Spore Story

Chapter 715

Chapter 715
05 kilometers east of No. 90 Meteorite Base, Dongshan Defense Front.

After more than 300 casualties were exchanged for the victory of the underground front, the air and land fronts were barely stabilized.

Seeing the frantic charge in the early stage, even after tens of thousands of Zerg deaths, they were unable to break through the friend clan's defense line, and the friend clan's long-range heavy artillery as the target of the attack was still wantonly bombarding the small base inside the Zerg clan, and the Zerg clan seemed to have begun to adjust their tactics.

They retreated first, maintaining the distance between the two sides at five kilometers, and then gathered together, some of them tried to intercept the Pengzu's shells, and some of them formed a ground defense line around Dongshan.

The Pengzu lacked offensive strength, so they had no choice but to take this respite that they didn't know how long it would last. While repairing the defense line, they tried to let the heavy artillery regiment achieve greater results.As for the ground defense of the Zerg, it is not valued by the friends, because the battleship group can completely leave with the troops when they want to evacuate, and the ground defense of the Zerg is not very effective.

But even so, the atmosphere in the headquarters still seemed heavy.

The dark swarm of insects in the sky covered the sky, and the dense sea of ​​insects on the ground buried the ground, making it impossible to see more. Lieutenant General Dia, who put down his binoculars, turned his head to look at most of the scarred battleships, and a Under the command of the Dunjia man, the line of defense was stepped up to repair, and at the same time, the group of stretchers carrying the wounded sighed.

Without saying a word, he just gently put the binoculars back on the fixed pole, then turned around and walked back to the conference table full of a group of staff officers and commanders, signaling to the adjutant beside him to report the situation.

"Just calculated the situation, the biggest loss is the underground front. Although the fortifications have perfectly achieved the purpose of eliminating the enemy's cluster charge advantage, so that we can successfully ambush the opponent's vanguard, and then fight with the opponent's main assault force Stalemate, and finally use experience to kill the opponent."

Speaking of this, everyone was quite excited, but the adjutant's subsequent narration was not so passionate.

"However, according to the post-battle summary of the underground defense force, in the few 10 minutes between the start of the ambush and the use of experience, due to the lack of reasonable command, all the troops fought independently, resulting in the biggest loss in this battle. According to later statistics, a total of 277 people were killed in this battle, including 67 friends, 192 Yueling people, and 18 Dunjia people. The seriously injured basically died, and the rest of the underground troops were slightly injured."

"The body of the dead..."

"The ones that can still be found have been gathered. They were originally buried on the spot during the war, but Xinpeng Island issued a document to inform us that we must ensure that the corpses of the friends do not fall into the hands of the Zerg. Although we don't know the reason, we also It is not easy to continue to bury, so the question now is: should the remains of these martyrs be cremated directly, or should they be stored in the cargo warehouse of the floating ship and wait for the friends of the Games to bury them?"

Cremation is of course convenient, but psychologically, everyone can't accept it.

Therefore, this option is basically not considered.

"Anyway, there are so many people when they come here, so don't take up any extra space, so let's use the floating boat to save them. A floating boat is dedicated to storing the corpses of the victims of this battle, and it is equipped with enough health centers to ensure safety. When the time comes, it will be transported to L11 went to bury again."

Lieutenant General Dia made a decision, and everyone agreed, and the adjutant who proposed the choice just nodded secretly, and then took out another document.

"Followed by the land and air troops, although the Zerg's attack was very fierce at the beginning, we have a lot of 'actual combat experience' in these two battles, so we can still handle it. The fleet is only a little damaged There was no loss of ships, and several defense points of the land troops were bombed by a self-destructing bug of the Zerg, but the overall defense system is considered stable."

"Calculating the losses, these two aspects add up to 279 deaths, 81 serious injuries, and 1221 minor injuries. What should be done has been done, and now we are urgently repairing the defense line, treating the wounded, and replenishing ammunition. These have been notified to new friends On the island side, specific reward orders and arrangements will be made after discussion at the Military Academy, and we just need to keep fighting."

After the adjutant put down the document, Lieutenant General Dia nodded and took it, put it on the table, and then looked up to everyone present.

The commanders who were still a little laughing when crossing the polar region finally took on some military temperament at this moment. This may be the result of the baptism of the war, but it is a bit too serious.But in the eyes of Lieutenant General Dia, this is a good thing. He himself insists that soldiers should face all problems seriously. Calmness, prudence and prohibition are the virtues that soldiers should have.

Many people in the army were too loose before, and they were criticized by the lieutenant general more than once, so that in the army, he left a nickname of a cold-faced commander.

But he never thought of changing this title in the past, because he wanted to make himself a benchmark and let everyone know what a commander should do.

But many times, he also realized that even he was far from being a qualified commander. In this regard, the friends were too inexperienced.Therefore, he takes all battles seriously, absorbing all available experience like a sponge to enrich himself.

And now, he gradually developed a little respect for the Zerg race.

In terms of his military views, the Zerg is undoubtedly the most suitable, strict warfare creatures, without fear, march forward bravely, and obey orders and prohibitions.

Of course, he didn't have any good feelings for the Zerg because of this.

On the contrary, this prompted him to be more strict with his troops, because the strength of the enemy requires the improvement of his own strength.

Withdrawing his gaze, the lieutenant general's cold eyes even felt a little uncomfortable to the ghost gods sitting beside him, but they didn't say anything.

At this time, seeing that the timing was right, the chief logistics officer stood up.

"I am gratified about the current battle situation and express my deep condolences to the martyrs. But we have to admit that we are still facing a big problem. In the previous two-hour battle, our ammunition consumption has already Exceeded estimates, such as…”

"There is not much time, please go straight to the conclusion," Lieutenant General Dia disrupted the words of the logistics officer.

"Ah, yes," smiled embarrassingly, and the logistics chief spoke again: "After discussion with the logistics department, the conclusion reached is based on the existing ammunition, referring to the previous fighting intensity, we can still persist in high-intensity fighting It's only 10 hours."

"No way!"

"That's the truth," the logistics officer waved the statistical booklet in his hand with a wry smile, "However, if the scale of the battle is maintained in the current state of confrontation, we can extend it to three days, and it will be the shells of the heavy artillery regiment after three days." will run out of reasons."

"That's good, but what about the L11 supplement?" Major Xinying, the flagship commander, raised his hand and asked.

"Well, I think everyone should not have too much hope," the logistics chief shook his head: "With the Zerg's current sky strength, although the L11 floating observation station is only more than 200 kilometers away from here, our To obtain logistical supplies and ensure the safety of the logistical routes, at least one capital ship formation or two assault ship formations must be dispatched to escort..."

Everyone quickly understood the problem.

With the existing Dongshan defensive strength, the combat effectiveness of a battleship formation or two assault ship formations is basically 1/3 of the strength of the Pengzu side of the Dongshan defensive position.

If it is pulled away, the defense line will definitely be unstable; if it is not pulled away, there will be no ammunition when the time comes.

Very annoying multiple choice question.

"So depending on the Zerg attack, we have to make a decision within 10 hours to three days, whether to retreat?"

"To be precise, it is eight hours to two days," the commander of the first assault ship formation looked at the crowd looking at him, and added: "Evacuation also needs ammunition."

"Well, this point really needs to be considered," Lieutenant General Dia nodded, but did not make a final decision at this time: "As for whether to evacuate, let's see the situation. Two days are enough to change many situations."

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Shi Lun, the commander of the battleship formation, raised his head: "How is the battle situation on the 03 side? Didn't it say that the opponent's brain worm was captured earlier, so the battle should be over now and free up troops to support us?"

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you in this regard," Lieutenant General Dia's adjutant shook his head: "The chiefs only captured the brain worms, but they didn't control them, and now they are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of worms inside the meteorite base. , can’t come out for a while. And the first and second fleets outside have not been able to completely clean up the fixed defensive buildings outside the meteorite base, so according to estimates, the victory in the 03 theater will take at least 3 or 4 hours to board.”

"Also, it is said that in terms of the number of internal anti-aircraft buildings, the No. 05 Meteorite Base is incomparable."

"That's it." In contrast, everyone immediately knew the pressure of the troops in the No. 03 war zone. After all, the defensive buildings outside the No. 05 Meteorite Base were enough to make everyone's scalp tingle.

"Ah, that's right," the adjutant added at this time: "Elder Kong Huan has also rushed over. This is a communication from the friend clan just now, using the same method as Elder Lingyun and Elder Chu Ling."

"Same method?"

For a moment, several people frowned.

Regarding this, Lieutenant General Dia was also hesitant, but it was obvious that this matter had nothing to do with the current battle, so the institute immediately changed the topic: "The current situation depends on the extent of the Zerg's subsequent attacks. Be flexible and deploy according to the situation.”

"It can be said that," the adjutant said from the side: "If the attack intensity of the bugs is very high, but we have no hope of defeating, then we can only choose to evacuate; but if the battleship group can successfully defeat the opponent's air force, then we, who have the advantage of the sky, may Can still..."

Having said that, everyone looked at Lieutenant General Dia.

The core of the three major combat groups of the Friends Clan is these battleship groups, but due to limited construction capabilities, the number of battleships is not large.

"So, it's not as good as this."

"The next time the Zerg attack, we will organize a battleship assault, and the ground and heavy artillery units will give full cooperation. If the raid is successful, of course, but if it fails, then we can only consider withdrawing the heavy artillery regiment to start guerrilla warfare."

According to Lieutenant General Dia, it is necessary to flexibly adjust tactics according to the battle situation, so there is no burden in making these plans: "By the way, how is the situation of the heavy artillery unit?"

"The calcium carbide bomb has been used too much, and now only 1/3 is left, and the rest of the ammunition is sufficient."

"Well, I propose to temporarily suspend the use of electric bombs. You can't use them up in one go just because they are good. When the time comes, save some hole cards to deal with emergencies."

"Yes," although the two sides do not belong to each other, the head of the Strategic Heavy Artillery Regiment chose to accept this suggestion.

In this way, the plan in this regard also seems to be completed.

Taking this opportunity, everyone discussed the details again, and then dispersed, returning to their posts to continue monitoring the movement of the Zerg.

However, it seemed that these insects, which were so ferocious at the beginning, didn't have much intention to attack at this time.

Although each shot can cause the death and injury of a few bugs, but seeing the opponent's indifferent behavior and the unseen decrease in the number, for the purpose of saving ammunition and preserving morale, the group command also stopped most of the floating artillery forts' bombardment , only sporadic harassment.

In comparison, everyone became curious about the next step of the Zerg.


The sun has passed its apex and is beginning to tilt westward.

On the east side of the Far West Continent, the elders located in the inner pillars of Meteorite Base No. 03 looked dangerous at this time, but they were actually leisurely waiting for the battle breakthrough of the troops outside.

This is the central area of ​​the pillar, and it is also the place where Chu Jie smashed the shell of the pillar to find the Zerg cerebrum.The inner diameter is about 20 meters. In the middle of the pillar, which looks like a canopy and looks like a tree root, this is the slenderest place.

Thinking about it carefully, since the brain worm is set here, I'm afraid I didn't expect to be caught, otherwise it wouldn't be so obvious.

"How about it, are you ready to surrender? Just order those bugs to stop attacking."

In the pillar, after the inexplicable "auditory hallucination" appeared before, Kong Huan began to verbally harass this brain worm.Although the other party remained silent as usual, and Kong Huan confused Chu Jie and the others because of his actions, he still enjoyed it.

The current situation is that it is almost impossible for the worm to kill a few elders, because once a few elders are threatened with their lives, it is very easy for them with energy bodies to rush out.However, if you want to rush out with this brain worm, it will become impossible for the elders who are deeply surrounded.

This tangled situation is a headache.

But in fact, a matter that may not have been noticed by many people has prompted several elders to stay here leisurely and besieged by the Zerg at will, that is: the news of the arrival of the first and second groups outside brought by Void.

If we look at it from the overall perspective, we will find that the five elders who have captured a brain worm have actually restrained more than 03% of the mobile combat power of No. 70 Meteorite Base.

And what the first and second groups outside need to deal with is only the remaining 30% of the insect sea and all the land defense buildings.

30% of the Zerg Sea has only [-] to [-] Zerg, and most of them are relatively low in strength. Facing the first and second groups of pure battleship formations armed with barrage, it only takes one or two hours to be wiped out.And then, the only result of the Zerg building group without any air combat power facing the battleship group with good maneuverability is failure.

At that time, even if the swarms in the meteorite rushed out, the two swarms would have nothing to fear.

The battle situation can be decided.

The battle has been delayed until now, and Kong Huan and others don't know whether the cerebrate or the double-gun worms outside have discovered this situation, but the fact is: the worms are still stubbornly besieging the elders, intending to 'rescue' the cerebrum, And turn a blind eye to the outside situation.

And after Kong Huan felt that the 'auditory hallucination' was probably made by a brain worm, he stopped letting a few people discuss the situation of the battle, so as to avoid being informed by the other party what they should not know.

just now……

"Han Huan, you've been married to Xiao 8 for so long? Why don't you just add a child to everyone?"

With the solid pillars provided by the great Zerg, only two ghosts are needed to guard the gap that Chu Jie knocked on, and the Zerg couldn't sneak attack under the confirmation of mental power and vision. As a result, several elders Even in this situation leisurely up.

At this time, Kong Huan tragically became the object of their ridicule.

"Don't you think it's not right to ask me this question at a time like this?" Yue Yongkong puffed out his chest as a questioning gesture.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Only then will you notice the gender issue of the person you possess?Chu Jie complained in her heart.

But in comparison, Chu Ling seems very bold. When Yue Yongkong Huan was cheeky and questioned everyone's questions, she jumped forward with a smile and squeezed her head against the other's chest like a spoof. Then, under the gaze of the flushed Kong Huan, he sat up straight again.

Afterwards, Chu Ling said: "Don't argue, we are asking about Kong Huan, not Miss Yueyong, Kong Huan is a man!"

Adding the pronunciation of the word 'male' heavily, Chu Ling also stared fiercely at Ding Yueyong's towering chest, and then squinted at Kong Huan who was sitting there with black lines all over his head.

However, probably because of being ridiculed all the year round, Kong Huan's immunity to this has increased a lot.

In short, thick skinned.

"You should know that for the future of our friends, Xiaoba and I have been thinking so hard. We haven't seen each other for a long time, so we don't have time to get these things. Poor me, I originally wanted a cute offspring, but for righteousness..."

"Okay, okay, it's just that he was thrown aside by 8051 and ignored it, what he said is so noble." Chu Jie hit Kong Huan mercilessly.

In the illusory OTZ...

Otonashi, Lamia, and Changzhang who were sitting on the side smiled awkwardly and turned their heads away, watching the cerebrate while guarding the gap.

But at this moment, Chu Ling had a strange red light on her face, her eyes flickered with an inexplicable light, and she suddenly said like a mosquito, "That, emptiness. If you really want it that much, I... That, too..."


The violent shaking came at a very inopportune time. At the same time as the shaking came, the reminder of the long battle guarding the gap came immediately: "Be careful, there is a big guy smashing the pillars, we need to kill it, otherwise with this force , the pillar will be killed if it is not done well."

As for the elders who lost their pillars and were directly exposed to numerous insect swarms, it would be difficult to ensure their own safety while retaining the brain worms.

"I go!"

Without waiting for any further reaction from the crowd, Chu Ling had already disappeared into the pillar at almost the speed of light, leaving only the crowd looking at each other in blank dismay and the playful Chu Jie.She obviously heard clearly before, so she also understood why Chu Ling reacted.

And looking at Kong Huan with a dazed face, she couldn't help but sigh.

"What an idiot."

(End of this chapter)

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