Spore Story

Chapter 716

Chapter 716

"What the hell am I talking about! It's too bad... Ahhh!"

After flying out of the crack, Chu Ling covered her face and used her panicked consciousness to control her thoughts to easily disperse the surrounding Zerg. The unlucky insects were cut into pieces by the completely disordered but lethal thoughts film and fell down. ground.

Under multitasking, Chu Ling was even able to distract herself from thinking about her previous actions.

"It's really shameless." It's just that after hearing what Kong Huan said, anyone with a little sense can analyze that it's just a joke, but she just took it seriously and wanted to say those things impulsively: " Oh, damn it! Bastard! Idiot! ⑨! Go to hell!"

She didn't know whether she was lamenting her own lack of initiative, or was annoyed at 8051's preemption, or was annoyed at being blank. In short, Chu Ling's actions at this time could be described as going all out.

If the bugs who became punching bags around had feelings, they would have burst into tears and fled away.Dang Rang, even if he has no feelings, Chong Zi is not a fool, he will also dodge Chu Ling's attack.But the problem is that thought power is colorless, tasteless, and even formless. With Chu Ling's strength, this thought power attack can be done in whatever way you want, as long as the mental power reaches the area, you can use this kind of thought power.

Even if they are immune to mental power, they cannot escape the mental power that can touch the material world.

Therefore, when the bugs face the attack of mind force, they are basically impossible to defend against.

So, without thinking about the problem of the brain worms, Chu Ling, who rushed out of the crack, showed great power and instantly emptied hundreds of worms within the range.

And below, a double-spear worm who was planning to mobilize the Zerg to fill the gap was unable to dodge in time, and became another sacrifice of Chu Ling's anger. Without even reacting, he changed from being the commander of countless Zergs to being one of the massive bug corpses below the meteorite base.

"Cut, that's disgusting."

Chu Ling, who created this phenomenon with one hand, looked at the dense backlog of terrestrial Zerg ground, and after the efforts of several elders under their feet, there were probably insect corpses at least six or seven meters thick.

Even though the smell perception to the outside world has already been closed to avoid smelling the strong smell of blood, the visual impact is still extremely uncomfortable.

"Where's the big guy? Where is it?"

Looking back at the long battle reminded before, he was restrained by Chu Ling's supernatural power before, and shook his head mechanically: "The insects are too dense, just now I just saw a big thing hit the pillar, and then disappeared In the swarm."

"Really?" Chu Ling turned her head and scanned the surroundings. The oval defense shield propped up by her mind power blocked all the Zerg that wanted to attack her. It will interfere with the operation of the spirit, but for the elders, being attacked for a short time has no effect.

As for the occasional long-range attacks that are more threatening through the gaps of the Zerg, you only need to use your mind to pull a few Zerg as a shield, and you can easily eliminate them. This is why the Zerg wanted to attack them before.As for why they didn't keep the distance, don't forget that Chu Ling and the others still have a brain worm in their hands, and maybe their plump body is very effective as a corrosion ball.

At this moment, Chu Ling, who was planning to charge a few times to find the target, suddenly felt the pressure on her head suddenly increase.

Looking up, she just had time to strengthen the strength of the mind-force mask, and saw the few Zerg crowding on top of her head as if they were crushed by some huge force. eventually cracked.

All this happened within a fraction of a second, and Chu Ling immediately suffered a similar experience to what Kong Huan had experienced when entering the meteorite base, and was thrown heavily into the air.The difference is that Kong Huan was knocked away by a swarm of bees, while Chu Ling was knocked away by a big guy.

In comparison, because she has been surrounded by hostile insect swarms, the attacks on Chu Ling were largely offset by the insect swarms, and the impact was mitigated by the insects along the way when she bounced off, so she recovered quickly.

After standing up from the pile of corpses, she was not even damaged by the worm corpses as a buffer.

He rubbed the only spirit that was injured by the shock, and he recovered after a moment of relief.

At this time, she also saw the true face of the enemy.

A tentacle monster.


Well, I really can't find how to call each other.Because what appeared before Chu Ling's eyes was an oval-shaped body with a body length of nearly 50 meters, and around the body was a huge monster that was waving more than 20 tentacles with a diameter of two or three meters.The distribution of eyeballs in front, back, left, and right makes it difficult to connect with normal creatures.

Perhaps in order to make room for both sides, the surrounding Zerg did not get close to the tentacle monsters, so in the actual space of the meteorite base, the huge tentacle monsters were able to move flexibly.

This is a treatment that even the giant corroded dragon did not have before. It is conceivable that the Zerg value this monster.

This also made Chu Ling look dignified.

"Tch, isn't it just that the tentacles are a little thicker?" Shaking the crystal tentacles behind her head, although Chu Ling was petite, she exuded an aura that was not weaker than her opponent.

During the moment when the two sides confronted each other, Chu Ling carefully sized up the opponent in front of her.

Judging from the shape, the tentacles of this monster obviously have an undeniable main attack power, and the tip of the tentacles has a slightly closed cavity, which may spray out dangerous liquid, so it has to be guarded against; there are more than 20 tentacles, one-on-one With Chu Ling's distraction ability, she might be able to barely deal with it, but the bugs around her obviously wouldn't sit still.Even though those little bugs couldn't hurt Chu Ling, they suddenly appeared during the fierce battle with the tentacle monster, and it was no problem to restrict Chu Ling's actions for a while.

"How to fight?"

"Hmph, just kill it!"

Without any warning, Chu Ling's whole body suddenly flashed with lightning, and disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared on the back of the big bug the next moment.

However, what was unexpected was that this thing seemed huge, but its reaction was not slow at all. Almost at the same time as Chu Ling appeared, a tentacle waved from the left side and smashed towards Chu Ling.

"I flash!"

Once again teleporting away from the attack, Chu Ling was already behind the whip of the tentacle when she reappeared. Although she found Chu Ling, it was difficult to adjust her direction for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Ling lightly touched the surface of the tentacle with her palm, followed by a high voltage of nearly one million volts.

After a bright flash, this tentacle with a diameter of more than one meter... was cooked.

"Hmph, what about the new arms?"

However, although she was mocking the enemy on the surface, Chu Ling was greatly shocked in her heart.

You must know that your previous energy attack is also considered extremely strong. If you change to an ordinary Zerg, even if those giant elephants and corrosion dragons are here before, the only result will be turning into dust, but the tentacles of this monster are just familiar. None.

This defense seems to need attention.

Thinking this way, Chu Ling narrowed her eyes slightly, and her mental power shrank back to her surroundings little by little.Taking advantage of the monster's pain, it seemed that there was a moment of pause. Using her thoughts as a knife, Chu Ling swung the weapon fiercely across the overcooked tentacles. The blade felt heavy resistance to cut off the cooked meat area. , and then paused for half a second to break open the skeleton.

But at this time, the monster has also woken up, struggling to pull out its tentacles.

Chu Ling, who hadn't been able to completely cut off the tentacles, had no choice but to use the knife as her palm and use all her power to pull it with all her strength, and then destroyed it.

But at this time, the remaining tentacles of the tentacle monster pointed their tips at Chu Ling, and a bright light appeared at the opening that seemed to have attack power.

"This is……"

The very familiar light, there are quite a few outside the meteorite base at this time, it is the strong light when the electromagnetic weapon is activated.And this light is slightly weaker, but it gives people a more dangerous feeling.

Before she had time to think about it, Chu Ling forcibly pulled the nearby tentacles and Zerg to block her body with her thoughts.

After the strong light passed, the tentacles broke, and the Zerg that was used as a shield disappeared. Chu Ling herself retreated quickly after the violent explosion, and the light on her body weakened a little, showing the strength of the previous attack.

At this time, Chu Ling's back felt warm, and a pair of slender hands caught Chu Ling who was retreating in mid-air.

"How about it, is it a very powerful enemy?"

Although not very familiar, the voice of a friend made Chu Ling, who was planning to fight back, suppress her thoughts.Looking back, what she saw was Yue Yongkonghuan's pretty face that Chu Ling couldn't help complaining about.But as soon as she saw this, she remembered her previous behavior, and her body struggled violently.

In desperation, Kong Huan could only let go of the other party, then turned his head to look into the distance and pointed the tip of the tentacles at the tentacle monsters of the two of them again.

"What was the attack before, I didn't see it clearly?" Now is the time for intense fighting, and Chu Ling, who doesn't want to be disturbed by her own emotions, hastily dragged the topic into serious business, and at the same time, she still didn't forget to pull on Void, whose body was not reacting fast at this time. Avoid the attack of the tentacle monster.

Before Kong Huan could reply, another attack gave Chu Ling an answer.

"Plasma ball!"

As for the theory of plasma weapons, Pengzu has just proposed it not long ago, and limited by the current manufacturing technology, even experimental demonstration is very difficult.

Of course, the No. 02 meteorite base of the Zerg has already made a demonstration for the Pengzu before, and now the Pengzu's research on plasma weapons is mainly in the theory of weapon design, not demonstration.However, the technicians who study the Zerg are still confused about the plasma structure in the Zerg meteorite base. If they want to obtain practical plasma weapons, the Zerg still has a long way to go.

As for the power of this weapon, everyone has different opinions and cannot be sure.

Of course, 'very strong' is certain.After all, there used to be more than 1000 people and three airships in the Pengzu, and they were planted in the hands of this thing.

However, a little different from the theory, the plasma ball emitted by the tentacle monster in front of me obviously has some dark green and electric arcs. Time to think about these.

After hiding in the swarm, the power of the tentacle monster's plasma ball was also revealed, but the most important thing was the opponent's attack speed.

The twenty tentacles fired continuously, and the tentacles aimed at all directions, resulting in no dead spots around the tentacle monster.

And none of the Zerg that was pulled out by the two of them as a shield could survive.The only result of being hit directly is to disappear almost like annihilation, while being hit indirectly is turning into fly ash like a high-voltage attack. Only medium Zerg will do.

replace it...

"At least two psychic shields are required," said Kong Huan with a dignified expression. For the first time, he was worried about his psychic defense. Moreover, this was an improved psychic shield after the initial No. 01 Zerg small base energy ball attack.

But at this time, because the distance between them has been opened by nearly a thousand meters, no matter how fast the plasma ball's attack speed is, there will be a process. Even if it is only a few tenths of a second, it is enough for the two ghosts.Therefore, when trying to attack the Tentacle Monster close-up, it is relatively difficult for the Tentacle Monster to kill the two ghost gods who are deliberately keeping a distance.

At this time, Chu Ling was able to calm down and face the question of emptiness.

"What are you doing here? Are you making trouble?" Chu Ling questioned at this moment.

"What, I didn't come here because you needed help, did I?" Surprised by Chu Ling's reaction, Kong Huan looked at her depressedly and said, "Don't play your temper, Lamia and Changzhang need to guard the cracks in the pillars. Don't interfere with the brain worms, Chu Jie sits in the formation to ensure the safety of the few people, and I am the only one who can come here at this time."

"Is it just because of this reason?" For some reason, Chu Ling gritted her teeth.

And the leisurely unaware of the empty illusion, nodded directly: "Of course, it is basically because of this reason."

"Hmph, you're just a possession right now. Your strength is too weak. Coming here is a burden!" Chu Ling's tone became unfriendly.

"But no matter how weak you are, you are still a Youshen." Kong Huan was embarrassed.

"Forget it, hehe, just stand behind me and watch the show obediently," Chu Ling angrily pulled Kong Huan behind her, with a disdainful expression on her face, and then shot a thunderbolt at the tentacle monster in the distance.

However, the thunder that hit the opponent's body surface only left a mass of scorched black marks, and couldn't even break through the outer shell.

"Hey, I'm a man, you should stand behind me," pulled Chu Ling and moved behind. Seeing that Thunder's attack had little effect, he broke the wings of a few Zerg with his thoughts, and then smashed the bugs hard Tentacle monsters in the distance.

But it's a pity that this kind of attack is not as effective as the previous Thunder, and it can't even slow down the speed of the tentacle monster.

"It's a man's fault. Hold it with your hands and your legs and see how it feels!" Pulling out a group of Zergs to block another plasma attack, Chu Ling frowned when she noticed that the number of Zergs around had decreased a lot. But do not forget to quarrel with the illusion.

"Uh," but this time the emptiness was irrefutable, and in a hurry, he shouted: "So what if the body is female, our consciousness is male, besides, this body is only for temporary use !"

"Whether it's coming or not, this body is now a woman!" Chu Ling felt relieved for a while, seeing you make me unhappy, this is a lesson.

Of course, for two people who can multitask, their quarrel did not have any negative impact on the battle. With the more active ability of Yiren's five-level brain after energyization, it is easy to deal with simple plasma ball evasion, but, for The two were extremely dissatisfied with the fact that they couldn't hurt the tentacle monster.

At the same time, due to the difference in body and mind, Kong Huan's reaction was a bit slow.

However, Kong Huan didn't have any thought of backing down.Even Yueyong, who was in the illusory space of consciousness and was always worried about her body, didn't have the slightest thought of backing down after seeing Youshen's battle at this time.If she can study hard, maybe it won't take long for her to grow into a new Youshen.

"In this situation, we have to get close to hurt each other!" Dodging the attack again, Chu Ling began to feel tired of the current situation.

In this regard, Kong Huan deeply agreed: "Let's do this. At this time, your agility is high, and you are responsible for attracting tentacles. I will sneak up and attack with mind and electromagnetic power."

After a little hesitation, Chu Ling still nodded.

The work of the two is not easy, and the result of being entangled accidentally is likely to be fatal, and now both of them have to admit that they look down on the Zerg a little bit.

However, the two obviously didn't think of this tentacle monster, but a member of the Zerg Space Force.

Because of too much consumption, Zerg seldom used inside the planet, and the resource supply of this tentacle monster was provided by Chu Ling and the others who had killed so many bug corpses before.

Of course, they will know this later, not now.

It seemed easy for Chu Ling to attract the attention of the enemy in front of her. After Yueyong, who was controlled by Konghuan, pulled up a pile of insect corpses to cover her tracks with her mind, Chu Ling was the only target of the tentacle monster.And this monster seemed to have spotted the target, even if it appeared occasionally, it failed to attract any attention.

In comparison, the seemingly easy approach of the empty illusion is extremely difficult.

The external cause was secondary, and Yueyong, who focused on the consciousness space, screamed non-stop after seeing dense insect corpses covering her body.

As a last resort, Kong Huan could only temporarily let her squat in the dark room for a while, but without Yue Yong's cooperation, Kong Huan seemed a bit too slow in controlling this body.

Squeezing out from the insect corpse again, Kong Huan couldn't help but twitch his stomach when he saw the disgusting scene around him.For the subsequent battle, he had to find some time to appease a certain attendant in the consciousness space.It's really a headache, so when women or something, it always feels unreasonable.


Chu Ling in the distance was very successful in attracting the tentacle monster's attention. If the other party ignored it, Chu Ling would deliberately approach and send out thunder to attract the other party.As for Kong Huan, Yue Yong finally woke up from the sea of ​​insect corpses, glared at Kong Huan bitterly for a few times, and nodded apologetically in bewilderment.

To this, Kong Huan responded with a wry smile.

"Pay attention to cooperation! After all, it is your body, and you don't want to just throw it away and bury it with the insect corpse."

"Ahh! Don't say it!"


The hollow illusion that bumped into the 'root' under the pillar in a daze once again expressed doubts about the tolerance of women.

"Alright, attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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