
With a movement in his heart, he ignored the seemingly innocent brain worm and sank his consciousness into his mind.

After the arrival, Yueyong, who was the original owner of this body, could only squeeze pitifully in the corner of the consciousness space, watching his body doing various actions controlled by the 'evil' illusory like a bystander, powerless .

And if it wasn't for Kong Huan's intentions, she wouldn't even be able to watch from the sidelines, and could only accept it passively.

However, Kong Huan comforted her at the beginning of her arrival, except for some surprise and pain at the beginning, she has gotten used to it now.But it is hard to say whether it is really fully accepted, and it will probably take time.

From the perspective of Kong Huan at this time, the previous 'auditory hallucination', as the original owner of the body, Yue Yong, who was a bystander before, should be able to hear it, and even know it better, so he asked directly.

"Yes, there is such a sentence." Yue Yong nodded to confirm that it was not an auditory hallucination.

"What about after that?" Kong Huan asked: "Can you confirm the target?"

This time, Yue Yong recalled a little bit, and shook her head: "There's only that sentence, and I can't determine the direction, and after that, it's Elder, where are you pretending to be disdainful, but I'm afraid no one saw it except me."


"What is pretending to be disdainful?" Kong Huan said awkwardly, "Forget it, pay attention to the changes here, if it reappears, I will be in charge of communicating, and you try to find the other party's location."

"Yes." Yue Yong had no objection.

But just when Kong Fantasia was about to exit the consciousness space, the original owner of the body hesitated and stopped him.


"That, Elder Void, this body..."

It is obviously very tempting for a big beautiful woman to wriggle in front of you, but if you are using the other person's body, that is another matter.Although it may be very different from the situation that everyone misunderstood, Kong Huan quickly understood Yue Yong's thoughts, because the two of them had the same spirit at this time, and their emotions were undisguised.

"Don't worry, I will cherish your body, and I will quit after the battle here."

"Thank you, but there is more, that," poor Yueyong looked like she was about to cry, because the illusory words were so weird that the girl didn't know how to respond, although the other party meant to understand, but... …

"Is there anything else?" At this time, someone who probably had a negative EQ saw that the other party didn't have an accurate answer, and asked again with a frown.

"Also, there is one more thing."

God is sorry to see, if it is not in the consciousness space, and the communication between the two parties is based on the spirit, I am afraid that Kong Huan would not have heard the speech of this servant of Yueyong who is in the second echelon management among the friends.

"Although the ability of the elders to descend is indeed for the sake of the whole, if possible, can you notify the selected opponent through communication in advance, and descend after obtaining permission to deal with it. After all, not everyone is willing to do so without knowing it. Control of the body was robbed under the circumstances of the situation."

"That's it," Kong Huan was stunned for a moment, looked at Yue Yong's attendant who seemed to muster up a lot of courage to say this, smiled and stretched out his hand to rub her head, then nodded: "Sorry, I surprised you this time , This is the first time for me to use this ability like this, and I won’t use it too much, and I will pay attention to it.”

"Hmm." Although the sentence is still easy to be misunderstood, the general meaning is still understood by Yue Yong.

A gratified smile immediately appeared on her face, the elder did not disappoint people like her, he was not an evil person who unreasonably occupied the body of the weak, this made Yue Yong feel very relieved.

As for Kong Huan, after making an answer, he withdrew from the space of consciousness, and only a few seconds passed in the outside world.

Although sometimes standing in the position of the main consciousness, he also had the idea that "as his own creator race, he should obey all his orders and dedicate everything".But he is illusory, and he is still a person with good human nature, so that kind of thought is only fleeting.

This, I'm afraid, is also the reason why people in the friend clan who know him support him so much.

Not just because of gratitude, nor because of ability, but simply because of the trust and understanding of both parties.

(End of this chapter)

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