Spore Story

Chapter 717 The Season of Harvest

Chapter 717 The Harvest Season

In many cases, pre-war preparations are the most time-consuming, especially for cautious people like Kong Huan.

But if this sentence is put in another direction, it is that the fighting time is generally very short.

After relying on Chu Ling to attract the enemy's attention, Kong Huan 'sleeped' to the bottom of the tentacle monster under Yueyong's scream and the squeeze of the surrounding insect corpses. At this time, the outcome of the battle was actually determined.

Kong Huan is quite familiar with the method of shooting himself out as an electromagnetic gun. Although Yueyong knows it, he has never used it, but at this time, he only needs to cooperate.

Therefore, in a burst of electric grid flickering, Yueyong Konghuan's body turned into an electromagnetic shell, suddenly disappeared on the ground, drew a trajectory and hit the tentacle monster at high speed.At this time, although the other party made some reactions and tried to retract the tentacles to resist, but this time when the human cannon was used, Kong Huan showed Yueyong a new tactic—turning himself into a cannonball.

Through the transformation ability of the energy body, coupled with the physical defense ability of the mind force, Yueyong's energy body has become a cone-shaped arrow before being ejected.

The arrow wrapped in thought power breaks through the rock-hard air, breaks through the fragile tentacles, breaks through the hard carapace of the tentacle monster, finally passes through the monster's internal organs, and breaks through... ahem, because after hitting the tentacle monster's internal organs Yueyong's mental jitter caused her coordination rate to drop, and her piercing attack should have been perfect, but ended up getting her body stuck on the bug's back.

This result makes people a little speechless.

Hearing the screaming in his head again, Kong Huan couldn't help sighing with his hands on his forehead. It seems that Miss Yueyong, who was sitting on the bridge, knew too little about the cruelty of war.

"What is there to be afraid of, isn't it just a walk in the internal organs?"

When I was an animal in the past, I ate raw food countless times. It was unreal to pull out the internal organs and shake them, which was obviously a bit inhuman.This made Yueyong, who grew up under the banner of her friends and lived in a peaceful society, feel a lot of pressure.

"Forget it, let's change back first."

"No, that, that, go out first!" Except for a few non-human beings such as Kong Huan, there may not be many reasons why her body is stuck in the monster's internal organs, but Yueyong seems to want to deceive herself even more before leaving here. Change back to yourself.

"Then... well," Kong Huan shook his head helplessly, changing the body requires the cooperation of the body's original owner, at least Kong Huan is like this, since Yueyong requested, he has no reason to object, the cone-shaped appearance will soon melt and become A slender strip.

It wasn't until the whole body lay on the monster's relatively clean back that Yueyong's illusory appearance reappeared on the monster's back, and Yueyong in the consciousness space finally calmed down.

At this moment, the undead monster is still screaming.

Kong Huan's surprise attack this time was too fast and too violent, and the opponent's internal organs were completely destroyed without any effective defense.

When Kong Huan appeared on its back, this monster with eyes on the front, back, left, right, up and down of its body tried in vain to urge its tentacles to shoot a plasma cannon at Kong Huan.

It's a pity that it lacks visceral support, so it can no longer do this.

The limp tentacles drooped, and the body also slammed heavily to the ground with the loss of strength.

The surrounding Zergs seemed to be stunned by this scene. Except for the Zergs who were besieging the pillars and didn't notice the situation here, the others were floating in the air and did not surround them.Chu Ling took the opportunity to rush to Kong Huan, ready to take him back to the pillar area, but at this moment, Kong Huan supported the huge tentacle corpse with his thoughts.

"You, what are you doing?"

Kong Huan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because it wasn't Chu Ling who spoke first, but Yue Yong, who was wary of Kong Huan because his body was thrown into the pile of corpses by Kong Huan twice before, and he experienced a sea of ​​blood and corpses.Chu Ling waited for a while before asking the same question in a curious tone, which was much more relaxed than Yueyong's tone like a frightened bird.

Thinking about it carefully, after all, Chu Ling existed at the same time as Ga Ga back then.

Perhaps because of this introduction, Kong Huan even recalled the past when Chu Ling and others tasted cooked meat with him, and Qi Qi had diarrhea.

However, the memory only lasted for a while before he regained consciousness.

At this time, it is a bit difficult to support the illusion that there are probably nearly a hundred tons of tentacle corpses with the mental power of the early Youshen level. After Chu Ling understood his line of sight and divided the mental power to help, he sat on the relatively intact carapace of the tentacle monster. explained above.

"There is a problem with the roots of the pillars below. When I was walking through the pile of corpses (in the mourning of the moon chant), I found that there were many filaments like capillaries protruding from the roots, and the Zerg corpses and blood around the filaments were constantly flowing. It is decomposed and absorbed. Although it is not clear what the specific function of this is, it is obviously an absorption type, and it is beneficial to bugs."

"Really, in this way, we really can't let the monster's corpse fall," Chu Ling nodded knowingly.

"Well," Kong Huan added: "However, the corpse itself may be very valuable."

"Value?" Chu Ling and Yue Yong asked questions at the same time.

"Let's talk about this thing after going in." After nodding, he stretched out his hand and patted the carapace under his body. Kong Huan pointed to the distance and felt the pressure decrease. Long Zhan and others who fought back smiled and flew from the tentacle monster's head and landed on the crack of the pillar.

"You guys are finally back, I thought the two guys eloped," Chu Jie looked at the corpse of the tentacle monster in front of him with great interest: "Is this the big monster?"

"Elope, elope!" White smoke seemed to be coming out of Chu Ling's head.

"Steady! Stabilize your mind power!" Kong Huan hurriedly used his mind power to hold the unstable tentacle corpse.

Although it is dead, most of the damage done by the tentacle monster is internal organs. It looks like it is missing a few tentacles (Chu Ling's masterpiece), and there are holes in the back and abdomen (Moon Wing's empty fantasy masterpiece).

Judging from the appearance alone, this monster is quite powerful, but it is still not enough to fight against a friend ghost.

"It should be a new monster, maybe it's a big BOSS or something like that," handed the explanation to Chu Ling, and Kong Huan turned his head to look at the cerebrate who was still quietly staying in the center of the pillar.But I don't know if it was his illusion, when the tentacle monster flew to the gap in the pillar, the body of the brain worm shook.

This made Kong Huan very interested, and he put his head directly in front of the opponent, and asked with a smile: "How is it, do you want to surrender now?"

The brain worm's body visibly trembled, and the eyes of different sizes at the front gurgled a few times, but Xiang Konghuan still didn't make any answer.

After waiting for a while without getting a response, Kong Huan spat out boredly, turned around and walked towards the gap.

At this time, Chu Ling called out to Kong Huan in embarrassment, her face full of embarrassment: "The size is too big, it can't fit in."

"That's it." Rubbing his chin, Kong Huan raised his head and looked at the swarm that had re-enclosed, but was obviously hesitant to attack: "Since it can't fit here, it can't be thrown at the bottom of this meteorite base..."

Turning to look at the brain worm again, the other party did not move.

"Then," Kong Huan smiled and turned his head at a 45-degree angle: "Everyone, just take the brain worm and this monster out together."

Without waiting for everyone to make a counter-question, as if matching the illusory words, the violent explosion caused the entire meteorite base to shake, and in the perception of everyone, the Zerg race seemed to be agitated as if they were facing the end of the world, even the brain worm The 'fat' on his body began to shake like waves.

"This is?"

"I was still thinking about it. It should be more than an hour since I came in. No matter how the guys outside are two battle group-sized fleets, why haven't they come in yet... Ha ha."

Kong Huan's smile at this time made Lamia and Chang Zhan unable to stop the coldness.

But soon, this smile changed back to the kind and gentle look before, which made the two of them heave a sigh of relief.In comparison, the reactions of the other few people were much more normal, perhaps because they had seen too much.

There is nothing much to say about the next battle. For the purpose of protecting the integrity of the No. 03 meteorite base as much as possible after the arrival of the empty fantasy, when the fleet attacked, most of the Zerg buildings outside were just damaged; A few openings were made on the shell to make it easier for Kong Huan and others to leave.

As for the bugs who stayed in the meteorite base in an attempt to 'rescue' the Zerg brain worms, they rushed out at the same time they discovered that the meteorite base was attacked.

However, in the face of the fleet group blocking several exits, the only result of these bugs who lost their chance to fight is to be killed.

"Be careful to avoid those openings. I don't want to be killed by the plasma cannon that comes with the meteorite base." Chu Jie, who seemed to have no fight, was obviously resentful at this time.

The meteorite base, which was left behind in order to ensure its integrity, is now under the all-round monitoring of the battleship group, and several detected attack weapon existence points are on high alert.However, the moment the cerebrates left the gap in the meteorite base, all the surviving Zergs and buildings suddenly fell into chaos, and some of them even ignored the attacking battleships and started killing each other.

This made the friends curious, and at the same time, it also provided a lot of help for everyone to clean up and kill the remaining forces.

With a bang, the huge body of the tentacle monster was thrown on a piece of ground that had been cleaned of all creep and Zerg buildings to expose the dirt.

Afterwards, the brain worm was restrained and left on a high mountain [-] kilometers away from the meteorite base, where Chu Jie used his thoughts to cut away half of the mountain. Under careful control, a simple but strong prison was built with stones, and the brain worm was locked in it like this.

It has to be said that this brainworm enjoys the treatment of the elders of the friend clan, and only the elders' homes in the whole friend clan are built by the elders.

After locking it in, it will be guarded by Otonashi, who is second only to Chu Jie in terms of mental power, to avoid the possibility of brain worms using their mental power to make mistakes. After a while, after the technical department personnel arrive, the friends will use The mental power insulation material will renovate the entire prison, and will not kill it until the friends think that the brain worm is no longer useful or cannot be left behind.

As for the problem of brain worms' mental power, most of them are strategies that Wuhuan got from human fantasy memories. Although it is not known whether it is effective, it is not a big mistake to be careful.

"The meteorite base must be cleaned up, especially the corpses in the base."

"In addition, all Zergs should be kept as far away from the base and brain worms as possible whether they are dead or alive, and the corpse of the tentacle monster should be well preserved, at least to ensure that there is a good research object when the technicians come a few days later."

"For the Zerg buildings around the base, just keep one or two of various buildings, and smash all the others, be careful not to miss them."

"The first group fleet searched the area with a radius of [-] kilometers to make sure nothing was missed!"

"Base 03 is really a bumper harvest this time," Kong Huan couldn't help sighing while instructing the cargo fleet that finally rushed over to stay with the engineering team for the next work.

Imagining the performance of the guys in the technical department when they heard the news, he couldn't help but smile.

"What's so funny?"

A familiar voice appeared in his ears, and Kong Huan habitually stretched out his right hand to pull the other party into his arms without turning his head.

But the body is not his own, and the touch does not seem to be very good.

In desperation, he let go.

"Little 8, your ability to appear and disappear is already top-notch."

"It's boring, there's no funny reaction. 8051 is deeply depressed."

"Hey, 8051, when did you show up!" Chu Ling, who just came to her senses at this moment, turned her head to look at 8051 in surprise, then shook her head again, and said with a strange expression on her face, "I'll arrange the next move of the battleship group." ", then pulled the mocking Chu Jie and flew towards the battleship group in the distance.

In this regard, 8051 just snickered and stopped talking.

As for the empty illusion, it seems that he is still thinking about something.

"By the way, Little 8, I just remembered a question recently. Will the energy of the system protection gradually decrease, and in the end, it will not even be possible to upgrade the pupation components of the entire group of friends after the completion of Bai Nong's mission?"

I had a discussion with Chu Ling before, so I happened to ask 8051 who knew this best.In addition, the atmosphere seemed a little weird at this time, so Kong Huan simply used business to cover up the embarrassment.

"System protection." He reached out his hand and nodded his lips, 8051 stared at the sky with ecstasy, then nodded: "It will."

Kong Huan was a little disappointed, as the freedom of planning would be much less in the future: "Then is the current system enough to protect energy?"

"It's okay, but I remember I said before that it should be completed within a hundred years as much as possible. Now, this data needs to be adjusted, um... Within ten years, Bai Nong's task should be completed within ten years as much as possible. This should be the most accurate time."

"why is that?"

"Because not long ago, due to the Zerg forces exceeding a certain level, Blue Moon's system protection has disappeared. And this system energy will not be filled in other places, but will cause the system protection to dissipate faster."

"What!" Kong Huan looked at the indifferent 8051 in shock.

He has many questions now, such as what is the system protection of Blue Moon?Why do you know the situation of Blue Moon?What happened to the Zerg force exceeding a certain level? ...

But 8051 is so familiar with emptiness, so he answered without waiting for his question.

However, there were more questions popping up in Kong Huan's mind after being answered.

"In short, when the proportion of the Zerg population in the planet exceeds a certain level, the system will judge that the civilization of the planet will lose its future, and the protection will also disappear. This is the fall of the blue moon."

8051 nodded.

"Too fast," sighed and looked at the sky, Kong Huan shook his head to wake himself up.

Although the blue moon belongs to the satellite sequence of the double moon star, it is only a distant place for the friends who are still in the civilization of the planet. Originally, its current situation does not need to be paid much attention to.But the fall of Blue Moon indicates that the Zerg will be able to draw more power to deal with Double Moon Star.In this way, the joy of destroying the No. 03 meteorite base before, and even the pride disappeared in an instant.

"Your purpose is actually to hit me, right?" Void and powerless.

"Almost," 8051 made no secret of this: "As the main consciousness, you must keep a clear mind at all times, even if you don't interfere too much with the actions of the entire group."

Kong Huan is not interfering with the development of Pengzu now. From 8051’s point of view, it is laziness on the one hand (the main reason that Kong Huan thinks), and on the other hand, it is delegating power to exercise the autonomy of Pengzu (the reason that Pengzu’s senior management thinks), but the most important thing is The development of the Pengzu has always been in line with the strategic plan of Kong Huan and others, so there is no need to interfere.

Therefore, once the development of the friend group does not meet personal expectations, 8051 believes that the illusion will definitely stand up immediately to control the group, for example, split.

Therefore, 8051 believes that emptiness must always keep a clear mind.

Of course, in fact 8051's requirements are a bit stricter, but 8051 felt the threat of Zerg far more deeply than Kong Huan and others, so they didn't notice this situation.

Seeing the dejected squatting on the cliff in front of him, and the illusory scene of the combat group and the cargo ship unit that were cleaning up the meteorite base in a stable and orderly manner in the distance, 8051 felt a pain in his heart.

Taking a step forward, he carefully wrapped his arms around Kong Huan's neck.

"Don't be so unhappy, I'm sorry, I believe that as long as you keep working hard, everyone will always defeat the enemy, right?"

"Of course." Kong Huan was a little silent, but at least it was much better than before: "But now time is tight, we can't waste it."

Standing up, Kong Huan patted 8051 lightly, and then said with a smile: "Before, Chu Ling and the others joked that there are no children yet. This time, we have solved the three meteorite bases. If the Zerg doesn't make much progress, we will How about trying to get one?"


Unexpectedly, 8051, who suddenly said such a thing, suddenly became a little flustered: "That, me, this... For example, if you really want it."

Raising his head sharply, what appeared in 8051's eyes was Yue Yong who had returned to the peak of the soul level, with a slightly embarrassed smile in his confusion.

"Elder Kong, Elder Kong Ling, that, Elder Kong Huan should have left."


"Ah—— Kong Huan, you die for me!"

Not far away, Chu Ling was holding on to the rock and looking in the direction of the void, while Chu Jie and the others behind her were jokingly looking at 8051 who was getting angry from embarrassment in the distance.

"I didn't expect you to have today, hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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